Which vidya game character could beat Steve Blackman in a fight?

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Any low-tier prelim fighter in the UFC games.

My custom wrestler from WWF No Mercy.

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I heard Brutus the Barber Beefcake mopped this dude around Sandusky Ohio once for looking at him out the side of his face. Terrible story.

thanks for responding to my thread friends.

bullshit man, no-one fucked with blackman, brutus couldn't even wipe his own ass out of fear of haku, blackman or harley race shovin' a full entire foot up his ass you goddamn better believe it.

Blackman and Ken Shamrock were based. Shame they couldn't play the game, or even realize one was being played

Ken Shamrock was a victim of peaking in the wrong era. had he been born in the 70s or 80s he'd have been a megastar today.

>that story where ken shamrock was ripping the shit outta blackman after JBL gave him a hard time
>blackman got out of the car and tried to kick jbl's face off, jbl apologised and lived to fuck another sob

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I hate JBL so goddamn much. He sounds like every dickhead bully you'd never wanna meet.

JBL was a fucking douche. Remember when he stiffed that fat ECW dude during the ECW revival? Blue Meanie or some shit. That dude's friend had a match against JBL the next week and completely botched a chair shot on purpose in retaliation, hitting him with the edge of the hard steel chair at full force, opening up a huge gash on the fag's face.

Truly a feelgood moment.

I know I was just kidding. Brutus was a little cream puff.

Literally one of the last times he was a douchebag bully.

I heard about that. How about how when the Miz started, people bullied him because he "didn't pay his dues" like the others in the locker room, but there's a story Miz tells about JBL bullying him relentlessly, like making him get changed in hallways instead of the locker room, and other stuff I can't even remember.

Green screen

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man stevie stiffed him right on the edge of that one.
fuck jbl

>In battle, it possesses the ability for the ultimate force, "Alpha inForce", which instantaneously replays the battle's past, so you can't grasp how many attacks it actually unleashed, only the final blow that brought down the opponent.

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>Steve Blackman
>is white

this is the most confusing thing since I found out Armond White was black

How about how Gary Oldman was a young man while Henny Youngman was an old man? Crazy shit.

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A reminder Gary Oldman is the only truly great Bong actor. The others coast off of Americans' obsession with British accents, but he can actually act.

Attached: gary-oldman-as-stansfield-in-the-professional.jpg (1919x813, 113K)

Christian Bale's a Bong. He's so good that you'd never notice.

>christian bale
>malcolm mcdowell
>ian mckellen
>christopher lee
>patrick stewart
>peter cushing

I always find it impressive when an actor sounds like any other American actor, then I find out later they're not. I can think of Hugh Jackman in X-Men, and Idris Elba when I saw him in the Office and that newer Alien movie.