Rads are not actually radioactive material, but some kind of substance imbued with a cosmic power

Rads are not actually radioactive material, but some kind of substance imbued with a cosmic power.

What the characters are assuming are radiation and mutations are actually the cosmic power responding to their wishes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Post fav character

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This is my fucking boy right here. Snaring enemies and speeding around is just the best for me.

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is u99r2 out yet

r u retard

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Good taste.

Just picked this up after a recommendation from a friend, any early game tips? Just basic shit so I can survive longer and get used to the game.

Need steroids b skin for my last one. I'm starting to like him.

>any early game tips?
Download Nuclear Throne Together for 60 fps

Scarrierface + gammaguts

Don't panic. Shoot the manhole in 2-1 with explosives. Get Boiling Vein if you think Lil Faggot in 5-3 is too stronk. Play Crystal.

>looping with CoB
>enter desert
>right click
>portal opens
Everything hurts.

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Hammerhead is good

Save the screwdriver so you can go to yv’s mansion and get a golden gun.

Golden guns stay in your starting weapon slot when you die and are better than the normal versions. Also keep one melee weapon in weapon slot to deflect bullets.


Wow user, I cant beleive you would come on the internet and lie like that. Shame on you.

So I take it Crown of Luck + Brain Capacity is as insane as I imagine it is?

Bullet build Steroids

Its one hell of a drug loop 2 but till then its better to stick with blood for more compact enemy groups.
Then again i start all my runs with CoB because i unironically find it easier as melting.
I also really wish they kept the skeleton bug, having every mutation in the game was pretty nice.

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Hyper rifles or double miniguns user?
The fate of your gaymer pass lies in the answer.

Dont forget about the swag button.

how do I get past loop 1, necromancer machine thing keeps fucking me over

Double minis for stylin on the IDPD even though Hyper Rifles are objectively better

Ideal loadout is Hyper + Double mini

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Given the choice between eagle eyes and back muscle what do you pick?

I swear mutation selection is rigged against the build you're going for

Lightning hammer

Robot is the only character i cant loop with. What do his ultras even do? Does it just prevent you from picking up guns because you eat them, or does it auto pick up guns then eat them?

>supporting rami ismail in 2015 + 4

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see with gamma guts you don't have to worry about the small enemies, and the machines do no damage to you when you touch them so you can stand on them until gamma guts makes them blow up.

Until mutations get rebalanced, the Back Muscle/Scarier Face/Trigger Fingers meta is too strong to be asking shit like that.

Thats gonna be an ultra shovel from me chief.

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>nigger fingers on bullet roids
We aint fish bro.

>go dual Ultra Shovels as Steroids
>run out of rads instantly

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>when top bird exists
Chicken is SS teir, undeath is a retarded mechanic.

Still have to take Trigger Fingers in case the RNG refuses to give you anything better than an assault rifle. It's not worth the risk. Like if I'm already full bullet build with guns I'm not going to give up, yeah, there's no reason for Trigger Fingers.

>he doesnt start every run with crown of blood
If your kills arent 4 digits before throne one the run isnt worth the time.

Chicken is a shit character that relies on proc abuse. Her passive is appropriate considering it encourages a mindless playstyle.

Anyone done all of them? Getting all crowns is stupid and would probably take like 500 hours, and I heard the golden nuke is bugged as you can only get it on hard mode with crown of guns.

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Commit to the bit user, if you go for a build and dont have it by your 5th mutation just restart.

Throne butt is only good on some characters. GET SECOND STOMACH.

Bruh you NEED chicken for record loops or else you run out of ammo on throne.
Thrown weapons do stupid damage late game.

Abandoning a build is generally more advantageous. Game refused to help with my bullet build so I said fuck it and grabbed 2 sawed offs. Ended up looping pretty far considering I was in full "fuck it just kill me now" mode.

Fuck off rogue theres a reason everyone F R O G S your bitch ass.
Why would you ever get second stomach when bloodlust exists? Fear is the mindkiller user, blood for the blood gods.

>Just basic shit so I can survive longer
Play Crystal and shield.

If you can't beat the throne use Eyes with throne butt and euphoria. You can literally stand still and not be able to get hit by any projectiles.

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Incinerator is trash but I always put it up anyways

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is this game actually good or do people like it just to be contrarian
how is it in comparison to other games in the genre

Slap shotgun shoulders on it and it gets pretty silly.

