Oh god oh fuck please take me back

I'm curious, Yea Forums.
Do any of you keep old stuff like PC Hardware and old consoles around in working condition and hooked up just to pretend you're still in another decade?
And I'm not talking about "lel I have a CRT monitor next to my 49 inch ultrawide" or "I have my retro consoles still connected to a secondary TV because I'm such a nerd XD". I'm talking about an actual nostalgia corner or nostalgia room full of stuff from 2000-2009 exclusively.

Call me a faggot but my dream setup is pic related, just with updated internal hardware so it's useable today. I'm pretty sure that's possible, but I don't have the money to invest in that. I don't know what kind of horrid autism I have but I wouldn't mind playing modern vidya on 4:3 at all. Maybe some day...

Attached: 7b81f8a82377e5662b9391cf78780388.jpg (800x600, 83K)

Other urls found in this thread:




kys apple nigger

>Do any of you keep old stuff like PC Hardware and old consoles around in working condition and hooked up
>just to pretend you're still in another decade?


Okay what do you think about this one? I miss those HP monitors too...

Fuck off.
And I think a sleeper PC is just that, a sleeper PC. I'm talking about full throttle autism, 20 incher nostalgia boner.

Attached: 1557116999449-1.jpg (1280x960, 165K)

Nobody really cared about cable management back then though.

Attached: 1557159270667.jpg (2304x1536, 726K)

I went to someone's house once to fix their computer and it looked like they hadn't touched their office since the 90's. They still had dial-up internet and couldn't figure out why they couldn't get online. It's amazing how out of touch some people are.

Attached: 1526779877477.jpg (1020x769, 693K)

This clear glass border aesthetic aged horribly. Just get a Mac Mini and install Linux or Windows on it so it's a usable computer.

Fuck me that Vaio case looks really good even today.
>They still had dial-up internet
How can this even happen in current year?

>This clear glass border aesthetic aged horribly
No it did not you fucking muppet.
>Just get a Mac Mini and install Linux or Windows on it so it's a usable computer
Then why the fuck would you buy a Mac Mini?

What was the last good era with soul here?

Attached: 1554425635207.png (1400x1039, 3.15M)

I still don't care.

This is the breaking point. No matter how many times you repost that, the answer will always be the same.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-07 at 1.46.56 AM.png (258x882, 494K)

Post it.

Faggot normalfag.

i keep most of mine in storage, but there are a few classics i keep in my server room
it's not a nostalgia corner or whatever, i just like keeping my cube and my o2 visible

I miss the transparency style

You're not alone. Beigefags can fuck off.


Attached: crtvslcd1.jpg (1024x768, 372K)

>15 years ago LCDs weren't very good
Wow what a relevant image.

What are you referring to? You posted the comparison between LCD and CRT and I also posted a CRT.

Shitty 1024x768 60Hz CRTs were awful and people forget how much flicker they had because they are used to 60Hz LCDs

Any CRT is a fine shitposting device.

>literally worst speakers that needed an adapter
>second worse mouse with only single mouse button
>keyboard that prevents you from plugging in non-apple USB devices
>meme trash can mac before new mac pro

Trust me you dont want to game on 4:3. I've had the Same monitor since 2005.

I used to always use the top of my CRT as a shelf, I forgot about that. It always had a stack of games like deus ex and star wars racer

confirmed for never using a 60Hz CRT monitor

>literally worst speakers that needed an adapter
Good speakers that needed a shitty adapter* FTFY
>second worse mouse with only single mouse button
It's retarded and I only like it because muh clear plastic. I demand a reissue.
>keyboard that prevents you from plugging in non-apple USB devices
>meme trash can mac before new mac pro
Fuck you.

Why not?

Nah it's fine. I still play lots of older stuff with black bars on the sides.

I have 4 inputs on my 55 inch main television and I cycle consoles in and out as I play them. PS2/Dreamcast/Xbox X/Switch currently.

If you want to play older games just play them and dont try to constantly chase whatever it is you are chasing. The present sucks we just gotta deal.

