how do you cope with having an immense gaming backlog?
How do you cope with having an immense gaming backlog?
By not playing anything.
Ignore it
By not buying any more games.
If I don't want to play a game immediately, I don't buy it at all. I don't feel any obligation to play every game that comes out that gets a 9 out of 10 or higher. Most of those games are terrible cutsceneshit anyway.
I have 5000 hours in Final Fantasy XIV and several hundred games in my Steam library that I've never beaten, plenty more than I've never even installed.
You could try humble bragging about it.
By playing them, one game at a time. Set aside time for yourself to say "today I am going to play X, and if I like it then I'll play it until I finish it." If the backlog is daunting, start by knocking out the shortest or smallest games first, and once you start tackling them one by one it should be a lot less intimidating. Don't feel bad about shelving a game you don't like, either. Maybe you can gift it to a friend if you think they'll like it or trade it in. Own your collection, don't let it own you.
By not caring
they just games, not like their feelings are hurt if they're not played
I don't have one, there's just so little worth playing being made anymore.
I simply made a section on steam called backlog where I put in all the games that I didnt play yet and I try to finish one game a week. Most of it is humble bundle shit or games I bought on sale, but so far I went down from 62 games to 17 games.
By not having a backlog
By coming on Yea Forums after playing a game one time and never even starting it up again.
After a while I realize I will never finish it and uninstall it or move on to a nother game and repeat.
buying more convincing myself i'll play them
>make a list
>play the games I'm actually in the mood for and don't force myself to play games I don't like/don't feel like playing
>stop buying more games
>do other shit than just vidya
I gave up video games.
Just play whatever you want, dude. That backlog is going to eventually complete. Mine is like 80 games or so. I think I'll do it in 2 or 3 years, no rush though.
By not having one and not buying games I don’t want to play right now.
>Buying games you'll never play.
Never happened to me. I'm not a Valveshitter throwing free shekels to Gaben's burger fund.
by buying more games. seems like every other game i buy ill actually finish it.
I admit I have a problem. Retail Therapy is a thing. I feel better with shiny new things.
I have a fantastic used game store in my town, and don't really think much of dropping $30 for something interesting every one or two weeks. I'm fine financially, but my backlog is huge.
I cope by playing steadily through what I have, and not buying anything until I beat something I already own. I'm currently buying up some vita games I've wanted for a while. And I'm being very careful about what I buy new for my Switch.
One game at a time. Be more discerning about what you play, too. There are games I must play, games I want to play, and games it'd be nice to play, plus all the games that don't interest me. For long games like RPGs, I focus on one and don't move on until I'm done with it, but I allow myself to play stuff like FPSs alongside them. So, basically I limit it to one game of a given genre at a time. Also, I am currently prioritizing games that I started in the past and for whatever reason left to the side (but I still want to beat). That's basically my approach. I have tons of games I bought that I know I will never play, and that's okay. I won't get the money back for them but its a matter of sunk costs, just because I spent money on them doesn't mean they're worth my time, too.
What said, too. Make a list and also do other stuff. I go through phases where all I do is play through one or two JRPGs in a row, and then suddenly I don't feel like playing videogames and might marathon some anime or read a sci-fi series. I know that eventually, I'll feel like playing more games again, so in the meantime just do what makes you happy.
As for the list, I made a HowLongToBeat account and track the games I beat. I like that kind of thing even if I don't share it with others. I also have a MyAnimeList which is set to private so only I can see it. It helps keep me organized (and in the case of anime, helps keep track of what episode I'm on) and adding another thing I finished is like putting up a new trophy into the collection.
Play the games that you WANT to play and don't buy more until you have finished or are done with them.
Name the last 3 games you played
For what purpose?
I know in my head what I want to play and if I forget it well then I'll just play something else.
I don't care. Having games to play is good.
Realize that games are entertainment. I basically use a combination of Backloggery and text files to keep note of interesting games I may check out. I use Backloggery for games I've gone out and acquired, either through piracy or normal means, and then use various text files as a list of games to keep tabs on.
I just play whatever, though I try not to replay games too often