Things that haven't aged well

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I mean, I'm sure it was a good $60 game for the first hour or less.

Maybe it was the game he wanted. I'm sure at least one retard loved it.

tbf he's an idiot.

I do hope he kept that sentiment. I imagine not, knowing how it turned out for most people, but it's always nice when someone is able to enjoy something they were deeply looking forward to.

It's too bad, the idea of an iron man monster hunter sounds really fun. I don't know how they fucked it up so bad.

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It still hurts

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>25th month
Nice fake image.

I'm sure he wanted that sweet sponsor money.

>Guys this game is super fun please watch me stream it and give me a lot of donations and subs.
>Also please mister publishers sir, give me more sponsored streams. I promise to keep saying that your games are good.

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>Showing off a game you want to show to everyone
>Left: Normal people
>Right: Streamers.

This is him literally yesterday

Bahroo is toxic and used MAK for views and is the reason why the borderlands trio split up.

Gothalion and MAK deserve better

This leak being fake was worth it if only for btfo'ing those shadow shitposters.

bahroo is legitimately one of the lowest iq people I've ever seen

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I'm still mad, man.

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How does it feel, bro?

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This is literally taken from reddit.
Why is this allowed?

It will come eventually, atlus just wants to draw it out to imroive sales of the royale.

Are you really wondering how Bioware and EA fucked something up?



user I...

He played Borderlands for years, he's retarded.

nah man, you cant be this dumb

We didn't listen...

It's not too late bro. Don't let your dreams be dreams.

Dear Diary: Remember to congratulate user on his 2 fresh catches.

I'm pissed off that a literal shitstain of a human being like Vergenben is still exploiting the near psychotic needs of the Smash fanbase to stroke his ego.

Man you really should provide more context for us boomers who don't give a fuck about your radicalized consumerism. As far as I can tell, it's in regards to a Smash roster leak but I don't know for which characters and I don't know if it was fake or not. Which character/s was it for and was the leak actually fake?

I remember the general sentiment around the Beta release being, "It's good. Not great, but it's good." The plot, mission structure, and loot mechanics being fucking abysmal were something people wouldn't have been able to discover without playing the full release for a few days.

>thinking me taking the bait wasn't just more bait
come on user

the idea of Iron Man Monster Hunter wasn't something they had until 12 months before release. that's how they fucked it up

Bahroo isn't toxic at all. He's genuinely nice

Dear Diary: Remember to be mad at user for spoiling my little power fantasy...

>muh ebin eceleb drama XD
kys faggot

Streamer is a shill, big surprise.

Didn't he frame that tweet on his wall as a reminder to himself not to get overhyped by game demos?

He should go back to being an Isaacfag. Becoming white twitch trash is fucking pathetic

That one is regarding the Grinch leak.

Yea Forums

If they were making a let's play, I'd rather play the game myself.

I love how when he clicked on the top stream, it was just afk on the "servers are down" prompt

Bahroo is toxic and uses people for views, his nice personality is a smokescreen for his rabid toxicity.


I miss when he played DBD

I will never buy another Sony product non-used ever again
what they did to Kat was disgusting, fuck Sony and fuck Western AAA exclusives

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>a very blurry image with the "perfect roster" turns out to be fake
Seriously, what's wrong with you smashstinkies?

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Wait what did they do to her?

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The cluaterfuck of chaos magic that guy summoned with that one post

Giant bombs first quick look or whstever of fortnite.

Talking about how it's a throwaway attempt to copy pubg and wouldnt catch on at all.

I hate fortnite but still funny to see how wrong "critics" are

What did the grinch even have to do with it?

I hate that shitty fucking emote and his shitty underage fanbase so much.

The first version of Fortnite BR was utter shit.

There was nothing wrong with the game. It's just that only kids wanted an ironman monster hunter. All the adults only wanted to play established IPs like mh, borderlands, destiny or division. Meanwhile kids had no patience for any sort of grinding aspect. So in the end, the game had nothing to cater to. It's just a case of being too late to the party.

To be honest, all the nu-gamers need to kill themselves. The moment they tried to get an easy mode for Sekiro, basically confirmed that these kids are trash and don't deserve videogames.

the "leaks" came from the same source that leaked unseen grinch promotional material

which is why grinch became the face of smash roster leaks

Probably a Shulkfag who got mad that Robin BTFO'd the Gematsu leak before Shulk got in for real.


i still can't get over the fact that any pony has infinitly more porn than bayonetta or 2b. Anita lied to us!

Bahroo is a söylord that thinks Borderlands 3 is god's gift's to gamers while Destiny 2 is a pile of garbage.

Don’t have the images, but the two prereveal DMC5 leaks had everyone calling bullshit.

>Banjodrones had to convince themselves that The Grinch fake was real because then it meant their dead gay bear in Smash was real too

I'm still laughing


>muh adult
you need to be 18 to be on 4chin

>Things that haven't aged well

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No squads, no duos, random ass spray on every weapon, no 60fps on consoles, nothing to unlock, blank looking map.
Yea kids loved it.

But the Destiny 2 is pile of garbage

what was Yea Forums like before pepe?

>20 mins
fucking retards

That’s just mean user

Pepe is older than any of those normie rage faces on the right

Reaction images have been a thing nearly since the beginning but we had more variety instead of endless sadfrog and feelsguy edits.

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when he stopped his burgerlands content because "wahh muh bl frens hate me now cause I'm a faggot" that's when he went down the shithole

>Bahroo is toxic
>Gothalion and MAK deserve better

they're all fake cunts. honestly goth is worse than bahroo tho. they're all fucking faggots

Based team masterkizz reporting

photos taken seconds from disaster

I genuinely don't understand why people wanted this to be real. These were all, aside from Ken and maybe Banjo, such bottom-of-the-barrel picks.
Fucking Shadow? People like Shadow ironically. Knucles, Tails or Metal Sonic would be the ideal Sonic echo. Or Robotnik for a new character.

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look at the top of his head!

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This guy got absolutely RICED, I feel sorry for him


Pepe is about as old as Desu.

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