I cannot get over how much Kh3 should have been like Avengers Endgame

Endgame did everything right that KH3 failed to do.

It was a fantastic finale to the saga and wrapped up everything nicely, while KH3 was wholly dissatisfying and only served to set up the next saga.

Also the war was an actual war and not just 20 guys hitting each other in a labyrinth. Thanos > Xehanort.

My initial hope was that not only the Keyblade wielders we rescued, but everyone we met along the journey since Sora got dragged into all this was going to show up for this big, epic, climactic fight. Like the worlds ended up merging together again and everyone comes to Sora's aid. The Disney cast, the Final Fantasy characters, all the friends we made lending their power. They spent all these games playing up how devastating Xehanort was, so having him be this unstoppable force would have made the stakes higher and the payoff for beating him that much sweeter. What's worse, they actually redeem him at the end instead of letting us finally curb stomp him for putting these kids and everyone in between through hell. Nope, he was trying to do the right thing after all!

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gr8 b8 m8

/roll/ these sluts

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pic related OP this is you

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Nice bait soiboy. Go back to watching minecraft lets plays

At least KH3 isn't Game of Thrones' final season.


not a GoTfag, what's wrong with it?


>Endgame did everything right that KH3 failed to do.
>It was a fantastic finale to the saga and wrapped up everything nicely, while KH3 was wholly dissatisfying and only served to set up the next saga.
>Also the war was an actual war and not just 20 guys hitting each other in a labyrinth. Thanos > Xehanort.
>My initial hope was that not only the Keyblade wielders we rescued, but everyone we met along the journey since Sora got dragged into all this was going to show up for this big, epic, climactic fight. Like the worlds ended up merging together again and everyone comes to Sora's aid. The Disney cast, the Final Fantasy characters, all the friends we made lending their power. They spent all these games playing up how devastating Xehanort was, so having him be this unstoppable force would have made the stakes higher and the payoff for beating him that much sweeter. What's worse, they actually redeem him at the end instead of letting us finally curb stomp him for putting these kids and everyone in between through hell. Nope, he was trying to do the right thing after all!

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capeshit is horrible shovelware-tier garbage designed to distract the masses

The main villain, which has been build up for a long time like Xehanort and Thanos were, got defeated anti-climatically.

Oh, I will.

>cat loli

Ick. Oh well.


Onions guzzling capeshit fanatic, get away from all signs of human life and just rot in a room somewhere. Came here to laugh at you and say this

rollan for waifu

Endgame was written by people with actual brains, despite what your average contrarian Yea Forumsirgin will say. Ending the conclusion to your 17 year, 8+ game saga with a cliffhanger is a an absolute slap to face to any dedicated fan who follows the garbage story. KH2 was the last good game in the series. Don't @ me

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Thanks for confirming KH3 is actually kino and to avoid capeshit like the plague

endgame sucked though, easily the weakest avengers movie

Cuckgame was utter shit

It's cool to disapprove of Endgame, but Age of Ultron is easily the worst Avengers movie. One of the worst of the MCU as a whole, even.



a steak you 100lb bitch boy

Kh3 is one of the biggest disappointment ever in the history of video games. pure unadulterated failure from star to finish

weebs pretending they're above capeshit is so unbelievably embarrassing, it's almost funny

let's-a go

capeshit söys pretending they're above weebs is so unbelievably embarrassing, it's almost funny

i hope i get someone cute

Jesus fucking christ dude

Ironically endgame has the same problems that KH3 has except endgame somehow was less enjoyable.

Fucking sad how infinity war was 3x the better movie with more characters to juggle

Shit taste,you have nigger-tier iq's

t. tranny

>except endgame somehow was less enjoyable.
You cant pretend that the final battle wasnt hype as hell

this is your brain on capeshit

They're the same in my book. Flashy filler featuring time travel for most the time, until we get to the story they wanted to tell, characters fighting.

Wasn't worth all the bullshit you had to sit through until the end and then when you get to the fight it was over in 5 minutes. Stopped caring about Thanos minutes before the fight too because past Thanos is a fucking loser and boring

29 """posters"""




it was five minutes of actual battle and 20 minutes of LOOK THIS CHARACTER LOOK THIS CHARACTER LOOK WOMEN

You have to be at least 18 to post on this website.

It's never weebs pretending to be anything, it's the opposite: westaboos screaming about weebs and how KH, anime, etc is for kids but then cling to capeshit, wrestling, and brown shooters with terrible writing

I can't believe OP is still a faggot

Endgame was proof that big budget messes like this can come together just fine in a manner that feels concise.
I'd call video games a bigger disappointment if there were actually more movie franchises as successful both critically and commercially as this, but game studios still keep making idiots out of themselves. It's made worse by Japan having fallen a lot.

>he doesnt have a onions wojak collection

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>All those contrarians who always show up to show how cool they are by not liking a popular movie genre

Not everything you like has to be Citizen Kane, kids. You're allowed to watch well written movies with powerful, meaningful stories, and fun superhero bullshit too.

