RIP Waypoint


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Waypoint is a videogame studio?

time for the downsizing since those 13 view youtube videos aren't generating any money

Another venue of quality journalism dies to make more room for zero substance clickbait.

lol someone took George Soros' $250 million and ran. Good for them.

does this actually mean anything? it's getting folded into the VICE website i guess? this isnt even the actual waypoint or vice account so does this matter like at all

the only work of any value the entire vice company has produced were their early vice guides, which they drove into the ground eventually

hell yeah now i can apply

It's literally on their website
my mans got liquidated

Weren't those offshoots writing about trannies and weed?

Didn't those shitheads just get $250 million from Sugar Daddy Soros?

Should I bother renewing my giant bomb premium? I cancelled it due to them cancelling the 4th of July run up videos last year, due to some bitch faggots in the comments.

Slowpoke here. Is ANY of this shit game related?

>Should I bother renewing my giant bomb premium?
Lets slow it down. Why the FUCK were you paying for that shit in the first place?

God why the fuck are you still even subbed? what recent content have you enjoyed from them?

Nah, it's "Video Games" site, with huge air quotes.

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Read as Wayforward and was almost stoked.

Why y'all gotte be so bigoted?

They were writing how Naoto from Persona 4 is hidden trans, Catherine is one big homophobic game and its creators are bigots. I am not going to mention articles about top 10 poop types or something really dumb from Klepek.

"Video Game" journos going broke for writing garbage fake news. It is video games related.

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Patrick Klepek is pretty much the most insufferable slimy faggot in games journalism. He constantly pushes for companies to fire people for wrong opinions (i.e. the GOG guy who made a helicopter joke, THQ Nordic for posting on the other chan, Tom from XSEED for his views on censorship, some sports analyst for liking Alex Jones, etc.) while also defending shitheads like Jessica Price and Allison Rapp.

What's the deal anyway? i swaer in the last year videogame writters are getting sacked at an increasing rate not seen before, what's going on with their industry?

people are running out of seed capital and also the speds keep trying to unionize

Soros might be in it primarily to topple social order but he probably still want SOME returns.

i will never stop being mad that they are too stupid to understand the theme of persona 4
it is not that challenging of a work

"Quality journalism"

1. Ad revenue has been dying for the past decade.
2. Twitch/YouTube
2b. Competent game journalists realize they can make more money by doing Patreon/Twitch/YouTube than by sticking with these dying sites.

It's not just game journalism, Univision lost over $100 million after buying Gawker's old sites, EW Scripps bought for $30 million and lost $27 million in a year (laying off evevrybody), there's been layoffs everywhere.

This feels like a good enough reason

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people are getting tired of the liberals

it literally says "new URL, same us"

Declining readership starting to catch on to just how low quality the articles are. Ad revenue drying up. Almost all of them operate at a loss now. Turns out, calling your demographic "toxic shitlords" and declaring the term "gamer" as "dead" isn't the ideal PR for journalism targeted at gamers.

not sure what carl swindon's extremist views are supposed to be
it's not even unheard of for a pol to be stupid or an asshat
completely unremarkable really

Finish the sentence Yea Forums!

>LEARN TO _____

Believing in Democracy, free speech, controlled borders, and strictly stating that he wouldn't rape someone are extremist now. But that's what happens when the left goes on a magical journey deep into the left and sees the right, who barely moved, miles away from them. The irony of it all is that Carl is center-left by older standards.

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>extremely wealthy, 1%er west coast people
>become far left bloggers

every fucking time

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I enjoyed their content better than any twitch cunt
Can you read? I already said I cancelled it. But anyway I don't really have any answer to anything I've enjoyed from them as of late. UPF just seems like it's going through the motions.

>big company buys woke as fuck website for billion $
>a year later it's worth pennies and it's dissolved

I bet my 20$ money laundering is somewhere involved

>muh left
Let's not forget that 3 MEPs from the right-wing party he is running with quit due to his comments

give blowjobs because no one will ever hire a out of work games journalist.

what comments?

carl of swindon saving his prison island by purging ukip

Gee user what next, are you going to tell us that being associated with a degenerate, coked up, right wing youtuber 'comedian' is something that no one wants in real politics? Shit man I think you're just a spineless lefty

Oh whew. For a second I thought you meany Halo Waypoint kek. False alarm, people, move along.

That he would not rape a woman. When the media asked him to apologize he refused to -> "Carl Benjamin, UKIP MEP Candidate, would not apologize for rape tweet". They're older people terrified of being branded by the MSM by association.

His comments about how he 'wouldn't even rape' a female MP? Most normal people don't feel compelled to inform someone that they wouldn't even rape them, which implies that there is some qualifier that the woman didn't measure up to.

don't be so hard on nigel farage, he's doing the best he can with the mind that he has

Regardless of if he gets elected or not, he will most likely be set for life from the litigation he'll undoubtedly sue from all of the libelous claims.

>read as wayforward
was about to get that video of that crab dancing and edit “Shantae is gone” just to fuck with smash fags

imagine being a mentally ill neoliberal that parses language like this

Not really. There are many ways to interpret it, and he has clarified many times that that interpretation is wrong. They weren't just out of the blue either, but god forbid you look up the context.

What is the point of games journalism nowadays?

Twitter bans you for tweeting that at people now.

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