UNIST Thread

Why are we still here?
Just to lag?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Pass is vee
Connection got ever so slightly better from some random match tests, still will mostly let others play again though.
Looking forward to Carmine's look in Yoshihara's current style

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I'll put a PC lobby up once I see mega mop up this local

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Generals belong in /vg/

delete that

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havent played for 4 days so thisll be fun

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I've time this shit, it stutters exactly every 10 seconds.
What the fuck is this garbage.

That connection almost seemed good in the beginning, but just dropped to hell again.

No post more

pc lobby is up, I'm gonna chill for a minute though

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Report it then

After watching some Icey Yuzu. I tried to do the back to back C teleports but I just kept getting 214C on th second time around.

Any way to mitigate this or should I just avoid spamming teleport?

Are most of the players here PC or PS4?

These two characters look really nice. Is it worth picking up the game for these two?

there's a fair bit of both

This has been originally PS4. Still a few PC players here and there recently.

You never NEED to play more than one character so yes.

It's a fighting game, ask yourself first.

Used to be in PS's favor but lately PC has been catching up and even surpassing PS on some days.

I'm probably gonna hop over to PC after a few mirrors with you, Sai.

yes, they're both very strong and one is a potato

Sounds good. Looking forward to these matches!

>and one is a potato

Wagner says she'll literally burn Orie and the latter says she's not some potato to be roasted

deska... your connection...

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Those pizzas are on point tonight.

I remember that name
And it having terrible connection

What do you mean? Do you mean teleports like this?

it was passable until like the last 15 seconds of the game

>melk is playing orie now
absolute fear

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Stuff like that, but with the C one. Maybe I should practice with the A and B teleports first.

Also, the video reads "Tk teleport practice". Does that imply that you can do TK motion instead of just reverse DP?

That might make things easier for me if that's the case.

So like 421c, 421b? Write down the combo so I can tell ya

I'm not sure where the lag is coming from. I'll see if the connection gets better, but if not, then I'll leave the room. My apologies.

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Played him earlier today when he was using her actually. He's pretty darn good with her too.

Tk teleports do different things then the regular teleports. You'll be using both in matches since they do different things.


it's not a general actually but okay

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he would probably be more worried if you took his guitar as a bargaining chip

421 C > 421C in particular.

Faking out your opponent like that to think you'll be airborne. Also, I've noticed that it's easy to get punished after teleports due to all of that recovery.

Interesting, guess I'll have to figure this stuff out. Learning new characters is fun and I'm glad I've decided to give learning her a second chance.

don't reply

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I like UNIST, I lab on my pirated copy most days, I wanted to get the game during golden week but could not afford to. Now the game is back up to 45 CDN on steam and I can't image paying 45 dollars just to play online but I really want to anyway... meh. I want my eltnum ass kicked

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ggs. See ya PSN lobby,

I absolutely despise the fucking "x/4 bars" system in these games. Just tell us the damn ping time in ms instead of this weird opaque scale that has wildly varied results for the same rating.

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Why are you replying to it

Brb, forgot to reset my modem before joining.



guilty gear man had nothing to do with this, you want this old coot

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I always have to go to work when you guys make a lobby.
When I get home i can't find anyone, what do i do?

Its been real guys he's gonna murder us all harder on pc

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Thank the big man upstairs for timerscamming.

At this point discord or make your own thread and hope it'll have more than lewds and bonk memes

I don't think you're actually allowed to do that, the game will foce out the ex 214c. You could do 421c, 6a, 421c, but I also just don't recommend it.
421c, 236a is better to get used to.

I dunno. I think my Orie is pretty fraudish. I'm just recreating what I've seen atic doing.

Is this hippies internet that's making it stutter?

deska here, were the connections any better or did it go potato?

