What about Soldier 76 being gay makes straight people so angry?

What about Soldier 76 being gay makes straight people so angry?

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overwatch sucks

it's cringe because of how forced it is

k, seething straightkid

>I've got your cock in my sights
What did he mean by this?


>This is supposed to be good character design
Why do overwatch characters look like shit? Either they're generic archetypes like 76, clusterfucks like Tracer or unfitting garbage like Reapor and McCree.

I don't think anyone actually cares, it is just fun to pick on the retarded kid. And overwatch is 100 percent the retarded kid of PC shooters

A person as traditionally masculine as Soldier is being gay is a threat to the societal norms heterosexuals have spent 100 years building and this hurts their fragile masculinity.

silence cuck. making a character gay is content for the game right? catch aids pleb

Maybe he is bi?

Because it was forced and really didn't make much sense for the character. Why couldn't they have made Lucio the gay one?!

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I'm not upset that he's gay, I'm upset that the characters sexuality evoked such a strong emotional reaction from my gay friends. I don't like the thought that people I care about can be so easily manipulated by a greedy corporation just by them tweeting that a fictional video game character likes to suck cock. The fact that people have such strong connections to some corporation's mascot is unsettling, and slightly dehumanizes people who it affects and makes me feel distant from them because I don't have such a personal investment in a video game character

Nothing changes except the fact that everybody knows how much the developers are willing to pander to people. It's a cheap and shameless way to get more interest, when you could have instead focused on making a better game.

I thought in overgay lore it was implied this guy fucked jetpack womans mom

>choose to play as the generic white guy shooter
>oh by the way he sucks dicks

Let me explain it in a way i hope you will understand.
>be me, design character, make backstory
>mention nothing of sexuality because why the fuck would i? he's for a rooty tooty point and shooty game
>hes a cool gruff veteran boi and likes to aimbot
>years later
>company decides pr is in need of a quik-e-boost
>suddenly release wild quantities of propaganda declaring my character loves gargling cum and sucking fat cocks because our test groups reacted well to homosexuality due to currentyear social trendings
>this seems to upset some people
Honestly, fags should be more upset than anyone. Nobody even writes 'real' gay characters, they write faggot stereotypes and walking tropes, or they make clearly non-gay characters and then later retcon the fuck out of them INTO fagtastic stereotypes.
laughing at your state of social discourse, breh

who are you quoting?
that picture makes me feel funny

So basically, you're upset at people enjoying something you don't?
>hoes mad x24

no, we don't care because we're not crybabies who literally throw tantrums when someone decides to do something in a video game.

>being gay needs to make sense to straights
you people can barely make sense of subjects in school, no one has time to wait for you to catch up senpai


The worst thing is they dont even put a modicum of effort into making him gay. Its not referenced anywhere in game at all and doesnt have any affect on his backstory. The devs just tweeted it well after the fact. Its the gaming equivalent of JK Rowling coming out and saying Hermione was black.

Couple that with the fact that Overwatch is a complete garbage game on a huge decline and it feels like a random desperation move from the devs. If they actually cared about making Soldier represent the gays, they would have at least added some hints that he was a gay man, but nope, absolutely nothing. There is SO MUCH potential to have it affect his backstory too, maybe he could have been attracted to Reaper at one point, maybe he could have turned down Mercy's advances because of it, but nope, hes just gay cus devs said so.

Who are you quoting?

that so? all that bitching on social media sure fooled me

Id suck his cock dry to be honest.

>I'm happy with being pandered to as if I was a 5 year old

keep in mind soldier 76 concept art was made back in the 90's and was dug up from ancient fucking files and said ".....yeah he looks cool"
no, i am not fucking with you

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BASED. every straight person i've ever met is a literal troglodyte. imagine being so fucking dense you put your dick in that. lmao.
yeah we all really should put more effort into being gay huh
this is what makes you all so pathetic, you think we're all about being special and unique but the reality is just that we're not morons and you are. that's the only difference.

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>We don't care because we're not crybabies etc
You really gonna go there?
Why do you think the developers are so desperately bending over backwards to pander to your community? Is it because you're resilient, stable people who don't respond to pandering and don't flip the fuck out about petty shit constantly?
Protip: No.
It's because you're easy to buy off and get volatile reactions out of, good or bad. "WHY IS THIS GAME FULL OF STRAIGHT CHARACTERS"; go read a fucking newspaper or some of our media narrative these days

Everyone is sucking your gay little dicks because you're literally society's crybabies, not the other way around.

Because I don't like the fact that gay people exist in the first place. Why would I want to see one when I play a video game

Are you baiting or are you just lost? Do you know where you are right now?

you're as dumb as the women who say they don't need men

Did you even read my post? It was about developers not putting effort into writing gay characters, it had nothing to do with gay behavior. Christ, calm the fuck down dude.

>straight people so angry

more like turbonerds who never see the sun

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>one character being gay = being pandered to
continue coping this hard, it's cute
yeah, not me or any normal gay. there are people who act over the top to get attention, just like in any circle. sorry, is this surprising somehow?
more media appeal and idiocy. you're like a little kid who believes in the tooth fairy. i bet you get all your information on gays from fucking rupauls drag race and facebook posts from the pride parade. i mean how stupid do you have to be to think any of that is accurate? lord almighty.

thanks all of you for the evidence that straights are troglodytes!

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Fucking based

What the FUCK did a gay ever do to you. You are homophobic probably because you are gay or at least have gay tendencies.

a daycare for incels

I'm upset that they aren't offended by a manipulative marketing tactic. I think they're mistakenly believing that blizzard actually cares about the lgbtq community, when in reality blizzard is just a fucking company.

has bern pointed out infinite times already.
76 was straight and married and then out of the blue he's gay.

All that bitching is done by women though. They're your problem, they have literally nothing to do with homos.

nigger you have to go back>>>>>>

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>one character
>blizzard has now made two characters homosexual out of the fucking blue as PR stunts

The only person coping here is you. I guess it makes sense a faggot loves sucking corporate cock.

i was saying literally not a single gay person gives a shit. read between the lines, caveman.
funny for you to say so, given that we're the men who don't need women. isn't that what you /pol/tards are always on about?
i'm on 4channel's Yea Forums - video games board, posting danganronpa pictures and discussing soldier 76's sexual orientation (character from critically acclaimed blizzard title overwatch) :^)

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>no true scotsman fallacy but faggots
very convincing.
i'm sure none of us have ever actually met gay people in real life and observed their fantastically militant worldview and sexuality, at all.
not at all.
you 'true' gays are just normal, hard-working, mentally stable people.

