Dokkan Thread

Are you going in on the new LR, or saving up for the 4th Anniversary in just less than 2 months?

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might as well do a few multis

It doesn't seem that impressive. Looks like they made it a while back.

>12 ki SA made up of reused assets from F2P cards
>boring category
>shit links

No idea what made them think this was a dokkan fest-worthy LR.
Seems like the average monthly LR.

>People were saying these 2 were going to be better than LR Kale and Caulifla

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Shitty category, shit active skill requirements, slow buildup passive, bad links

Seems pretty good compared to something like int black
At least the new gohan leads movie heroes

One multi followed by immediate regret over not saving those 50 stones for getting shafted during the anniversary, provided the other featured units aren't hot garbage.

I'm glad they suck so I can do one or two more multis to FINALLY GET SS4 TEQ GOKU

I'll give it one multi for kicks

>Shitty category
>"Siblings' Bond" Category Ki +4, ATK +170% and HP & DEF +150%; or "Goku's Family" Category Ki +3, ATK +170% and HP & DEF +130%
4ki and 170% and Goku's lineage as a secondarty is great
>shit active skill requirements
tailor made for the new SBR tier difficult event in JP
>slow buildup passive
>Ki +1 and ATK & DEF +10% with each attack performed (Ki up to +5 and ATK & DEF up to +100%
You get 2 stacks per turn and the attack is multiplicative like EZA Beerus, Janemba, etc.
>bad links
only real negative is ki links their attack ones are really common

>4ki and 170% and Goku's lineage as a secondarty is great
So just run LR SSJ4 Goku then. The Sibiling Bonds category fucking sucks. You're really not going to put Tapion or Champa on your team filled with Goku units.
>only real negative is ki links their attack ones are really common
Ki links are the most important. You're not gonna do any damage if nobody on your team is getting super attacks off, retard.
>You get 2 stacks per turn
Yeah and you need 10 stacks to finally get a shitty 100% boost.

Ehh, pulled INT Black and even in the first hit, linked with the LR Black he hits for about 800-900k.
Not that bad for having only 40% at first.
Pretty fun team too, I can make an entire team that's only Goku Blacks and Zamasus.

Rate this category

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Gonna wait for the 4th anniversary, the 2 banners have better units than this will have.

Well, PHY 17 and TEQ Bulla are some nice support units, but that's pretty much it.
The others are either in Goku's family or are just Vegetas, of which only SSBE is good.
Why are there only SSB Vegetas anyway?
And why isn't Transforming Vegeta in there?

>the attack is multiplicative like EZA Beerus, Janemba, etc.
Oh shit, I was hoping for that, what does it total out to then? Also, what's his active skill. Doesn't appear to be on the wikia yet surprisingly.

59 and multiplicative 100 is not 159
The category has nice supports and everyone starts with 8 ki

Saving for 4th anniversary, LR Kale & Caulifla and Zamasu/Trunks. I'm on 900 stones now.

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Int Black just got replaced

Attached: D58arF5UcAAySHi.png (550x340, 189K)

No idea how to do math so here is the active skill

Ehh, I would have prefered if they gave him a flat boost on top of the nuking mechanics.
I really don't like nukers, they are too dependant on RNG to do damage.

ATK & DEF +15% per Ki Sphere obtained, +1 Ki (max +5) for every attack received. Randomly change 1 type of ki orbs to rainbow when there is a "Goku Family" enemy, an additional ATK & DEF +5% per Ki Sphere obtained

this nigga really lost his +3ki for extreme types
his only role was WT support..gotta be one of the most disappointing DFE EZAs

wait a minute, just realized jp never got the 3ki, if he keeps it on global I'll be very happy

>shit links
>shit 18 ki super
>shit active skill
For real how braindead do you have to be to waste stones chasing this terrible terrible card?

It's because japan is releasing a new game mode that will benefit build up units.
Perfect jap bait

>It's because japan is releasing a new game mode that will benefit build up units.
Yikes is that actually true? Total damage control for that shitty ass mechanic.

That makes sense for JP then, but I meant more glb players. 4th anni is so close I can't imagine any sane glb player rolling for this lr

It might not be as good as Kale and Caulifla, but come on, it's nowhere near terrible.
Yep SBR level single boss it seems
Every Vegito will shine

You know, I have this thing where I like to do just one multi on every dokkanfest but if there is no discount or added incentive I might just skip it. I have a good movie heroes team too but the gohan isn't all that attractive to me either.

Will you get them with coins tho?

That Gohan is the best unit on the banner hilariously enough. He's not a dfe though so you'll get him eventually, probably while you're rolling on the 4th anni. Even if the banner does have a discount I'd say save your stones desu


LR bros assuming you have the LR fusions and ss4s
Or are some TUR more valuable?


lol nooo way
probably would go with ss4 goku first then maybe gofreezer, I have very little interest in this LR from a viability and character standpoint.

>old broly

Summonable on the same banner with the LR?

No one knows for sure, could be a reward for the new hard event that's coming. His active skill doesn't seem good enough for a summonable unit imo

Attached: cuckarot.png (594x23, 2K)

New title screen coming too.
>Goku is in front
It's not even a homage to the damn moment anymore it's just 3 kamehameha's

Attached: family kamehameha.png (473x829, 1M)


Pretty stupid LR for it though, but I guess he already had 10 million.