>There was a thread earlier today with a guy naming the thread a general and using emoticons
>Died within 40 minutes
There is a god


Timestamped it in particular but maybe I'm seeing it wrong. Happens at around 17:20 if it doesn't work.

match we just played seemed fine to me, i just cant remember how to block in this video game

Guess I'll try that. Thanks
Does the ps4 have enough players?
I started playing Melty Blood recently, how is the online?

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Man fuck your internet hippie.

Make a new lobby and I'll join that one.
Best to get to the bottom of this but I plan on throwing a bitch fit to my provider this week

Most likely. It was worse yesterday based on his match with Sha.

I apologize in advance to whoever plays me tonight, I have no idea what I'm doing

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What were you having trouble blocking?

You need to use discord to find matches obviously but CCCaster's netcode is excellent and you'll never want to use delay trash ever again.

Tell me something I don't know


Shitposters dont even have the energy to care about midday threads, genuine or otherwise, much less potential players. This game continues to be a curious case here.

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Hm, maybe it's because I did it in the air to start and I was holding D.
Will do

Where are you guys from, pc lobby?

did the people here get good playing with Yea Forums or play with discord trannies


>people are falseflagging us for actually playing video games
quick, someone get some verified twitter posts or a screencap of a clickbait article for the next thread so we blend in

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Those are the PS4 regulars. hippie seems to be primarily PS4.

The former.

could not for the life of me block the mika C dash and the multi air attack thing she has


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Phonon posting is at an all time high i see. My PS+ ran out so i'll be even more absent than usual from the PS lobbies, how's the PC lobby tonight?

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When one of our guys brought some discord players to play they got their asses kicked

just outside the south side of chicago

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just make a trial account


Former as well. 95% of my playing has been in these lobbies with 5% spent in outside sources.

I'm too lazy to do that when i can just play on Steam instead. I'll be back on PS+ after Samsho drops next month anyway, so spending a month or so playing on PC won't kill me.

Hmm, looks like I should practice that delayed air slash ( presume it's either j.B or j.6x?) following the 236A.

The C dash is a high commitment move. If she whiffs it and lands on the ground, she's combo food. You can also shield it and it seems to prevent any follow up that she can do. Just remember, she can mix it up with her Dash B, so if you try shielding her Dash C and she opts for Dash B, you'll get GRD crushed. For her 236 A, block the other way if you predict she is trying to hit you while you back away.

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Mag I want rematches tuesday.

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it's easier offline

>66C can be followed up with 66B if blocked
Thanks for the tip friend, never knew that before.

>tfw EU

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God the stutters are bad.

That's not much consolation for some of us...

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Well at least Sha is here to distribute beatings.

tomorrow? Sure, as long as it's on PC, my sleep schedule's favorable for UNIST right now so I'll be here

What? No. I'm sorry if I was unclear about my wording. I meant if you predict 66C and try to shield that, but she throws out 66B instead, she'll GRD crush you. She can follow up her 66C with 236A/B if it isn't shielded.

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is it worth it for the cute boys or no


Hell yes

Anyone else gonna be at TXShowdown this weekend?

I see. No worries haha. Not the original guy you were talking to, just thought I'd chime in on what I thought to be a good tip.

Cool. I dont know why but the urge to play hilda more has been really strong these last couple weeks but I had a friend come visit so I couldnt put too much time into her.


Looks like my group has decided to gym up right now so I'll have to bail for now. Hope the lobby is still going by the time I finish.

If not, then throwing up an early GGs to the PS lobby bros. Looking forward to working on my Yuzu improvements!

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on god I reacted to enkidu 5[c] at least once there...

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everytime i play this video game there is one question that sticks in my mind
who in the absolute fuck thought invincible wake up dp was an acceptable idea

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Sometimes I wonder why I haven't changed mains yet

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just bait it lmao

Because you can block them?

I was considering it but I really need to build my savings back up. I'm borderline living paycheck to paycheck now.

