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i flawless the high priest 80% of the time but i cant reliably flawless the gatling gull
what am i doing wrong

The game is what's wrong!!!

Can't even get the prime primer to the forge. God it hurts being a brainlet.

>do a rainbow run
>shit weapon selection

>do a non-rainbow run
>no fucking keys drop

You'll get him, I believe in you user. If a turbo shitter like me can, you can. Also, game is real fucking dull after you've unlocked him, as he's just too fucking fun compared to everyone else.

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just go to the oubliette

I kept restarting the rainbow run with paradox until I get the fightsaber because I have like an 80% chance of beating the run with it but then when is going through with the gunslinger I never get it again and die in bullethell , I've done this like 8 times. Holy Jesus this game.

literally nothing because gatling gull is a bitch to fight at the start of the game because of the lack of items and if you don't have good weapons

How the fuck are you having problems with GG, easiest there is as long as you don't get the "fuck you" layout with 2 pits. High Priest is the biggest bullshit there is with random bullets spawning on top of you.

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>only motivation to kill the Dragun is to unlock the rat fight
>Love Punchout and hear that he has a Punchout mini-game
>finally get to the mini-game
>get my shit kicked in on phase two
>never touch the game again
I really need to get back into it, I never even unlocked bullet hell and the Lich.

Fuck Ammoconda. He does not belong on 2nd chamber.

Never said it wasn't easy it's just really annoying unless you get the bookshelf room lmao

git gud
No seriously, as long as you keep away from him you should be able to react and dodge while remaining in his bullets.

>Beat the lich with a strong character
>Beat the lich again with an intentionally overpowered character
Imagine having trouble doing this

All of the default guns are pretty much useless by the 5th chamber.

The paradox can give you blasphemy, or a really strong gun, or a really strong item. One of those will eventually happen.

Ive finished the run many times with paradox I cannot make it through with the gunslinger, if I could just get the fightsaber with him once but noooo.

It seems like in my rainbow run I'm getting the fightsaber semi regularly, if I use it with paradox will it not show up when I switch to the gunslinger?

Rainbow runs are only good for unlocking items.

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Rainbow runs are ez mode as fuck. It's basically a a guaranteed win if you do a couple extra floors besides the main ones.

You don't really need it for gunslinger. He's completely broken. There are a couple of D/C rank guns that will win you the game since his starting item automatically gives you every synergy a gun has.

Helps if you get the Clone and suddenly get 4 extra floors

Rainbow runs are also a godsend for unlocking the elevator stuff. When you dont have to manage keys or money, suddenly it becomes very simple.

Which extra floors? Wtf

Rainbow runs are ezmode in general, and make Robot like twice as strong on top of that, but I think Gunslinger is the one character that doesn't take to them very well.
So I'm not sure I'd recommend it that much for a Gunslinger unlock run, even if it does make the first half easier.

Got to bullet hell with him and died because I keep getting shit weapons.

im new at this game

what are some tips to do better other than don't get hit

ive beaten dragun once

There's an extra floor after every main one as of the final update. There's the Oubliette, Abbey of the True Gun, Resourceful Rat's Lair, R&G Department, and Bullet Hell.

Don't dodge roll unless you absolutely have to.

Is there an achievement for beating the Lich without getting hit? On most runs I can beat all three phases only getting hit two or three times.

The scrambler will win you the game

So I picked this game back up this week and did a few runs, after quitting the game before AG&D update was live.
And didn't they say something about adding synergies to the game or whatever? I haven't seen one yet. Do I need to enable them somewhere in the options or buy with credits or something?
I still haven't bought everything in the Breach yet.

Synergies are where one item directly upgrades another, or both. You'll see a blue arrow from your character when you get one.
They range from practically useless to gamebreakingly OP. Keep playing and you'll see more of them.

>brood just annexes enemy jungle so drow can't get anything

>rtz literally useless

bravo kuro