Remember when Keiji Inafune tried to make a video game, movie, television series, based on a rip-off of Mega Man?

Remember when Keiji Inafune tried to make a video game, movie, television series, based on a rip-off of Mega Man?

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Yes. Yes I do.
I'm so glad I never put much stock in Inafune. Damn near fucking ruined everything with his push to westernize Capcom's video games and making them using second string western developers

That you Tidus?

I mean I feel like we're still in the mire of 'original creators' begging for shit to make ripoffs of their own stuff. Maybe not in 2020.

UnIronically it could be more Megaman than the current Megaman cartoon

The issue is that these guys don't wanna go to mobile game hell or to retire, so they are trying one last desperate push to get out of that. Begging and pandering to western fans is one way.

How did Mighty No 9 happen? I can understand Yooka-Laylee a bit because Banjofags had been waiting 17 years for a new game and were obviously desperate. But Megaman had a new game only a few years prior. How did they become so utterly convinced that Megaman was dying and that they needed this game to save the series? Did Street Fighter x Tekken really shake people up that badly?

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Yeah, what happened to the rest of those?

Everyone, even MM fans ignored the NDS games. And the Zero and NDS games felt like their own thing, totally disconnected from MM. Aestetically tey didn't look like MM. It felt like there hadn't been a "real" MM game in years.

The series was in a slump, and there was a string of MM games that got quickly cancelled and Inafune was kicked out of Capcom. Fans were enraged. MM Legends 3 being cancelled was the biggest blow.

There was a feeling that the series could be revived and the fans wanted a MM rennaisance from the "creator of the series". Not only did people believe Inafune was the series creator, but somehow he got 100% credit for creating/designing/writing/directing all the good MM games but somehow not the crummy ones. So the fans had this way overblown view of Inafune.

MIsmanagement. Inti Creates having no competent director, no developers who knew how to work with Unreal Engine, no knowledge of C++. Lack of source control. No proper design documents. Spending too much money on marketing.

Where is inafune now?

after the whole red ash debacle i guess he fell off the face of the earth, but didn't mn9 actually come out long after that?

His 6 companies all went bankrupt, with the last one, Comcept, got absorbed into a chinese one, Level-5.

They have gone completely dark since 2016.

He's unironically making chinese mobile games now.

>chinese one, Level-5.


To add, he was last seen working on a mobile game, which has not seen much activity either. Looks like he just couldn't escape dev hell.

>current Megaman cartoon

Last known sighting of Mr. Keiji Inafune. A broken man. He smiles, but you can tell he's dead inside.

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I don't understand this image
His cheeks smile but his lips frown.

The sign of a broken man. He wants to cry.

>Megaman, Resident Evil 2, Dead Rising
What? I didn't know he was involved in Resident Evil 2 at all.

>What? I didn't know he was involved in Resident Evil 2 at all.

Promotion producer. Pretty minor stuff.

>that one guy who donated around $200 to the Kickstarter and never played any of the Mega Man games
I you're reading this thread you fag

Didn't all of level 5s mobile games go under?

>ripoff of megaman
remember when everyone here was dickriding what was advertised from the very beginning and designed from the ground up to be not-megaman? that was never the issue, it turning out shit was

>the spin off crossover with Gunvolt turned out way better than the actual main game

Fate worse than death. I almost feel bad considering the worst thing he did was have an ego and be inadequate, I don't think any of the MN9 mismanagement was malicious and I say this as a regretful backer

Some did, but they had enough money to field Switch games now.


After MML Cancelation and Inafune leaving Capcom. MM fans were pissed off and donated to Keiji for MM-esque games.

Donating money to an experienced game dev doesn't sound bad on paper, so I really cant blame ppl for doing so. But ppl dont know about game development and the process that goes through it. Simply throwing money at things =/= better game production

In all fairness, the cartoon wasn't his idea, but pitched to him by the company you see at the end. That's why it doesn't show much, is vague on any story details, and only features stuff that had been shown in kickstarter updates up to that point. Inafune just took it up thinking the game was gonna be a huge hit and this would go along with all of his other plans.

I'd say the most embarrassing thing in here was the "Coming Soon" text at the end. Maybe the studio was being cheeky, but once the thing got any sort of serious thumbs up by Inafune they should've cut that out. They didn't even know where this damn thing was going to air yet, and obviously never got an ounce of production off the ground or even a pilot.

Probably wants to avoid being seen by the public gaming community after the whole mm9 trainwreck.

The big thing was that after Inafune left Capcom they essentially went scorched Earth on the brand and managed to drum up some of the worst PR possible in the process. It cannot be understated how much they were pissing off everyone and their mother at the time. Shit like pic related, a sudden surge in consumer unfriendly practices like on-disc DLC, refusing release fan favorite games outside Japan, western reboots, literally the entire existence of DmC: Devil May Cry. Capcom fans were miserable and along comes Inafune, who most people aren't yet aware was the cause of a multitude of Capcom's problems, and he's promising to revive something they love on his own terms. Combine that with Fangamer's excellent management of the actual Kickstarter campaign, which hadn't gone through the Dyna Saga yet, and it was a perfect storm for an entire fanbase to get caught up in.

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Hopefully Bloodstained will avoid the same fate.

