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>he had to revive on that boss

we got ourselves a god gamer over here fellas


Obviously you died too since you get the line I'm referencing lol

>tfw the parent is absolute

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>sekiro: 5"11'
>owl: 6"0



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But isn't the parent also a relative?



The absolute state of dubfags. Owl and Isshin's jap voices are kino.

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>Didn't do charmless bell ng+s

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lmaoing at your life

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You ever wonder what rule three was? I mean it is a code so surely there would be a fair number of rules.

you get more if you continue to die in part 2

>Running to your pc and opening image editing software to reply on an anonymous imageboard


Is the only way to defeat this boss to chip away at his health and hope for the best when it comes to the moment he breaks your posture, if you’re in the way of his combo or not. It’s the like game went from 11/10 difficulty at genichiro, 6/10 difficulty until owl and now owl has brought the game back to fuck you difficulty.

Well don't leave me hanging bro. What's rule 3?

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>reading subtitles in a game specifically designed around parrying 30+ times perfectly for every enemy encounter

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>Three! Fear is absolute. There is no shame in losing one battle. But you must take revenge by any means necessary! ...I wonder if you've got it in you - to bring me down.
t. wiki

>not understanding basic shit like IKUZO SEKIROOOOO
Also get good at reading. It takes a fraction of a second.

>tfw I cheesed this fight to win

How do you like me now old man? Puppies are very good at learning new tricks.

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>missing out on MY NAME IS

Also the game is fun to play. I just swapped between english and jap over a couple playthroughs.


Rage Demon was the Sculptor right?


Why is he posture breaking you? If you're going for the chip-away approach, there should be plenty of chill time to hold block and recover posture.

Sekiro literally says so.

the are a bunch of hints through the entire game
even a missable conversation between him and emma

Oh yeah? Well I just took him out so. The fuck was he so mad about?


There isn't any, which is the few problems with this game.

His gal pal Kingfisher died.

>go into NG+
>absolutely destroy Granny, Genichiro, Owl, etc. first time
Name a better feel.
I didn't die until Fake Monk.

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losing his ninja partner with the weird finger, pretty sure you're all but required to get that bit of backstory when you have him fit it but you can get more by giving him the different types of booze

>game focused on kino 1v1 sword clashes
>hurr durr me want distract boss and get easy hits
Dumb soulsbabby.

The only reason this game is any good is because the combat is satisfying as fuck. It has nothing otherwise since there's zero customization or PvP. Co-op would ruin it.

he was carving buddahs to raise his karma
it didn't work

prediction: you are 16 years old.

Specifically she was eaten by Ape Rape. There is a chance a piece of her was in that poop he throws at you.

I don't think you know how shitting works

Is your vision that bad bro?
Can you really not read with your peripheral?
The english dub is p bad my guy, its not that hifh a price to pay.

Her finger is somewhere in its digestive track. Another bone piece could be in the colon at the time of the battle.

Should had just posted video game cakes and said his girlfriend made it.

I'm at the endgame, got all bosses and minibosses done and now Genichiro + Isshin is that's left. I'm farming prosthetic tools and skills because I'm too afraid to get raped by the sword saint. Also the demon of hatred fight feels really out of place in this game

If that is what you're doing that's fine just make sure you get enough lapis luz to upgrade those four prosthetics. Don't fight Isshin until you've got all four.

I only used firecrackers on Isshin so I could either get a couple of hits on him or distract him so I could heal, and shuriken so I could use chasing slice

What the fuck.


Holy fuck, its been a while since I've seen get fucking destroyed this hard. Ended this man's career.

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how the fuck did you destroy granny, genichiro, and owl first time but die to FAKE MONK of all people?

Fake Monk was the easiest boss out of any of those, save maybe Genichiro, he's pretty easy.


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The last four upgrades use lapis. Make sure you get enough for all four before fighting Isshin.

Same thing happened to me on NG+. I don't know what it is but the monk bitch always slaps my shit.

