>dude US intervention is evil lmao
Dude US intervention is evil lmao
stfu nigger lover
>>US intervention is evil
It unironically is.
>Spend trillions protecting Israel
>Actual shit like space exploration gets 1% the money
If America actually wanted to intervene they should do so by free North Korea from communism, not getting involved in religious fights.
>dude the story is totally political and not the story of one man's failings just because it involves the military!
>What? No I didn't, it looks boring, but I watched that youtube video of the white phosphorous scene so yeah I know the game pretty well
>that spec ops level towards the end where you have to hold off the guys coming up the stairs
>you know what I mean
>fucking hell
>the guys running around the sides with the grenades
>fuck me sideways
Sorry if having a strong, reliable ally in one of the most volatile, resource rich areas on the planet is more important than the space meme.
yes, and?
China protects NK though dummy. If the US intervenes there China will be forced to take action which alongside war will fuck most of the world's economy.
Nice try schlomo
>Implying they wouldn't step down against America and since they know NK is fucking up
All I got out of this game is that White Phosphorus is pretty awesome as a weapon.
Some people just can't understand that brown skin makes you less than human and that drone striking schools in the middle east is ok as a result.
Making a second army just to fight our regular army for shits and giggles is a better use of resources than space.
it literally is though
we should be spending our time wiping out the chinese or bombing israel instead of fucking around bombing mud huts all day
let the """terrorists""" keep the desert
>reliable ally
USS Liberty
But there's so much to do in space man, I even own a NASA shirt to show how into it I am.
>Literally a game where the protagonist is guilty of everything bad happening
>"Dude, leave my country alone"
What did the amerimutt mean by this?
Yeah, because that definitely wouldn't make China look weak.
>6 hours of garbage, clunky TPS gameplay
>force a shamalan twist at the end
>omg this game is art
never falling for you niggers' recommendations again
>USA in charge of not being evil
Fat fucking burger devouring Israel worshipping slob.
>Actual shit
>like space exploration
>Actual shit like space exploration
People who support space programs should have to get a boat. Once you see how there's absolutely fucking nothing to do in the middle of a body of water you'll begin to see why space is so retarded.
Hey man, you can at least get fish in the ocean. There's no fucking space fish.
Why do people use analogies when they never work?
daily reminder that spec ops was a good but clunky game with a fun little story and Yea Forums only hated it because gaming journalists have low artistic standards and thought it was War and Peace
t. absolute fucking retard.
space is full of resources.
The neoconservative position depresses me, because I really wish it could work out. I wish we could just walk in, topple dictators, and magically bring democracy to other countries around the world. If you think about it morally, it's completely justified, but in reality shit just devolves. America already babysits half the world, we really don't need more endless money pits to burn our tax dollars in.
I love Bioshock Infinite and hate Spec Ops.
Next theory.
At least its not a food analogy
i imagine you're one of those people who would ridicule medical breakthroughs because they don't cure cancer. science is not about letting you have things, science is about moving forward. finding a fart in the saturn's wind could change the world even if you won't get a free hamburger in mcdonalds because of that
Yes. Stop consuming Jew media that paints their 'murican pets as the world's saviors to keep you happy and under control.
Generation Kill was so good.
Have you ever thought that maybe these people don't want western democracy or liberal capitalism? It's not morally correct to impose your political system on another sovereign nation. Stop thinking democracy is like a divine concept
Where is the lie though?
Okay, have fun dying in the desert for israel, then.
>people want to live under dictatorships bro, being oppressed is just apart of their culture
Actually no, the whole game is just a meta question to the player of why do you keep going to the end.
The game was even supposed to have a ending were you turn back and never enter Dubai, the game keeps asking why do you keep going with the answer being "its a game" and people expected to have a good ending were you solve everything despite the game continuing to show things are going from bad to worst and you should stop but you dont because its a game.
Its not about anything except people continue to play a game because they expect to be the hero that solves everything as in fact the player actually makes things worst and it became more and more obvious where things are headed and this is why the game ends as it does with.
pretty subtle, schlomo
6 years later and Yea Forums is still mad about this game.
Infinte wasn't clunky, it arguably had smoother combat than 1 and 2. Spec Ops sometimes got repetitive and sometimes felt like you were fighting the game engine as much as the enemies.
