>yfw when SJW games are racking in massive failures
>yfw by the end of this summer, 12-20 transsexuals will be spamming "the left is on the right side of history incels go back to /pol/ even more than they do now
Yfw when SJW games are racking in massive failures
>yfw when SJW games are racking in massive failures
anthem, mk 11, everything bioware, FO76, etc.
How was FO76 SJW? It died purely by being garbage.
how are those games SJW? I'm out of the loop here
But why by the end of summer?
don't try to make sense of a chud's nonsense
Mkxi is currently 2nd in the eshop behind cuphead and it's doing very well on PS4.
>prides itself off inclusivity
>prides itself off diversity
>story line is literally stronk women vs men
>massive failure
>during a time when literally nothing is coming out
CS:GO has how many times more online players than these games? Being how old?
holiday season
>CS:GO has how many times more online players than these games? Being how old?
csgo is closer to a moba than to a real game desu. you can't compare them.
Yes I can because those numbers are what franchisees desire. Releasing a game in 2019 and only having ~5,000 unique players on server by week 2 is fucking F-
>you can't compare them because of this arbitrary restriction i came up with here on the spot to support my viewpoint
As long as they stop censoring my Japanese vidya it'll be fine.
i play cs go i dont even own a console I just like shitting on transsexuals on Yea Forums
Anything not actively promoting Holocaust 2: Dante's Revenge is SJW to these lunatics.
Actual SJWs and their games sucking is nice and all, but exaggerating how SJW games are is lame. Being delusional smug shits who celebrate the failures of those who don't suck your ideological cock is exactly how SJW shits act.
They don't just celebrate, they actively attack people for not following their self-destructive ideology.
I keep forgetting that David Duchovny looked young at one point in history.