You must have not played a lot of anime fighting games

I think that travesty has been plaguing fighting games since SF2, although i'm not 100% sure of that one.

i stopped playing them for a long time so i'm really not used to it


Ironically the devs actually wanted nobody to have a DP because they wanted a defensive game, but somehoe most of the cast ended up with them anyway.
just bait it lmao

Oh hey, i finally got my color on PC! don't be to rough on me fellow yellow ranks.

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[chronophantasma flashbacks intensfies]

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I wish there was a way to remove my ability to 1AD.

You're playing a character who has everything but a proper invincible DP. You'll be fine.

oh wow, playing against orie with characters that aren't phonon sucks

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everyone starts yellow

I remember when I could actually do easy 5k Relius corner combos in CPEX
Now I can barely do those in CF.

Why'd they let Akatsuki players just mash down on their sticks then

I'm pretty sure it's possible to get placed into green initially too.

>dealing with unist pressure without DPs

Because that's how it worked in Blitzkampf.
Fuck Akatsuki

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Well that was humbling. You'd think i'd learn to block Mika's dropkick the 30th or 40th time it's used on me in a row.

just delay your wakeup my guy

Byakumania running wild
And I don't want to try and stop it with these 10 second interval stutters.

>delay your wakeup
what witchcraft is that? sorry the only wakeup techniquie i know is holding upback.

if you just aren't holding a button, mika xd's right over you and you get 4k

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What he said. Alternatively, CS and input a DP. Kieselguhr caught me a bunch of times (as do a bunch of other net warriors).
>what witchcraft is that?
The one where the strongest winning move is sometimes to do nothing.

I started yellow then got moved to green after like 2 matches and have stayed there since.
Is UNIST the game where you have to specifically beat 10 players of your exact rank to rank up or was that another one? I remember reading about that a while back.

>Is UNIST the game where you have to specifically beat 10 players of your exact rank to rank up or was that another one
that's pretty much all Arcsys games, and UNIST too.

I don't think it's worth it to go for the 214's after the 66B's with miika. She can just pick up after it on hit anyway and it you did it too close and need to make it safe you could just twister.
I aint no Mika expert or anything though. I think I've only looked at her fdata like twice.

Nah, in CF you can rank up/down off different colors.
UNI is real particular that you need to fight someone of the same color to rank up or down

>do nothing.
does not compute. is that like the thing the other guy gets to do while i'm throwing out fullscreen hitboxes?

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Nah, GG ranks you up from beating anyone above you or 2 ranks below you (at different rates depending on their rank), and the opposite for ranking down.

I should probably focus on playing Elt correctly instead of trying to land an airgrab conversion the entire match

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focusing on improving a specific aspect of your play is a good thing

>Melk busts out Loli Guile
Oh shit.

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I knew phonon players were just apes with really long sticks

Don't play to win, play to improve. Wins will come as you improve.

Well lookie here

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God I'm an idiot. I really can't beat Sha.

fishing for air grabs doesn't make me a better player though, paying attention to my bullets and varying my pressure dues

It'll make you better at recognizing when you can air grab, and once you master that you can incorporate it into your normal play which will boost your overall power level.

fishing for air grabs will make you better at air grabs, and therefore on the whole you will be a better player. Like they said, focusing on any one aspect of your game improves the entire package. If you're E rank in everything, maybe you're a D rank in air grabs, and that means you're a better player over all. Next you try to rank up the other facets of your play.

I can't speak for anyone else, but that absolutely describes me. I've always considered myself bad at fighting games, but i realized i could still have fun playing them as long as i had BIG NORMALS to hide behind.

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In all the high level play I've seen both players give each other such insane amounts of respect during pressure. I don't get it at all.

Lamps going to Combo Breaker
And one of my dumb friends is trying to get him on their team for the 4v4

The Japanese in particular operate on a different level.

That fact alone might make be attend for casuals.

