The original Devil May Cry game by Capcom
before there was even a playstation.
I wanna play this game so much.
Demon's Crest
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Demon's Crest was fantastic (a spinoff to GnG). Thanks for reminding me user, going to do a quick run now. Everyone should play this.
What's stopping you?
I can't find it.
That sounds like a personal problem.
Have you never played it? It's nothing like DMC, it's more like a mix between castlevania and mega man.
one of my favorite SNES games
That game had some fucking amazing boss fights
Well what I meant was that it's sorta like it in a few ways, like there's a demon world and human world and you play as a red demon and you go round fighting other demons and you have a rival demon who wants the power for himself.
A great metroidvania, before the term even existed
Capcom should try to rescue the IP
Don't forget the amazing OST.
Pretty sure Firebrand's had a few crossovers in other games. It'd be nice to even just see a rerelease though.
post demon crest arts
Everyone should play Gargoyle Quest 1+2 on gameboy too. Demon's Quest is a sequel, and they both play the same.
You can skip GQ2. It's really not good. GQ1 is fantastic with ridiculously good music for the hardware. I could listen to that overworld theme for hours.
Really? No one's gonna show off arts?
yeah no. When you say something is like DMC people will naturally interpret that as something with slashy melee combat and likely juggling.
Well okay sorry, my bad.
I just wish there were a game where you start off as a big brooding demon and you play as only that throughout and it plays like a really super hard version of devil may cry and the levels were hellish and cool.
is the ghosts n goblins brand ever gonna live again bros?
Probably not no. Given its relative lack of popularity compared to their other niche franchises, as well as the failure of Maximo and the PSP game, it's been shoved into the cameo box for eternity.
When do we get a modern Demon's Crest game?
>Let's take that stupid dancing demon prick and give him his own game where he's the good guy
Have you tried googling it?
googling it lets you play it?
Yes? Dude, it's a SNES game, just google the ROM and you can emulate it on literally any device made in the last 10 years.
>talking shit about ya boy firebrand
This shit takes me back. One of the few games where just about the entire OST makes my nips diamonds.
It feels like only yesterday that I was playing on the SNES all day...
>unheard of game
>everyone’s favorite game
I love the game, but I have to disagree with you on that. The soundtrack is not bad, and fits the series, but I feel as an action game it needed some faster tunes, more akin to what Capcom did with some other SNES games:
Well... More people should hear of it.
I'm playing it online right now as I'm on here.
What a stupid fucking OP.
aaawwwww but that'd be so awesomeee
You mistaken me as someone who cares.
If you didn't care, you wouldn't have replied nor sat in your thread for so long.
dude shut up
talk about the damn game retard lol
I have 100%'d this game twice. I finally beat the Dark Demon after around 10 years of playing this game.
I would if you "found" it.
Well I did find it, I'm playing it right now.
serious question: are you mexican?
>before there was even a playstation
How young are you?
You could just emulate.
Its easy as fuck.
I'm old enough to fuck your dad in the shnoz.
It's fine I got it.
serious answer : none of your fucking business bitch lol
>The original Devil May Cry game by Capcom
>before there was even a playstation
The fuck? It's nothing like DMC. And it predates the Playstation by like barely two months. I bet you didn't even know it was the third in the series.
Well shit... For such a "unknown game" people sure know a lot about it...
Just play the "Free" "Pc" version.
Based demon
Who said Demon's Crest was unknown?
Apparently him -->
>Demon's Crest
Soulless shit. Play the real GOTY
2 is the soulless one
2 is no GQ but the soul is palpable compared to the tech demo that is DC.
Old action-adventure games with strong adventure aspects are a lot harder to get back into today since the adventure content really took off with the move to 3D. Meanwhile the arcadey pure action of old games is still fun to dip into regularly.
e.g. I've replayed Ghosts n Goblins first two levels 10-100 times trying to complete it on 1 credit yet I've not touched Demon's Crest since my first try of it.
Landstalker strikes me as the premier action-adventure title of that gen, thanks to the immersive pseudo-3D of the isometric scheme. You can even play it with a 4-directional movement patch now.
Demons Crest would make a good setting for a Soulsborne game.
Puny demon against towering monsters on a ruined demon world, getting stronger as he kills bosses and using all his habilities to outwit them. Add that sweet RE2 remake engine and get got a deal
Even the opening cutscene of Demon's Crest is more immersive than that entire game.
Landstalker is awesome. Too bad we never got that PSP remake
I got past the dragon part now I'm just getting by those enemies.
what the fuck was his problem?