Should have been UI Goku

Where's Raditz and Goku?

>Sibling BOND
In the same place as Cooler and Freeza

That is stupid though, why is Vegeta in it? It's a shitty enough category, they shouldn't skimp in this case.

Nooblet here, anniversaries usually bring new cards?

there are like 3-4 top tier banners per year, this upcoming anniversary is the best one in history(actually not including the guaranteed LR banners but those are limited in how many you can do).

if they stay consistent with JP, we will not only get two of the best units in the game (SS4 LRs), but we will also get over 1000 free stones during the celebration which is month long. also will be getting coins now for every summon we do going forward which can be exchanged for a card of your choosing, even LRs.

So they're going to launch more SSJ4 cards? So far I only have SSJ4 Gogeta which I've not even used at all. Is SSJ4 Goku on the current banner popping up often or is it a stone eating banner?

>Is SSJ4 Goku on the current banner popping up often or is it a stone eating banner?
What do you mean? The Teq one on the Goku Black banner? No, he's not the LR, he's been out for a while, but very very good and also optimal on the new LR SS4 Goku's team which I think is his best linking partner(either him or AGL SS4 Vegeta). The anniversary is GT themed. It will be easier to just show you what occurred that month.


I'm aware of him, is he even canon though? And if so, did they actually have a strong bond?

Yeah, the SSJ4 Goku on the useless Goku Black banner up right now. That Goku Black transforms on the 6th round WTF. Do you think I'll have better chances of getting SSJ4 Goku on the anniversary banner or the current one?

>Do you think I'll have better chances of getting SSJ4 Goku on the anniversary banner or the current one?
FP SSJ4 Goku won't even be on the anniversary banner

Which SS4 Goku? The Teq one? I'm not sure if he's on the anniversary banners, I don't remember, but if he is then definitely much better shot there. I'm willing to believe though, especially since this Teq one has shown up a lot in a short time. I feel like it will be a while till he's back. And he's very worth it. I've been chasing him for a while. Will do more summons on this banner instead of this new LR brothers one coming out tomorrow/tonight. But I also love SS4 on top of it so there's added incentive for me personally. But he is objectively a top 10 Dokkanfest Exclusive non-LR.

So it would be useless to try and get SSJ4 Goku now because I don't even have SSJ4 Vegeta just SSJ4 Gogeta. To make a team of SSJ4's I need 5 SSJ4's and the anni banner brings how many SSJ4's?

He's canon but every mention of him suggests that he's never interacted with Vegeta once he got exiled to a far away planet. Hell, we don't even know if he can fight.

Why would that make it useless? There isn't an SS4 team, you'd have to just throw them on a Super lead. Here is the tier list for the upcoming SS4 Goku LR's category's_Family

I have every single Ss4
Best you can do is
Phy omega lead
LR AGL SS4 Vegeta
TEQ SS4 Gogeta
Phy Kid Buu

Hmm, forgot about that team. That's pretty lit not gonna lie. That's also probably what was referring to(Shadow Dragon category).

Lr vegeta is Str
Bad copypaste whoops

What a trash LR i can't belive people are actually thinkin on spending their stones on this instead of the 4th anni.

See this is the problem with this stupid game. One always needs some other cards one cannot get now nor will be able to get in god knows how many months or even years. I'm a newbie with just a couple of cards

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It's really easy to make teams though. During the anniversary unless you are cursed or something you are bound to come up with a few viable teams and several top tier cards and a decent shot at an LR or two. Buddy, I started playing this in the first month, you have it good as fuck now. It was actually really rough back then.

You don't "need" anything above a 120 team to clear 95% of the content

I have multiple Universe Survival Saga units so I guess I'll just wait for the supposedly Caulifla and Kale LR. It's just that even tho I have most of the USS cards my team still sucks and I feel ripped off wasting so many stones to get UI Goku which I found out to be pure shit when I FINALLY was able to awaken him. Surprisingly for me, I was able to awaken UI Goku with my recently acquired Movie Bosses Broly. I got the PHY, the AGL and the F2P INT one and that makes a stronger team than my almost completed USS cards. IN FUCKING CREDIBLE

I think I'll see what's on the banner when it drops, might do one or two multis. Otherwise I'll try for Black once more, then wait for LR Kale + Caulifla, Kid Goku, and the new Zamasu since the 4 anniversary units don't interest me.

I paired the Broly's with a PHY Golden Freeza, a STR Golden Freeza and STR Janenba and I can't believe this badly put together team allowed me to beat PvE I couldn't before. Really rubs my nuts

I'm saving for Zamasu and/or Trunks.
Zamasu is my fave character after cell and gogeta, he will also be my only ext agl lead which will help a lot with futrurw ezas and battlefield.
Trunks however is teq(my favourite type) and like my 5th fave dbz character. I also really like nukes.

P.S. Pic is best art

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>Been playing with the 3rd strongest team in the game for almost 3 months now
Hopefully this new event is a challenge.

Attached: optimal.png (1440x1777, 3.5M)

Get good fag

I started with teq gotenks during the 70% era and it was the biggest struggle in order complete events because I only had one tank which needed to be over 50% to work and my only damage dealer needed a specific amount of ki and also couldn't take any damage. Now you have a shit ton of f2p units and teams at your disposal and you only need to get lucky on one banner. I complain about the 70%era but it was even worse pre god leads.