>mfw I'm going to miss golden wek sale
Fuck being broke.
When do you guys thinks there's going to be another sale?

because if you get touched you die

They barely even do blockstrings, it's just one normal at a time and they rarely get challenged.
Only thing I can imagine is that all these players have played each other so much that they're at this bizarre metagame now.

redpill me on vatista
thinking of playing her
I just love when she goes PAPAPAPAPAPAPAPA

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oh my god dude I post this shit every single thread, so glad to see someone else missed the golden week sale, most people here say just watch out for spring sale which should be soon. I'm broke too.

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Do you like Charge Characters? Did you ever wish one day that you could charge partition into other charge partition moves?

How do I learn to act under pressure?
Once someone starts attacking me I get too scared to do anything but block, or maybe mash once they get a little further away. Either I block too long and eat a throw or overhead, or I get countered, or my button misses and they're back in.

Christ hippie. It's so fucking bad, I can't even finish my fucking combos

Hope you like charging

Today at locals I learned something new about this game. The timer can be set to multiple speeds going fast or slow but it doesn't change the amount of seconds on the clock. This only affects local game speed as far as I know, not online. This may or may not have resulted in faster timeouts than normal on my setup

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now that the gang and another spider bro have arrived i can go rest
ggs amigos

you can totally beat me, if yuzu wants to run and fish for slashes i cant stop her, as you saw many times. you also had an excellent knack for vo'ing through what i was doing that set, you hit most of them.

I feel you m8
I want to get it for PS4 tho

:( bye bro

what is charging?
is it harder than hadoken or shoryuken?

But you can stop my slashes. Since you can jump over the 236a and hit me straight away.

You don't have to tell me every fucking game you know?
I get it

my vatista isn't ready yet.

You have to learn which of their moves leaves them in a bad position and know which of your moves will punish that bad position. After that you'll want to learn how to turn certain situations in your favor eg. through guard shielding certain strings.
You can try to just "feel it out" but honestly that's a waste of time and thousands of matches later you'll feel the same way about it.

I just can't believe how bad it is. How does it even stutter like that? It doesn't make sense.

the PS4 sale must've literally just ended if you missed it because I'm pretty sure it said until the 7th

Oh jesus christ
This fucking curse will end and I'll get to fight your zoning ass again

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The way vatista does it it is.

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ye 7th 10:00 am for me

Oh dear, you're probably in for a rude awakening.

How good are you at counting to one?

That was awesome.

jesus fuck im really feeling the effects of not playing for 4 days. i really wish i had the time to play consistently and practice during the day

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lower your graphics its probably the fps not the internet

t. ex toaster gamer

that always causes trouble for me because I'm terrible at keeping people under pressure but when I go to see what good players are doing it's not even applicable

don't worry, if you take breaks that long or longer for often enough you'll start deluding yourself into thinking you aren't getting worse

You can't do that on a ps4 user

your ps4 is dieing then
clean the dust or something

214a after a blocked 66b seems to get everybody who tries to punish with anything that isnt a quick A move. At least I see a lot of red flashes on grab as opposed to getting swatted out of the air like 214b.

Buy a Pro goy

I'm pretty sure it's just hippie and his shitty internet. You can go watch the stream right now and see it only stutter in his matches.

I see what icy was talking about. Maybe I'll rejoin another day

Alright, if that wasn't going to be better than there's no hope as of now.
I'm out, GGs

>>tfw EU with good internet

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Buy me on rabbi

How exactly do you deal with Phonon's strings?

man, I was just on tilt from the outset of that second round after I got cutting sync through the pillar and still got hit by 22c

Thanks. Is there a trick to handling run up throws or tick throws or jabs or do I just need to work on my old man reactions?

block them until you get vorpal or call out her rebeats
you could always just roll the dice and try to fullscreen jump a 3c

GGs PC lobby, It's nice playing with a bunch of people i'm not as familiar with for once.

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>no shirt under hoodie linne
wtf i love linne now

After I finish my stuff up, I'll reactivate PS+ and hop on for a bit.