>Playing Dreamcast/PS2 on a 55 inch
I too like to stare at a blurry mess all day. Truly a man of taste.

>G4 cube
>not G4 iMac
inferior taste

Attached: Apple-iMac-PowerPC-G4-17-Flat-Panel-2002-Specs_1.jpg (1800x1949, 557K)

Damn early 2000 Apple was aesthetic as fuck

Attached: 4L_dha6FEgd.jpg (1657x1854, 599K)

>Studio Display CRT > Studio Display LCD > iMac G4 > Everything else
The CRT (OP) is the rarest and best looking one.
The LCD (pic related) is super comfy but expensive to get nowadays due to the DVI adapter to use with modern computers ($100 + monitor).
Based Lamp iMac is good for modding to make it a regular HDMI display.

Attached: 1200px-PowerMac_Cube.jpg (1200x863, 154K)

>not posting on an OS 9 imac g3 this very moment

Attached: imac g3 graphite.jpg (900x673, 71K)

Is it even possible to access the internet on OS 9? I know it’s still perfectly possible to shitpost from 10.4.11 but I think that’s the oldest it’ll go.

I keep them hooked up because I still need to use them. Sound Blasters don't grow on trees and modern "soundcards" sound like ass for midi.

Sure is. You can still access a lot of the internet if you have Classilla installed.

pic related some image i just got off images of some raddit user doing it

Attached: raddit user.jpg (4032x3024, 1.42M)

Why would anyone willingly use Mac hardware for anything other than OS/X?

Shiet, are powerPC Macs not totally useless then?

of course not you can run linux on them

But I hate Linux

But you can still do lots of useful stuff.

most of that image is bad, but you have to go that far to get some animes

I want muh OSX tiger, god damn it.

I bought one of these used and restored it 10 years ago. Sold it a few years ago for a few eurobucks. Did I make a mistake?


Does anyone remember a mac or mac-like model that looked kinda like a G4 imac but with a pink translucent plastic casing?

Yeah, sometimes I wish I could have a CRT monitor. If I ever found a really nice FW900 I'd replace my gpu with one that takes an analog signal in a heartbeat just to use it.

>kinda like a G4 imac but with a pink translucent plastic casing?
I don't remember anything like this. Can you sketch it?

>Playing games on a mac

What games?

Attached: wat.png (1104x577, 129K)

>just with updated internal hardware so it's useable today

Attached: 88f.jpg (640x480, 37K)

Modern macs still can't play games for shit.

Are you retarded or merely pretending?
Unless you just want the LOOK of it, minus the operating system.

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Honest question here because I'm surprised Yea Forums are sperging out about macs.

Were there any games on these that were essentially exclusive? Why would I want to run an old mac?

No, this just basically proves that faggots around here don't really play games, only shitpost from their overpriced toy macs.

Do you not know what a Hackintosh is?
Are you -actually- retarded?

Attached: InsidiousHarmoniousGoat-poster.jpg (544x368, 24K)

I don't have any good cameras right now, but it was basically a mac-like computer or computer monitor that looked like a pink G3 in coloration and aesthetic, but flatter, that was running OS X.

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Yes, I know, and it's still shit due to hardware issues half of the time because internals are beyond retarded.

Attached: nope.jpg (480x680, 42K)

y2k nostalgia thread?

Attached: DwHcrEuV4AA2Mr3.jpg (1200x675, 140K)

>Were there any games on these that were essentially exclusive?
I don't know. Not exclusive but Halo and American McGee's Alice were on Mac though.
>Why would I want to run an old mac?
Only looks. Absolutely nothing other than nostalgia.
Alternatively, mod the shit out of them and make the Micro ATX conversion.

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Old tech is cool just do what you like

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How many desks and or rooms do you have that you would do this?

>it's still shit due to hardware issues half of the time because internals are beyond retarded
>Find compatible mobo
>Literally any i5/i7/i9 model
>Literally any current AMD GPU
>Everything works out of the box except Wifi and iMessage, one of which you can solve for $10
>Dual boot Wangblows 10 for vidya
Wow how fucking difficult, such a terrible fate for OS X users, oh the humanity!

