Think a bit and tell me: what's the game that gives/gave you most pleasure?

Think a bit and tell me: what's the game that gives/gave you most pleasure?

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my dick lol

Duolingo, the ding sound when you give a right answer makes my peepee go hard


>Super Mario Bros
>Counter Strike 1.6
In that order

Consolefags will never know this feeling

this but also in depth irc simulators like vanilla wow and eve online

high risk v reward like playing knife only in Battlefield 2142 collecting dogtags (not on a knife only server)

How many languages have you learned faggot?

Post levels

idk if its a game but smoking meth.

or piloting an attack heli/air transport and enabling my friends in the gun seats

Dark Souls with a guide.

Cho Aniki

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Only started duolingo a week ago for vietnamese, but i'm fluent in english and french

Dismemberment and gore, nuDoom is based

uhhh........ moew?



hey whoa thanks for this
reminds me of the training software they have at work - seems to be focused on drilling information through repetition which isnt a bad idea especially if it's a topic of interest
im going to learn esperanto since it's supposed to be designed as a universal language though i guess english fits that category already

I don't play it anymore but Gears of War headshots are so damn satisfying.

>learn anything


cod2, beat hazard, doom

Rune factory


Nothing gives me pleasure anymore.

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clearing a room in katana zero using no time slo powers but still deflecting bullets.
wew lad, shit was cash

Unironically Mario Galaxy 2

While most modern games are designed to be dopamine factories, especially dogshit like overwatch with its cancerous "play of the game" moments and silly fireworks and shit like hearthstone or how the destiny/warframe "get new shit, enjoy '''''satisfying''''' combat, party party party" gameplay goes, the things that give me the most pleasure that i can currently still play (most of my favorite games have been shut down or the servers removed, like bloodline champions) are probably as follows:

tetris solo line race (I can clear 40 lines in under 60 seconds)
various arena FPS duels (warsow, xonotic, followed by reflex, cpma, i guess i could put up with quake but it doesnt feel as good as warsow or even UT in most ways)
starcraft broodwar 1v1s (i'm not as good as i used to be but it still feels great to play and try and compete and work to be better)
clearing arcade games on 1 credit, especially games that demand a lot of the player to do well, such as ikaruga
no-hit runs of ninja gaiden, i should probably start speedrunning it because it usually only takes me about 20 minutes, and speedruns are like 12, and if i worked at it, maybe i could do that
but not much time for games, i do lots of other shit than play videogames, and even play dumb bullshit like marioparty/mariokart with my friends and my gfs, or play through zelda games or ps2 games like kh or ffx.

>uhhh........ moew?
doesnt hold a candle to rise of the triad (1994/1995 game)

This but unironically.

Being fed in League of Legends. That accounts for only about 12% of my total experience on that game, however.

>super mario bros
>console fags will never know this feeling

Whatever competitive game I'm playing and all the practice I've done comes into play into one single moment
>clutching csgo rounds with decision making and pinpoint aim
>winning races online because of consistent quick laps
>clutching matches in fighting games by pulling off the just frame right when you needed it
Singleplayer games are cool and all, but as far as gaming goes, nothing's better than beating another human being

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All games where there's clusterfuck combat and you can show your 200 IQ and become the deus ex machina by flanking or taking out important key figures to turn the tide of battle.

probably runescape back when I could still get excited about things over 15 years ago

A good streak in Battlefield always feels great, but strangling white supremacists in Manhunt gave me the most worrying boners of my life.

this shit is worse than heroin, I swear.
The feeling when you turn an unwinable game and you just feel the opponents breaking is wonderful. It's true pleasure.
Dumpstering people so hard that they leave the game is also really good.

Opiates got nothing on this.

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MGSV's controls and visuals.

Too bad the game itself doesn't utilise these to their maximum potential. But potentially Konami's next action-adventure game could, whatever that will be.

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Games so satisfyingly paced and executed, with like a focus on x-treme coolness but still self aware like metal gear rising or sonic adventure 2 make my peepee zantetsuken

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by themselves or everything around it included (community, events, etc.)?

because if it's latter, it'd have to be StarCraft or DkS 1