Is this game worth buying on PC? How dead is it?

ggs, good to see you again friend

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Throw OSs are exactly what you're asking, two-in-one ways to deal with throws and another threat, most effectively used when dashed up on.

I'm partial to the bottomless Linne palettes.

I think I'm done for the night JK if no one else is joining up. Peace out


Someone was planning to hop on PS, think it's Mag

ggs PC lobby. Going to head out now that I'm done editing a paper. Starting to go more and more into autopilot.
>not going for palettes with tights

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Eh, I bought game during the sale, I ain't feeling so hot with my Yuzu tonight anyway. Best stop now and not fall into a pit of despair.

Another day, another early morning with nothing else to be done. Buckle up PC lobby, your free wins are arriving.

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GGs. Incredibly frustrating to play against your Phonon, but guess we'll have to learn.


alright yeah ill just rage there for the night ggs pc

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don't worry, my sub elt has been handing them out all night

of course there are no wrong answers with leg wear

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GGs. Nice to see some fresher faces around these parts. Looking forward to playing you more.

GGs. Sorry to hear you're having a bad time. I know that feel, m8.

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Are there two PC lobbies tonight?

PC lads, I'm fairly intoxicated and it's 2am so it's about time to knock out.
gonna close it after my next turn.

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im sorry it had to be like this chief

I know about those, but I can never physically react to the throw. Is there a trick to feeling out when the throw will happen or is it all reaction?
I've heard a lot of people say that you need to understand the opponent's habits, but I don't think I'm at the level where I understand them so I eat throws all day.

The reason for the OSes is so you don't have to react (in fact regular throws are impossible for most people to react to). You react to them running toward you then when they're in throw range you input the OS and it covers multiple potential situations, including them throwing you.
Gold throws (when they throw you during blockstun) on the other hand have twice the tech window so you can get out of those on reaction alone.

I don't think throws were meant to be reactable at all.

Another night, another empty score sheet. Thanks for helping beat neutral into my head PC mates

Also grading scale for Linnewear is her kuuga colors

GGs PC dudes. It's 2am now so I gotta hit the hay. Fun times.

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have a throw macro for one button tech
really gotta anticipate when the opponent is getting frisky

Huh, this is a different crew from usual. Did most of the regulars take the night off on PC?

GGs Melk.

Why have hold-to-tech but still have "mash to add hits/damage" moves?

who cares about your wins, did you learn anything or land any new confirms you've been practicing

>mash to add hits/damage" moves
Aside from Nanase 623C and Merk throws, who else even have these for you to complain about them?

Because your never doing both at the same time?

So it's something I need to already be expecting from an aggressive opponent, not something I react to? That makes more sense, I'll need to really start thinking about that during matches.

A couple of PS players hit up PC tonight I believe.

That's already too many to have it.

jokes on you, I'm constantly mashing anyway

Learning how to deal with neutral pressure my dude. Combos are easy, but you can't rely on a cpu to make you stop respecting blockstrings

Yes, most people have a habit of when they will attempt it. The better the player, the better he is at being less obvious at when he will attempt. It's not an easy thing at all, it's mostly mindgames and not reaction games.

>combos are easy
sure, but landing that optimal 200% CVO route you've been practicing in an actual match is not the same
please pick park or training room

Because you can just churn butter for max hits anyways.

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>deska actually doing meaty 2a instead of 66x
we're fucked now guys

Japanese play is especially weird. Like they're on so many layers of option selects that they start having newtype pressure mind battles.

i swear i can tech gold throws

sure, and I can actually land full eltnum confirms as well :^)

Fuck off from the lobby if you know its a problem fag.

Got back from my previous excursion to find out that it ooks like PS is closed. How's PC. Still got one going?

I never understood why they force bullet to churn butter for that when it's so absurdly lenient. Why couldn't it just be additional D presses?

i also swear i can sometimes do the full bnb in the corner without dropping

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People are starting to catch wise to my orc strats. Honestly, though, thanks for your critique and suggestions for improvements, park. It's the pic related of this evening for me.