>Stop thinking democracy is like a divine concept
It literally is. For thousands of years earth was a shithole full of mudpeople scrabbling to survive until liberal democracy turned the places that adopted it, i.e. the west, into technological utopias almost overnight. It's not just another system. It's the one that works the best and by such an enormous margin it's not even close to being a contest. This is God's system.
that's some 3deep5u shit, do you have an actual source? a game can be about a bad guy fucking everything up without meta-level social commentary about DUDE STOP PLAYING THE MEANINGLESS PIXEL FUNBOX LOOK YOUR ACTIONS MADE THE PIXEL PEOPLE DIE
yeah the whole radio thing after wp is pretty clever. walker forces the game plot to proceed normally because hes a video game hero and obviously its all conrad's fault.
>that part where one of your squad mates gets executed via hanging
>You don't have to shoot the crowd
>you can just shoot above them to scare them off
I guarantee you most people shot into the crowd.
But who elected God?
I had already given up at that point and embraced the chaos.
>Resource rich areas
You mean space?
From that aspect alone I have a huge respect for this game
You can also just attack the snipers instead of choosing whether to execute the soldier or the civilian. Apparently most people didn't know that either.
>there are certainly no resources on the moon, only cheese
>I guarantee you most people shot into the crowd.
You may just be right.
Any other ludo military games?
>its so easy bro, listen all you gotta do is just build some mines on the moon and extract the minerals just like in the movies brooooo its so easy why aren't we doing it already
They killed my friend and left me with the angry black guy. They deserved to die.
Far Cry 2 and Bulletstorm.
Japan just landed on an astroid with one of their anime funded toys. If we spent $700,000,000,000 a year on space toys, we could build an asteroid minder next week.
Yeah, just like we gave up on developing oil rigs because extracting resources from under the roaring ocean was too hard to bother trying.
it's pretty much the "do you like hurting people" line but in third person shooter form
and few moments before walker destroyed all the water reserves in dubai
You can take it like "Heart of Darkness" as some kind of descent into madness and PTSD too, the point is as you keep going it more and more clear that things are getting worst, the point were you know you fucked up is when you help the CIA agent to destroy the water supplies (and you pretty much fucking told thats going to happen), sure you can keep playing knowing its not going to be a rosy ending and do it for that but then, the problem I seen raised by many people was because of the white phosphorus decision that is very much "do it to progress the game" and that is a key element of the game narrative, what they wanted is to defeat the 33rd and Konrad and "be the hero" as the game story isnt about that, they criticize what is a non-choice or rather a gameplay "press F to progress" decision.
Fuck Dubai. This game is actually the story of Sodom and I am God's wrath brought by their sinful ways.
I'll take joos over pedostinians any day
>reliable ally
IDF soldiers are fucking shit. They're only good for killing unarmed civilians, and even then they suck. Plus they spy on us and leak intel. Not to mention they false flagged us with the USS Liberty. We get zero benefits from being an ally with Israel. They just use us as a piggybank and the boomers continue to support them because "muh gods chosen". I guarantee the region would be a hell of a lot more stable without Israel.
I know both of these and still killed the civilians cuz fuck em.
>>Actual shit like space exploration gets 1% the money.
I'd rather it go to our schools,road system,health care,and protecting the environment.That would be the logical thing to do instead of wasting money on space shit.
Get in the fucking oven, you fucking faggot
JIDF please leave.
There's more than enough money for both, and denying 1% of the US budget from going to NASA doesn't mean it goes to "schools,road system,health care,and protecting the environment."
Behead school officials that waste the money, behead incompetent contractors that take 8 years to build a sidewalk, and behead health insurance company CEOs and you wouldnt need more money. Then we could do space shit.
The symbolism is pretty clear if you've played the game and have at least a third grade understanding of literary tropes, you goddamn mongoloid.
Why do people criticize the US as thinking they are some kind of world police interventionist evil, but when shit actually gets real the eyes are on America, oh my god help please what are you going to do???
this never happened
>I guarantee you most people shot into the crowd.
That was the best part.
can you /pol/tards fuck off this is a spec ops the line thread. not your antisemitic circlewank.
Because the US is often tied to the shit getting real. Ex: Crazy dictator starts murdering cunts.
50 years ago US CIA thunderstruck previous leader.
You don't see them asking China for help, cause China wasnt fucking about there. Sometimes you see them ask for Russian help, usually cause Russia was fucking about there.
Uh, Eastern Europeans do this, all of the time. They're always bitching about Russia. Poland supposedly has a few nukes stashed away from back in the Soviet days. That'll keep Russia off, but you can't tell those EE's that. Either that, or they're military industrial complex personnel pretending to be Eastern Europeans.
