Mother series thread

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>Haha, what if Earthbound took place in this decade?

I know what you mean user I too prefer the official US clay version of ness. The non-dough boy version.

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Friendly reminder that Jeff is the best party member. Who needs a Teddy or Robot waifu when Jeff can just blow everyone up? He's the complete opposite of that weenie- what's his name.... Porksbutt?

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duster is pretty cool too with all of those thief tools and being able to kick the shit out of people even while having a limp

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I want to sex Kumatora

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just came here to say that earthbound is really boring. You just walk around town searching for things Im glad I never played this piece of shit again. Go play any generic jrpg other than this. Cant believe people pretend to like this game.

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yeah i guess. i never really finished earthbound because it got too boring around the desert part with dungeon man but i just really like Mother 3 because of the characters and the story and everything

It's just redditors who like it for it's wacky random humor
Nobody with half a brain likes JRPSs

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Stop posting Kumatora, she’s a stick nobody likes

daddy's gonna beat you

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She’s made for breeding

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keiichi suzuki stuff

Mother 3
Sanctuary Guardian
Masked Man (1st fight)

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Mother 3 and Earthbound are tied for me but if I had to chose it’d be Mother 3
Mind of a Thief
Moonside or Pollyanna
Diamondized Dog

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>music no contest
Tazmilly village over the course of the game
>boss fight
Pokey (mother 3)

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>8 Melodies (earthbound version, but Winters is a close second)
>My Nigga Ness
>Magicant Mani Mani statue

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Do you guys think Kumatora wears pants or panties or just goes out commando?

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I had a buddy who played Earthbound for the first time. Said that it's probably one of his favorite rpgs just for being a breath of fresh air. I've been taking notes on friends and random e-celebs and it seems its either a love it or hate it with Earthbound. Never an in between.

Personally I find the game to be a comfy ride whenever you need some peace and relaxation.

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based and kumapilled

Tie between Chimera Lab and Snowcap Mountain
Master Porky

Fuck, I beat the game just a couple of months ago, and now I want to play it again. It was such a unique experience.

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Nesslets not even once

Mother 1's Magicant
Final Masked Man Master Belch close second. Took me like 30 fucking minutes of missing lmao

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anyone else have any strange emotional experience with the games? in eb magicant i suddenly burst into tears upon reading this text and cried again getting this screenshot

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just started playing 3 for the first time
hinawa hasnt died yet

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I wonder what that says in Japanese considering that Ness is actually wearing his hat in Magicant in the Japanese version. And only his hat.

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So I've been thinking about the giygas boss fight lately, and it occurred to me, what if giygas isn't actually about the rape scene itself, but guilt from getting turned on by it?

It wasn't even a rape scene Itoi saw, it was a murder scene.

He didn't see the murder part before he ran out of the theater, he saw a woman getting fondled

Still, the point of the Giygas scene is dealing with seeing some adult that you don't understand at a young age. I doubt he got turned on by it since the scene has them fully clothed if I remember correctly.

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and having your peepee get hard from seeing a woman getting "raped" isn't some adult shit?

Sounds like you're projecting user. Clearly some of the lines in Giygas's fight are meant to be sexual but I doubt he was trying to push for a feeling of guilt.

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pls be a boy

even if my suggestion isn't right, there certainly is a feeling of guilt
>it feels good
>it hurts
and if it's based off of what he thought was a rape scene, the guilt thing kind of makes sense

I played earthbound one summer, about ten years ago. it was the first time i started drinking. it was a crazy hot summer, scorching hot even even past 10pm and I sat in the lounge playing EB with my bottle of vodka and stayed up all night, it was awesome. I played the whole thing in about two weeks drunk of my ass, i loved it./

I guess, but I still doubt he got off to it.

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It's just a theory


Alright if we're posting theories then what the fuck did George do to piss off Giygas so much?

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He stole PSI research

Called him a fag.

if i had to guess he developed an oedipus complex. also he learned PSI magick mumbo jumbo

So he basically stole Giygas's homework and Giygas was forever salty about it? Sounds plausible considering how a fucking song makes Giygas turn into the ultimate evil.

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>Sounds plausible
yeah it does, considering it's true

Are any of you autistic enough to have made a ROMhack?

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same thing

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My nihongo's a little rusty, is it just saying the same thing that's in the English version?

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Pretty much.

Interesting, I know that one of the girls in Magicant calls Ness a pervert for being naked but they obviously changed it in the English version.

I have to wonder if they ever do a remake of Earthbound if they'll keep Ness being naked in it in the Japanese version.

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Let me rephrase: what if Giygas isn't about the murder scene itself, but guilt from getting turned on by it?

Am I the only one who didn't really like Mother 3? The whole game just felt a bit off.
I hated how long it took until the game stopped switching your character.
And the majority of the enemies are just the combination of two animals.
By the end, I was just playing to to be done with it.

Yeah, the game certainly feels rushed. A lot of the japanese fanbase think it's worse than 1 and 2.