The 40% suicide rate are just crazy fringies who scream loudly, right?

except for the part where i'm not mad about anything, and you're literally in tears over two fucking characters
>not one!!!! TWO!!! TWO!!!!!!!!
this is how you sound to your real life friends

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>We're all faggots now!

Cool character forced gay to appeal a non existent audience

You missed my point. The character can be as gay as he wants. I don't care about that. I think what most people are upset about (even if they don't realize it themselves) is that they're realizing their friends are easily manipulated zombies who are brainwashed by the media. I'm furious about the fact that I'm seen as the weird one for not being excited by a publicity stunt.


Honestly, nothing about 76 being gay is bothersome other than the reveal being Dumbledore-tier "oh btw he's gay".

It really doesn't matter. The issue was Blizzard coming off as insincere in the choice. Him being gay does not change anything or influence my opinion of the character.


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the suicide rate isn't gays. get your facts straight.
and no, you probably don't know very many gay people. i do, and most of us are very different from the... other groups with which we're associated.

Based as fuck. Only literal retards give women the time of day.

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>wtf stop pidgeonholing gays
>post danganronpa the gayest most retarded animeshit ever conceived

bet you can't guess who my husbando is

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The 40% suicide rate is trannies. Gays hate trannies and want them to die because trannies are literally just pathetic straights who gave up being men.

Because it was announced he was gay a couple days after the whole debacle with the "girl" being signed up to an Overwatch League team who turned out to be a dude having his friend/gf go on voice chat, and Blizzard didn't even bother getting her real name or a background check. It made them look like fucktards so they pandered to muh gayz to distract from it

What's up with you, Danganposter? Going for riling up the crowd or do you actually believe there's some merit to being so silly?
Stop making a fuss about you being gay. It's not important.

it's a mix of the two. i love to expose how fragile all these supposed men are. pathetic, really.

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Its the faggot equivalent of adding fat humans to wow and calling it content. More low level pandering instead of well thought out content from the shit developer that is blizzard

It's Ishimaru. Now stop causing trouble.

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WRONG!! i literally posted him. komaeda is perfect!
nidai is pretty great too though!

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because gay people are fags

Nope, Pharah's dad is native American.

fags > heterocucks desu

I'm homophobic for the same reason I dislike cockroaches. I know they aren't gonna hurt me, and a roach didn't kill my parents or anything, they just disgust me

I'm disappointed that your taste is fundamentally the same as someone saying Nanami best girl. I had higher expectations for you after all this talk of spineless men. Only a man like Ishimaru (and some others, but Ishimaru won polls in Japan as most desired by gay men) would be worthy of your praise.

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You're in the closet, then.

>the past few weeks the game is just bugging out and things aren't working as intended
I thought I was crazy until all of my friends and most people I run into in-game have said the same.

I guess they really are dying. They don't even care about OW anymore.

nah. can confirm 2 dudes makin out is gross as fuck

if it helps miu is best girl and chiaki a shit

Who is the next character they're going to gay when they need a smokescreen during their next fuckup?

Soldier is the only time I can honestly think of where /pol/tards were actually right about forced diversity (although they probably called it forced for the wrong reasons). Usually they get triggered over the existence of anyone who is not a straight white male but Soldier was just done so poorly. Early on before Ana was released they pretty heavily implied through dialogue he either had feelings or some kind of romantic/sexual relationship with Pharah's then unnamed mother. After Ana was released and they named Pharah's father that was just completely dropped. Then later they did it in a similar manner to Tracer just a casual "lol I'm gay BTW" when they mentioned his lover or showed her in Tracers case.

Granted Soldier is not mentioned as gay in game but it was just awful the way they presented it after the character already being established. If they wanted to make him gay they should have just done it from day 1. Pic related for gay characters I genuinely liked you could tell within the first few lines of dialogue he was gay and it actually made him standout among the rest of the cast for being flamboyant. His supports with Valbar being oblivious to his romantic feelings were just hilarious.

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That's fine and all but Oogami is best girl with hardly any hope of competition.

Ive met a lot of flamboyantly gay people, then there are also those gay that just act like normal dudes and just happen to love cock. Its just annoying to happen upon some of the flamboyant ones and the ‘Gay’ is all they could ever talk about. Theyre like the vegans of faggots. In the case of overwatch tho, nobody really asked for this, but yeah, you could basically shield yourself from criticism by supporting the ‘Gay’. You can even call out people with legit criticism and call them ad homs, and it will still be valid because the ‘Gay’ immunizes you from everything.

PLEASE reaper or lucio they're so cute!!!!


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It's because there aren't many homos in media in general when compared to the heterosexual baseline, so they just take what they can get. Being gay is essentially being the outcast instead of the norm, so when it's acknowledged they'll form a strong emotional response regardless of whether or not its well done - they're just happy to get anything at all.

Of course, this is all planned out and expected by the cold corporate heads that do stupid shit like this knowing full well it'll work, so take that as you will.

at least post actual men and not those faggot soys.



Because the way blizzard is doing it, all characters can be gay at any time.

Unless it's been established that the character has been in a straight relationship in the past, what's the problem?

there isn't one, he's just insecure as fuck.

>bad ass soilder lived through many battle fields
>kick ass rifle
it's because he was the great white hope of overwatch, then they turned him gay.

"You don't like getting shot? That means you secretly love it, bro"

Homosexuality makes people angry bc the root causes of homosexuality are still not clearly understood. As of right now, there is evidence that some cases of homosexuality are purely psychological (ie what people would consider "a choice"). However, what is becoming more likely is that the main causes of homosexuality is a combination of physical (the brain interprets testosterone differently) & psychological (life events, environment, etc.).

