Dark Souls magic feels like an afterthought compared to the melee. How can FROM improve it?

Dark Souls magic feels like an afterthought compared to the melee. How can FROM improve it?

Attached: big hat loganmin.jpg (1427x1426, 167K)

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By making a whole game with primarily magic combat. They nailed sword combat with sekiro, let's see them go in the other direction

its overpowered retard, how about you pick up the game again and do a magic build and realize how easy the game becomes when you basically kite the bosses and any invader piece of shit that comes your way fucking dumbass shut the fuck up

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Make magic stronger

He did not say anything about magic not being powerful you retard. He is saying that not much thought or development time has been put into it and it feel far more basic than the melee combat.

Even when you look at the marketing material you generally see DS marketed with a knight clad in heavy armor not a sorcerer in robes with fire shooting out of his hands.

combat was never deep to begin with

so this is the power of autism

this could be so good

It's more like it's overpowered or shit depending on sthe speed and the magic resistance of the enemie

> he’s called Big Hat Logan because he wears a big hat
Just how deep does the lore go

>How can FROM improve it?
DS2 already perfected magic

Dark Souls combat is incredibly simplistic in the first place. Making magic more complicated would make it more complicated than the melee combat.

Basically, yes. Dark Souls 2 and 3 feel "off" because they focus more on combat encounters as opposed to exploring and experiencing places.

Only basedboys “explore” virtual locations
Just use a guide you cuck

Fuck yeah, that's a nice idea

Game built around combining magic with melee passed skills such as dodge, positioning and parry timing, like the Holy blast the Ring of the Lucii in FFXV

I don't think they respect mages enough to do that.

dumb Darkness poster

So the game is reduced to just stamina management and nothing else.

Being able to do 2000 damage with a min-maxed glass cannon build doesn't make magic builds interesting or fun or well designed. Awkwardly swapping through 5+ slots with d-pad up and only having a single magic attack button is garbage. Being able to move while casting, and swapping through sets of 3 spells (for R1, R2, L2) would be a massive improvement.

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Is the manga worth checking out

Well chameleon is fun as fuck but otherwise I kind of agree that they could step it up

I thought the main manga was pretty weak compared to the anime/LN, but Megumin's two side mangas are really fun and well drawn. You should read them.
Chameleon probably added another 10 hours alone for me, just for PvP trolling.

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Bloodborne does it pretty well making all the magic situational and limited. You can't really 'main' magic, but you can build for it so that it's a useful component of your arsenal

They could maybe do it like Dragons Dogma Online does with the High Scepter class. See:


Dark Souls in general is really meant to be a melee game I think, so overpowered magic builds break the true experience and is basically an afterthought like you said, but perhaps they could let you spec into it this way for a new game?

For the most part, correct:
DeS: Magic is STUPID fucking broken, both in damage and quantity.

DS1/2: Magic trivializes bosses, but limited spell casts means normal enemies are more of a hassle. (Not including relatively recent spell charge glitches in DS2 that let you have 30 fucking forbidden suns, jesus fucking CHRIST)

But then..

DS3: FP and blue flasks give you more magic than you know what to do with, which is balanced by 1) all the magic being weaker so you need a glass cannon build to make it work and 2) all the magic is fucking easy as shit to dodge. the only magic that's decent in PVP is homing soulmass (if you space properly and catch your opponent out of step) or chaos bed vestiges (which has a obnoxiously gigantic hitbox and it's STILL easy to roll)

Magic is pretty good if you're not a duelfag though. If a an enemy player is either busy fighting the mobs or phantoms you can easily hit him with spells and make his life a living hell. But once an enemy player has his attention to you it's best to switch to melee.


You can't deny magic is even simpler. In DS3 you have
>light attack
>heavy attack
>charge attack
>sprint/backstep attack
>jumping attack
>weapon arts
>most weapons have true combos
for melee weapons and for magic it's just
>attack but with poise (for chimes)

You guys act as if magic is a totally seperate playstyle from melee ie character A uses exclusively magic features and character B uses exclusively melee features. Magic builds in souls by default have more depth than melee-only builds because magic characters can perform all baseline physical abilities but with magical augmentations and attacks. A simple sword+board knight build lacks the options that a shortsword+buckler/catalyst sorcerer would have.

but we're not talking about hybrid, we're talking about pure magic
>b-but no one plays Souls games like that
wow, almost like magic is only an afterthought in Souls games like OP is saying

the delay makes it balanced

Add more meme magic like tranquil walk of peace

They don't. Magic is gey. Melee is the best combat in erry game.

Magic is strong, even in DS3, you just have to dedicate a lot more int/faith and 2-3 rings to it.
You can't have your strong well rounded character and have magic nukes too boot like you could in DS1.

I played a few pure caster builds and I did well in both PvE and PvP, though the start and mid game are harder with the lack of estus and blue estus.