Why did Heroes of the Storm die?

Why did Heroes of the Storm die?

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Blizzard killed it

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How do you kill that which has no life?

Botched monetization attempts, wasn't profitable nor popular enough for Blizzard's tastes

It was advertised as something that could only be played competitively and not casually. What's the fun in that?

I personally like the game. Player base never wants to learn how to play, is that just a MOBA thing?
People are allergic to strategies and communicating.

It was the other way around user

Honestly HoTs was the best moba when it came out. It was about teamfighting, and not about sitting in lane for 30min last hitting minions. The heroes felt impactful, the TTK was high so you felt like you were in an actual fight instead of just one-shotting back and forth (like league), and they came up with some pretty unique playstyle concepts.
Then they started nerfing things because instead of doing their own thing, they tried to be more like League. It got a point where tanks didn't feel tanky anymore, but had high damage for some reason. Assassins would just oneshot eachother, and healers were only limited by mana (which is the least fun, you're immortal until you run out of juice, wee).

When they added the OW heroes, there was a huge creep in movement abilities, the character just didn't fit into the game because they tried to make them true to their OW counterparts. Tracer,dva,hanzo,etc all have infinite mobility and are just not fun to play against at all.

Then they nerfed healers into uselessness.

Jumped in to the fad late.
their roaster of notable characters is not as large as they thought.
pouring a shit ton of money in to a professional scene instead of letting it form naturally
it became obvious that most of the new heroes were overpowered as fuck up until they added a new one.

Are the HotS servers even still up? Did they just stop development or shut the whole thing down?

It never lived. Stop making these stupid threads.

Still updates thought at a snail's pace due to having only a skeleton crew working on it, they even added a new hero to the game (Anduin)

They're still up and balance changes are still happening, but new content has almost stopped.

It didn't meet SALES EXPECTATIONS despite being PROFITABLE. Capitalism yay!

They were also afraid to do anything too far out there.
No Old God heroes
None of the Elemental Lords beyond rag, not even a skin that makes him look like Nepulon/Alakir/Ahune
Notable lack of Deathwing or any of the aspects besides alex
I think Hots would have done better if it had "story missions" or a comic that shows how the characters interact with each other stuck in the nexus. Guldan makes deals with the Prime Evils and a group of good guys need to stop his shit, again.

You don't know shit

Blizzard greed.

The game isn't just about warcraft faggot. You shitters that insisted every other hero had to be from warcraft were the most fucking obnoxious.

PLaying vs Dva is very fun you will win no matter what lmao but yeah OW heroes fucked the game hard and their idea of a fix was Maiev, a very mobile hero that can't catch other mobile heroes but shit super hard on 90% of the roster.

>For ACTIVISION'S tastes
Fixed that for you.

They need to transform it into a fighting game, or a smash clone even.

Isn't a third to half the roster from warcraft?

well its kind of their most popular series, monetary wise, so yeah.

t. seething starcuck

It still gets updates and recently got a new hero.

Just because it's not eSports doesn't mean it's dead.

Besides, forced eSports needs to learn a lesson that you can't force success with loads of money.

Care to explain? Because it really looks like you're the one who doesn't know shit in this scenario.

blizz has gone full electronic arts

it was a dogshit game made by a dogshit company and only drones, faggots and söyböys found it compelling. The worst ARTS of the bunch by a long shot, so shallow and shit it was amusing to an extent

It just got a new hero what are you talking about?

Several key events and botches monetization/QoL attempts.

1. It was a pain in the ass to unlock heroes and made even worst after the 2.0 changes with several currencies added. Then they also made many later costumes pay for only (starting with Alexstrasza).

2. QoL stuff bogged them down for the longest time. Horrible queue systems, extremely long relog times if you or other's DCed for some reason meant lost games by default. Other things going on. This was later fixed though, but they brought it-back full force at the last Blizzcon and announcment of HOTS put on life support. 2-5 minute Queues turned into 20-30 minute ones. In both cases, the games were actually decent for matchmaking. After that, they turned off the matchmaking limitations and ever since the matches have been total clusterfucks in all-modes.

3. Horrible balancing in favor of monetization issues. This is nothing new in any mob with Hero releases, but some things went on for too long (Kael'thas in early HOTS for example). What really broke the community's back the first time was the Overwatch heroes releases. Many of them ignored the rules of the game and did so for over a year. It was frustrating they were pushing them so hard to the point it would make the normies realize they were shitting up whatever little fun the game had at that point.