If the alt-right really wants to lower the homosexuality rate without turning to gas chambers or other such techniques, just do the following:

* Stop bullying people.
* Stop people from sexually abusing minors.
* Support scientific research (both financially, politically & socially) into the root causes of homosexuality.

oh sure that's obviously exactly the same
nah, it's more like "oh you don't like getting your dick sucked?"
come on now

This. You said it very well.

Tracer didn't really surprise me though. Her design was pretty lesbian from the start (actually looks a lot like a friend of mine so maybe that is why I wasn't shocked) and it just sort of popped up in a comic so it didn't feel like they came out screaming look what we did with our character like they did with 76.

Gay characters are fine. Its just sad so many write them as cheap shit stereotype sidekicks or just tack it on to an existing character like a plot tumor to score social points. Same thing when they do the strong female character and shove it in peoples faces, you know its going to be bland or mary sue as hell. It just doesn't make for a good character.

And that is so much the issue with the diversity in media. Its not part of a character its either their entire 2 dimensional boring character or an obvious rewrite by someone in marketing. Diversity is fine, but this shit isn't diversity its cold ass marketing manipulation.

I don't even get how people that want representation like this level of tokienism.

>Her design was pretty lesbian from the start

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I don't like foreign objects being in or around my asshole, no

but it feels good. why wouldn't you like it

imagining the feel of his stubble rubbing up against my balls makes me want to vomit

so thanks for helping me think of that and reconfirm my straightness

why did you have to reconfirm that.

because he's a self hating closet case. isn't it obvious?

What? Tracer didn't strike you as a lesbian? That hair style alone was made of lesbian. I didn't feel they rubbed it in our faces with that one. 76 felt a lot more like it was to score social status then trying to fill in any backstory. And it did feel like there was tension with him and Ana early on before too which this ran counter to.

Maybe it was social points, but then again as many Warcraft characters have been lore butchered for a quick plotline or excuse maybe it was just terrible writers.

Fags dont care for a complex story/reason for characters being gay. They just want representation so they're not so isolated. Just like race, add in different races without adding stereotypes to make them feel "more black" or whatever.

because unlike how you fags want to paint it some straight people actually are secure in their sexuality and are open to other possibilities and in the end can be honest with themselves about what they like
for me its pussy

Blizzard pushed the “gay button” too late.
The only thing that’s forced is your dad’s throat down my big gay cock kiddo.


What is it about making him gay that had people so celebratory?

>That hair style alone was made of lesbian

Are you American?

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you now realize that virtually all gays are trenders and almost none of them are real

how is that relevant? and what would be the problem if i were?

>how is that relevant?

It is because they are literally the only people I know of on the planet who think short hair = lesbo.

Except the opposite is true. Gays are people who go against the grain and literally could not give less of a shit about what shitty western companies like Bioware and Blizzard do. No gay person on earth is cheering them on or getting excited over their trash characters. Only straight betacucks and women who want to virtue signal do that. Gays are off enjoying actual good gay characters in Jap media.

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spam thread do not answer

literally 100% this. no gay person i've ever seen has given one solitary fuck about western virtue signalling. and most are outright offended by it. the only characters they care about are from gay vns and japanese games or anime.

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post big harry guys

lmao no most all gays are "progressives" that hate weebs and japanese things
they're also fake gay trenders but no real gays disavow them so you get to sleep in the bed you made

Is this big and harry enough?

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you could not be more wrong. almost every gay is conservative and hates sjw shit. like 70% of gay men voted for trump. the only "progressives" and fake gays are literally women and dudes who want to impress women by looking progressive.

Completely wrong.

This is correct. Gays love anime and hate western shit because westerners don't understand good gay characters or smut. They also never go for that progressive shit and will blatantly talk shit about sjws and feminists because they don't have to fear the vaginal jew.

>lmao no most all gays are "progressives" that hate weebs and japanese things
That's California gays who are perpetually triggered by everything. One of my close friends while I was in college was your textbook flamboyant homo and he had multiple anime/manga tattoos on him.


A gay guy fucked me in the ass for two years. Fuck gays.

Every single gay I've met has been conservative and hated SJWs and trannies with a passion.

Because being gay is a mental illness, death to trannies and gays!

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Being gay is a sign of mental superiority. Straights and trannies are the bedfellows who should die together.

Is this one of those images where you cross your eyes and you get the illusion of an image being 3D? Why isn't it working?

>being a genetic dead end is superior
Whatever helps you sleep at night

I think it's not particularly done well as it's just dropped in there randomly. No real insight into why his personality is what it is and how that intersects with his sexuality and society.

It's low effort like JK Rowling. At least the police captain in Brooklyn Nine-Nine gives you some insight and he's on a comedy show.

But I don't really care and I'm not mad. Ooo something is random and basic, ooo how baaad.

that was just some contenders team, not owl. the only female, alleged or otherwise, that ever been on an overwatch league team is geguri. blizzard doesn't run the teams anyway, that's all on team owners and management.

>genetic dead end
Not how it works; being gay doesn't make you sterile; surrogate mothers are a thing.

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How did gays not get pissed off by the fact that Blizzard just made S76 a homosexual for good PR in the direct wake of the Diablo Immortal shitstorm and that "Ellie" fiasco? It was so transparent and contrived, but practically no one called it out for what it was.

So are you or your partner being cucked out of it? Whose genes get to continue on?

>the societal norms heterosexuals have spent 100 years building

Gender roles are several thousand years old at least and span across virtually every civilization worldwide. Maybe you should take a hint.

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Funny that you saved this thinking it was a good post.

Please say this shit around some slavs, arabs, chavs or niggers, I want to see your brains on full display on Liveleak

Not sure if you knew this but couples can have more than one child. Shocking, I know.

>several thousand years old


How many people in this thread honestly, unironically believe that it's impossible for a character like Soldier 76 to be gay, that some major facet of his personality would have to change in order for it to be "believable"?

/pol/ is always wrong, I don't need your hint, dickshit. God's not real.


Complete and utter disregard for the community. Soldier was seen as the team dad since release.

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>faggots posts image of underage boys kissing

It's kind of like Dumbledore; out of the blue and entirely unnecessary to the plot. Isn't he gay with Reaper or something?

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I don't care, but fuck was it J.K. Rowlinged in.