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For what purpose?

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>pre 9/11 future was so bright and clean and white

Attached: DxUVRG5UYAAj5dZ.jpg (1200x800, 94K)

Attached: DxUVL11UwAE1FVb.jpg (1200x800, 106K)

rewind the clock to 1999

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>tfw no y2k future neon transparent clothing

Attached: DxosHa4UYAAKObU.jpg (922x1200, 97K)

At this point you can just scrap all the internals, cram in there a regular PC and just look at your "pretty case" for days.

Attached: DxosF7oVAAAJ0vP.jpg (922x1200, 132K)

There is an absolute fucking shit ton of games for OS 9 hardware. Even I was surprised. Look up macintoshrepository

Attached: Dup00M_VYAAgG2D.jpg (857x1200, 265K)



I was born in 88. I notice the older I get, I start to get nostalgic for later and later periods. In 2008-2010 I was really nostalgic for the 90s. Now it's into the 00s.

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just kys

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>cram in there a regular PC
Good luck running OS X on Nvidia.

Attached: DyccNREV4AA2zlM.jpg (1198x796, 72K)

But why would I ever want to do that in the first place? OS X has no advantages whatsoever.

Attached: why.gif (581x327, 3.72M)

Attached: DyseZNvUUAAMTuk.jpg (800x506, 84K)

I'm honestly tempted to mod an old imac as a monitor for a gaming pc
Or would it be too much work?

Attached: DyseVq4UUAEYZ_1.jpg (900x1200, 180K)

Interesting. I was born in 1984. In the 00s was a full blow weeb and couldn't give a fuck about the western 90s culture. 90s to me is boredom and school.

Attached: D0IjCiHV4AAfYHB.jpg (1006x942, 89K)

>OS X has no advantages whatsoever
Except not getting fucked over with all your information, smooth and good looking OS experience, really convenient features if you also use iOS and the superior video and audio editors.
...Unless you're an Adobe nigger.

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I do love me some 2000's stuff. For some reason, whenever I think of the year 2000, the Guinness Book of Record edition for the year 2000 is the first thing that comes to mind.

Attached: Aw yeah.jpg (1125x1500, 173K)

I have fond memories of Mac games that came on those shareware/demo discs. We're talking System 7.5 era, here.

I would give anything to live in some pocket dimension where it's perpetually between 1991 and 2001
everything just screams optimism and color

Attached: D0IZ5j7VYAAVAtc.png (900x755, 1.09M)

That glorious time after the Cold War and before the War on Terror.

Attached: D0IZ3VQVsAAB9J-.png (640x480, 580K)

>tfw recently upgraded my gay looking flowerpower imac's ram to 1 gig

Attached: 1556478404193.jpg (791x970, 169K)

Attached: D0IZyf1VYAA7uRn.jpg (994x1026, 185K)

Sci-fi channel booth at some convention in 99 or 00, i can't remember. before they were syfy

Attached: DysMMLoUcAEBuMz.jpg (667x1000, 103K)

>Except not getting fucked over with all your information

You'd have to be extremely deluded to believe that

>smooth and good looking OS experience

You can make your Windows look like anything these days. As for supposed "smoothness" that's purely a myth, these days OS X isn't even well optimised.

>Really convenient features if you also use iOS and the superior video and audio editors.

WHAT "convinient features" ? You mean all those features that treat the user like a retard and don't allow you to do half the things that you wish you could? As for Video editing software you can get everything on Windows or a superior equivalent. Software liblary will always be smaller on OS X.

>...Unless you're an Adobe nigger.

Correction: "unless you want to use that one specific software suite that I've learned and refuse to learn anything new" sounds more in tune with reality.

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WHY the fuck is gaming so stale nowadays bros, everything from the gaming community to the actual games themselves? Am I just getting old?