Why is everyone still in this thread made by a literal autist
free will
>PSP remake
Game already looks fine to me through emulation with a gentle rendering boost. And nowadays every action-adventure game is following on from Landstalker anyways.
What you said is more retarded than what was said in this entire thread put together lmao
>Phalanx got all chaos emeralds
this game does not get enough love
I wanna make him fight Dante bros
>The original Devil May Cry game by Capcom
You're an idiot
LMAO HAHAHAHA You're a tool
Buy a 3ds and install it
Remakes are usually the very definition of soulless since they replace what was made by one of the top art teams of a previous era with something made by a random contemporary art team who don't even have the prestige of working on the latest titles. All simply because most consumers and nostalgic retards can't get past having to adjust to the inferior graphics tech of the originals.
And to top it all off, remakes usually don't change the mechanics either, so your immersion often breaks from the jarring juxtaposition of modern graphics combined with ancient mechanics.
Well that's why someone who is dedicated and is talented and competent should do these games instead.
OP is quite the zoomer retard
I dont know about the Gameboy GQ2 but the NES version is one of my favorite games in the system. Liked it a lot more than Demon's Crest.
The talented and competent artists are already employed on the latest games, as they were when they made those classics that are now being remastered by the nobodies.
Remasters are just a way to cash-in on retards and nostalgics without having to pay their top programmers and artists, just get the nobodies to resell and old classic. (latest Resident Evil is the rare exception).
It's not the most popular SNES game but very far from obscure.
I think you're simple minded and don't get expressions.
Well... We need more competent artists.
Or maybe it's the fact that he can't "find" a 200kb SNES ROM, retard.
there are not enough demon protagonists in games
Just beat this game 100% a few days ago, it still holds up.
That ice wolf without the time stone was near impossible
the second boss is a little tricky...
I'm trying to get past him now.
>earthbound fan excited to play earthbound for the first time
Imagine if other franchises did something similar
>Super Hammer Bros
>The Legend of Darknut
>TAC's dream land
>Disappearingblocks man
>The Legend of Darknut
I'd love this desu.
If you mean the skeleton, just fly over his head, he has no aerial attacks and you can manipulate the AI into not cornering you.
No I meant the large gargoyle boss.
>Medusa Heads
>Earthbound 1.5 - Starmen
He is a jobber, your fire will just knock him over and his patterns are predictable.
Well okay.
I just realized you meant the stone fucker. There are moments in the fight (like when he transforms) where he stands still for a few seconds. You can get up close to him and spam your fire for a ton of damage. If the dash attack bother you, just keep jumping before he does it so he will not aim at floor level. The feathers can be dodged by walking under him.
Okay sounds good.
This game is flawless save for two things:
>no quick change button for forms/attacks. have to go into the menu each time you want to switch
>absolute horseshit final boss
I like how they have you switch items in the menu.
would it be a good idea to have an animated movie about this red guy?
the sound of firebrand dying was excellent. its burned into my memory for eternity
How the fuck is Demon's Blazon unknown or even obscure? Next thing will be people claiming to have played this mysterious game called "bomberman". First was the Halo generation shitters, and now we are stuck with the Call of Duty retards. Worst timeline.
It needs a ton of action and sheitt
>password system in a game like this
no wonder it flopped but at least save states fixed it
Didn't they say they were going to bring some old IPs back recently?
Not him, but he's right, OP. You're beyond fucking autistic.
you're fucking beyond just a queer
>The minigame in which you have to crush the things on the wall to get life upgrades
>That last one
Literally imposible, the only way I got that was by using save states.
that's bretty breative
I'm surprised the game didn't get butchered on it's way over.
It was a time of mega Christianity, and somehow a game about hell and demon's got away with some minor changes.
Yeah, if the game had a quick change mechanic like the one from Megaman ZX it would be perfect.
fuck religion
The very definition of a hidden gem.
The whole Firebrand trilogy is, really.
It helped that you never saw any humans in the game.
I want a game with nothing but demons.
I wanna make my own 2d side scroller action game now...
Thats Demon's Crest. And Gargoyles Quest 1 and 2.
I didn't say there isn't nothing but demons in it, I said that's what I wanted, I like dat shit.
In Demon's Crest humanity existed but went extinct.
such sad
Nah, its set in the Ghoul Realm. Humans go in, they don't come out...
The Red Arremers where the mascot of the franchise, it was eventual that they would get their own game, kind of how Yoshi or Chocobo got their own spin-off series later on, also he isn't really a good guy but more of a hero for the devils but still considered a villain for the human realm.
Thanks to reminder me i need to replay it, user.