>can't reproduce with their partner so have to bring in a third party to carry (one of) their babies
Pick one

Gay dad > hetcuck dad

done out of nowhere and felt like a move to try and save their already dead game from becoming more irrelevant
i personally don't care because all it did was give me more porn to jerk off to

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Who the fuck said anything about superiority? You claimed they were a genetic dead end, which is factually false.

They're human nature. But predate homosapiens, proto humans almost definitely still had some semblance of gender roles.

Reminder that if I met your gay ass I and my friends would beat you to death. This post isn't satire. You'd get your head kicked in. Please, go ahead, talk shit to some straight people, particularly me. You removed yourself from the gene pool already but I have no problem making your sobbing, crying ass the star of a Liveleak video. I'm just memeing right? I'd never do it surely. Take the chance. See what happens. I'm a minority and you're white so I would get away with it, I'd just say you called me a nigger.

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The guy I was responding to in the post where I said they were a genetic dead end you fucking mouthbreather

/pol/ has been pro-pedo ever since "bayced Meelow" endorsed child molestation.

Artificial wombs are coming soon and females will be rightly removed from the gene pool. In the future we will have state enforced homosexuality.

oh please have mercy

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get this niggerfaggot out of here

t. DMX

its biological. most animals do too. rarely do males and females of any species behave exactly the same way

gay and dad are biologically incompatible terms
also he's gay for reaper, and reaper is definitely the dadder of the two anyway

you are both awful and should exterminate one another

You took an obvious shitpost seriously? Dumb faggot.

Faggot here
I'm just angry they use this as a smoke screen for the e sports fuck up they did. Also we know less about the world of overwatch then ever but at least we know Solider tops

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t. closeted nigger
you'll be gagging on my cock soon enough, faggot

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What about Overwatch lore made people not give a fuck? I would say the part where they gave nothing for 2 years and then gave somehing but when closely looked at actually give zero new information and as a publicity stunt relevealed that soldier was gay because they are so incompetent they think that is story development. If you primary audience is tumbrl, they might be right. But yes, I think soldier being gay pisses of people because they don't see a gay soldier, but incompetent wanking blizzard with strange fetishes not developing the game because that would be hard work.

Should have been roadhog

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overwatch players are all fags

>can have babies
>genetic dead end
You're a special sort of retard

>reproducing with a parasite and letting it suck your soul dry just because you're terrified of being a "biological dead end"
All straights are mentally ill cuckolds.

hog is for mercy

Why is there virtually no hog x mercy SFM?

reinhardt should have been gay

he's so fucking sexy tho

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This time it was really forced, tracer was ok, but soldier they did just to avoid criticism they were getting at the time

>players leaving
>oh hey guis S76 is gay!

You can tell it was a forced decision because the news dropped around the time where Blizzard got their pants down with that "female" pro player.

If every woman realised how degenerate gays are then no, they couldn't have babies

was your gf such a bitch she drove you to sucking cock or do all gays just have such a seething hatred of women? i get it, you jelly but just chill man

Almost nobody has the skill to make or import models, especially virtually nobody working with SFM. There's a blender model but whoever imported it probably hasn't released it.

if they made baptiste a tranny out of no where, would the black community would riot?

This is excellent bait

Wrong. Transsexuals are actually homosexuals with deep denial issues.

>hating women so much you start taking cock up the ass
Wew laddie

Imagine if they made a homo-sexual omnic instead. Bots have rights too.

EVERYONE has a seething hatred of women, most of all women, most of all lesbians. Lesbians have the highest DV incidence by a huge margin.

correct. women are awful. real love can only be felt between two men. straightoids know this and are incredibly jealous, and that's the root of homophobia.

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>he doesn't like Tracer

>being so afraid of being called a fag you sell your soul to the vaginal jew
wew indeed

prob cause most of them have higher T than me

SEETHING s○i boi

Redpilled as fuck. Real love only exists between males.

>Lesbians have the highest DV incidence by a huge margin

I'd believe it. I worked with a lesbian who had been through three marriages and I watched her start a relationship and in 2 months proposed. I heard they split up about half a year later.

Honestly 100% agree. I just despise homos and trannies to the point of being completely ok with seeing them rounded up and thrown in gas chambers

>tfw haven't had any luck with women but also getting paternal instincts looking with my friend's children
Damn these biological urges to reproduce and protect the next generation of your biological heritage.

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this post is brilliant and reminds me of a story
>picking up some oriental food in south yarra
>bunch of queens from poof doof (yes that is a real club name) make their way up the road
>all 3 of them are munted and loud
>one of them gives a passing slag a belligerent eye for some reason
>sticks his leg out and kicks her into the road
>she nearly gets hit by a car
>before they can laugh about it five or six slopes pour out of a nearby alley like wasps
>start kicking the piss out of these 3 fags
>watch in my car with curry rice and dumplings

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hell yeah

gay character for a gay, dead game

>They didn't make Lucio gay
Nigger check
Faggot Check
Twink Check
They missed a huge opportunity

I wouldn’t lead a violent hate mob against gays but boy would I join it.

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>things that didn't happen

Because it was as transparent and half-assed as a JK Rowling tweet

Yes, forced. Nobody asked for faggotry, not even homos asked for faggotry in overwatch. it was a decision forced on people to appease the tiny subset of pathetic homos and liberals who actually care about (((representation)))

Are there even gay characters in Japanese games?

How were your dumplings

why doubt it? obnoxious gays get beaten on the street all the time

They are either under the radar or so over the top flamboyant it is funny.

small but the broth they came with was good

either little boys or gigantic musclemen, weightlifters are most associated with gays in Japan

At the end of the day, admitting to liking cocks is about the lamest, most uncool thing you can do. Why would anyone want to play as a cocksucker?

Slavs don’t kill gays. There’s certainly homophobia around older people, but it’s not as bad as in those other countries.

Cause most "lesbians" nowadays are political lesbians, who do it primarily because they hate men, rather than actually being homosexual. It's no wonder this results in some extremely fucked up relationships.

Everyone can make up lies on the internet.

because the only video game character that should exist are various flavors of hot anime lesbians. Every male character or character that glorifies other males (thus, gay men are doubly such) is a waste of development time that could instead be dedicated to hot anime lesbians.

