Templars are considered the "bad" guys

>templars are considered the "bad" guys
>they have better ideals than the assasins

really ubisoft

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which one of these has the best / most naval combat

black flag


Seems to be a common thing to give villains good ideas but still making you fight them. Right is wrong and it's ok to forego discussion if the opponent is simply "morally wrong". Or maybe the heads of the employees at Ubi are so far up their own asses that they can't even tell that the ideals they give to their villains could be relatable.


Um, Hitler was a Templar, sweetie. They're evil.

the Assassin VS Templar lore is the most ridiculous contrived bullshit. Not only in terms of storytelling, but it fucks the gameplay too. Due to the formula it makes every game's story beats and gameplay generally the same. They should just drop it and make a pure historical-fiction or fantasy game, not this silly in-between.

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templars are not bad guys
alexios was a templar

>They should just drop it and make a pure historical-fiction or fantasy game

They already do, thanks to faggots like you. Enjoy your generic rpg trash

>They already do, thanks to faggots like you. Enjoy your generic rpg trash

They absolutely don't. Odyssey and Origins still follow the exact same story beats as every other Asscreed, and they're still full of fantasy elements. (Moreso Odyssey than Origins, though.)

>Shady group of powerful figures trying to acquire artifacts
>Oh no, they're bad! You have to stop them from misusing artifacts
>Press X to assassinate 5-10~ of them
>Some drama shit happens in between
>The end

I want them to drop this stupid formula entirely.

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>literally every major world leader in WW2 was a templar and the whole thing was a master ruse to enslave the world or whatever

seriously the Assassins just drop the fucking ball around 1850

But the main storyline is just a shallow afterthought in a sandbox of countless unrelated side missions and activities

They drop the ball in every game because the conflict always has to be the same. Wasted potential

I never said it wasn't, I just said the story formula is still the same as all the others and it's as stale as ever.

Reminder Assassins are responsible for Communism and Haiti uprising.

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ignore the other fags, black flag and rogue have the same streamlined naval combat, 3 actually tried to throw some tactics in the mix, by allowing you to destroy enemies masts and shit

3 is objectively the worst game in the franchise and among the worst games Ubisoft has ever made.

Its almost like they tried to make the conflict ambiguous and spell out that they fought like children rather than solve the problems.

AC3 but its not the main focus and is limited to missions, no roaming.

>which one of these has the best / most naval combat

Rogue has the best naval combat with even more mechanics than Black Flag, AI can board you etc It also has two naval maps, one focused on narrow river waters which make combat a lot more interesting and the other wide open seas with arctic waters, ice bergs, upgrading your ship to smash through ice, manual aiming/firing of swivel guns, setting fire to ships.

Rogue has a fuck load of side/filler content though.

What problem would that be? Humans are fucking garbage on their own and too much individualism with no societal repercussion leads to degeneracy and hedonism. Templars are right to quarrel them in, and it isn't even extreme compared to modern dystopian shit where they're encouraging people to live in rental pods and eat bugs because of climate change.

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Looking back, was the rape scene in Odyssey really necessary? I didn't hear much uproar but it was kind of shocking wasn't it

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Assassins came to unironically worship Ancient Aliens and then got fucked in the ass by one of them, meanwhile templars used their own alien gadgets to travel through time and then even made a fucking shit game about it. God damn it, those incels at Ubi most feel veryy fucking clever, the fags.
Bring back Desmond.

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Why do the law, order and control type characters always end up being the bad guys? Not just Templars, but all kinds of empires and kingdoms in fiction too.

Because anything seen as traditional and normal is hateful, bigoted and evil goy. Aren't you so happy to live in this society with no social norms or boundaries?

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The imminent cataclysm and actually getting around to solve their differences to make the best of mankind.
Meanwhile the assassins became anarchists and the Templars practiced literal mind control for the benefit of the few, which comically leads to the very society you criticise.
But even that flew over your head for the sake of your politics.
More to the point, neither actually benefited mankind nor would they ever, which is the entire point of AC3, that both ideologies are self destructive while being seductive.

Fuck the Assassins
Fuck anarchy
Fuck chaos

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based isu

Figures that the drones on Yea Forums would love to be mindcontrolled by some megacorporation

>assassins caused the fall of constantinople

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I’d rather everyone be a slave than just me be a slave.

>franchise starts with assassins good, templar bad
>by 3 the game starts to put the idea that they're not all bad
>by unity the asscreed games are all pro templar
>Syndicate starts pushing for templars bad again but this time to cartoonish levels
>with Origins, templars are not even a real threat in MD, despite controlling the world, and in the past segment, they're not even a thing yet.
Ubisoft needs to make up its mind with templars already.
Maybe when I play odyssey they'll be a thing again but not cartoon like Syndicate.

its a form of social engineering so that you will hate those people who are genuinely trying to make your lives better so you can be eternal slaves to the elite

just look at all the poor people thinking the rich are on their side