Where to, Yea Forums?

where to, Yea Forums?

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Turn 360 degrees and drive away.

its a one way road

Dude he was only pretending to be retarded! Man you got goofed on good.

lmao just go the other way

>Detroit but its legal to shoot them
Tough choice.

Racoon City it is.

I mean provided that Silent Hill isn't calling you its just a normal resort town so just randomly visiting the place should, key word, SHOULD, be perfectly safe.

why can nobody spell "raccoon"

Detroit of course, you insecure dumbfuck.

Detroit because you can easily just ride through it on the main highways. Just don't stop or get off into any of the neighborhoods.

Because 2 Cs doesn't make sense.

raccoon city sounds nice.

Detroit because it's not even the worst city in the country. It would be a harder choice if St. Louis was the option

The city where I can have an action packed trip to.

ok i turn 360 degrees and drive away while breaking the law for going the wrong way down a one way road

but he didn't even correct him
why don't you read our posts anymore, user?

>turn 360
>end up going the same direction I was
based retard

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Sorry, I meant to say I turn 360 degrees in the other direction and drive away.

Racoon city because its probably better than coon city.

Unironically detroit

>implying detroit is bad
Downtown is filled to the brim with hipsters now and there are a shit ton of software dev opportunities; it's like mini Chicago but with less crime

The outskirts are what you want to be scared of though, I live like an hour away in the burbs and visit during weekends on occasion, it's funny how it's memed to be a bad city on here when it's like any other city I've been to


To make this more interesting you are required to do the following task given your choice:

Detroit: You must go deep into a visibly run down inner city neighborhood and stop the car fully for one (1) hour.

Silent Hill: You must stop the car with in the city limits and must get out and explore for one (1) hour.

Raccoon City: You must stop the car within the city limits, and successfully dispatch five (5) zombies or one (1) BOW.

Detroit is just a symptom of how shitty Michigan is in general. Worst state in the union. UPers should be put down like the degenerates they are.

Detroit has been improving a ton for a while now. But they'll be downhill fast once automation picks up over there. Hopefully Andrew Yang can solve that issue.
I'll go to detroit

Raccoon City would unironically be the easiest

Sounds like you're just afriad of brown people. White fragility, much?

silent hill, because im so fucked up it will be a thing to see.

I mean, you could dispatch 5 zombies in raccoon city in less than an hour. It would take less time, and RE zombies are not as difficult as hoodlums with guns

>Worst state in the union
> california

How is Michigan worst than NY, Alabama, Florida, Cali etc?

They smell


Mad because people trust zombies more than blacks?

Silent Hill

I'm curious what my inner demons are.

sohyio detected

Pretty much all US states are pretty shitty famalam.

If I can bring my own ammo to raccoon city and it still follows game logic for damage, I could just bring a revolver and a buttload of .357 in a backpack.

Unless it's a silent hill that doesn't work like the one from 2...

I want a chance of making it out a life, so that rules out Detroit, I'll take Racoon City. Less likely to be foggy and shit moves slowly and is more likely to stay slow, unless i'm dealing with dogs or fucking mutated rabbits.
Maybe if I feel like geting raped by rusty barbed wire, i'll go silent hill

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>go to silent hill
>monsters are all cum stalactites with writhing baby faces screaming and trying to stab you to death

At least 3 of those places are good for vacations

To Yea Forums mansion of course.

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Well for one those states are not crime stricken wastelands with horrible economies and bottom 10% in education.
Cali is close since its so expensive to live there compared to average income.

>go to detroit
>get raped by niggers until you're more cum than man

>silent hill
> wild nurse appears
>rape the nurse

God I wish that were me


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Silent Hill because i would make it my goal to have sex with anything and everything trying to kill me before it got a chance. Those nurses and leg things were hot.

my silent hill would probably very deadass boring

i wish i had tragic trauma like everyone else

Silent hill, I haven't done anything bad enough to lose sleep over so I'd probably be fine. Worst I might get is an apparition following me around saying "hey remember when you were a kid and did that dumb kid thing, yeah jeez that was pretty embarrassing huh?".

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Detroit has robots, so that.

Detroit, time to check if those bulletproof windows are actually bulletproof and if that armour package on my car is up to snuff or is it just a hoax.

>drive through detroit
>stay on interstate
>nothing happens
So that.

Racoon City, I'll just bring a typewriter with me and I'm safe.

There's two c's in Raccoon

>everyone assuming Detroit is real detroit
The other two are vidya so why wouldn't the first one be?

Imma get me a Kara waifubot

Goofed on for sure.
Silent hill. Hopefully I die.

Okay so what if I drive to Silent Hill or Raccoon City, park at the city limits and cross over to the opposite side of the freeway? There probably won't be too much going on around them whereas Detroit would probably have some kind of homeless enclave roaming and ready to snatch your soul.

Racoon City to stock up on ammo on weapons, then Detroit.

>literal hell, zombies, or android/transhumanist renaissance
Detroit every time.

How does 2 Ls in Hill make more sense?

