Walls around your base

>walls around your base

name more comfy feels

Attached: cutfagsbtfo.jpg (480x355, 25K)

>tfw fwb foreskin to play around with
I just wanna swivel my tongue around in it.

Feels good not being a cutfag. Always nice and hydrated, never needing lube for fapping, and fapping itself isn't the equivalent of polishing a knob. Cutfags will never have strong orgasms.

>I just wanna swivel my tongue around in it.
You really don't.

imagine actually being cut

Attached: Girls.png (449x401, 490K)

>never needing lube for fapping
this is the best, I can;t imagine lubing up and making a mess every time I jack it. LMAO

Imagine not cutting off the germ factory on your dick and being more aesthetically pleasing to the opposite sex. Oh that's right, there is a 100% correlation between having foreskin and being a homosexual.

>have never pulled the skin down below the head
phismosis is a curse i would not place even on my greatest enemy

I do, though.
I've done it twice before, and I wanna do it again.

people will defend being cut when they didn't even get to make the choice themselves
Cope murican Child mutilators

wtf go get an operation

amazing post, levels of cope are off the charts.

seething cutfag

I'm in the same boat, user. I hear there are operations, but apparently stretching can do the trick to, if you persevere.

Imagine not being able to shower because you live in the 3rd world

Try to only pop a boner after you've pulled the foreskin past your glans.

that's the second meme i've seen that tries to make fun of people with normal dicks.
i guess it's the new "white people don't season their food/can't eat spicy".

>germ factory
lmao are you going to tear your entire skin apart too? Also a dried dick isn't exactly more esthetic

This is what happens when you don't fap as a kid, nerds. Christianity is a sin.

imagine the smegma...

just use someone else's mouth if you are afraid of ripping the skin

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Your parents really should have told you to retract your foreskin as a kid.

Either way, just do it every day in the shower or when you're rubbing one out, only takes about a month to stretch it naturally if you're persistent.

>on antidepressants
never have to fap again, feels good

Huh... I don't get to bring friends

>be cursed your entire life with this
>doing anything to your dick is uncomfortable pain
>piss constantly gets swirled around in skin
>flaky dryness around skin that constantly gets pissed on

Yikes, remind me to find the nearest rabbi when my son is born

Hahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Germs Real Hahahhahaha Nigga Just Shower Like Nigga Put Water On Your Dick Haha

>using lube for fapping
wtf? fucking your hand > traditional method

Imagine not cleaning your dick. Are you that lazy? You don't want to shower so you instead slice the skin off your dick?

>doing anything to your dick is uncomfortable pain
>piss constantly gets swirled around in skin
>flaky dryness around skin that constantly gets pissed on

Do cut fags really believe this?

Not ONE of these foreskin fags denied being a homosexual. Check and mate.

>tfw cutfag
I hate my parents. Who the fuck has a baby and decides mutilating it is the right idea? They're not even Jewish, and they are the laziest of Lutherans, so I have no idea why they went through with it.

yes, their entire existence is trying to justify having their dicks mutilated without their consent so they give into every piece of kike propaganda because honestly they have no choice, its literal cope

>be cut
>never get phimosis
>be uncut
>80% of all dicks have phimosis of some sort
woohoo being cut so epic

At what age did you start fapping? I'm genuinely curious if has a point.

I remember a friend had tight foreskin when he was a kid, even though he started fapping in like 4th grade, but was an easy fix since he was so young, pretty much was prescribed some lotion that he put on his dick and he continued fapping and it was normal.

It's just some criminal cultist shit.

>imagine not bathing
Not that hard to imagine, this is Yea Forums.

Wash yourself once a day and you wouldn't have that "problem".

You do know showers exist right user?

that "germ factory" has immune functions
you're more likely to have urinary tract infections due to the absence of the foreskin and bacterio-static mucous

>everyone draws dicks cut
Cutbros won the culture war.

Attached: Seinfeld-Kramer.jpg (3459x2544, 1.41M)

Women go fucking crazy for the scent of an intact cock, another thing cutfags will never know since your dick is just a dried up dead mushroom. When your dick stays moist and healthy, it has a smell that releases pheromones.

>your 10 year old son has tight foreskin
>give him this lotion to masturbate with
>make sure he jerks off at least twice a day and jerk him off yourself if he refuses
Really makes you think. Foreskin is the source of all incest, making it the devil.

You realize phimosis is easily fixed with stretching or a steroid?
Not even mentioning that's it's pretty rare.

genital mutilation is a curse I would not place on my greatest enemies
just stretch it, should be fine in a couple months

% of all dicks have phimosis of some sort
Haha yeah, 80% of Europe has phimosis, dude. Stay delusional, cutfag.

This unironically is coping.

>Western porn

see its cope literally hyperbole and asspull statistics

I'm so lucky when someone draws uncut, it's so much more aesthetically pleasing

>never needing lube for fapping
Is this a meme? I'm a cutfag thanks to my braindead NPC parents but I've never used lube and have been masturbating 4 times a week for the past 7 years with only 3 cases of chafing in all that time. Am I causing irreparable damage that will only be realized years down the line?

if you only wash your dick once a week at bare minimum, you don't get dickcheese. It doesn't magically appear just like that, you really have to not clean for a long-ass time for smegma to start showing up.