Felt like it was at a highpoint right before the Blizzard announcment and it all fell apart.

Also it doesn't have last hits, denies, items, couriers, and carries.

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because tree of savior exists and it's better and more fun in every way

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was it one the people wanted or was it the one Activision handed down to pair with BfA?

it sucks

Why did it die ?
Communist game
>nothing to set you apart from the other person individually with skill
>no last hitting, the game didn't need gold and items it just needed last hitting and individual leveling and it could've been an amazing game.

No item shop means no unique wacky builds

No lane meta means every team is confused on what to do till the map objective comes up

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Why the fuck are you comparing a korean MMO to a MOBA. That's like saying Blockbuster went under because 7-Eleven exists.

because blizzard tanked from the diablo immortal backlash and they couldn't afford to keep throwing money into the fire that was HotS anymore.

That's sorta true tho. Get snacks and get boxes.

play butcher or azmodan.

they used to have those with talent choices. they have cut down on the gimmick/fun talents to make everyone more "normal and modern while giving clear impactful choices."

I wish I was a mommy dragon

that's because all of the game's pvp modes are moba
get with the times grandpa

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>he doesn't know that most convenience stores also rent videos even today

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The game was ok, but there wasn't enough depth to keep playing the game for a long time.
No items made the game really accessible, but after a while every game felt the same.

>play butcher or azmodan.
doesn't change the fact that it's a commie game and would've did way better with last hitting for extra exp and individual levels.

Showing some pros to my own statement:

1. Character models actually looked like what they were presented ass. No switch and bait bullshit with art vs reality.

2. Best waifus out of all the mobas. Actual tits and ass. Meant something especially in the past few years where female TnA was being limited to Burka-wearing transites.

3. QoL moba improvements (or not if you have Dota/AoS mechanic autism): Easy to jump in and learn. Matches were short but fulfilling. They could actually last longer but Blizzard ended up nipping these possibilities/fun and eventually added points where games would finish as long as someone actually did the objectives mid game.

Gonna leave notable mention of Overwatch shit being shit when they were forcing it: Hanamura Temple was so bad, streamers were farming other teams and never ending the games.

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You can see that they tried weird heroes early on, with abathur, vikings, and cho'gall, but they always had trouble making new content because of them; for example, they can't make more big, split maps like cursed hollow because vikings would be too powerful there, while they're also bad on most other map types. And they had to put out a new hero like every month while these weirdos were forever making things harder to balance, so they avoided making any weirdos in the future.

People are too fast to forget the backstory of that game.
>Blizz fights Valve for the Dota name
>Blizz announced they are working on "Blizzard Dota"
>The moment Blizz loses the court battles, the hype immediately dies down
>It was visible how all they ever "had" was the name
>Team fucking Z is assigned to it
>Game is very casual, more than LoL
>The only good stuff on it was having Samwise allowed to go crazy on the models and art, thats why its the last blizz game to have sex appeal.

when did it die? i thought they were stopping development but I've seen a new hero recently

it brought back best girl after they ruined her

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>presented ass

From someone that worked there at the end. 2012/2013
one of the problems was how much shit they were contracted in to buying each week.
every week we would get a small pallet of snacks. shit that did not sell. the stuff that did was never in danger of running out within one week. we also got several cases of soda each week. by the last day after we closed for the last time our storage room(fire exit)was 75% full of shit. im mean 10ish piles of cases of soda 3ft high each, endless candy and pop corn. a good chuck of it was expired.

it died shortly after blizzcon happened and blizzard's stock dipped like 50%. they had to get all hands on deck to whatever thing they're doing to save the company, and that included however many people were working on HotS.

>Felt like it was at a highpoint right before the Blizzard announcment and it all fell apart.
Worst part of it all. It's clear the HotS team was blindsidedly too because they were absolutely revving up for a huge push to the game that just didn't happen. Even if you ignore the big promises at Blizzcon, the game was getting more content than ever right until it was suddenly neutered.

Why exactly did Blizzard allow any sort of blatant cheesecake? Are they slightly self-aware and allow it anyways, especially in the case of Overwatch and HOTS? Although OW may be a very bad example nowadays with being super WOKE now. But hots with its promotions, both 3D and 2D, has stuff out of late 90's art cheesecake.