Attached: DwirixtU8AED6r7.jpg (600x755, 88K)

Yeah, I see what you mean. I wish they wouldn’t have included those “gay” characters in Persona 5 2bh.

Glad we agree that homophobia is just a myth and fags need to stop bitching desu.

stay mad bigot

this man gets it

It’s rarely impossible but from what I understand there were implications that he was straight that got ignored. Perhaps they would’ve been better off releasing a dramatic, action-filled comic that ended with 76 in a believable relationship with a male from said comic, leaving it ambiguous where he swung before that.

>Slavs don’t kill gays


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I could make a well though out post about why retroactively forcing political agendas onto existing characters does more harm than good all around but I'm just gonna go ahead and say This.


Yeah, lots.

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Name one JPRG where you can be gay

>hey y'all just wanted to let y'all know that I'm gay
>>whoa there buddy stop with the forced political agenda!

Not everything is political, tumblr.

It's the most based thing you can do. A cocksucker is way more awesome than a roastie lover. Nothing on this planet is more cucked and embarrassing than a straight """man""".

well thats if you told me you're gay
76 isn't a human and his backstory is controlled by a corporation so your comparison isn't valid

he just did. in zestiria your character is canon gay and you don't even get a choice to be straight. also there's this game.

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I'm upset that people have the IQ of a rock see this as "progressive" when it was a fucking ass pull by blizzard to get some good press. Him being gay doesn't add anything to his character.

If they really honestly wanted him to be gay they would have said something 4 fucking years ago... Like with what they did with tracer shoving that she is gay everywhere they could.

It's just a greedy ass company pulling a gay card out of their ass.

Came to post this.
It was an obvious pr stunt and nothing more.

>Him being gay doesn't add anything to his character
You're saying this like it's a bad thing.

bad mouthing doesn't make you a better person

Is it good though? I haven’t played any games from the tales series, can I start with this one?

yeah so its pointless. i don;t get why gays and trannies always need to lead with their sexuality like its the only part of their identity that matters.
i don't announce that i'm straight every time i go anywhere or do anything
why is sexuality even being referenced in a shooter if there isnt a direct plot involving his love interest

Why are americans so obsessed with being gays and trannies?

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So why mention his sexuality moron??? There is zero fucking point unless a company wants to make a stupid ass statement.

this, he was literally only made gay to cover up the fact that they promoted the only successfully female competitive gamer and he turned out to just be some dude

Gays don't. Only women, straights and trannies act this way.

It’s hardly a good or bad thing, it’s almost nothing. Just horseshit from a dying game that doesn’t have a storyline or engaging characters to begin with

>being this obsessed
It was revealed that lots of posters here are from Brazil. Which would explain all the faggots. Lots of states are almost homophobic in the US.

>Gays don't.
fucking lol

Neither does being a fag enabler

Why do straight characters need to mention they have a girlfriend in the middle of a war? Why does it bother when you a gay character does the same?

he's right. literally only women, women apologists, and trannies do this progressive shit. gays are conservative and don't give a shit about this dumb political crap.

except straight women and straight men don't? who talks about being straight unless a gay or tranny starts talking about being gay first? there's a time and a place to start talking about sex and it's not all the time, everywhere

yet somehow all of the media forcefully pushing gays and trannies comes from america

our psyops have a lot of funding

>tracer is gay
>said from the begining
>part of her character
>tasteful and not forced

>76 is gay
>never mentioned or rationalized for 4 fucking years
>company is getting the worst press of its life
>every news site was shitting on blizzard for over a month
>announced in a shitty quickly written 1 page lore story that he is gay
>every news site is now mentioning now "progressive" blizzard are
>mouth breathing faggots eat it up not thinking for a fucking moment they are being played
>so pathetic they changed the picture 76 was holding before completely showing the person was indeed feminine with hips and a smaller frame
>new picture is clearly a fucking male with zero doubts

How fucking stupid are these people? Are homosexuals this pathetic that they grasp at anything that is gay to self verify their life? I mean how fucking stupid can you be??

I personally like it because it pisses off faggots like you.

It's not him being gay, it's the fact that I now assume every Bllizzard character is gay just to be safe since they can flip the switch if they feel like it. So all western AAA games are now 100% gay until proven otherwise.

You do understand he's not upset with him being gay but with how stupid people are right? Or are you really that stupid?

my night elf had a penis tucked into her panties the whole time

Literally ONLY straight women and straight men push this shit. Are you fucking blind?

Because he wasn't gay for two years. Then blizzard made him gay to pander to

You're basing everything off of a conspiracy theory user.

What proof do you have that he was straight?

>corporation doing things for profit is a conspiracy theory
Okay gay

If blizzard wanted him gay they would have said something years ago and milk it for all its got. Do you really believe that 76 the first or second most popular character in overwatch was gay they wouldn't say anything? If he was gay we also would have heard from developer tweets years ago as they love to spill this stuff.

It's an obvious PR stunt.

what are you on about? you really think straight people spend any mental energy thinking about being straight? you're delusional.

Can't support you if you don't have any evidence of them claiming that to be the fact. Your paranoia is getting the best of you.

What proof do you have that any character in any AAA game isn't gay? That's why it's best to assume they are. In fact those SJW AAA stories make a lot more sense when you assume everyone is a faggot

You really are a fucking idiot aren't you? If he was designed to be gay they would have said something well before overwatch popularity started to wane.

>don't have any evidence of them claiming that to be the fact
Yes corporations are known to always say the truth. What the fuck are you even saying at this point

What about being told the truth makes faggots so angry?

We'll never know until it's revealed that they're either in a straight or gay relationship, but you'd bitch either way.

>muh evil morally-bankrupt corporations!
Loving every laugh.

I really don't think this is true from my personal experience. most of the gay guys I know watch Rupaul's drag race and eat up any sjw progressive twitter posts and spread them.

Yes you are. You people cry when your not represented. You cry when representation isn't right. You cry when there are more straights than gays. You people drag devs through the dirt if they say they don't want to represent you.
You people are the whiniest bunch of people I've known.

You sound very angry and the person your replying to doesn't.

This is why we straights don't take you gays seriously.

