Paladin-chan is going to drop Demon princess in the holy water, what do Yea Forums?

Paladin-chan is going to drop Demon princess in the holy water, what do Yea Forums?

Attached: Demon_princess.png (782x709, 13K)

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jack off


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Argue that Jesus wouldn't want this.
Then propose to the Demon Princess and we'd both be husband and wife in the EYES OF GOD.
Paladin-Chan can officiate.

I start clapping as she does it.

Ask if she pees holy water!

Fuck the water and make it unholy.

Suffer not the demon, the witch, the mutant. Cut the rope or I will.

Cute the wire, catch the demon, catch the paladin, and force both to ______ ___________ _____ ____

take a shit in the water, now it's unholy water. that's how those edgelords who listen to ttoo much marylin manson make unholy water at "black mass" anyway, they just put all kinds of filth in it. then uh, hope the demon woman can summon hell hounds or something so paladin chan don't kill me lole

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cringe and bluepilled

based and redpilled

shes supposed to cut the wire that she's next to you dumbass

Let her. Deus vult.

neutral and purple pilled

Walk away. If we were talking about Demon Princess(male) then I'd actually try.

how did the paladin untie her from there?

>point out that a true paladin would have just smote the demon rather than building an elaborate system of pulleys to torment it
>conclude that this can only mean the paladin has fallen from grace and has lost her divine power
>suggest she needs a new master to serve, like a demon princess
>seal the infernal contract with a threeway

eat all the eggs

Freeze spell.

Okay, so, not everything's going to be loaded in properly, but if I got the clip right, we're just going to drop pass the trigger entirely and skip this puzzle. This should save about 35 seconds.

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Which option leads to sex?

What, did she super jump to where the demon was just to cut the rope?

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All the ones I’m interested in

throw a kunai inside paladins eye
save the demon princess
rape the demon and the paladins corpse

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Power strike.

Isn't that supposed to be a larvae? It does not need a host by default.

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Turn Paladin-Chan into a demon.

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Sit and watch, paladin chan is doing the right thing

This is the best idea so far.

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she doesnt belong in this world, let her die

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I appreciate the effort, have a (you)

Too much asparagus.

Taint the water with my semen so it is no longer holy

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Translation when?

>cum in holy water
>sexually enchants holy water
>anyone bathing or drinking it becomes spiritually devoted to your seed
>your seed is precious and wasting even a single drop is sacrilege

the final redpill

i tried

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Real thing:
>cum in holy water
>water is no longer holy due to a deadly sin destroying it
>demon doesnt die from it
>she gets soaked in your cum and kills the paladin
>the end

>cum into the holy water
>It's not holy anymore

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Don't know, but the first one got translated.

Piss is sterile and 95%-98% water.

Peeing into holy water doesn't stop it from being holy water especially since there isn't enough materials in your piss to completely dilute the vast amount of water in it previously.

Good job

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N words are funny

Forgot to add
>I'll take my government sanctioned sex or IOU voucher now.

Yeah but jerking off works.
Lust is a bad sin afterall and doing just that to save a demon is gonna ruin it

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semi related do you have the age is a spoon pic

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Le stick face xDDD

I know that. Guess i will keep waiting for the second. If another mge game is made i hope it gets translated faster.

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Throw down my pants and take a big shit in the holy water to corrupt it

I'm an adherent of the law path so i cheer on the paladin

based loyalistposter

I pull out my dick and jack off

I help her.

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By preparing to stab her?


>Nobody has tried to save the demon yet
Im disappointed in all of you, where is your respect for life?

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based and crusaderpilled

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>Literal embodiments of corruption and evil
>deserving of pity

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Are you forgetting all the posts tainting the holy water so she doesnt die from it?

Don't demons just pop back up in hell when you destroy them on earth anyway?

Because THOTS need patrolling

Depends on the kind of demon, most of them and the weak ones dont since the "Church" can get rid of them permanently but most are sealed for that reason.


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You cannot save someone made out of evil as their very existence is cursed from their conception

Based. If she floats, fish her out and burn her for witchcraft.
Or go full Belmont and smite the demon myself with a holy whip.

I can't into art well, so requestan an idea I had.
Demon Princess + Paladin Fusion.

The fuck is that?

Shit new forced meme.

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wait for it to fall off the cliff duh

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I'd save her if she was a cute witch girl, but no, she's a demon

But what is it?


I can't tell with all that hair, is the crusader an elf? it's absolutely important and affects my choice.

Now she can fall back to hell and all can live happily ever after.

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>Paladin-chan is going to drop Demon princess in the holy water, what do Yea Forums?
Paladin starts with a p and so does person so shes obviously a human

uh girls cant be paladins

>implying they would allow a knife ear into the ranks.

