Attached: Go Woke.jpg (4463x575, 303K)

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Dumbest post of the week

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>Go woke
It's "Get Woke" you ESL third world jungle monkey shitter.

Fuck off.

To be fair MKX was completely fucking broken at launch and was abandoned for months. Regardless I'm really liking MX11 so far, honestly not sure what people were so butthurt about. Then again I'm not a racist who gets triggered over the sight of non-white males existing.

I don't get it

15k player WOAH!!!111 Thats so much for a recently released AAA game!!


They went woke, attracted a lot of attention from the left.

Now the left are raping them for overworking their staff and having a sexist enviroment.

Basically, they are going to get rioted for appealing to the left, and they have nobody to defend them now.

MKX is literally unplayable and mk11 still sold like shit, whats the point of this?

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Yeah mordhau has 60k and is a literally who game also niche

drop dead chud head

>Fighting games on PEECEE

Mkx on PC has been playable for years. It's okay for you to lie to yourself but stop trying to lie to others.

Fucking console tards


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Holy shit I never saw it this way. Those fucking lefties are a bunch of cannibals

>Game released across 3 platforms with over +100 units sold
>Even in system not made for videogames like PC
>With millions of people able to access due conectivity
>Only 15.000 people after a few days.
Really funny if you think.

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Even today it runs like absolute shit.

I heard there was a huge kerfuffle about them only paying programmers $12/hour plus overworking them or something. Is any of this true?

>1 week later

Yup. June will be 1,200. July 500.
Like tupac said, "that's just the way it is"
On the bright side, this is their best PC launch (which is not saying much).

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Absolutely based.

That has to be a new record for a fighting game on PC


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DBZ had almost twice that

Have you fucking seen the average retaining time for fighting games especially on pc? MK11 is doing well in that frame

>PC cuck only

>cartoony arcade melee game with less complexity than smash
>surprised its selling well



>that photoshopped Boon at the bottom
You think people are dumb?

the libs are turning on them now because of ronda rousey.
this is why you shouldn't try to appeal to these people; as soon as you do a single thing they see as 'problematic' they'll flip the table and boycott you.

Now add all the Xbox and Playstation sales because that's going in the NetherRealm coffers too.

but mortal kombat isn't selling well

>Mortal Kumbat
>complex by any stretch of the word

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DBZ sold less than MKX.
Stop using Steam faggot numbers as gospel.

you have to be 18 to post here zoomer

would buy the game in an instant if characters looked like that. shame

But that wasn't what the post I replied to was about.
You dumb inbred.

Good thing they appealed to actual gamers by making good netcode, one of the best replays in the business, excellent training mode, solid animations, excellent facial animations (flavor that sticks out more and more if you play a lot), and actually responding to gameplay feedback.

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who cares
They sold out their pride

>yearly game for nazi wannabes doing well

polfags are starved for games. Of course it would do ok. Shame it'll be dead in a month.