What's Yea Forums's honest opinion on this game? Is it worth playing?

What's Yea Forums's honest opinion on this game? Is it worth playing?

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apparently i have that game ps4, so bumping for interest, dark chronicle was pretty good

I would like to know too.

I just replayed it for the first time in like almost 15 years and it’s incredibly tedious.

Combat is super Grindy and you die in a couple hits. Other than that, the game is one of the best ps2 titles.

Do you like jrpgs?
Yes? Then yes.
No? Then no.

yeah i can recommend Dark Cloud 2 but I never played this one so I don't know. It's probably just as good, but the major flaws are sprawling, repetitive dungeons and fairly mundane combat that never really changes. If you can get over the shallow gameplay there's probably a decent story in there

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Jack of all trades Action RPG on the ps2.

Do you like JRPGs? If so, you'll enjoy it for what it is.

Do you hate/not care for JRPGS? Then I would not recommend it.

I will say that one of the first 'dungeons' is hands down the most boring in the game but it's not too bad.

Don't start catching bugs, bruh. Just don't do it.

It's shit. Melee combat is shallow as fuck and clunky. You can attack with your melee weapon in the air, but you can't shoot your gun in the air. All the spells are skippable cutscenes, so there's no reason not to use an AoE spell and skip the animation for instant damage. The Random encounter rate is pretty high, too, so you will be spamming Sandstorm a lot. If you want to grind for alchemy materials, then you'll be spamming sandstorm 10x more.

Shit game. Play Dark Cloud 2 instead.

I liked it a lot

I played the game for over 120 hours and I don't think ever once tried catching bugs or doing bug battles.

Also I should add that the version we got in the west was the 2.0 edition with a bunch of new stuff like a brand new world.

>you will be spamming Sandstorm a lot

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>Is it worth playing?
Once maybe. It's okay and in an age where good RPGs are slim pickings, okay is certainly good enough.

>The Random encounter rate is pretty high, too, so you will be spamming Sandstorm a lot

After about the hundredth random battle I was spamming Sandstorm to just get over with, I fucking quit. This game almost dares you not to finish it with how tedious it gets.

A pretty solid and good game with a lot to enjoy and appreciate but quite a lot of flaws that can get in the way. Combat is simple but very satisfying (if you played the other Level 5 games you understand), and there are a lot of party members but it doesn't particularly change much and there are some pretty severe balance issues and poor design choices that hurt if you focus on them. Dungeons range from pretty cool to pretty boring, characters are all solid, story starts nice but squanders it's potential a bit. All in all if you like the genre its worth a shot, especially if you played the previous Level 5 games, it's enough of a different take on those while having a fair bit of what makes them fun.

Well... I don't really enjoyed it. It's extremely repetitive and grindy, as someone already pointed out in this thread, the game is very story driven so expect a lot of texts and cutscenes for a poorly written story, but the general lore is ok.

If you don't mind that, if you're patient with the 2005 jrpg flaws, then you might have a lot of fun with it.

I thought it had a really fun combat system, art was great, characters are fun. It isn't the most griping story but it was definitely a fun game with flashy combat.

Its ok. If you arent 8-12 I wouldn't advise it unless you have nostalgia for it

I enjoy it. Story and dialogue is cheesy anime. Gameplay is similar to Tales of... series while still being it's own thing.

>Combat is simple but very satisfying (if you played the other Level 5 games you understand),
I played pretty much every level 5 game except the soccer ones, and my standards didn't lower because of it. I would never classify the combat of this game as satisfying. Play more games, you don't know what good is yet.

>Gameplay is similar to Tales of... series while still being it's own thing.

It's more similar to the Star Ocean games in how garbage and incompetent it is. "Similar to Tale of" is synonymous with someone not knowing what the fuck they're talking about.

>Prepare to have an inventory full of fucking element weapons so you can switch to the one weapon that does more damage
>You will just run into shit that absolutely fucking murders you and you're going the right way, this game beefgates like a MOTHERFUCKER
>Backtracking like fucking mad
>Yuri Lowenthal's first ever role as a gay robot
>"I'm totally not evil, please tell me your secrets" Steve Blum character

It's the purest definition of a 6/10 game but god damn if I didn't play it all fucking day and night as a kid. I bought it on PS4 and actually finished it again a couple years ago.

it's shit
there isn't

Random encounters, with arena fights. I beat this game twice. I said nothing about how its competency. I dont think you know what you're talking about.

>Random encounters, with arena fights.
So it's only superficially similar. Almost every 3d action jrpg has arena fights, even mediocre games like Shining Tears Refrain. At this point the Tales series has more entries without random encounters than with. Don't bring up Tales of series just because it's popular without at least explaining the similarities, you'll give people higher expectations.

Stop shitting in the water and calling it bait, user. Did it look like I was trying to write an essay on the similarities between it and another games mechanics? No, it was a brief and vague statement.

I know the games arent anything alike but any time I try playing Rogue Galaxy I always end up thinking I'd rather be playing Dark Cloud 2

I've played many games, I think you're assuming satisfaction can only come from things like large mechanical depth or challenge. Visual and audio feedback can be a surprisingly effective tool.
That's funny, of all the issues with the game I had the exact opposite, it's so easy to get powerful weapons and steamroll everything with buff stacking.

>the combat is boring, grindy and easy

Yes, we know it's a JRPG.

You overpraised a shit game with your vague statement and I called you out on it. If discussing a game is too much effort, then it'd be best for yourself and everyone if you didn't post at all.

>ok action rpgs that are only remembered by people that played them as children
sounds like an apt comparison to me

>I know the games arent anything alike but any time I try playing Rogue Galaxy I always end up thinking I'd rather be playing Dark Cloud 2
I feel the same way, but then I boot up Dark Cloud 2 and remember all the missable photos and just play Dark Cloud 1 instead.

Getting those ridiculous weapons involves grinding for a thousand fucking years. I'm not a high school kid who can blow his summer break playing one game anymore, I'm nearly 30 with maybe one day a week I can just veg out with a game. JRPGs and I don't get along anymore.

>tfw never finished the Ghost Ship to get Kisala's bikini
Also, I'm pretty sure Lilika gave me my amazoness fetish.

>he doesnt have the same album save file from 2002 with all the photos already
the fact that they made it a seperate save file was a blessing. if you ever emulate it you can just swipe up a save from gamefags

As a lover of JRPGs, these.
Also, the plot sucks shit.

The climax that is hinted about since near the beginning resolves in like 1 minute. That's when i knew I hated all aspects of this game. It is colorful though.

It doesn't by a long shot. The game constantly dumps weapons on you throughout the whole thing, and the very first weapon you get for Jaster can be upgraded into one of the strongest weapons in the game, until the plot straight up gives you an even better one, that can be easily upgraded even further. Once you realise how synthesis actually works the only challenge is high enemy damage, but you can chug potions almost all the time.

Yeah man let me just spend two hours grinding out two weapons to max exp so I can fuse them into a slightly better one for all of my characters, repeatedly. Fantastic gameplay.

>Just chug potions constantly bro it's okay a monster not even two feet away from the ones you're styling all over can just take off 80% of your health with a fart

You're that cunt defending shitty games in the rest of the thread, aren't you

I wouldn't call saying two things are similar, when they are, over praising in any way. This isnt like comparing a van Gogh to a 5th grade "you tried" art project, unless you are some kind of jrpg sommelier.

You don't have to spend all your time grinding them though. You just play the game, fuse any weapons you get, and you have more than enough damage without it taking any wind out your sails. And no, I'm not the other guy whose throat you're jumping down, but I'd assume he also played the game more and better than you judging from your posts.