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Halo 3 should come before the end of the year

>Halo Reach PC got delayed due to basically having to rebuild a console-only game to run on mouse and keyboard
They should've started with CE

why they didnt go in release order is fucking beyond me

I've been revisiting all the old Halo games. 2,3, and Reach are still incredible. CE really shows it's age in the level design, but it's still good. I can't wait to have these game looking crystal clear on pc and play them with my bros.

They're porting Reach and CE at the same time, probably simultaneous release

So they can release Reach on PC and the Bone around the same time.

splash damage and ruffian games are doing it

This, the Brink developers are on the case.
Expect nothing and expect it in 2 years.


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I think for a new player, chronological order is way better.

The impact of Reach's story is stronger when you don't really know how things will pan out; however, if you played it after Halo 3, then you know that the SIII jabronis didn't matter.

El Dewrito exists, OP.

It's dead as fuck these days, but it exists.

they better be fucking using the original PC Halo CE as a blueprint and not making mw2esque HORSESHIT TRASH out of all the later releases

but i wanna play the campaign

They used the PC release as a basis for both CE rereleases.

Halo 1 PC was a shit port in the first place

The talent at 343 Industries are busy fucking it all up again.

343 isn't making it.

Halo CE >> Halo 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> SHIT >>> Halo 3

>mod support
>persistent dedicated servers
>bad port
actually its one of the better ones

fuck you

God tier: Halo CE, 2 & 3
Spinoff tier: Everything else


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3 has some of the absolute worst core gameplay in the series.

CE is the most aged game overall due to it's visuals, lack of content, and repetitious single player design, but the core movement, aiming, and shooting largerly still holds up even if there's some wonkyness. Meanwhile, 2 is very tight and fluid, and reach, while definitely slower and more limited then 3, 2, or CE, still feels responsive. 5's base gameplay, putting aside spartan abilities, is even more fluid, responsive, tight, and inutitive then 2's is.

3, on the other hand, feels awful. It feels absolutely fucking glacial to move around the MP maps using the default movement settings, with 125% still only barely cutting it, the guns and shooting feels way less meaty and kinetic then any of the other bungie games, and half your fucking shots just vanish into the aether due to all the random spread the guns have. People bitch about Bloom in reach but at least Reach's bloom is visible to you, benefits some guns like the AR, and can be mitigiated via shot pacing.

The only game in the series with worse feeling core gameplay is arguably 4 due to how fucking slippery it feels, and even then the guns feel nicer to shoot.

The PC port didn't even launch with mod support, and both of those were standard back in 2003/4.

I'd like to play CE with Halo 5's player control and movement.

3 is a better Halo 2
and Reach is a better CE
Fight me, faggot.

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>enable raw input
>disable acceleration
>disable aim assist
Why the fuck do they think it's so hard?

No they weren't, just standard in games like UT. Not every game shipped with mod support nor were they expected to.

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>Reach is a better CE
absolutely not

5 had a responsive strafe, crouch, and didn't have a jump delay. Those would all be objective improvements when you have weapons that kill so quickly.

And then it shits the bed with the retarded floating while aiming and weapon lowering with clamber and sprint.

I didn't say anything about the abilities.

They're definitely waiting for E3 to pull off some "it releases right NOW" stunt

i hope so since it seems logical, if not announcing a close-by release date. 07/07 wouldn't surprise me either as a callback to Bungie day

if they did that i'd jizz my fucking shorts

A lot of what is wrong with Halo 1 CE is under the hood. A lot of broken shader work. I remember one guy behind the fan patch for Halo saying that essentially zero shaders in Halo PC render correctly because Gearbox couldn't math.