Dark Souls

>kill rat
>drops humanity
Is there any lore behind it?

Attached: rat.png (1169x857, 144K)

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Rats eat human corpses

>not having humanity
Just look at them, something that cute bound to have humanity in them

Woah never thought about that

theyre jews

Is there a source to pic related? I've seen it in some videos but was confused on why a weird looking hamster was looking at the camera with a loud as fan is in the background

All the corpses in Dark Souls look charred/greyed
They look like they're full of disease
That they are

Attached: jew rat.jpg (604x604, 40K)

Rats and dogs eat dead bodies and absorb the humanity
A similar effect is in Dark Souls 3 where when you kill an enemy you absorb the flame inside them and it replenishes one of your estus charges

El raton is more human than most of Yea Forums

Attached: 1557108573505.webm (198x360, 2.76M)

Attached: 1556660514146.png (1024x862, 1.15M)