I hate how Yea Forumsirgins and normies both believe being gay means you're an obnoxious SJW straight from the hell that is California.

Running with a character for literal years before spontaneously making him gay for brownie points from thirsty progressives is kinda pathetic.

Let's use our IQ if it's above 85 to see some clear narrative themes to see if him being gay makes any sense

>does the knowledge os said characters sexual interest lead to further character development or plot points in the story?
NO it changes nothing

Does the character being of this sexual preference lead to any characters reacting to 76 in a different matter giving new perspectives on the character.
Anna was the only character and her opinion or knowledge of his sexual orientation did not change as she already knew he was gay before said conversation. Anna instead was attempting to allow 76 to rationalize his feelings that she was already aware of.

If anything Anna got more development as a character than 76 being gay. This is the most rushed shit writing that has no development. However this could also correlate to the event tied to Anna that gets you a new skin for playing the game around the time of release.

In short. If you are dumb as fucking shit you will love this. If you can think critically you can see you are being manipulated.

>character written to be gay from the start
>>ugh forced diversity
>character let's everyone know he's gay on a daily basis
>>ugh forced diversity
>character finally lets his sexuality be known after years of people not knowing
>>ugh forced diversity

There's no pleasing you fags.

As long as gays and trannies are a minority representation will continue to feel forced and tacked on like in this case.
Mario will never go off to rescue Prince Peach and it's not really because everyone hates gays, it's simply because way more people can relate more closely to a hetero romance than a gay one
The devs don't want to risk alienating the majority in order to please the minority so they tack on some gayness after the fact like this 76 thing and act like they're paragons of progress

can someone paste the post that say his lines being gay.
OLD SOLDIERS DIE GAY or something like that that was supper funny

Because it's a nonsensical retcon and only added after the fact for the sole reason of having more diversity when it wasn't there originally (Dumbledore from Harry Potter is another example).

Straights and homophobes are literally the biggest crybaby pussies on the internet. Basically they're everything they accuse everyone else of being and worse.

I'd have more respect for it if they actually did shit to balance the game properly and didn't prioritize making a hugbox over real content and sensible patches.

As is, it just feels like they're trying to get the literal fags to come back to play by going "look, ______ is gay!" without any real effort to improve the game.


Holy based

Because it's a PR tactic to try and get the dying game more attention. Nothing else. Blizzard doesn't care about gay representation, and the way they revealed his sexual orientation clearly shows We didn't need a thread about this, OP.

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Fags should hang from trees, kill yourself.

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Straights and trannies will hang. You're basically the same thing.

that is pretty much what happened, plus at the time they were pushing hard for "grrrrrl gamers" whilst highlighting a man larping as a girl as an example of good female players that need more reprisentation that got blown the fuck out of proportion, then the egg on their face at the reveal that it was a guy to show the double standard for entry level ability in the game leagues between the sexes if he couldnt make it in as normal as a man, but was hailed as top tier under a female name.

>o shit we were caught in our bullshit, quick throw out a distraction SJW hook. distraction faggot solider 69 to the rescue.

followed by shittons of atagonistic marketing from the likes of OP in threads like this for the weeks after. and here you are now cause playersbase are dropping off again.

Do you homophobes think you're fooling anyone?

Oh yeah, this was shortly after they announced Diablo Immortal too

What's funny is that Blizzard handled Tracer being gay rather well. But with S76 it was thrown in so out of the blue that it's nothing sort of using good guy points for PR, specially after a series of bad PR.

Even back then Yea Forums bitched about it. There's no pleasing everyone; especially little /pol/ shitheads.

You know I'd honestly be okay with it if he walked around with his gruff voice saying shit like:
"You know I really, really like big black dicks!"
"I'm a raging homosexual!"
"Take me in the ass!"
And a whole bunch of other gay shit. Just so i'd get the point that hes gay. Cause if he doesn't ever actually point it out it really has absolutely no impact on his character.

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>Do you homophobes think you're fooling anyone?
honestly don't care about the matter much but this is pretty damned accurate.
It's just virtue signalling.

He was kind of a cool, badass soldier. Then they made him a butt pirate and a joke. I can't take him seriously anymore.

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The only people it upsets are on Yea Forums and these freaks aren't straight

In real life he would easily physically domimate you and release his essence into your rectum before killing you

Why would he rape and murder an innocent civilian? Are gays violent rapist murderers or something?

The way it was a response to allegations of how women and gays were horribly mistreated at Actiblizzard.

Making him gay is not questionable at all, with how many faggota are in the military.

Yes, Yea Forums bitches about everything because Yea Forums isn't one person. One autistic shitposter is usually enough to make it seem like Yea Forums agrees on something, just because he'll samefag his way through an entire thread.
As far as I'm concerned Tracer was handled well and you could kinda see they were going that direction, specially with her being the poster child.
Soldier 76 on the other hand is not short of insulting, using the gays as a shield for criticism. Like the other user posted, EA did the same shit back in the Mass Effect days, using literal bots to make it seem like they were actually the good guys.
It's like when politicians use certain catchphrases or promises to get particular target audiences. It's not that they care about this or that, they just want your vote. And Blizzard did the same thing, after being embarrassed by the whole Ellie thing, Diablo Immortal, DONT YOU GUYS HAVE PHONES?, etc.

>OW character

its always a smokescreen to mask what pieces of shit the developers actually are
see: MK11

Serious in a comic booky sorta way.

>Are gays violent rapist murderers or something?
worse. They also give me aids.

Remember all those artists calling out artists who draw characters like the Pokemon Sword and Shield chick for being "underaged" and then we found out they were actual real life pedophiles?

hmmmm.... evidence?

yeah calling someone else a pedo over artwork is the most classic misdirection

One of them admitted it publicly on twitter after attacking other artists.

Found the faggot who did it. twitter.com/JulianDreamLand/status/1122936590244823040

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>Diablo immortal
>stock falling
>women/gays were harassed at blizzard
>a man mistreated by a female manager and bullied to the point of needing therapy
>fired 800 employees
>world of warcraft subs at lowest in history with more and more store mounts being added

76 IS GAY!!!!!

Wizards in Harry Potter shit their pants.


I honestly don't have a damn thing against gays but this shit is fucking pathetic.