Bloodlust makes me play stupid. I play smarter with second stomach. Although I should go full KILL.

Anyone got tips for melting? Also how to get to the throne easier? I've only sat on the throne once as robot.

Reliable Horror build? What's the best Ultra for him?
It's fun

Anyone who tries to compare it to the likes of gungeon or BoI are retards. It's its own thing and you really cant compare it to much else.
Best description is you kill to survive and being a passive little bitch will get you killed. RNG heavy, but as long as you're not shit and know how to make a build you'll be fine.
Also fuck the police and fish can roll.

Is the game still running like shit on nintendo sõytch?

>fuck the police and fish can roll
You're goddamn right.

Just take early portals. Literally kills half the level for you.
And aside from that take whatever mutations you want, its literally your passive to always get the build you want.

Is big dog the biggest jobber in nuke? He's even easier than BB.

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The real boss is the 4 snipers he's covering

Good taste

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>can't Ultra Throne Butt Pop Pop the Super Plasma Cannon

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Honestly fuck snipers. How the hell do you dodge their shots in a 1 tile hallway? Hammerhead is not an acceptable answer.

Loop he gets kinda rough because his missels start shooting at you and on top of that theres going to be at least 30 snipers homed in on your ass, but later loops when there like 12 BB things get pretty fucking insane.

>ammo caps
"Laughs in fish"

I have all but crown related and need steroids b and unlock skeleton

The game always ran fine on Switch. It's a game maker game. Compatibility isn't an issue.

>throne on controller
The fuck are you doin anons? Do you even want to sit on the radioactive recliner?

Consolettes don't deserve to sit on the atomic armchair.

>tfw NTT on the Switch never

you literally can't go back to vanilla after using that mod

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its fun

yes its good i played it for 120 hours

I use a gamepad because I primarily play couch co-op. I actually haven't played much single player NT.

I was about to call OP a retard but then i realized the end game monsters dont really look like mutants, they look more like constructs and whatever the crown vaults are sure dont look civilized like frozen city, they look ancient.

>co-op throne
Theres only room for one on the hyper critical high chair user.

I have a few reasons to believe this.

1. The way rads create sentient beings like Horror and the palace Guardians.

2. The crown vault is connected to the rads somehow, and its strange to think that they would just be uranium.

3. Some of the "mutations" aren't actually physical mutations. The most obvious one is Last Wish. Your prayers are quite literally being fulfilled by the rads.

4. The Nuke Launcher doesn't drop rads or release any sort of radiation. If the Nuke Launcher did drop rads on detonation, I would reconsider this entire theory, but for a post-apocalpytic game focused on radiation, it does seem very strange that the Nuke Launcher exhibits none of the attributes of the rad-affected world.

I'm a gun warrant junkie

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They may not be "radiation" as we know it, decaying nuclear matter, but probably something along the lines of an incredibly powerful energy source. The idpd use the stuff as power for rogue"s portal strike, so i just guessed it was like miniature super novas or something retardedly powerful.
Headcanon is that in the IDPD ending you've destroyed/killed every sentient being in the multiverse and youre the last alive.
Also that the character you chose at the begining killed everyone else so the portal would open.


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>tfw you finally realize you are corrupting the universe the further you loop
>the popo were the good guys all along

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the utter futility of continued existence in the universe this game takes place is pretty sad actually

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>looping too many times fucks up the IDPD dimension into another nuclear wasteland

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Did anyone here unlock Frog legit? How long did it take?

dont step on the carpet

fish can roll


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Fuck this game for it's SJW pandering and fuck the Dev

Even fish wouldn't fall for this bait.

it sounds convoluted but its not that hard, just take a crown at some point before you get the frog pisol so you don't have to loop that far


Best melee weapon? Differ depending on character?

>each time you finish inside her she mutates more
>she eventually devolves into a mindless quivering pile of flesh

Anybody up for a game? four anons, taking over the wasteland

Hey guys do you know anything about Blazing beaks?


it looks like nuclear throne but it seems to be another company making it, is anyone from nuclear throne working on this game or something like that?