It's not future robot Detroit, it's real-world Detroit. I would rather take my chances in hell or zombie land instead of being culturally enriched while involuntarily paying reparations

Because it's a real word

>It’s the word’s fault that I can’t into spelling

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I guess Detroit. Silent Hill would fucking destroy me with my issues and levels of self hatred, though on the upside they are so great I'd probably end up the protagonist rather than an extra. Racoon is a death sentence because even if you survive the zombies, super(in)human bioweapons, and general state of the city, it's due to be destroyed to cover everything up.

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Fuck that city and the niggers that ruined it

If you browse Yea Forums then chances are you have thought, done, or seen shit that would make Silent Hill eat you alive.

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>No Centralia option

I am not afraid of them. I am disgusted by them.



silent hill the only correct answer

Silent hill and I just dropped acid and have shrooms on me let's do this baby

Dude all racism aside you’re going to fucking die if you go to the worst areas.

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>Silent Hill would fucking destroy me

Same. Though on the upside if you survive it could be like therapy. I mean you literally are facing your demons. Or you kill yourself because it’s so traumatizing. Depends on your personality I guess.


Your moms house.

Silent Hill
Because despite what most Yea Forumstards and Tomm Hulett think, it's not some personal purgatory. More than likely it's just a standard town with nothing odd going on, assuming you're going in post 3 and The Room.

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And you the zombies and littered corpses in RC won't smell?

That was a very funny thought, user. Thanks for making me laugh in an extremely tired state.

Wrong way down on a one way street

I'll take my chances through Chicago.

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>t. twin perfect


In all seriousness of those options you would have the best chance of surviving raccoon city.

You are fucking stupid.

Look at all this beauty

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Not that bad.

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>71 south to Detroit
I take 75 north every day

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faygo and verners are gross.


I will agree that Faygo is generic and there is always a better alternative but Vernors is great

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>Better made

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Needs a Cadillac.

Based fellow MI niggers flooding this thread.

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>flooding the thread
Just like Dearborn Heights

I don't understand why faygo is so popular here, it sucks.

The cola is trash, but the root bear is preddy gud.

>Go to Detroit for Youmacon
>Security guards at 2am tell you at the doors of the hotel not to go out because your safety can't be guaranteed
>practically beg you to stay in the hotel depending on time of night
>This is in the "nice" part of Detroit that doesn't even look like or
>The last 20 minutes of the drive to the city looks like a mix between STALKER and Fallout
>drunk or drugged up homeless people harass you if you walk 3 blocks away from the convention center

Why is it such a fucking shithole dude jesus christ, it's unreal

is this a good movie to watch? what is this is?

Silent Hill

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That's what going from the 4th most populated city in the US to 23rd looks like

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i live an hour from detroit, but thankfully not a suburb of it
I never been to a con so i'm thinking of hitting up youmacon this year, how is it?

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Racoon City, fuck it. Assuming I don't die during my time there it'd be an action packed trip with the chance to team up with resident evil hotties.

Well I live in Detroit, so I'll choose that

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>same population as exactly a century ago
It's going to 1820 levels before 2100.

As for op, silent hill certainly. Much scarier and lower chances of survival but at least it gets interesting compared to niggers in the other two options.

Based newfag

Wisconsin user here. UPers are based.

You need to go back

It's okay. I went last year for Friday after work, but I was a bit disappointed when all the vendors closed relatively early, so I didnt get any merch. Other than that, most of the evening events kinda tapered out so my friend and I ended up watching Capcom Live, which was more than worth it.
Cobo is the better area for seeing people and panels, if you just want to hang out, and Ren Cen just had a few events and a food court. The parking is ~$20, but quite frankly, its Detroit and unless you want to walk ~20 minutes from MGM for free parking, the convenience is worth it.

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If you like stupid ass anime and video game culture you would like it. Half the convention at any one time is in cosplay, it's a pretty good time if you go with a couple friends. We've went for 5 or 6 years but have never bothered to check out any of the panels even though there's always a shitload of them, and some of them are "adult only" after a certain time. There's a big ass game room with a bunch of games and a lot of tournaments. There's also a giant show room floor with a bunch of shops selling all sorts of weeb and geek shit, a lot of art and trinkets and clothes or stuff like models or replica swords and other weapons.

I wouldn't go alone, and since it's in Detroit and a ~2 hour drive we'd always get a hotel room which was part of the experience since the rooms are pretty nice.

71 south is Cleveland to Columbus, not Detroit

Europoor here, can I get a quick rundown on why american cities are so bad? I grew up in Northern Ireland in an area the police wouldn't visit in case a sniper killed them or they had petrol bombs thrown at them amoung other things, I think I could probably last an hour without any issues.