Well, yeah.
Political agenda doesn't exist, it's just a tool to make money.

Not since they got plumbing but it has an in canon historical precedence. Thanks Rowling.

As a huge fujo, i can confirm that 76 being gay was forced and retarded

If you see a guy on Tinder lying on his stomach like that is it a clear 'im a bottom' statement?

My cousin is a fujo and she shipped 76 and Reaper and she said the same thing. I guess when even fujoshi's can see through the bullshit Blizzard fucked up.

don't mind me, fags. just passing through this thread

and your bloodstream

I can't really see a top doing it, so yeah I guess.

Jokes on you, I only sleep with cute fat nerdy Yea Forumsirgins like you.

>implying they won't make him gay

I mad because Reaper had to be the homo

I want them to reveal that Moira is trans just to piss more people off.

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To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me at all. I'd kinda be okay with it, as someone who hated the 76 reveal.

>Taps mic.
>For a man your age, you're looking pretty good Jack!WELL, ALL THAT STUFF THEY PUMPED IN TO ME HAD TO BE GOOD FOR SOMETHING ... hehe, pumped.

Attached: 76 Body Pillow.jpg (800x800, 58K)

Yeah, it would be believable.

ok but check my 5

One off, damn. I musta picked it up, here ya go.

What constitutes forcing your sexuality in the first place? Talking about your partner or sexual interest? Straights do that all the time so I don’t see how it’s different when gays do it. Also straights are totally obsessed with their sexuality.

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So you'd rather Soldier 76 to be a stereotypical faggot? Do masculine gay men not exist in your world? I don't understand you people at all.

Oh no no no no no, even the possibility that he might engage in heterosexual intercourse is absolutely disgusting and a clear example of wrong think! Delete this.

I've never fucked a masculine gay men, they may as well be unicorns.

76 was cool man. Now he's a fucking clown who takes it in the ass. No one looks up to someone with poop on their dick.

Nice mental gymnastics

Sex is fun, and advertisers use it to grab people's attention like in the pic you posted

Regular people don't talk about their sexual orientation or feel the need to insert it into conversations. Only gays and special snowflake "nonbinary" degenerates dO

What makes you think he’s a bottom and not a top? Why are you even thinking about him taking it in the ass in the first place you fucking pervert.

>they may as well be unicorns.
only if you let them be

>Regular people don't talk about their sexual orientation or feel the need to insert it into conversations
All he did was mention his partner. Straight people talk about their girlfriends all the time. This isn't anything new.

That's a tough one user, this one might be easier, what did EA mean by this.
>Caustic Voice Line:
>It all ends the same way ... with me observing.
>I have no regrets, it's not in my DNA
>I will not appologize for simply expediting the inevitable.
>Intelligence is a dying breed, but not today.
>Know your place ... I know mine.
>My methods are only controversial to those who lack imagination.
>You and I are not equals, remember this.
>Being fundamentally better sours the taste of victory.
>Don't look for sympathy, you won't find it.
>"Humanity" ... it's just a word.
>It's simple really, I'm just better than you.
>Know your place, at the bottom of the food chain.
>I don't concern myself with the ambitions of insects.
>The bigger trap, is your own mind.
>In time, the strong will filter out the weak
>You thought we were equals? Foolish.

Attached: Gotta gas them all.png (1920x1080, 3.5M)

I have literally never said the words “I’m gay” in a non relevant conversation. Most gays don’t do that.

Even if he's a top he's still sticking some punk in the ass. That's not cool at all. People can be gay, it's fine. It's 2019. It's just not cool, like as in cool cool.

He sounds like a true gamer.

use condoms
have sex

Okay guys sorry (not really lol) to say this but that's gonna be a *MEGA* yikes from me

Only gays are respectable though. Straights are ALL pussywhipped betacucked losers who let their wives take their balls. Every straight person on earth is a miserable loser who cowtows to the inferior sex. There's literally no way to respect straight """people""" or address them with a straight face after you find out they're actually mentally ill enough to like axewounds and roasties.

It's this degenerate line of thinking that's destroying straightness in America. You're a part of the problem.

Caustic is voiced by the same dude as Soldier 76, right?

>On Yea Forums
Wew, it feels like 2017 all over again

Take it to /vg/ or something, what a loser

It's cause they were all characters designed for an mmo. These characters were to be quest givers for various factions. The mmo wouldve been shit, though. Smart of them to cancel it.


Tell that to my cousin who feels the need to bring up being rammed in the ass in visceral detail at literally any family gathering, or find some other way to insert the fact he's gay into the conversation

A couple gay dudes I know are chill. Most are intolerable campy fucks like my cousin.

how does it improve his character
how does it change the gameplay
how does it change the context of his dialog
how does it inform his design
how does it make people want to play as him
why does it matter at all

it's just inane twitter tier woke appeasement and it's fucking boring

this. straights are a joke.

Is mentioning that you're in a relationship supposed to improve a character? Is it supposed to improve the gameplay? What the fuck are you ragging on about?

I'm not straight though. I'm just not gay.

getting into contenders is not even successful though people were literally calling their teams F.U and Overwatch Sucks

this, really.

It's like reverse anime, where they yuribait you for a whole season without any conclusive statement or action being taken, ever.
Here they just stick a fact on the plotline which is all things considered fucking irrellevant for everything since Overwatch has no story, only lore. And stuff like that should've been decided from the start. If you want more gays, make new heroes already you fucking pricks. Your last two attempts were absolute failures with the cunt hamster and the boringdoctor nigger.

also give us tank top brigitte skin already, then I might even get over her nerfs

Are subjective opinions now objective facts?

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The prostate is literally the g-spot for males, so yes, it's a fact.

B-But I like that hairstyle just fine. I think it's cute.

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Before finding out 76 was gay I would play him occasionally. Afterwards I didn't care because i stopped playing the game by then, but i wouldn't of played him. I don't play disgusting degenerates.

Then why are you still playing real life?

Most gays are chill. Only very, very, few are obnoxious. And even those are generally only from California.

Recall a guy on the overwatch forum saying that his gay friend was jumping around and screaming with joy that 76 was gay and thanking blizzard for it or something.