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>"oh, anduin's released? maybe I should start playing the game again, I should ask /hotsg/ how -
>/hotsg/ is gone
oh, the game's doing that badly then? freakin' RIPPP

that was their choice to appeal to Pro gaming.
It would have made the game more fun and stand out if they went with crazy shit more often.
have someone like Overmind(or if they must have mass appeal any of the old gods) take over the core for the full game. its thing/gimmick is it buffs/debuffs heros and can directly control lane mobs/mercs. RTS style.

Ya the event stuff was actually neat at many points how often it kept getting promotional events going on. Then it just died... like the christmas event with "The Kid" and the boardgame was just barely put together. "The Kid"'s dialogue was actually so half-assed that he would break character and talk like an adult with high-end vocabulary. Actors are many things but most can't work beyond the script that's given to them and in this case, the Christmas Event script was thrown together.

>/hotsg/ is gone
Holy fucking shit

DESU, alot of generals can't survive on /vg/ at the moment due to waifu/VN autism.

I remember having a dream of her soft cheeks sitting on my face only to wake up and be legitimately sad to the point of getting teary eyed.

also all the things that came from it were shit. i did not give a single fuck about doing it because i did not want any of the skins and i think by that point they did make "The Announcement" and the game had all but died.

I play as Anduin occasionally. He's really fun and an asset to the team. I love when people thank me for pulling them out of danger. The only thing I dislike is his ultimates, since stuns interrupt the bubble and the explosion isn't that effective since it only provides shields AFTER it goes off, not during its wind-up.

Is it time for gookmoot to make a containment board for waifus/VNs?

Blizzard tried doing the impossible: build a game from the ground up meant to be played casually, but then have it be competitive too.
The part where they really fucked up though was keeping the entire esports part of it afloat through other revenue streams while the entire time hots bled money. The game coming late after lol/dota/etc doesnt matter because there wasnt a true casual moba to play and hots filled that niche.

>I like it when I pull on people's dicks
What a fucking fag lmao

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it did not bled money. its esports division bled money. the game its self was turning a profit but was not a dominating force in the MOBA market. like you said, niche. people who dont want to deal with all the shit for hours. just jump in and play.

What is it with HotS and autism? Seems like every single person I meet that plays this game is a fucking drooling autist.

Is this applicable to all Blizzard games, or this is isolated to this?

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balance isn't just a pro gaming thing, it also trickles down to the casual level; the year of genji mains was the result of poor balance, but he didn't actually affect much of the tourney scene. And overmind would be cool, but you have to consider edge cases: are people's games ruined if they get overmind and abathur/TLV? what about if they get one on battlefield of eternity? Is he overpowered on maps without merc camps? what the fuck happens if two overminds get put on the same team? what if aba clones him? go ahead and find answers to these and the thousands of other weird questions, balance considerations, and bugs that come up, and be sure to also have the next hero ready in a couple of weeks.

I was waiting for anduin to come out for like years. I mained priest in hearthstone and didn't play WoW, so he was the only character whose inclusion I cared about. Well that, and Rock & Roll Racer, but that's a long shot anyway and only really for meme reasons.

>it did not bled money
Keep telling yourself that mate.

Point in case, see:

I'm curious, how much money does it cost to make an artificial e-sports scene, complete with announcers and teams?

Do I look like a fucking Blizzard accountant to you?

big brapper...

someone post more whitemane

Playing as a team is bad m'kay. Only me me me me me me me me.

>masculine trannh dragon
Good fucking riddance. In the trash with you.

It's a niche game, so of course you're not gonna see many/any normies playing it.

>Is this applicable to all Blizzard games, or this is isolated to this?
Short answer: Isolated to this. Long answer: The size of any game's community is inversely proportional to the average player's level of enfranchisement with that game. So if an online-only game like HotS has less than a million players and is still going, then you better believe that they're either obsessed with the game, addicted to it, or are spergs like me who have to get really into anything they're interested in. So the average person you'd run into on WoW would probably just be a casual, possibly even an outright normie.

well most of the work's just making tournaments with big enough prize pools to entice people into playing, so for a rough guesstimate just take the total amount of prize money from HGC and double it.


