Is it weird that I'm tempted to buy a PSP even though I already have a Vita...

Is it weird that I'm tempted to buy a PSP even though I already have a Vita? I got it a while ago and hacked it and didn't end up playing it that much. I really should put some PSP RPGs and shit on there but for some reason it doesnt feel the same. It's annoying having to hack my Vita every time I turn it on and it's a huge hassle putting Vita games on it from my PC so I've hardly played much besides Persona 4.

I almost wanna get a PSP because the idea of just loading it with a ton of ROMs and playing all those RPGs appeals to me, but I might not end up playing it that much anyway if I'm not playing my Vita in the first place.

What do you think? And what are some cool PSP and Vita games that I should load onto it.

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Yeah you're right it is weird so dont do it

If you don't play your vita you're not going to play the psp.

Buy Jet Set Radio on Vita.

the vita really only has extremely niche games from japan that you would already know about if it was going to interest you. I bought it at launch and the only games I ended up liking were resistance BS, sly 4, LBP, wipeout 2048, playstation all stars, borderlands 2(i know its a shit port), and the ratchet HD collection.


Didn't the Vita have a sleep mode? Oh well, I don't expect the battery to last many days while sleeping, so I see why one would hack it often, Correct me if i'm wrong.

>It's annoying having to hack my Vita every time I turn it on

Then get another hack.

Like what? I have Henkaku on 3.68 I think. I use the offline email shit

Thanks for replying. Yeah you're right some of the JRPG's appeal to me but they also look all the same and I'm definitely not the kind of person to play all of them. I have a similar experience to you in that I mostly played Sly, God of War, Killzone etc and I was like wait that's about it. What are some good PSP games that I should play on my Vita though?

Doesn't a hacked Vita play any psp game? If so op you are not weird, you're an idiot.

Weird, I have Henkaku and mine works just fine if I switch it off. Modded it about a month ago.

You can literally install a PSP emulator, even boots up like a PSP. Just get a updated version of the henku hack, they've made more strides since whatever the fuck you installed, it's no longer tedious on any version.

Chinatown Wars and the Warriors

is this one very different to the NDS version?

Kinda, i bought a new psp cause my old one broke and i didn't see a reason to sell all 30 games i had just because my old one didn't work.
Also, i sold my ds long ago and my bro sold our (his) gba, so i bought a ds again even though i had 3ds. Ds games are much better to play on ds lite and so are gba games. With psp there isn't much reason though, just sticdk with the vita

>It's annoying having to hack my Vita every time I turn it on

Wut? It's been perma hacked for a while now.

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I complain about Sony a lot and everyone assumes I'm a Nintendofag. The reality is that I'm just still mad as fuck over the PS Vita.

why the fuck are Vitas so expensive I know Sony was shit at supporting it but did it really do that bad

It got hacked and shot up in price. You used to be able to buy PS TVs for $20.

This. And with buying xperia phone, it's a good fucking phone and i still use it but they kept closing shit like ps mobile and other crap like it all just a test.
I bought a ps4 after that but sold it a while ago, just isn't my thing. Rather have ps3 for all ps games.

Kingdom Hearts and Metal Gear Solid

It does.

Play some monster hunter. Patapon and loco roco and some gamesl ike that.

is 2/3 actually good? i would possibly spring for a vita just to replay metal gear instead of getting a ps3

because LOL no more rereleases ever

It has a really good sleep mode.

How would I upgrade my Henkaku then?

Use modoru and downgrade that shit to 3.65 for permanent henkaku/enso.

>It's annoying having to hack my Vita every time I turn it on and it's a huge hassle putting Vita games on it from my PC

You fag. You already get your games for free and you call dumping free games on your vita a huge hassle? Just download pkgj and get an sd2vita with 256gb of microsd you humongous fagglet.

>Shit marketing
>Sony apparently gave review/journalism sites models that didn't allow them to play the discs some devs would use send early copies
>Lack of actual first party games after launch
>Killed support quickly
Did they want the Vita to die?

theyre literally retarded they didnt want it to die

the only reason ps4 won this gen was microsoft literally shooting themselves in the foot a good 5-10 times. Sony is fucking retarded now

Apart from Persona 4 Golden and maybe FFX, what are the go-to JRPGs or TRPGs for the Vita?

Sometimes I enjoy playing on PSP3000. I like the clicky shoulder buttons and bigger face buttons compared to the Vita.

But if you already have the entirety of the Vita and PSP libraries and you dont play them I cant see why you would buy a PSP.

The western end of Sony particularly seemed disinterested in the Vita, if not outright hostile. Black Ops Declassified, a rushed game made in 8 months that could've been a killer app with more time, flopped and they basically gave up on it then.

How can anyone enjoy the flat back of the 2000/3000 compared to the nice curved one of the 1000.
I've tried the slims but the 1000 feels the best and is the model I have.

what really killed the vita was
>retardedly expensive proprietary memory cards
>third party support consisted mainly of ports and multiplats, meaning most people had no reason to buy one
you look at the PSP, major devs like square, rockstar and capcom would put out multiple major first party releases and almost every one would turn out to be a big hit, meanwhile their output on the vita was mostly ports

If you have the Vita hacked, then you could install adrenaline which is a PSP emulator. It actually runs really well in my experience.

It does. About the only major drawback, aside from the obvious of having to use a clean 2x scale, is that it lacks certain hardware that some homebrew like the N64 emulator lean on. It doesn't matter for any commercial software though.

I hacked my vita the other day and I want to know if there's any good dating sims in english I can play. I was looking at this game called thousand arms and the reviews were pretty decent. If anyone's played i'd like to hear your thoughts

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Anyone emulate GBA games on your Vita? What program do you use and how well does it work?
Yeah that's what I mean, something about the style, form factor, even the Nub appeals to me for games like Trails in the Sky and Y's and shit, but in the end I'll just stick with my Vita.

MGS2 and 3 are one of the best games of their era.

i have a slim for dat TV out
I don't think I'd play it often if it was strictly a portable

Doing the touch screen mini games is gone but in return there's a few extra missions which are pretty funny.

Also better quality music, more stations, and the visuals are slightly bumped up for better lighting effects like police sirens lightning up areas.

>retardedly expensive proprietary memory cards
No one cared about that. They literally sold consoles along with a memory card after couple months.

im talking about the ports ive already played them

Meant for

Downgrade to 3.60 enso