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>You'd have to be extremely deluded to believe that

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>believing any of this
You're really drinking the kool-aid, aint you?

Attached: Slightly retarded.jpg (248x244, 15K)

>And I'm not talking about "lel I have a CRT monitor next to my 49 inch ultrawide" or "I have my retro consoles still connected to a secondary TV because I'm such a nerd XD". I'm talking about an actual nostalgia corner or nostalgia room full of stuff from 2000-2009 exclusively.
That's literally what you asked when you asked if anyone keeps their old games and computers hooked up.

not enough games use the y2k aesthetic.

Attached: DxeMOV_V4AA7mf6.jpg (1200x675, 95K)

>b-but it isn't real!
>n-no that doesn't count fuck off!
>y-you're just paranoid don't talk to me or my son ever again!

Attached: DxeMMbtVYAEuwIa.jpg (1200x563, 56K)

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It's just propaganda plain and simple. It has been proven over and over again that OS X isn't in any way more secure and can be used to spy on it's users just like any other OS.

Every OS has loopholes left around, deal with it.

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I think this is supposed to be a concept for a music player or phone, can't remember.

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Attached: DwMuLcMUUAIj8IC.jpg (929x1200, 85K)

y2k future buildings

Attached: Dw1oQc4VAAEVwxm.jpg (1200x953, 151K)

>I'm pretty sure that's possible
You'd be throwing out all the internal components and just keeping the shell for its "aesthetics". Pretty much as bad as that fag who decorated that antique rifle with mlp shit.

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it looks like agents of mayhem just took a conceptual shit on a table or something

Attached: D5wg7OhU0AAzCbb.png (800x851, 709K)

Nintendoworld 2005

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Attached: eva vhs.jpg (1024x614, 109K)

I always thought this aesthetic was kind of tacky, but boy do I miss it.

Have an orange G3 iMac with slot-loading drive, have 10.4.11 on with OS9 as classic environment. Still play old Mac games like Abuse/PoP1&2/Barrack and such on it. Good times.

Attached: D3-xFDbUcAAz5sb.jpg (791x1024, 56K)

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Anyone appreciating this? Just curious if I should keep going.

Attached: D2i9XiEVAAA387P.png (800x600, 583K)

PSP 2005

Attached: D18vtgvUcAIJF5c.jpg (791x1200, 162K)

I like it, but it's kind of hard to figure out where it ends and where you just start posting I-pod stuff.

Attached: D18vy_oUkAInX8l.jpg (1200x855, 159K)

>jojo cosplay

it's just a collection of y2k aesthetic stuff. album covers, video game stuff, fashion, architecture, product design.

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sony pocketstation

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i wonder if i can find one of these on ebay

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Attached: Doytk5TXsAAuA5G.jpg:large.jpg (986x986, 365K)

who the actual fuck had a mac from 1995-2004?

Attached: D1mRozrVAAA_AxE.png (506x600, 383K)

>late gen x
X ends around 80-81 Millenials start around 80-81

this walkman is dope i wish i had one

Attached: D1V2hHhUYAAMueT.jpg (1200x900, 108K)

I don't play on PC or console but I keep all my handheld consoles around, still have my old Game Boys and Neo Geo Pocket

Someone who wasn't a bandwagoner.

Attached: D1V2miPUYAAjAgZ.jpg (1200x900, 183K)

This is the first playstation store it closed in 2009

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You can't go home again ;_;

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this fucking goober

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Okay, the more you post of this aesthetic, the more I'm starting to hate it again. These things had the ergonomics of a rock.

So much translucent coloured plastic.
I love it.

Attached: D0osd_RVYAAwieS.jpg (1168x1200, 104K)

t. Zoomer who watches metal jesus

look at this ugly sumbitch

Attached: D08OntnU8AEwXj4.png (718x752, 495K)

God I want a nice CRT monitor. Can't find shit here.