Wait, there's enough for all four? I thought you needed more than one playthrough to get all prosthetics. The ones from the carp salesman, demon of hatred and shichimen are enough then? Thank God I didn't use scales on the dragon mask yet

Other user here, I find fake monk harder than all of the other three. Funny enough real monk is way easier

Mask let's you directly upgrade attack with skill points. Mask is great.


Fair enough I guess.

I personally find Owl 2 harder than Isshin but a lot of people don't know how.

Really wish this game gave a reason to play it through more than once other than some endings.


Okami warrior porn. Where is it? Huh? Huh? Huh?

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But skill already takes fucking forever to level up with only two arts maxed out. Well I've missed owl two so I'll have to go for ng+ anyway, might as well get the mask and leave the last two lapis prosthetics for that run
For me it's the vitality part of corrupted monk that makes things hard. Her posture regenerates so fast I can't break it without being so aggressive that it's reckless (and that just gets me killed). I end having to rely on snap seeds and other stun items to deplete her entire health bar

Fuck off, Genichiro.


I just got to this today. (put it down after rape ape because I wanted it to last) got up there and was relieved it didn't force you into a fight immediately. Ran down to see if I could get that idol just to get double teamed by that lone swordsman faggot again.

How come he can only count up to three when in reality Sekiro probably revived a dozen or more times and walked back to where he was?

Just go the other way through the castle and rest at the Ashina dojo statue

>beat DoH last night
Weird fight. Felt very Souls/Bloodborne-esque. Reminded me a lot of BSB in fact, since you can just run up to and behind his flame arm to dodge those attacks

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Time resets to before the battle occurred when you die.

He didn't have sex.

>11/10 difficulty at genichiro
>6/10 difficulty until owl and now owl has brought the game back to fuck you
I beat them both in 3 tries, maybe 4 for owl.

yeah I forgot about it and didnt feel like fighting through those purple bastards again. I remebered it just as I turned around to see a fogwall blocking the window I came in. Limiting myself to 3 deaths a day so it lasts and I play less retarded.

dying where you respawn at an idol isn't canon in this game
only the resurrections are
try Puppeteer

Just use the rooftop to get to the window a level below the dojo one, then progress normally to the dojo. Here's a tip that I took way longer than I should to discover: lone shadow's perilous kick can be mikiri countered

that I knew actually. It's the only way I beat the others.

>lone shadow's perilous kick can be mikiri countered
I'm about to try this like right now.

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He goes on the count 3 if you use a Buddha. Not sure if there is anything past that.

Imagine how much fun I had against the one in snake's shrine without knowing this. A kick from him with the candy effect would one shot me

Why is the demon of hatred fight so shitty?
Who thought it was ok?
Hes a sad dark souls boss trapped in sekiro, you have to use your awful dodge to manage most of his skills.
His break bar might as well not be there.
This is not acceptable for optional endgame boss with a lore of meaning lorewise.

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heh fuck. I assumed it really meant any signaled trust attack from the get go. Hell I do it right into sweeping attacks all the time because I get so excited for it.

With a ton of meaning lorewise*
fuck me

On NG+2 I didn't get my revive until fighting the Ape after going through all the other bosses before Owl. Owl was the first to really kill me.

Good feels

Learn how to run.
I never dodged once in the whole game except for that second black flame slash Genichiro does. Dodging in Sekiro is a bait-move that just makes thing harder, it's beyond shitty.

You can just be underneath him in general and all he can do is stomp on you and do his big flame jump attack.

Some people just don't read very fast. It's not natural to everyone, and subtitles can be distracting to people who aren't accustomed to hearing Japanese and reading English

No you don't understand what I mean, I don't and didn't have trouble beating the demon of hatred.
I'm saying the fight throws away a lot of what makes sekiro a fun game and makes me fight like in dark souls.
I find this to be super disappointing.

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Got him on my second try just now. Am I finally gettin gud?

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>dying where you respawn at an idol isn't canon in this game
>only the resurrections are
>What is dragonrot?

Did you just not listen to the first few lines of dialogue with Emma? The dragonrot is a result of a resurrection using more power than sekiro's body can provide, thus it spills over and causes stagnation. If they're not canon, why is there lore about them?

