Have you heard anything about those Cumans in Sigismund's army?
Have you heard anything about those Cumans in Sigismund's army?
what's the best combat mod?
is this a good game for someone who's reeling from the witcher 3 and doesn't know what game to play?
If you like realism it's definitely the go-to, it's the closest medieval vidya has ever been to 100% realism. You get the same sense of exploring a world as TW3. The combat is kind of cheeseable but not actively horrible.
fuck off /pol/ pissbabies
yeah it's pretty fun.
It's better than the witcher but much jankier
i can handle jank
I think I'l check it out, thank you friends.
The gameplay is almost as bad and the writing decidedly worse, but the concept is the same - interactive movie with an inconsequential open world tacked on in which you can get bored between the cutscenes.
>tfw you finally level up enough to start whooping Bernard's ass
progression in this game is so satisfying
Good to see you Henry
The game is entirely playable without quest markers, if you're that kind of hardcore dude.
Once you max out any of the combat stats the game becomes a cake walk. It’s satisfying at first but the game doesn’t have any challenging people to fight at that point
I suggest a lobotomy if you were impressed by witcher 3
Hey everyone Henry’s come to see us
>you don't get better, your character's numbers just go up and then you start winning
Great fucking design for a first person action game. That's what turn based combat is for.
No you got better, you learn the systems. You can kill anyone at level 1 if you git gud
>Stats are bad in real-time games
Go back to playing multiplayer games and turnbased games exclusively, faggot.
Yeah and it's only gonna take 4 hours, after you kited them on a horse to separate them from their group.
That's how RPGs are supposed to work
It's alright, combat feels kinda weird. For maximum realism i suggest some war games with minimal plot, i had issues with cumans in that game (i'm tatar, those are muh ancestors) medievalists.net
Yes they're bad when they're the (nearly) sole factor in determining the outcome. Makes the player's efforts superficial.
I hate to point to Souls but look at Souls. Enemies don't get extra chance to block or parry because they're higher level than you, you're not blocked off from specific moves, chance to hit is not determined by dice rolls.
None of that is true for KC:D either. As your warfare stat goes up you swing or stab faster and your windows of oppourtunity for making counter-hits get wider.
don't get fucking smart with me you thick fucking cunt. fuck off.
lmao I love it that's just my jank
You didn't say that for Skyrim.
fucking liar FUCK OFF
You don't get counter-hits on level 1.
You can if you are still at level 1 by that point in the story you can start training with the guy
Nice try faggot, the buildings have moved as a result of an earthquake and are now on a slope and the character is tilting his head to compensate.
Think something like that happened in Portugal once
Yeah, Czechia is notorious for its earthquakes and volcanic activity.
>Czechia is notorious for its earthquakes and volcanic activity.
It literally is faggot.
>a few pounds of meat are worth more than entire villages
>Henry goes from peasant to veteran knight in a few days
Being the Marshal's favorite does wonders. It's like that in real life as well.
Think I might replay when all the DLC is out, what a great fucking game.
I played halfway through but got burned out. Will try again when I can get the DLC on the cheap.
>magnitudes of up to 4.4
oh wow it's fucking nothing
if you say so user. protip: you don't need to try and save face when you're anonymous
Henry has mad connects yo.
Considering that the meat is illegal to get in most situations, yes. That shit was expensive
>oh wow it's fucking nothing
No user, it's a swarm of earthquakes.
I mean can you imagine living somewhere where earthquakes come in fucking SWARMS?
Also i'm not sure what's funnier, you taking my original and obvious as fuck shitpost seriously, or being so fucking retarded that you didn't know the area has always been plagued by earthquakes.
Either way you're a fucking retard.
why don't cuman's speak cuman? it was too early for them to become hungarianized to the degree they no longer speak their language
but I appreciate the accurate use of hungarian, this is like the only game not made by hungarians to have correctly pronounced hungarian dialogue, fucking Skullface from MGSV and Jorge from Halo Reach are an embarrasing foreign attempt, it's ching chong bok tier
>gypsy hovels falling over a fart
literally, if your buildings fall at anything under 7 degrees magnitude, you are in a thirld world country. neck yourself faggot
whatever you need to tell yourself user
Is it just me or did performance get noticeably worse? I played it a month after it released and it ran fine with mostly high settings and a bit of LoD/shadows tweaking, but I tried starting a new playthrough yesterday and it fucking ran like ass even when inside your starting house.