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Why do retards like you join a lobby if you know your internet is shit? Fuck off we dont want your excuses literally just leave.

hippie I would have died from a brain aneurysm long ago if I had the service that you do, they can't keep getting away with it
that wasn't me, but your internet is pain
there was a change of plans, I'm gonna close when I finish my drink but there's enough people to continue

Way ahead of you, chucklefuck

I like Nanase's 623 mash. Makes it feel strong.

now once you start staggering those 2a's with 5c/[c] and run in full circle command grab it's going to be curtains

this but unironically

>being this new
I should have guessed

I'm playing Linne, the combos are easy. Think the only hard ones I've got are the 623B CS conversions, and that's just the starter. Gotta play the actual players now so I can perk my reaction time and recognize when that starter doesn't get blocked.

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though you should honestly watch eve or neji, I don't actually know the proper names of her buttons

Really I wouldn't mind the mashing if it was just buttons but I don't like having to roughly spin the stick around quickly as well.

Well this retard is one of maybe 3 people that will actually make the threads, so there's that.

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So wait, is the PS lobby done for? Did I actually miss a day?! Now I'm on a downward spiral.

Something tells me they're just spouting shit without ever having joined these lobbies.

Finals time has productivity down.
and my connection has been the spottiest it's ever been.

Jesus, I dropped all my spaghetti against that Eltnum

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More importantly, why is the guy with the worst connection always the host?

Do bicep DOMS improve your gameplay? Asking for a friend

My practice regimen is destroyed. At least my sleep schedule can recover a bit. I'm sure I'll see you guys tomorrow or something.

Cause we've had worse.

Sounds like a plan, if nobody else is willing to volunteer to host, I'm down.

You should have asked that 2 years ago newbie

Because nobody else really makes another lobby until forced. I don't think he'd have issues letting someone else host more often.

Where the lolb at?

why cant I find the PC lobby? the code is vee right?

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pc lobby is typically pclobby
holy shit why can't I wake up ex cutting sync

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most of the time it's pclobby, sometimes a "vee" one pops up.

Yeah, my pea brain is gonna need some more time to incorporate that. One step at a time.
And the Japanese seem to be at 5 or 6 layers of metagame. Best thing to do is to watch how they approach the neutral, especially against longer ranged characters.
GGs, though. Looks like your Eltnum is getting better, slowly. I feel that you're still dropping some things since you just started subbing her into your repertoire? I think if you busted out the Phonon you would have schooled me. God that match up feels horrible to play as Mika.

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I can toss in some suggestions from what I watched.
Use 623X more. It's a strong approach, the a version is safe on block, and it destroys assaults and upbacks like nobody's business. The followup is projectile AND strike immune too so now even phonon, yuzu, and vat can't run from it. And you can convert off of it with CS or by using 236C+672.
Start utilizing Mika's 5[C]. If you do a whiff 5a/2a afterward then it's +plus 7.
Start looming the threat of 360C on people when you have CS.
Mika's 5B is actually pretty good for mashing out of pressure as it's really fast for the range it has and it's a good poke in general.
Also CVO>IW actually does a surprisingly high amount of a damage on its down. Sometime it's good to just let her rip.

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I don't understand your point, since I play phonon
twitter com/mateokk_tk2/status/1108015835669389313
if I did that in a match after practicing it I would be fucking thrilled even with my executionlet character

Thanks. I'll try to see if I can incorporate those into my battle plan.
>The followup is projectile AND strike immune too so now even phonon, yuzu, and vat can't run from it.
Oh wow, I didn't realize that.
>Start looming the threat of 360C on people when you have CS.
Is that where you do the 360C > CS > follow up?

playing eltnum is weird for me since phonon has such a good midrange poke in 5b that can AA if I 5bb plus all of her other shit, but elt's midrange is basically 5c or gunshot and I don't really know how to contest

Good question. I think I've got onset leg DOMS and I was able to return a perfect round to lektr1c.