>westaboos screaming about weebs and how KH, anime, etc is for kids but then cling to capeshit, wrestling, and brown shooters with terrible writing
Are we back somewhere between 2009 and 2012 again?

Nice evidence you have there fag
I fucking hate trannys
>when you get to the fight it was over in 5 minute
Blatantly false
Only real bad part of that was the woman part
By your logic most of Yea Forums and Yea Forums are underage

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Wait, you're telling me after all the bullshit, KH3 still doesn't properly conclude the franchise? What the hell, the fuck is Square Enix waiting for?

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Why user?...Why?

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Eh, I'd say Age of Ultron was worse. Infinity War was certainly better than Endgame though. Endgame was a fun watch, but as usual, it didn't live up to the hype.

t. tranny

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Kingdom Hearts is....


Stop being a retarded nigger and watch good movies you fucking turbo faggot.

>well written

rollin for peach


Well, as long as I'm here.

I watch good movies and enjoyable bad movies because I'm not a child with something to prove.

Keep working on that reading comprehension, buddy.

Fuck yeah best pokemon mommy

>they dont have to be citizen kane
Then stop conparing your capeshit to GOAT movies you fucking soiboy

Get this. A gacha game is the most important game in the franchise now.

English motherfucker do you speak it

guarenteed going to get bullshit I have never heard of.

>I watch children's flicks because I'm a child
Of course you are you fucking retard

double zero get

Because Xehanort is the Loki to MoM's Thanos. We haven't gotten the big ending because we're yet to reach it. It's not Nomura's fault you put so much weight on that "3"

I compare superhero movies to superhero movies, nothing more.

the movie was literally awful and you are a mental midget if you think otherwise


Speaking of square enix, I plan on downloading final fantasy x and x2 digitally in North America on Nintendo switch. Will I need a physical copy to play it?

Stop being facetious


KH3 is nothing but disappointment

>When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.

It's literally always the same. I saw the same shit you're saying when I was in high school.

I'm not. You really don't understand the function of commas.


It's not disappointing at all. Every promise was delivered

So they plan to just keep the franchise going forever then. Well alrighty then.

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What kh3 is great though

I disagree, it was still disappointing.

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Ok keep pretending to argue something you're not

>When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man-child, I kept being a retard


>Square Enix and Disney
>Letting anything die when there's money to be made

No, it just ended on an advertisement for the next game.

>saying yikes
I can see now you are not the target audience. You probably didnt even play KH1 or 2

Fuck MCU and fuck Marvelfags.

>keep pretending to argue something you're not

Which is? I'm just saying I'm not an insecure shithead and I'll watch whatever the hell I want.

That much is true. One thing I've learned is that people never stop being retarded.

I have a policy not to watch any movie that's more than 3 hours long. If you can't tell your story in less than 3 hours then you're incompetent and your movie almost certainly isn't worth watching in a single sitting.

>One thing I've learned is that people never stop being retarded
As you've so graciously demonstrated

>13 year old me wanting to see how the story
>30 year old me still not getting to experience it
Man I hope my grandchildren can tell me how the story ends.

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>kh3 shills believe this

Endgame was pure kino

You're a faggot if you like either though.

I did.
Played 1.5&2.5 and 2.8
Played KH2 like 4 times, even ripped and completed version of KH2 Final mix in japanese back in the day.
What more gamer cred do I need to have a dissenting opinion.

And you're better, being a contrarian on an anonymous image board because you desperately need some attention from another human being?

Nice argument
Anime site

>He uses wojaks unironically

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>hurr let me be a manbaby in peace
Grow up, faggot

>waited for years to actually play the 2FM secret ending in-game (>implying BBS plays remotely like that cutscene looks)
>there isnt even a large wallrunning segment while you fight Xehanort in the keyblade graveyard
>theres no battle on that one building where Roxas/Riku fight WHILE RUNNING UP THE BUILDING
Fuck the story complaints, they made Olympus the best level and then jobbed the rest of the game’s levels. Its like they made that entire mechanic specifically to replicate those scenes then just never did anything like them at all.

>LoL and minecraft shortcuts
>pregnant 2D fetish of LoL charactera
this explains SO much


Of course

>built up for a long time
He had two end credit cameos having a total screen time of like 10 seconds total before IW.

>Loki attacked New York on his orders
>The mind stone he gave Loki was used to create Ultron and Vision
>Ultron's bullshit led to the Hulk and Thor leaving, the Sokovia Accords and the Avengers spliting
>Him trying to get the power stone led to the Guardians forming

tldr. Kill yourself Avengers boy. KH3 is perfect..

Jesus Beautiful Christ

Like I know you're baiting, but it strikes me as odd that 13 years later people still don't realize there was always 0 chance of Disney characters being allowed in a big epic final battle. Disney absolutely hates allowing anything more than tiny cameos among their properties when they cross over (notice that if there's ever a speaking line cross over it's in TV shows which they care about a lot less?) Hell you can't say they've mellowed since the fact that simba and Ariel are just elements shaped like the characters was due to Disney's request.

Both are bad.