It wasn't about US intervention, it was used as a backdrop.
If you said
>Dude violent games are evil
You would have been right
There was whining about Obama not intervening in Syria.
i have to imagine posts like these are made by people that never touched the game but want to participate in the Yea Forums threads.
>saying that being allied with a backstabber is bad is antisemitic
Those are just Military-industrial Complex pawns.
Yeah, Americans and countries that gain from Assad being removed.
Yes it is.
this has to be the stupidest thing I've read today. amerisharts never disappoint
Haven't you heard user? All criticism of Israel is antisemitism. AIPAC and the ADL said so.
US is evil. Everything US do is evil.
>the game: *forces you to use white phosphorus*
>spec ops fans: "You were supposed to turn the game off at that point bro. It's, deep you see."
Holy fuck you people are brainlets.
>There is nothing to do in the middle of a body of water
Yeah, it's not like there are billions of dollars worth of fish or anything. Your example only proves how retarded you anti space fags are.
the game shows "guest starring [your profile name]" in the opening credits because youre just an observer tagging along. sorry if you took the story that was presented personally.
>Put the money into shit that doesn't need more money
You realize throwing money at schools doesn't = better grades right?
i want nothing more than for us to back out of everything and let the world carry its own burdens for once, but the military industrial complex will never let us stop being the world police
>another retarded self inserter
>Trump doesn't want American soldiers all across the world
>Liberals suddenly defend the military industrial complex
Clown world is a funny place.
oy vey
it does? huh
IDF shill
if i made over a buck per post id do it too
what's wrong with being the world police?
I meant the money for use in school infrastructures like after school programs,paying teachers better wages,more technical vocational classes,and poorer families shouldn't have to go into debt to play off school lunch bills for their kids or the kids missing meals because they don't have enough money in their lunch account.
Poorfag here. I got free lunch for being poor
>blew up a recommended game and expected the work of Plato
>"ummm Yea Forums tricked me, its not the masterpiece I was told"
Pic related thinks you're basic.
dude you always had a choice, just don't play the game lmao
it is, either follow through to the end like 19th c brits did, or don't bother.
>their just pawns
>crimea and Georgia never happened lmao
Whole lotta commies in this thread
I mean its better than any other government system proposed so far
>dude games are evil
It doesn't posit that at all
>self inserting as Walker
Do you self insert as literary characters too dipshit?
based user, the silent majority
Not him, but there is a difference. Difference being is that in a video game scenario I have the control of the character whereas in any other literary medium I don't (Except for choose-your-adventure books but even then it is mostly superficial at best). The scene where you fire into the crowd is a better use of the video game medium than making me go through a bad decision and call me a bad person for doing so.
but it is
It's mind boggling how absolutely retarded and short-sighted anti-space fags like you really are. How do you think we got shit like MRIs, GPS systems, and a good chunk of our most important technological advancements in the last 40-50 years? Military and NASA r&r paved the way for shit you take for granted.
this thread is bait but im glad most people can unanimously agree that israel needs to fuck off
if there's one thing commies and alt right have in common its that they fucking hate israel, one side just also happens to hate jews as well
>gassing his people
I think maybe the Syrians would gain the most but who knows
>Not him, but there is a difference
> Difference being is that in a video game scenario I have the control of the character whereas in any other literary medium I don't
Except games like these have a story and you're quite literally following through an interactive visual book of a character who does fucked up shit.
Imagine if Columbus didn't take a boat.
By now we wouldn't have retarded Americans like you.
Hey maybe you're right after all.
We should let them kill each other yes
The chinks would have gotten there and made things even worse.
>most people can unanimously agree that israel needs to fuck off
t. muzzie
I'm not a jew but anyone can see that Israel is important as a buffer state to keep the retarded ay rabs and their vile islam in check. Do you or anyone else want to live in a timeline where ay rabs have taken over Christian holy sites in the Levant and muzzie-fied Jerusalem while destroying anything not muzzie? Do you want to deal with veven more volatile muzzie states?
No space travel = humans will get BTFO by some asteroid. Could happen any time now.
There's asteroids filled with iron and rare metals, and a sun waiting for us to tap its effectively unlimited energy
>Loves God and Jesus
No one could have typed that with a straight face.
>uh maybe they don't want democracy
Well then it's a good thing that the system allows you to vote to change the system. Unlike a theocracy or dictatorship or one party state. That said, I don't want to die or go broke saving some random assholes.