What the fuck is this bitches weakness? I got her on my fourth try but holy fuck it was a pain to widdle down her HP. I thought Divine Confetti or Snap Seeds would be her weakness, but nope.

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Just beat monkey duo on my second attempt. I'm pretty shit at the game so it feels good.

Her Weakness are perfect parries you casual fag

Because Dragonrot is the most halfassed mechanic in the game.

beat on my first try. jump, she even looks like a goomba with that hat
also this

use brain

Eat any rice today, anons?

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She is weak to perfect counters but if you want to do more damage to her HP then you do use Devine Confetti. She is just oddly tanky.

Her rotation is predictable as fuck. Feels like she only has three or four attacks.

I found a way to hit her with dead angled running attacks. Run around the arena in large arcs and hit her after she's whiffed an attack. Takes a long time but it's reasonably safe way to whittle her health down.

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I know he kept trying to eat me, but I feel bad that I did this too him while he was just trying to have a snooze.

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dodge is great for getting in dmg to make posture breaking easy peasy for a ton of enemies later in the game. honestly though it doesn't matter too much if you can deflect reliably and with how generous the window is if you don't spam the defend button though.

are you the same fag that spammed DMC and RE threads with the same tranny and celeb pics?

you're not tricking anyone, trap centipede.

I don't give a rat's arse about DMC / RE2 so I wasn't in those threads most likely. Well, I played DMC3 and original RE2 so I had passing interest in the new games but didn't end up buying either.

sabimaru poison does big dmgs and stuns her

all those straight kicks can be mikiri'd dude, all those purple queers too


>avatarfaggin with teitch thot
Degenerate at it again.

Her weakness is crossing bridges

Literally just parry and jump

Emma/geezer Usshin > Genichiro/SS Isshin

Genichiro is a bitch compared to Emma

People who play in English are too fucking stupid to understand why its bad

>trap centipede

I haven't beaten this game yet but please don't tell me my cute rice loli is fucking this

Fucking jober. Attacks are easy to interupt and parry. What moves he get in final fight? 2 Charge attacks during the first 5 seconds?

poison and jump counters

he can use them again, but you are more likely to kill him faster

it legit took me 1h 40min to beat old isshin compared to actual final boss

1h 40m compared with what

Emma is a bitch, the only hard part about her is the unblockable charge attack when she sheathes her kitchen knife [/spoiler] but you can still interrupt, so it's also not a problem

Fire Isshin however is harder than SS imo. His fire explosion attack is pure bullshit, even if you dodge the fire, Isshin is gonna get with the One Mind attack. I know that you can interrupt it with Mortal Draw, but that's still bullshit.


If you use the consumable that restores your ressurection node, do you get a THREE?

Her weakness is the boulder near the idol I cheesed the fuck out of her against.

when he charges up the big fire eruptions then charges at you? hit him with a shuriken lol

>so I wasn't in those threads most likely.
so, yes.

It interrups it? Shit, I haven't used shurikens since grandma, I thought they are useless in lategame.

Nah, I have no recollection of posting in those threads.

would have been a nice touch if he counted up every time he killed you

Not really though.
Emma/Fire Isshin feel harder because you need to learn two boss in one fight and people usually do it in NG+ which is harder than NG.

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he does i think?
at least for the first 2 times.
or was that the horse guy?

>tfw he throws a shuriken and follows up with a Chasing Slice
>tfw you try to stab but he mikiris your ass
>tfw you get posture-broken and he deathblows your ass if you dont run away
>tfw he uses shadowrush/fall but you mikiri hes ass instead

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Bosses can deathblow you when you lose posture? I never had that happen

yeah they really nailed how you two share a lot of the same abilities, owl two has that one reactive attack that cancels into two other attacks depending on how you behave.

>fighting Owl Father for the first time
>it's in NG+2
He does so much damage bros

only owl

>Play the game in moon
>Watch videos linked here
>See the English text
>Hear the English voices
Sweet Jesus, they're awful.

>letting him pop a candy
Backstab then stay aggressive with attacks/parries for ez kill.