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400 hours here,
>always back off from anything, especially while using a melee weapon, they push you forward
>melee is essential, it destroys incoming bullets, you will not survive loops without it
>don't underestimate the jackhammer, keep it's ammo up and nothing can touch you
>always stay out of fire, even if you need to grab ammo or health, low health beats no health always
>slow or fast, find which plays best for you
>don't use ultra weapons to you have either crown of blood or are on loop 2 and up, you will quickly run out of rads
>using the super plasma cannon has a lo g reload time, but grabbing a weapon of the ground and switching back will reset the reload time instantly
>avoid the blood hammer, even if you think it's good, it will get you killed
>scary face is essential, 20% less health on every enemy, including bosses
>fish can roll, but it's not a dodge roll itz just a little speed boost
>plants snare will stop incoming flames and provide light, hold down right click after firing for extra range
>melting throne butt decimates the board late game
>crystal is the easiest to play as, but be careful cause her shield won't stop explosions, lasers, or melee
>don't be afraid to spam allies as rebel, she heals all of them on spawn and being at low health guarantees more medkits, which mean more allies. In a high enemy area, you can have an army
>chickens throw deals a lot of damage, but it's not always easy to pick your weapon back up in the heat of battle
>steroids runs out of ammo fast, make sure to grab some ammo mutations, and dedicate one side of the mouse to a main weapon and one side to a secondary, more powerful weapon
>rouge is very hard to play as, don't recommend for at least 30 hours, you need experience to deal with both idpd and the levels enemies, especially at low rads, which is always for her
>never forget to eat weapons at the end of the level as robot, golden weapons give 4x rewards, and cursed weapons hurt you for 7 damage


What with me and women that can summon an army of allies with relative ease

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my negro
best character for speedrunning to the crown and looping

gatling slugger is guaranteed loop

prove me wrong

That's a funny way of saying Auto Crossbow + Homing Marrow


Isn't the dev of this some SJW muslim faggot who spends all day bitching on twitter about Trump and had barely anything to do with development?

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The auto crossbow is better than the splinter pistol? Huh.

watch this
>gets pounced on by a dog in 7-2
>destroys all generators but dies to the throne before killing it

ive only looped twice, once with YV while actually trying my damn hardest, and once completely on accident playing as horror with good RNG

golden wrench OP

Thanks for all the early game tips lads. All you motherfuckers are shiny and chrome.

>Isn't the dev X
>and had barely anything to do with development
you ok user?

for me its a laser rifle and laser brain

Do you even remember playing video games because you enjoy them?


What is the best preloop crown and why is it crown of haste with plutonium hunger

>heavy auto crossbow and bolt marrow
that run ended because I ate my crossbow like a dipshit but it was glorious

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Here's more
>YV is one of the easiest to play as, and is the creators favorite too, he has two secret levels dedicate to him, some of the best ultra mutations in the game and he starts with a golden gun, he's a little broken sometimes
>frog is hard to unlock and difficult to play as
>skeleton is very hard to unlock and very difficult to play as
>toxic weapons can be fun to use, but keep your distance, 9 our of 10 times I take one I get killed by it
>don't underestimate the idpd, they can fire very fast and very accurately, and have a habit of spawning in at inopportune times
>scary face plus gamma guts is a one hit kill on the snow bots that run at you, taking half the difficulty away from area 5, and is a one hit kill on the freaks in area 6, trivializing the whole later half of the game, especially loop area 6
>the above mutation combo cam kill bosses very easily, big bandit, big dog, and lol hunter don't deal contact damage and can be gammad to death in a few seconds
>explosions have a big hitbox and kill you basically instantly, stay the fuck away from your own explosive projectiles and cars
>avoid enemies, open the chests and kill the boss in the seconds in area 1 to skip half the game
>use a screwdriver on the dirty car in area 3
>blow up the manhole in area 2
>get a crown and take a cursed weapon into area 4
>make a wish and feed the plant in area 5

They need just make Steriods' autofire passive standard for all characters. I'm going to get fucking carpal tunnel trying to fire the Rogue Rifle at max DPS. Just throw that shit in accessibility options or something. I don't give a shit if you think I'm casual. It's literally destroying my hands.