I'm sure in no other country is anyone accidentally killed. The world is a messy fucked up place sometimes.
>us intervention bad
World War 2.
Forget it. They don't understand how vast space is and how difficult it would be to gain more in resources than what would be spent to get there. Space exploration is something to aspire towards, and work on today, but the Earth is most important of course.
Explain this to me, Americans
>World War 2.
>Well then it's a good thing that the system allows you to vote to change the system.
Only if the plutocrats allow it.
I remember when they came out with that video, in like 2 in the fucking morning and they got hammered for it
>Amerishart in charge of understanding European affairs
Good one, kike.
I'm not going to take any argument that is anti intervention but then pro Nazi conquest, as serious.
As for democratic republics, at least in some of them elites try to seem to serve people's interests as they manipulate them. At least there is some instrument by which people can change things without a bloodbath. There are usually even worse elites and fuckery in nations where they are able to do anything and get away with it. You hate plutocrats? In dictatorships they're even worse.
>nah dude russia totally didn't invade georgia it was actually the other way around
>reddit spacing
Yeah, go back.
>Amerishart keeps trying
Yeah, and you wouldn't bit here shit talking all day on an American website using American internet, on your American designed computer. Maybe you'd be working on a farm like the rest of your village
Sometimes the left forgets they already spend a ton of money fixing something and they want to fix it again.
>dude! you're an asshole for playing our game lmao!
Yeah, we get it you can stop talking now. Head back to the youtube comments.
>but then pro Nazi
Was not my point.
>At least there is some instrument by which people can change things without a bloodbath
Except not. It's a great system of control. You can only choose from what is given to you. You can't vote for someone or something not on a ballot paper. And they don't even have to really listen to that.
Monarchy >>>> else
>only our violent shithole can invent things
Things people actually use globally.
>p-pls go
You're either Jewish or an hardcore faux chriistian/evangelist type. You're not fooling anyone.
America intervenes it because it profits off of it, economically or otherwise,not because it gives a single shit about morals or any implementation of what it laughably terms a democracy.
nah dude its the joos. Even though israel liked saddam because Saddam hated Iran and was a perfect buffer it was israel!!!
Why burgers are so triggered by this?
>space exploration
lmao look at this dude. It would be more valuable to explore more of the ocean.
At least you had the decency to sign your post.
Trump? Is that you?
hehe aren't you a funny one. But i get it, you have nothing to say.
jesus christ you're retarded, apply yourself.
I honestly don't, since you couldn't make a single argument.
I don't understand your first point then.
The fact that more radical politicians are getting support in the US from both sides like Trump and Bernie shows me that people are able to change things when they're dissatisfied in large numbers. Politics are ugly sure, but actual monarchies tend to have the ugliest politics. You think your political beliefs being just socially excluded is bad, but monarchs by definition rule without your input, completely will control the media, and may kill you for dissent. The chances of a dictatorship being good in the way you'd like it is probably incredibly slim.
Trump hasn't changed shit. 20 miles of border fence is all you get from "democracy".
there was transistor research in europe at the same time as in the US, the french used a proto-internet system called minitel in the 80s and Yea Forums is a ripoff of a japanese website
burgertown isn't special and american exceptionalism is pure propaganda bullshit
>people are able to change things when they're dissatisfied in large numbers
Ah yes, Trump is such a radical change from all previous presidents. Of course, it's not like the mouthpiece really matters, compared to all the policy makers who are the other heads of the hydra.
>but actual monarchies tend to have the ugliest politics
Such as?
> but monarchs by definition rule without your input
Again, like "democracies." My input has meant fuck all in our current systems.
>completely will control the media,
Historically no, and the reverse is true of politicians.
>and may kill you for dissent.
Unlikely, and you tell me how well Snowden, Manning, and Assange would fare in normal circumstances. Gitmo exists.
> The chances of a dictatorship being good
I'm not arguing for a dictatorship. That's the purview of Roman larpers.
Nice try Muhammad, but drones, PGMs, and proxies mean we can kill you on the cheap now rather than having to choose.
>"we will use nukes unless you keep funding us."
What was the govt system of Persia during Cyrus' rule? How about Egypt during its height of power?
USA is unironically a villain of the entire world and a cancer killing civilizations but the sheer amount of propaganda they make blinded pretty much everyone.
It's Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness in videogame form.