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Yeah, just like all those 6 year olds that said "fuck trump". It's a made up story by a straight person to virtue signal. How are you dumb enough to fall for this shit?

I'm not an Amerifat

Normal people don't like gays

>Having to jump through hoops and not have a romantic relationship with the other parent, and one of the two people in the couple not have anything to do with the child's birth, is superior.
I dunno about that one chief.

>he's still sticking some punk in the ass
Not necessarily. I have some literature for you

Well i don't hate gays, and i certainly am not homophobic, but having said that i rather stay far away with "their kind", no offense but, they're creepy sometimes

Come on user, it's not that b-

Attached: Gay rights for kids.jpg (710x960, 152K)

Any good 76 fucking Tracer porn?

Lesbians are cute.
Faggots must die.
As is usual, males are disposable.

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I wish i wasn't so fuckin fat and bitter,

someone that happy looking makes my pp the BIG pp

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76xD.Va used to be my favorite pair. C'est la vie.

This is literally a tranny post. Kys tranny.

Trannies aren't even people and should be culled like vermin.

I agree, homo = disgusting, lesbian = cute and lewd

Because the lore hasn't progressed past the opening cinematic in three fucking years but Blizzard wants a pat on the back because they confirmed he sucks cocks.

Kissing your kids on the mouth is an american thing.

>its good because my pp hard
think a little further you cave dwelling troglodyte

Give me one good argument to say pp hard =/= good

your pp is stupid and has bad taste.

No, I'd say that's purely objective, it's like complaining that a person doesn't want to do oral stuff, by saying that it "feels good for you" thus it must feel good for everyone. Some people don't like doing certain things, others might, it's debatable if it's right wrong or something in between. Maybe you'd also agree with literally everything under the sun that people find pleasurable like guro,waterboarding,pedophilia,zoophilia,sufocation, fisting, insulting and treating your partner like they're worthless during intercourse, bdsm, and so on furry, straight, gay, futa. Suppose you'd also directly be insulting people who have no sexual desires. Just because you think it would feel good, doesn't instantly mean, people will like it, or agree that it feels good. Some people like uretrahl insertion, I had a nurse do that to me as gentle as she could when I couldn't go after an operation, it felt like actual torture. Again, just because some person thinks it feels good, does not mean it's a FACT because maybe it feels good for HIM specifically, potentially because he looks past all the pain involved or sees it as part of the pleasure, doesn't mean others will agree. Same with anal, especially since that can also be quite painful.

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Pot meet kettle

You being homo was just because it's your fetish lmao, get a grip and get a better one, homo is lowest of the low, even diaper and scat were better than your current fetish

Alright user, that one's going too far, saying literal poopy diaper fetish is better than gay, you're out of control

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all straights are into scat. i thought that was a known fact.

straights love asian women shitting, puking and pissing on them.

Wait, b-but I want to marry a w-woman? B-But ...

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It was a low quality bait to distract us from the guy that pretended to be a girl so he could go at OWL.
Even this board fell for it

Oh I saw through it. Really does make it feel like a pr stunt through and through

Not him, what he is saying is that this was just a PR move. Making Soldier gay does nothing for gameplay, or character.(you could fit the "story" on a pamphlet). So it comes off as a PR move.
pic unrelated

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I wanna fuck Lucio

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>you'll never be a shota again

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why do you always make this thread? it's so fucking tiring. He doesn't make people angry, he makes them roll their eyes in exhaustion at the things companies will do for attention. And by the way, gay people have more cause to be angered by this than straight people.

No user, you must control the benis, do not let it control you!

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It’s a pointless forced retcon that is only made to make the writers look progressive.

>lmao no most all gays are "progressives" that hate weebs and japanese things
Counterpoint, I have a twitter account to follow lewd gay artists and they are all weebs.

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I really like your post user

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Attached: EWWW.gif (480x270, 2.49M)

Wait, THIS is how thanos gets defeated?

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I want a boyfriend

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don't be a tranny

Im just a homo

No a man still fixes everything like usual

Then don't use anime girls in your pics.

based character

I like anime

You'll catch the mental trannyvirus

then post anime boys, you gutter licking pleb. girls are shit.

I'd understand with characters like kung jin but this was just retarded. The change might as well just have been revealing his character profile having and Sex:Homo in it. It's a pointless change and anyone getting awe struck by this needs to show some self-respect because if you get happy over this, then this will become the standard.
-Koopa is gay look at his gay koopa friend.
-Mactavish is gay look at a pic with him and his bf.
-Doomguy is trying to save his gay bf in this new doom game. What you have a problem with this story? I guess you must want gays to die homophobe.

I like elves

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elf boys

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I still like the character regardless of what that sad excuse of a "lore" says.
Still boggles my mind there are people so invested in it.

for me It's kars

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Why can I hear the music if it's not a video?

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Because only the white characters can be gay user. For (((reasons)))

Just use grindr.


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I downloaded it but everyone nearby was disgusting and trashy

this threads big gay.
gays get the rope day 1.

Because he was forced to be gay to cover up drastic changes that were coming.

It's not the fact he's gay, it's the fact i know why he's gay. Materialistic marketing, basically tokenism, poor 76, if only there was a better version of your shitty game...oh?

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Tracer looks like a beautiful straight girl.

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Does anything really change? It just sounds like the PR department harnessing exploitation and calling it representation.

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I had completely forgotten about this.

ha ha no
it having some impact in game would actually require them to make and release content for said game

and blizzard sure as fuck isn't about that


Overwatch is a shit game. I don’t like shit games. I don’t give a fuck about gay characters. Just make good games before you start righting lore no one cares about.

>make character gay
>no minigame where you can assfuck other dudes
What's the point?

Imagine a food you only sort of like. Something you're willing to eat but isn't your favorite. Now imagine if you were forced to eat that thing with every meal for an indefinite amount of time. Other things can be mixed in to keep your nutrients balanced, but you're not allowed to eat anything that doesn't contain what you thought of.

That's what's happening here, except instead of food it's identity politics.


Lord no. Zestiria is one of the worst Tales games. They tried to take it in a different direction and failed tremendously. Start with Vesperia. It just had a re-release, and it's an extremely solid game.

I love sucking cock, and I feel better knowing my favorite videogame character does too