Few more
>attack the generators in the final boss before killing it, each one takes off half the boss health
>avoid minigun weapons if you feel short on ammo, running out of all ammo is a death sentence
>strafe around a firefight if you need a better position, repositioning oneself can be the difference between life and death
>don't be afraid to die, it will happen quickly and often
>there are NO i-frames, ever. You can die in less than a second from full health
>kill the assassins and snipers first
>some mutations are OBJECTIVELY better than others, but experiment and have fun first before going full tryhard
>throne butt is always worth taking, on every character
>you can hit a grenade with a melee weapon for extra range, but a screwdriver will make it blow up instantly, usually killing you
>disc gun is an actual developer intended meme, use it once and die to it to get the achievement
>higher tier weapons are based off how many portals you go through, so always go through crown vaults and 2-? If you can to get better weapons
>if you want to try a daily, do a few practice rounds to warm up
>use the guitar as fish, it's one of if not the best melee weapons in the game
>as chicken leave your sword behind in 1-1 for something special later on
I love the game, even with so many deaths behind me, literally thousands

>throne butt is always worth taking, on every character
what is Crystal

I wish the disc gun was actually worth taking. It's damage is shit, even with the ricochet and piercing. Then you pile on top of that the risk of self-damage and the damn thing is worthless. FFS is in the same item pool as the crossbow. This thing has nothing going for it except the meme.

Yeah, but some people like it, and I kind of wanted the list to not be too subjective as a kind of all around tip list, that's why I avoided my own preferences.
But yeah crystal throne butt sucks fucking ass, why would I want to teleport to where my mouse cursor is if my cursor is always pointed towards danger? What the fuck why

nuclear throne 2 when?

Vambleer is working on a new game like throne, but I don't see throne getting a second game
If it feels stale, try one the mods that ads a bunch of weapons to the game, spices it up a bit for me

When Rami begs for more Dutch taxpayers money.

>caring about politics/drama instead of the game

Crown of Curses is really the only pre-loop crown worth using. Haste only adds 1 more ammo to ammo drops. I guess the +1 health to health kits is potentially good, the increased despawn speed means you have to stick your neck out more often to get them, even with plutonium hunger. Pre-loop crowns are more challenge crowns than anything else. Post-loop crowns are more geared toward utility.


>expecting for people to do that
>in 2019

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>less people beat the captain than people who beat the captain with a specific character.

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Well she is the only character who unlocks something when you kill The Captain.

But people who got her achievement shoulda gotten the general one too.
I smell shenanigans



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are doseone's tracks just 100% freestyle which is why they're mostly intelligible nonsense


Fuck me howd you get the hard mode achievement? What was your strategy?
Also, I have about half the crowns on all characters at half a thousand hours, so data point of one, but it would take a pretty long time

Consider for a moment that the ending song does not take the viewpoint of a mutant, but of a lowly bandit

Would you recommend this game if I loved Enter the Gungeon? I've heard they are similar

It's different. Personally I heavily prefer Nuclear Throne because Gungeon's first two floors of every run bore me to tears. NT is a lot faster paced, your main way of ensuring that you survive isn't dodging, it's murdering the enemies faster than they can murder you, but overall it's a far smaller game with far less content. Just pirate it and try it out.

Gungeon has more variety, polish, better art, and 60 fps
Nuclear Throne is harder and more satisfying

Very different games
Gungeon is more like binding of Isaac, being licked in rooms, finding items and upgrades, dodging bullets
Throne is faster with no real exploration, with a much heavier emphasis on pure bullet hell combat and relying on offensive capability to win
Just try it, it's very fast paced and you start and end runs quickly, you could beat the game in the time it takes to clear one or two floors of gungeon

EtG is more similar to BoI than anything. NT is its own thing.

How's that crown collection coming along?

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Oh fun bug with golden weapons, if you get to a proto chest and place a golden weapon in then quit before you go through a portal you can start a new run and be able to pick up and lock in the weapon with any other character
If you made a miracle happen and you got the golden nuke launcher you can put it on every other character easy

I like the game but it is seriously some gay ass sekrit club shit

I had to look up how to get into the secret areas to unlock the characters, no fuckin way any single player would be able to figure this dumb shit out. the only one I got into was the ninja turtles and it was always on accident and I had no idea what triggered it.

I unlocked every character except Rogue and YV before I ever looked at a wiki. The IDPD van and the junkyard care are admittedly obtuse. However, everything else is just things that happen naturally.

Van and the first stage shortcut were cryptic af for me

I remember being freaked the fuck out the first time I stumbled into Horror and got rad-beemed.

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I figured everything out on my own, but not frog, yv mansion, or idpd headquarters

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