"Apple stole the mouse from us so we're going to steal the iMac aesthetic"

Attached: D08Oo81VsAAsMMR.jpg (730x942, 65K)

I grew up in a house with only mac computers until I was in my mid teens and went to an all mac school. It probably made me retarded.
>>Were there any games on these that were essentially exclusive?
I think Bugdom was? Mac always seemed to get a tiny portion of bigger pc games for twice the price and with something a bit janky.


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>The Top 50 Sites
What were they? I'll say ebay, amazon, yahoo, google, microsoft are in the top 10.

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that outfit is based as fuck

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don't forget him

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Nike store

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Windows is worse than macOS. Why would you run Windows at all?

Birmingham Bullring if anyone is curious.

Instantly recognized whilst scrolling past the thread. Why the fuck someone is posting this shit not related to vidya beats me.

No, doing those things for nostalgia's sake is retarded. My computer has XP because I only play old games, I use a CRT for old consoles, I don't do it because I'm nostalgic, I do it because I haven't played everything released on those systems and, besides, it's the right way to play.

Attached: D2TvDY0UcAIuDlx.jpg (1200x795, 238K)

i'm posting stuff around the y2k aesthetic

Attached: D2TvGdkUcAAMs_h.jpg (1200x898, 244K)

Attached: D2TvJCRVYAAFR3c.jpg (764x1200, 128K)

For a second I fucking thought that the lamp behind the monitor was one of those things you see in hospitals to keep a television suspended and that the monitor was just on one of those.

I don't mind 4:3 either but many games today won't even do it without black bars. Dark Souls 3 comes to mind, I think I tried that on a 4:3

I tried Hollow Knight on 5:4 and got bars. Fucking bullshit.

I think I'm done now. Thanks to the mods for not being homosexuals and banning me or deleting the thread.

Attached: D1WbtiQU8AAng2U.jpg (1024x768, 84K)

Thanks user.
It was a nice look into the brief time where we lived in the future.

Y2K, home...

confirmed didnt know how to set it higher refresh

any of you guys see the atomic pi? 35-50$ for a small pc. seems great for beginners to pcs.

confirmed for not being alive in the 90s

>1280x1024 pixels at 75 Hz
>1600x1200 pixels at 65 Hz.

might as well just tell everyone nowadays to turn up their TVs refresh rate, oh wait

My brother is a technician so we have a bunch of old 98 and XP machines he took from work lying around the house, they can be pretty fun sometimes just for nostalgia purposes and old vidya games that don't work on a modern OS

Attached: 1481852085833.gif (800x600, 80K)

Looks like a vocaloid room.

>talking about security
>sponsored by lastpass
oh the ironing.
imagine listening to autism evans about anything.

Powerbook G4 died recently, don't remember if it was Nvidia or ATI, oldest I have now is An Acer Aspire One netbook from 2008 and a Thinkpad R61i, comfy WinXP machines.

I mean, I have a couple consoles hooked up to my TV, but that's about it. Got rid of my CRT monitor years ago.

Yes I do, I always have a dedicated Windows XP and 98 setup.

>480p is blurry
Get your eyes checked.

>graphics getting better year by year
>all that new tech
>mobile phones actually being upgraded year by year
>2000s internets
>awesome games
>handheld consoles

zoomers won't ever know that feel fuck them for that AHAHAHAH

Not that user but in his defense modern TVs usually have shitty upscalers that blur anything below native resolution. Only 1% of PS2 games ran at 480p so enjoy even blurrier 480i.

late millennial is when shit started taking apart slowly

I tend to shift cannibalize parts for newer builds, but I have one DOS and one WinXP build that I've kept in perfect shape as I still want to play the games of my youth without resorting to DOSbox. It just isn't the same without a CRT. Outside of that I still have the very first computer I ever owned, an Atari ST that my dad bought me in the mid-90s for $25, and my frankenstein's monster that was my first real build, a compaq by someone else and left in a junkpile, switched part after part until it ran, then more until I got it running win3.1, then more tinkering until I got it outputting on a dot matrix. Dad was happy I finally found something I enjoyed and was good at.

Attached: uIZU1KA.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)