Suffer not the heretic to live.

But what if.

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How do I marry the Paladin and pump her full of my seed?

made me smile

You don't as she's already engaged with God

what if her god is one of those faggot tree gods elves love?

How can I at least hold her hand?

i would unironically kill myself if I was a smibbly bibbly british nigger. j/s'n

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Got a licence for that hate speech you cheeky wanker?

Dunk Paladin-chan in the water, happily ever after with Demon princess.

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Well Yea Forums?

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I'm from UP Michigan next to the only uni in these parts so I have internet, wood and gas burning heat, electric AC, and 1/3rd of the planet's fresh water at ME FINGA TAPES MA8TE

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>fps on a console
i gotta agree with the crusader on this one

fuck you for making me laugh at this stupidity

can I play oddjob? his hat is fun.

>Can't we settle this with a game of Golden Eye?
Bitch is going to pick Oddjob, I fucking know it.
Throw her in.


Behold, the duality of man. the struggle of personal morality and the laws set down by religion and law.

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maybe it's all they have in hell you can't blame her.

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>Paladin-chan is going to drop Demon princess in the holy water, what do Yea Forums?
I blackmail them both and get a threesome

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what type of deamon?

this is an important detail.

I lold user

>gamer demon discovering the utility of mouse and keyboard for the first time and is amazed

fund it artists.


Can black people really do that?

>it redeems her into the angelic master race
>And enTHICCens her ten fold!

1000 hours ms paint

Attached: damsel_cont.gif (782x709, 152K)

It's right there in English.

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fucking A-fags

based and angel pilled

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but the question is why does paladin look so angry still.

She's angry at herself for keeping a servant of God tied up

based wizardchad
>needing a god for power

she's just in it to kill people

Hop in user, the water is warm

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Is Demon Princess a Japanese-style demon where they are just regular people but huge sluts with sex magic or is she a Western-grimdark-style demon where she is invariably evil and can only subsist on consuming the souls of the innocent? This is important.

It ain't a spoon

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(x) Combo

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The course is clear then. Become God.



Yes, i've seen it with my own eyes
it only takes 3 black guys and 30 seconds to steal an entire pool of water with their dicks

Tell her not to cut the line.
Lower her in instead.

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Assist her by slicing the rope and expediting the process.

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I'm black can confirm.



I can't figure out anything that would end in a threesome.

benis xDD
in bagina :DDD

[Glass Her]

actually laughed, nice one

this, demons need to be exterminated

I don't understand? Is this in support of child rape? cause consent is also a spook.

tfw no demon gf

The paladins looks hotter, desu. Though, I'd still ask her if she knows any dragons around.

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>takes so long the thread is gonna die
uncensored version:

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Nothing and just watch. Female screams kind of turn me on.

Actually underrated.

Here is your order of (you)


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12/10 user

I laughed out loud. Based speedrunner user

don't die yet


ebin post

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But but.. no it should have work.

Pull out my dick and start stroking it to get the blonde horny, then bring the demon over to the other side and fuck both of them hard.

>purify her by way of holy matrimony
>she has 5 kids with you and they're all devout churchgoers

Why is girlcum leaking out through their legwear so fucking hot, even in shitty mspaint stuff?


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The paladin found the demon like this.


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Based and blackpilled.

Me when I play DQ3

hug and marry Paladin-chan


>Directed by M. Night Shamalamadingdong

>it's raining
>space cowboy

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ok zoomer

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This made me grimace.

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Perform wholesome lovemaking with paladin and when she refuses then free demon, and use enslave demon spell and then perform wholesome lovemaking with demon.

I don't remember outright... Goldeneye had headshots right? Wouldn't Oddjob be really easy to headshot if your left your aim at neutral?

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you wouldn't try doing something weird with paladin-chan

would you?

I tarzan swing with the demon to crash her on top of the paladin, for maximum lewdness, I make them hold hands. The demon princess is quick to recognize this.

I like that jump.


The corruption of champions solution.

Non violent way

Attached: Yes yes waste of time ok haha.jpg (782x709, 105K)

>they're both shitty waifus
Walk away.

>no wg/expansion gif

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can't she just fly the moment the rope gets cut

it's holy rope


The user slip they call it

I inform Paladin-chan of the offscreen purification and brainwashing machine. She agrees to let her down. 10 minutes later I have an angelic gf. The Demon princess nows serves our Lord and Savior.

I clearly don't have the gear to help her or stop her either way, so bottle some of it up and walk off I guess.

underrated post

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reversed-roles version when


Paladin is dead.

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This is the kind of quality I like to see.

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I'm glad you like it, user. I spent a solid 2 minutes thinking of what I wanted to do.