Unironically black people

silent hill
inb4 detroit or zombie nukes, ill stick with nightmarefu thanks

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because cities don't give power to cops because the 10% fuck up the image of enforcement, fail to name the problem, or running away from the problem. i'm not even trying to pin this on a political side.

relevant. youtube.com/watch?v=bpAi70WWBlw

Well, for Detroit, it goes like this:
>Started as fur trading post
>Developed into regional authority for territory, then the state
>Automakers started up and got the place thriving, especially with ww1 and ww2 "arsenal of democracy" schtick
>post ww2 boom in the suburbs, american dream and every boomer owns a US car
>1968 race riots hit and it's better to get out of the city proper
>city's losing its tax income and union fights with automakers make the companies less profitable
>jobs start moving out and those with skills follow to other sectors as the low-skill jobs picked up in places like Mexico and Brazil because Pedro won't protest for benefits
>US cars dont adapt to how foreign cars compete on the market
>spiraling loss of population and jobs, with those remaining often below poverty line
>2008 recession hits and city has to declare bankruptcy
>downtown is currently gentrifying, slowly spreading outward, but the current infrastructure is left to crumble

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You clearly never played GTA

Racoon City cause either I'm gonna get bit by a zombie or meet a girl who has a nice butt.

Hey we’re not so bad... Aw, who am I kidding? At least there’s tasty pizza.

It’s crazy to think that even during the 70’s, Detroit was legit one of the richest cities in the world

Poor people are fucking retarded.
It's not just blacks, I grew up in rural Texas and when I graduated in 2006 I almost got disowned by my family for going to college. I remember my football coach calling me a retarded fag for wanting to go to college for engineering and not wanting to be a ranchhand or pipeline welder.

Silent hill is definitely the worst choice, its all magical so there's a chance you are trapped forever and cant get out
So its zombies or niggers

It's crazy to think that London and Paris were once white


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lol just turn around


>its a one way road

Silent hill is perfectly fine for like 90% of people so I'd roll the dice on that one. Raccoon city got so fucked that it literally gets bombed in to Oblivion so that's a bad choice. Detroit is tolerable if you don't have to roll around the third world sections.


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>Live by this guy


Detroiter Here.

City really isn't that bad. I've lived here all my life and have only been jumped once

What can you tell me about Northern Michigan? I've been wanting to move to a place that's cheap, safe, and still snows in the winter.


You mean "up north" or do you mean da UP. Either way, its an emphasis on the snow and loneliness, with wide tracks of wooded land separating you from your neighbors, with the only worries being bears and potholes. Enjoy getting your acres of land and paying that property tax

I mean the split part above the lake, I don't know what da UP is. That all sounds lovely, I live in Western NY so I don't think property taxes could get much worse than this.

Silent hill.
Not cos of >blah blah manifesting what you're guilty about
Cos faggots who have only read the wiki for 2 and not played any of them say that.
Nah, silent hill for that sweet sweet heather mason ass.

>people think silent hill is just muh inner edgy demons
its really obvious that people here only played the second game when in fact theres a possibility you could get sucked in someone elses nightmare like a psychotic serial killer mind for example

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Stay in your shithole if you're a liberal

Oh for fucks sakes.
Why is there always someone who says this?
It's not a safe place in the slightest. It's all fucky cos of the cult shit from 1 and 3.

As two parts, Michigan is split between the creatively named "Upper Peninsula" and "Lower Peninsula." Most of the people live in the southern half of the "Mitten" while the Yoopers in the Upper Peninsula are a bunch fo Scandinavians who act like Wisconsinites and root for the Packers while wearing shorts in the snow.
The key difference between "northern Michigan" and the "UP" For us "trolls" (ie, south of the Mackinaw bridge), is that "up north" usually refers to the section north of Saginaw in the "fingers" of the lower Peninsula.
But yeah, compared to New York, we're definitely better on our taxes.

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Raccoon City, to find some zombie lolis.

>Downtown is filled to the brim with hipsters now and there are a shit ton of software dev opportunities
Shit, so the setting of Detroit: Become Human isn't that unrealistic? In-game the creator of androids founded the company in 2018. If what you said is true then it makes perfect sense which is something truly special for a David Cage game

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Don't really know anything else there but based

UP should be given to those cheese eating fucks. I'm sick of them coming to my favorite bar with their Pucker jerseys and shitting things up

>a bunch fo Scandinavians who act like Wisconsinites and root for the Packers while wearing shorts in the snow.
sound like great lads

Actually he's a literal mutt, so only half black
Also he's based for literally nuking Detroit in one of the endings

Downtown Detroit is going through massive urban renewal right now. Many abandoned buildings are being renovated into new buildings and studio apartments. Dan Gilbert is buying up property left and right and selling it cheap to businesses

Silent Hill, easily.

Yeah that's pretty much exactly what happened in DBH, founder bought some property in Detroit because it was cheap
Probably a mere coincidence but cool that it lines up
Androids W H E N

Based retarded newfag

silent hill so i can dick all the monsters

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Who's Dan Gilbert?

Billionaire owner of Quicken Loans. He also owns the Cleveland Cavaliers

They look like monsters to you?

>The other two are vidya so why wouldn't the first one be?

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Hello new fag, you come from reddit?

I know for a fact that you can leave Detroit