Hahaha, how the fuck do your buildings fall over at 4 degrees ahahha, like nigger stop building with sticks.
>swarm of earthquakes
nigger do you even into geology?
not that user, sorry if people laugh at your third world shithole.
Nice game, but honestly, i would rather play as cuman.
And suddenly I have an overpowering urge to try and play as superhero Henry, haunting the night as a fist-fighting shadow of justice, while trying to live a normal life as simple Henry.
I just know it would instantly be ruined by janky mechanics and 'fame'. Would ruint he effect to be skulking around the shadows only for someone to go 'Ohhhh, 'ello Henry!"
The game takes place about two hundred years after their escape to Hungary, so I'd expect them to be quite hungarised. They were part of the Habsburg force as early as 1278 as well.
i dont think theres ever been an earthquake here
Brown people, In a kingdom come thread? No sir get them out of here
God's be praised, a Kingdom Come thread!
Anyone exited for the A Woman's Lot DLC?
Can't wait to churn some butter and wash some clothes.
Slovaks and hugnarians are pretty brown often and no, those aren't gypsies, i studied in Prague for about 5 years.
>The Cheb area is known as the one with most frequent earthquakes in the country, which, however, have always been relatively mild, never having a devastating character.
Not sure what you're trying to prove here, user.
>The earthquake area in Cheb is one of the most active in Central Europe. Seismic upheavals occur regularly, but even the strongest shocks have only ever caused cracked walls or collapsed chimneys.
>You will never play a modern A Dance with Rogue style adventure of a weak young girl trying to survive in a harsh world of predators both financial, monster, and man
It hurts bros.
That said hopefully this DLC 'fixes' that aweful truncated romance path. You should be allowed and pushed to marry Theresa. Especially if you are well-off and tumbled her.
>faggot implies earthquakes dont happen in the area
>user proves they do
>faggot implies 4.4 is nothing
>user proves its not
Why do enemies have infinite stamina?
Shotgun weddings weren't that common in medieval times. They fucked constantly, usually out of wedlock. The whole era was extremely sexual. because what the fuck else are you going to do all day without internet and estrogen in the tap water.
If a local lad fucked a local girl, it didn't matter unless she got pregnant. In which case the family of the girl could either demand a wedding or compensation for losing labour and getting an additional mouth to feed.
Did they get rid of limited save system? So far it's been the only turn off for me
There was never an earthquake that did serious damage to property in Bohemia, retard.
Yeah, it saves when you sleep and when major story events happen. Also save on logout. You can still save manually in the field but it requires schapps.
>did they get rid of the save system?
>yes, but it's still the same
There's a mod which slows down skill progression, I forget its name, but it keeps things interesting for a lot longer before, and as you point out, it becomes too easy.
>You can still save manually in the field but it requires schapps
That was the thing i didn't like, i guess they never gonna get rid of it. Is there mod for that?
Nothing I'd like to talk about
Grow up and have sex
Its unfixable
I already had sex with your mom before growing up
I you thought Witcher combat was meh then you haven't seen this. At first I couldn't beat anyone or anything but once I got the parry ability I basically couldn't lose anymore.
Just mod it in. The game is broken, you will get inescapably stuck on scenery more than once, and die in combat due to bullshit. Riding for 20 minutes to retry an encounter isn't fun the first time, let alone the 10th. And alchemy for the save potion is BRAIN MELTINGLY BORING.
I don't believe they do, there's a number of times after a flurry of attacks that I eventually break through my opponent's blocks as their stamina gives out.
Parry doesn't do shit except let you not get hit for less stamina. The enemy will still block whatever counter you try, effectively leading back to square one. Unless you're higher level than them, in which case it doesn't matter what you do, you'll win.
Not sure if parry was the right word, but there was that ability that if you time it right you would basically get a hit in for free and it never missed for me
Oh yeah, that. Sure, that would cost them about 10% of their stamina which they would immediately regenerate. If they even have stamina.