How did Robert get away with this article?
Farming simulator
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I wish there were more hot girls in the tech industry.
I work at an MSP and there's literally no boobs to be seen.
he's a sly one
cute manga about fuckenings.
god i wish that were me
No shit, that's one of the reasons why 2D is better than 3D.
>not monday
>not Yea Forums
>playing Farming Simulator in anyway but unironically
>giving them clicks
Source on the manga plz
lurk more
I get it, she has big boobs.
Getsuyoubi no Tawawa
just a little warning, it's not incel friendly.
@strangestone, rip your dick out till it turns into a vagina
>it's not incel friendly.
what did user mean by this
What am I supposed to take away from this post?
fuck you spoonfeeding faggot. fucking kill yourself.
Why is a Mary sue article using a Sseth video
holy milkies please be my mommy
haha, get rekt nerd
How come I can't be a big titty gril Yea Forums
kys i never go on Yea Forums or Yea Forums only /g/ and /fit/
You'll forever be a small tiddy grill
get worked up over minor shit, fatty. maybe you'll lose weight from being so mad
Nothing wrong with that
lmao go backwards to 12eddit where you belong
good boy
does this manga get explicit?
Sure there is.
you need good IQ for most jobs in the tech industry. male IQ has higher variance between genii and retards while female IQ has lower variance and tends to be more average. this is why there are not more women in tech (let alone hot ones, who have many easier ways to make money than coding). with that said, i have seen some cute girls in tech, but not conventionally "hot"
One of the girls forces her teacher into a marriage with her if memory serves.
she's the only girl with story
haha boobies
Give me a link and I'll buy this RIGHT NOW.
Breast envy is such a patrician fetish.