They made a casual game in a hardcore genre. The only reason the game even survived for however long it did was because people love Blizzard ips. If any other company made it then it would have died in a week

Damn straight. I'm not playing so that you have fun


The actual 'gamers" no have soul

How do you feel talking so much shit?

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It was inevitable the second activision got their hooks in blizzard. Its not blizzard anymore, its activision wearing their dead skin.

Activision has always wanted to be EA lite.


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It died because of overwatch heroes

>a team game is about playing as a team and that is bad


I can tolerate Genji as that guy needs to be close to do shit and can actually be cc'd. Hanzo on the other hand, is pure cancer and literally untouchable.

You might actually be right. But I still liked Zarya and Dva in the game.

> Burka-wearing transites.

The most popular MOBA out there still has ridiculous TnA and fan service skins. Fuck off

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new heroes were fucking 10-15 dollars or something absurd like that, pretty ridiculous and the playerbase just gradually dwindled as the required hero pool got larger and larger

I loved using zarya to ignore the game and memepush; I could get a tower down before first objective, which usually let our team snowball and win. But then blizzard made it so taking a tower actually helps the enemy team and it just shot my motivation to keep playing.

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Thread derailment in 3...2...1

Other Blizzard games are dying while all the good devs are working on a meme genre.

you cannot derail that which has no life


Holy shit they added Anduin? I was waiting to see a thread about him on Yea Forums to come back to the game but it just never happened lol

Zarya was fine, Ana was a little overtuned but fine. People mostly just hated the hyper mobile characters. Genji has always been impossible to kill unless he's MASSIVELY fucking retarded.

Blizzard and Activision are one and the same, user

Imagine her log cutter. Probably gapes hard from all those eggs she's laying.

I'm upset you used the term "log cutter".

Blizzard being beyond retarded. So business as usual for them, really

That's funny because it was the players who killed it

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H-hot, I wish that was me

Super powers are a roulette and you have to work with what you got.

>Tracer,dva,hanzo,etc all have infinite mobility and are just not fun to play against at all.
Do you know how I can tell that you're shit at the game? On top of just being wrong

>whitemanefags got cucked by DK's in Legion
Will never not be funny

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I still remember when Icefrog asked them personally to take Dota to the next level but the deal went awry because they didn't want him to have so much power over the design of the game.

I wonder what it would have looked like if Blizz took the deal.

Was in no way overtuned

This. Wowg is overrun by futa and feetfags. Tesg is just modded waifu general.
Hsg is completely dead tho

would you prefer it if he used the term "poop-chute"?

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No market for it. League and dota exist, smite exists. It was a trend follower and as such died.

Worse than that, they had a terrible, TERRIBLE idea to have a "new player queue", which made new players frequently have to wait 10+ minutes to find a match. I can't tell you how many times I had friends try the game out and quit because of it, thinking it was dead. It ended up actually killing the game because no new players joined.

I don't know. I got into it right before it was announced there wasn't going to be anymore support. The only 2.5D moba I liked.

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HotS was bigger than Smite you fuck.

I have a lot of mixed feelings about Heroes. It has some of the most unique characters in a moba and had a lot of based characters that were fun to play like Skeleton King but everyone that played it is such a fucking retard and the game is so coddling in typical blizzard fashion that nobody learns from their mistakes, which, combined with the quick play system that literally never gave you a non-garbage team composition until they finally added pre-game hero select lobbies most games were just a fucking crapshoot. Also the game had some really bad hero and map releases that ruined the game a lot (Sylvanas, Tracer, fucking GARROSH, bringing back haunted mines and hanamura). It was fun but there were just so many drawbacks that made it less enjoyable in the long run.

Funny, cause my DK was named Maiwaifu (get it, cause she's a disease spreading rotten whore that can take a pounding)

Not a chance in hell. It had more money thrown into prize pools (by blizzard) but there was 0 community interaction with the competitive scene. It was entirely manufactured by blizzard.

>stop whining about dark loli hero donut steel like she's wasting a hero slot for actual blizzard characters, hots will go on forever and eventually all blizzard characters will be in just let the team have some fun

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>anything warcraft post WotLK
Not canon. Even including anything WoW related in the canon is stretching it


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Gimme fucking Blackthorne and I will buy like 500 lootboxes and do a faggy unboxing video on youtube.

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did they make a sequel to flying unbirthing ninja?