Also, you've seemed to be much more improved since last time we fought fellow Linne player! Nice stuff.

I can't wake up with EX moves properly, time to down the drink and close the lobby

i can't believe enkidu doesnt have a command grab

Yeah. the scaling is nuts so Mika can get 4-5k off of it CS with so everyone has to respect it.
IIRC, she gets like 6k off of it if you're in veil off and just do 360C>IW

She's a pretty damn good character. I dread the day that everything starts to click with your Eltnum and you start converting off of a stray bullet into big boi damage. Keep at it, m8. One step at a time.

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GGs. He makes up for it with being able to move into alot of his special moves pretty freely for some fun mixups during pressure. It's partially why I picked him up. That and he's got aesthetically pleasing animations and sound effects to alot of his moves.

t. Enkidu secondary.

Now that would change things
See it would be a lot better if he could weave out of his follow-up normals a lot easier instead of being stuck into sequence without being able to reverse beat out of them.

You know, last thread I was in I was all
>wahwah where are the other greens
And now I'm scared about getting knocked down to blue hell. I've made a mistake.

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I'm getting once piece down at a time. Structuring her pressure is going to be the hardest part since I feel like it actually requires 2 different game plans depending on enhanced bullets. I can't wait to catch morons mashing my +4 236[a]s in the corner.

forcing rankings on casual lobbies was a mistake

Actually haven't practiced much since the last time we played. (´・ω・`) But thanks, it's nice to have a Linne to learn from.

Just 22c lmao

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>4-5k off of 360C > CS > Proper follow up
Fug, that's pretty good.
>micro-dashes in the follow up
Welp. Gotta learn to micro dash. Thanks for the heads up. Will try to learn it.
I'll probably be one of the morons you catch with my bad tendency to mash like a brain dead unga bunga in panic mode. GGs and keep it up.

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>charged gun zoning
Nice, hahaha.

what region are you guys even playing at?

bandi, 66c is not a good starter and it is punishable on block
that last 30 seconds almost had me in tears

microdashes aren't hard in games with input buffers, don't let it scare you


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I saw that you had no bullets so I took advantage. Regardless, you should work on the dash block tutorial.

sai thanks for adding to the disproportionate number of Yuzu's that I constantly fight, wouldn't be uni without her

sw, or is louisiana east?

every region and platform except EU PC

Why lie?

be the change you want to see in the world, but don't get us killed

Started that a few threads ago bro, no complaints so far.

Aaaaa my UNIST crashed, I'll be back in a sec

are there character usage stats available from like JP arcades or anything? curious who's most and least popular there

Started what?

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>wagner that low

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I figured Gordot and Bayaque would be more common.

>that Enkidu number
Feels bad man.

The Japanese don't like the idea of women in positions of power.

Because the Japanese don't really have a problem with her.
And honestly, aside from Redblade, boltstryke, and schoolbus, Wagner isn't that hard ot deal with.
Gords always been on a decline after UNIEL since he isn't as strong as he used to be. Kyo made everyone remember how strong he can still be though

the craziest thing about this is that you rarely ever see phonon in arcade footage outside of rippu mateokk and eve
they don't think she's very good

Well, at least every region accepts that Enkidu is the worst character
t. Enki main

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I play a shitton of Enkidu and few people have an idea how to fight one. Make use of it.

at least he has a cool IWEX

I'm actually closing this shit when it gets back to me

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Took me a bit of time to realize that that's Spiderman
Type Moon, pls.
>Two shotoclones that high
Imagine all those fireballs, wake up DPs, and CHE-CHE-CHE-CHE-CHESTOs.

GGs pc lobby. My defense sucks ass.

I went to piss, we done on PC?

Looks like Park is done hosting so if anyone is still down I've got another lobby setup now.

GGs Park and GGs anyone who's also done for the night!

