What's your favorite Rhythm Heaven game?

What's your favorite Rhythm Heaven game?

Attached: ChooseOne.jpg (1447x745, 263K)

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The one where it does the bing bing BONG uh choo uh choo uh uh choo

Left if I must choose but I want the strengths of both at once.


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Left is better in every way.

Now combine those two together
Hourglass>>all other body shapes
A woman with big tits and no ass is an ugly unicorn that barely exsists.
A woman with big ass and no tits is incomplete.
Anyone who disagrees failed as a man.

My man!



id still take flat chest with thick butt and thighs

If you don't pick right you're objectively a faggot.

Attached: Flat.png (1113x456, 175K)

For me, it's right

How about no ass and no tits?

right is objectively better
if you're slightly retarded you can just get breast implants

Why are men such faggots about this? A complete woman is a good woman.

You can also just get ass implants
Or don't get implants because those are disgusting.

ass implants don't fix the manly hips

My sweet and lushious bride!

>when you're trying to have an argument and a fucking idort shows up
get out

Right is objectively superior. If you like tiddies more than ass and you’re a grown man, you’re basically a closet homosexual.

Breast implants don't fix the manly chest
Implants never fix anything. I'd take a 2x4 over a silicone whore.

Die faggot


>When you compare shit to shit and the guy bringing the objectively best option bursts your bubble

>manly chest
.. its just flat right? a pair of good teardrop implants are pretty realistic these days

No, it means you don't have a scat fetish.

>The guy that likes a complete woman
Never stop being retarded homos.

Sure: why not.

Attached: no-tits-no-ass.jpg (715x741, 108K)

Small tits with a thick ass is way sexier than big tits and big ass though. You can appreciate the ass more on the first girl and her all around shape will just look better. Having both is childish.

Flat chests are a mans chest. It's not about realism it's about body destruction.

somehow better than no ass fat tits, naft looks mutant, this just looks under developed

ok ok croist, im not saying i endorse it, i even said >if you're slightly retarded you can just get breast implants
so i feel like we agree but youre just being a dick

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>Having both is childish.
No it's called a mature and woman. A girl with a fat ass and no tits is incomplete. A girl with big tits and no ass is so rare that it doesn't exsist.

Pear bodyshape is a meme for kids who want to be special.

gigantic ass with flat as fuck chest is the best fetish

especially if you throw shortstack into the mix, then it can't be beat

Attached: just right.png (500x567, 97K)

now listen here you little faggot, OP has 2 options, tits or ass, pick from the options or fuck off


Define no tits. Because I don’t think a single woman with a fat ass is flat chested. They would have regular sized breasts are slightly small ones, and that’s perfect to be honest. Also you don’t have to be a mature woman to have both. Only childish men want both huge tits and ass.

It's like picking a car with only the front two wheels or the back two wheels. It's a stupid fucking argument about incomplete things.
Now shut up and see the light faggot!

Now that she looks on-model I can fap to her.

>Only childish men want both huge tits and ass.
>Your a kid for wanting the best
Cuck opinion.
What I mean with no tits is the actual flat chest meme. Any woman is better with both big tits and big ass.

its like picking a sports car or a crossover, you either get performance or practicality
get your analogies right you retarded little child

>no dick

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No your analogie analosucks. These are not two different things. There two parts of a whole.
You get the complete thing or not at all.

I love tits but I'd rather a girl with a nice big ass. Tits get bigger after they have children anyway so you'd end up with a girl with decent tits and a massive ass.

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so that would be like asking for a performance crossover.
but this motherfucking dealer doesnt have a performance crossover so youre going to have to pick a sports card or a crossover
christ im getting baited so hard, fuck you and fuck this thread, im out

we gonna talk about rhythm heaven lads?

>He is this fucking dumb
Two parts of a whole you idiot. You're the faggot who wants something incomplete.

> people talking about ass when really it's all about the hips
There's a reason why
Look better than left and it's the hip ratio since you can't even judge the ass as it's not in view.

>A woman with big tits and no ass is an ugly unicorn that barely exsists.

Not watched much JAV, I take it?

Now make her a loli

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Never seen a RH thread sruvive 50 replies. Our one moment in the sun was during the grinch leaks, but since then the franchise has been totally forgotten.

The worst part is all theattention warioware gets, despite being an objectively inferior franchise in every possible way.

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when are we gettin a new game?

>Japanese "women"
I raugh

You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.

Attached: Peak performance.webm (640x800, 693K)

Bestiality is illegal

>not hourglass
Maybe this is nigger peak. A real woman can do better.

tits are for cowards and beta cucks. real men know the only things that matter are HIPS and ASS.

>how to know a post was made by an american

I meant her body type, tranny sperglord.

Niggers evolved on open plains where legwork is really important, that's why they have a thing for big glutes and thighs. Europeans evolved in a mostly cold environment where snuggling up to a big titted woman was good for warmth at night.

That's like 3 levels of triggered right there

Read the thread.
Hourglass or bust. Stop wanting incomplete things.

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Shut the fuck up, retard. Big hips and flat chest is prime.

>says la criatura

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Why so mad tho?

no hablo espanol, faggot.

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>Stop wanting incomplete things.
Quiet you

Kill yourself pedo

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You'd discuss over buying a house without windows or without doors. Meanwhile people with more than 4 braincells realize the discussion is dumb, buy a complete house.

It's more like insisting a house isn't complete if it has a great master bathroom up stairs, but not a finished basement. If all the basement is to you is a place to keep your shit, then it doesn't matter.

Ive banged both busty and flat girls. Busty is so much better. No argument will change my mind.
Also seesaw, hole in one, and dog ninja are my 3 favorites

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Two parts of a whole. A woman is incomplete if she doesn't have both.


Make her smaller too

>no Rhythm Heaven character in Smash

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Cope grinchy

I want the left side because I hate censorship.


Small tits and wide hips isn't censored.

I need them wide hips senpai

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I feel you

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>it's actually a really goodly shopped photo

Holy shit.

Birthing hips > Tits > Ass

Screwbot Factory
Air Rally
Wii Remix 9

>Wii Remix 9

Attached: 1434643210522.gif (854x480, 1.78M)

MILF >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else

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Legal in Finland.

why are rhythm heaven threads so shit

Hairy milf with used looking vaginas and loose buttholes are perfect.

medium-sized tits but wide hips, best of both worlds without being completely unrealistic

t. Angry chestlet

In this case OP pic was more interesting than the thread.

this is false.

>without being completely unrealistic
None of us are getting laid anyway so we might as well have some fun with being unrealistic.

can you give her both now?

The right one, clearly.

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Right of course.

the left looks kinda off


based and redpilled

Right because I'm not a faggot

make her dress green and hair blonde

Good God, niggress in white lingerie destroys my dick

> A girl with big tits and no ass is so rare that it doesn't exsist.
Have you never watched a gravure?

The OP is shit.
I was expecting an actual RH discussion.

time for dindins

Attached: dindins ready.jpg (1200x900, 284K)