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Same fucking thing. Go back to your shitch

People remain optimistic, one month before release. COTM turned to be quite good for a sub project.

>Hopefully Bloodstained will avoid the same fate.

Think of the game as a polished turd. The game has all the same problems as MN9, and Iga realized like 2 years ago it's too late to back out, so he just tried his best to fix it. The results are a flawed mess of a game that'll be decent enough.

The major difference between the two is that Bloodstained's devs have kept up constant communication with backers and fans, using places like Castlevania Dungeon and the fan-turned-official forum anyone can join as a way to find and address feedback. And they've ACTUALLY been addressing the damn feedback. Gameplay feels solid, pretty much exactly what the game was sold as, and the delays so far have shown improvements to the visuals which has been the major sticking point with people at every update.

It's not like Mighty No. 9 where the gameplay and visual both felt off since day one and those complaints were never addressed.

I do not know about that. Gameplay of the beta was good, in my opinion. The worst thing about Bloodstained is the graphics, but that can be subjective.

Both MN9 and BS were the brainchild of Ben Judd, who was agent to both Iga and Inafune. He organized the kickstarter, and organized everything. I do wonder if he was the one to push Unreal Engine.

In any case, the kickstarters, and projects were setup the same. Inti-Creates, using Unreal Engine, with creative imput from an old dev, and the games emulate the famous series. The problems begin when Inti-Creates had no experienced programmers and understanding of Unreal Engine. This is all online rumors and heard from a friend of a friend type things, so take it as you will. But they thought Unreal was easy mode, and only knew how to use GUI control for it rather than deeper programming of it.

Basically throw an unfamilliar engine at a dev, and they will flounder. The Engine unfamilliarity led to the game's level design being very simple, as well as the grpahics. And then it was to be ported to a million systems, including Android, 3DS, and Vita.

So MN9 comes out and fllounders. Meanwhile, Iga is working with Inti and sees how bad MN9 turned out. Inti is likely telling him it'll be okay, but he sees how MN9 turned out so he fires Inti. Then that sent the project into a huge mess and he's had to hire several devs. This is probably the best outcome that could have come without cancelling the project or starting over. So again, flawed polished turd.

>This game comes out and spits in MN9's face
That said it conflicts me. Mega Man 11 is fucking beautiful in its design, it is classic Mega Man tuned and polished to near-perfection. But it's too safe. No budget, no risks, no marketing, nothing really too new about it. A big fat "11" in the title making sure it's an active repellent to any non-fan that hears about it.

So, it probably did average numbers if that and thus Capcom still considers Mega Man too risky to go all out on like their other IPs not realizing that they sabotage the series themselves with their hesitation.

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You're still missing the part where people who have played Bloodstained are actually enjoying it. Which isn't how it went with Mn9.

>Both MN9 and BS were the brainchild of Ben Judd

While most what you say sounds plausible, do you have a single source for this claim? Seems like Inafune and Igarashi betting everything on a FUCKING TRANSLATOR WITH NO DEV EXPERIENCE is a bit ludicrous. I can see him being useful for a KS campaign, but being the mastermind behind the projects? That is beyond silly.

>Seems like Inafune and Igarashi betting everything on a FUCKING TRANSLATOR WITH NO DEV EXPERIENCE is a bit ludicrous.

Do you know about Judd? Him and Inafune were best budds.

Inafune promoted Judd from just a translator "with no dev experience" to a producer. As producer, Judd pushed for, and oversaw Bionic Commando 2009. It was one of the biggest bombs in Capcom history. It was this game that led to Inafune and Judd being kicked out of the company in 2010.

After that, Judd became an Agent. Read interviews and such with Iga about the project, as he says that it was Judd who suggested going with crowd sourcing.

>After pulling together the key pieces on the Mighty Number 9 Kickstarter, he followed that success by partnering with Koji Igarashi to produce the Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Kickstarter campaign.

>Then he saw the success of the Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter campaign, which Judd also had a hand in. It was a similar situation — the face of a popular classic 2-D franchise wanted to make a spiritual successor, and it gave him confidence that leaving Konami could work.

>"As an agent, I also whispered dark words into his ear, saying, ‘Everybody loves you. I want to play another friggin’ [Castlevania-style game from you]. We need to get this done,’" says Judd. "‘So you should probably go independent.’"

>In early 2014, Igarashi left Konami.

Judd is also the brianchild behind the deal for Scalebound. Guy is a the wormtongue of gaming.

if he's wormtongue, then what does that make Konami?
cuz honestly I don't hate wormtongue much in this scenario if I at least get a decent game to play out of it, rather than pachinko and sadness.

Heh. Although convincing Igarashi to leave Konami must not have needed more than a light tap on the shoulder.

Classic Con Man.

After Mega Man 10 there was a string of failures and cancellations, then Kojima quit/fired and it was known that Japanese business culture involves spiting against people who leave your company.

With "the father of Mega Man" gone and all of his projects canceled it was believed the series was pretty much out of gas.

After the Big Shell incident we learned that Kojima was biding his time and working on a new project after acquiring the Philosopher's Legacy and gaining access to the PATRIOTs system.

Unfortunately the nanomachines implanted in Mighty No. 9 were faulty, Capcom knew all along that Kojima was a hack, and Beck was doomed from the start, killing his father along with him