By omitting that ending they cannot give the player any hand in the accountability of their actions. The game forces you to progress.
>World War 2
The Nazis would have lost anyways. Also the Russians beat the Nazis America simply tipped the scales.
This image has gone the rounds so much, I can no longer tell whether it was made ironically, or whether people actually treat it as ironic now.
>I'm sure in no other country is anyone accidentally killed.
Random accidental death is one of the plainest ways of the universe telling us that we're just bags of organs with aspirations much greater than ourselves.
>not sjws and neocons
>trump also backed down
Unironically, it is evil.
>The game forces you to progress.
You could argue that Walker is the one forcing you to progress since he's the one with agency and pushing the narrative forward. You're just giving input but ultimately don't contribute to Walker's failings as they're entirely his own.
>Trump hasn't changed shit
New heads of government institutions. Cut regulations. Lower unemployment. North Korea talking to South Korea. Climate accord shot down. Conservative Supreme Court...
Your input hardly matters because you don't matter more than any other citizen. Under a monarchy your input wouldn't matter more, it would matter less.
>Historically no media isn't controlled by rulers
Historically yes, look at more recent history. State controlled media is the norm in shitty nations ruled over by a strongman.
>Snowden, Manning, Assange...
Manning is free and political pressure from people may yet spare the other two. China routinely imprisons dissidents. Saudi Arabia had a dissenting journalist murdered recently. Why do you hate the abuse of power? The system you'd root for is about mostly unaccountable power that is absolutely ripe for abuse.
>Monarchy not dictatorship
A distinction without much difference. How would your monarchy differ? Are you going to tell me you're essentially a larper for just another Empire but British? What are you suggesting here?
Imagine being controlled by some shithole in the middle east
>What is lend lease
Cope harder you soĆ½boy faggot
USA is the dumb but loyal pre-final boss. You know who the mastermind is.
>Your input hardly matters because you don't matter more than any other citizen.
*Unless that citizen is a billionaire, and owns the politicians.
>look at more recent history.
Where we've not had monarchies?
>Manning is free
They castrated him for revealing war crimes. And he's one of the lucky few we know about. The walls of Guantanamo probably have a lot to say.
>The system you'd root for is about mostly unaccountable power
No, it's accountable to the people. With politicians, there is no accountability. They can just shed the skin and slither away.
>A distinction without much difference.
Dictators are typically elected or chosen. It may as well be a "democracy." It lacks all the boons of a monarchy, except autocratic power.
Illegal US intervention of the 33rd was the only thing keeping the 5000 survivors alive. They protected and rationed the water and guarded the survivors while desperately waiting for rescue. The subsequent CIA and delta (which went rogue immediately) missions are what fucked everything up.
The game even tells you that the Emirati officials covered up the seriousness of the sandstorms from the civilian population and all bailed and then quarantined Dubai leaving hundreds of thousands to die.
that was the point that had the most effect for me
at the time I didn't actually think I had a choice to not shoot them, I just fired at the dirt out of desperation and they all fucked off
Operation Barbarossa may have been successful if not for US aid to Russia and Britain with the lend-lease program and other policies. Keeping Japan occupied as well might've helped a fair bit as well.
Even you admit the US helped even if the Russians did most of the Nazi fighting, and dying.
This shit can't be real.
It is real, and was recently struck down by a Texas court as an abridgment of the First Amendment.
Why do conservatives have such a love hate relationship with Israel? It's like half of you think the Jews are the devil and the other half of you would die for israel
>US intervention isn't evil
Americans playing "whataboutism" card is fucking hilarious.
>m-muh lend-lease!
>y-you even admitted its importance!
Yeah sure, ~10% and politicians always say what ypu want to hear.
>World War 2.
You say this like it's a good thing
>billionaires man
Funny then that many billionaires seem to not get their way. Left leaning billionaires like Soros or Buffett aren't getting what they want from Trump. Bezos isn't happy with his New York plan being thrown out because of the left. The Koch brothers are conservatives and claim to be libertarian. Bloomberg makes an effort to be centrist. Billionaires aren't some monolith.
Under a monarchy, with aristocrats, billionaires, and democratic republican influence, how is it better? You have corporations being run by a friend of the throne and able to outright do anything, like say the East India Company. Totally better.
How do you even imagine that a monarchy is more accountable? It's like taking the US and just declaring the Clinton family will be in charge and expecting more accountablity when you can't hold them accountable anymore. Explain that shit, dude.
>he shills them for free