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Buffs soon.
I guess?

I might come back for a bit. I can't sleep and there's some stuff I wanna test.

What is it about Redblade's Wagner (or how he plays her) that makes her an actual threat, even to the Japanese?

I need sleep

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Thanks for getting a new lobby up! (and switching to Mika to give me the fighting chance I desperately need)

Rest well. That was some mighty fine Eltnum playing. Looking forward to more matches in the future!

No probs m8. Let's have some fun fights.

Hmm, maybe I'll play a non-secondary on my next few go-around so it's not just me and Melk trading 3 wins.

Noice. The Chesto has been surpassed.

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Can't let you screw around forever.

My next turn'll be my last, it's been a fun night.

Sounds good. GGs and thanks for playing through the dead of night!

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That was a clutch throw through my fireball. Fun fight indeed.

That was great. Thanks for hosting and GGs.

>Wagner IW at this hour
Good thing I have my lights on as it's super bright.

Looks great though. Also, heads up for those still here. Gonna keep the lobby up for another 25 or so minutes.

>Mika wakeup 5BB
I've never really seen this used much myself, but if it works I should start using it more often!

That round was hella hype. I did not see that comeback coming at all
Lol, it works somewhat well as it's one of her better pokes (it getting rid of projectiles helps too), I'm not good enough to actually get much out of it though

GGs guys. I'm dozing off midmatch now so I really gotta get to bed.

I'm sure if you lab around with it you could find some pretty decent follow ups (I usually just 236A > 7/9A > FF myself when I use it in standing attack pressure).

GGs m8. Thanks for showing off some fun and cool Wagner plays. Have a good night!

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Night dude, it was fun getting my ass beat by a good Wagner.

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If I can ever get good I'll play with you guys. Give me a year or 5

Those are some awesome wakeup grabs Bandi. I suppose we'll make this the last one. Have fun!

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You could make that less than a year if you show up consistently and ask questions in my opinion.

There may also be people your level since alot of newer faces have been showing up lately.

GGs fellas, I'll see you in the next one hopefully.

Yeah, they're my defacto scrub tactic when I get into a panic mash. Definitely not the best habit to have.

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GGs Bandi and Davy. Those were some fun fights we had tonight! Hope to see you guys around more often in the future though I mainly hop on PS lobbies.

I'll try to even it out and join both for sure more often. It's always a blast to find new people to play with.

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GGs dude!
Now its time to look at the replay from our Mika mirrors and do some lab work
And I have the game on PS as well but I don't currently have PS+, but I usually jump on the pclobbys for a bit whenever I see a UNIST thread up so I'm sure I'll see ya around
Hey if it aint broke don't fix it. As long as it's not your only wakeup option it does works pretty well

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If you haven't come across him yet, I hope you play against GonD when he runs Mika. He's the guy I lifted most of my good techniques off of while playing a session o two of 1v1 for a good amount of matches.

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Man my arms are in a heap, all throughout playing I was fighting my DOMS and tendon pain, I'm never taking prolonged leave from the gym again.

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I know that feel broski. I too just got started after a long break and decided to do legs and back on the same day. Had an awkward walk on my way out of the gym and I'm not looking forward to the coming pain after waking up later in the morning.

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EU PC Lobby

kw v

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is it still up?
i can join in about 15


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And here I was gonna step up and make an EU thread later, good stuff user.

Where the fuck is it? Is it over already?

Still open and playan.

Switch your Steam DL region to UK - Manchester.

Thread hasn't lasted until I got off work in a while.

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How do I get good at this game? I want to join the v lobbies but I'm afraid of getting clowned on

Don't be afraid to get clowned on is the real answer.

The soft answer is play against the other new players who've decided to join following the Golden Week sale and hope they stick with the game too.

You playing on PS or PC?

Just accept it's going to happen. I join and I get clowned constantly. You're never going to be able to react in real fights if you hang back.