>Just don't get within a nautical mile of anything unless you want to get sweet spot Q'd and then thrown into the enemy team for a violent gangrape

There's a reason his ass got fucking nerfed my dude

I know, I had such a wonderful time throwing people to their death during the early days. When Garrosh was a mandatory ban, that dosen't mean he was bad.

I actually just came back into this recently after not playing for years and I'm having lots of fun.

Why were Jaina pickers so retarded?

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Being playing a low mobility mage when you could just be Li-Ming is always a bad call. Even though Kael'thas is the most based mage in that game

>5 years without new blizzard classic hero

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KT is a chad, which is an achievement for an elf
>Don't have any real defensive options
>No mobility
>Just set niggas on fire and watch them explode, spreading bomb to their buddies in the process
>Shoot out a giant fucking fireball and laugh as virgins try to run away from it
>Or shoot a phoenix out of your dick and lock down an area whilst the virgins mutter and try to skirt about the edge of it
>Say weird elf shit
Makes me want to play this dead game again

Why would you play as Li-Ming the anal slut when you could be playing Gul'dan?

They got rid of the blizzard classic tag and just added 'Nexus'. They even put TLV there.

t. Clones



Great episode user, do not worry i got your south park reference.

>Don't have any real defensive options
He says as Mana Addict exists

Alright how about fuckin' Ragnaros, then?

>KT is a chad
True. Both Kael'Thas and Kel'Thuzad are absolute chads. Shame they added based Kel so late

What about him?

>instabuy because waifu
>absolute trash playing with her

You put the bomb on them right before they dive in.

It's more of a preemptive ability that a reactive one.

The bubble has been pretty dominant in middle league games from what I've seen. It can be interrupted but just like Lili no one fucking does.

I don't think I ever used that. I need more fire and more damage.
Kel was too high IQ for me with all his combo setups, but yes he's a based skelly.

Well, alright, maybe he wasn't unbelievably broken but I remember him being pretty overtuned on release. Maybe I'm thinking of Lucio?


>He never used Mana Addict
Bro listen bro, you go Mana Addict at level 1 and Mana Tap at level 4, that way you're never going to run out of mana. The shield you get when you finish Mana Addict is also going to save your ass
Yeah Lucio was strong when they released him, so much so that he pushed out Malfurion who had been dominating the support meta for years. However you're right in one think, new heroes tend to be a bit overtuned at release. Samuro and Twin Blades Varian comes to my mind, but the alternative is that heroes are undertuned. Like Probius

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>that subtle change in dialog at the end of Anduin's reveal
>"I'll see you, in the nexus"
>"we'll see you, in the nexus"
I'll miss Cloaken.

I don't understand why people want to be able to solo a team game. I know it sucks playing with random, but you know what would help? If you had friends to play with.
I feel like this can be applied to a few games that some Yea Forums posters seem to dislike.

The only hero that can actually shit on KT is fucking Imperius.
His level 20 gives him max spell armor (+75) and makes him unstoppable. I made the fatal mistake of Pyroblasting him during a team fight. It did absolutely nothing and he just marched right through it and singlehandedly killed me.
This is a mistake you learn to never make again.

This, they dumbed the game down way too much. Overwatch was dumbed down too, but not as much as Hots was. They went waaaay too far.

With the workshop and the map editor (I am guessing it will come out this year) Overwatch's problems will quite literally be fixed at last. There's no fixing Hots, it's always gonna be its pile of mediocre and lost potential.

>The only hero that can actually shit on KT is fucking Imperius.
And kerrigan, Zeratul, Illidan, Anub'arak, Genji and Valeera

Genji is a cuck and if he gets near KT, KT blasts him with a tornado out of his dick and then chad walks away and watches as his team rip the weeb to pieces. Plus 9/10 genjis will deflect at the wrong time and eat all the damage from living bomb or flame strike. The tenth Genji will deflect and then die anyway. You're right about most of the others, though.

I meant that can eat his damage.
I've killed KT as fucking murky.

Gate with triple null zone still does its job.

Sounds like you been playing against bad Genjis

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Honestly? They didn't go enough in the spectacular and the fanservice
Heroes skill set should have been visually more fantastic
It was niche they could have filled, especially with a rich background of notable character like blizzard have

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Overwatch characters, objective-centric gameplay with a braindead playerbase, long queues on prime time

good genjis wouldn't play hots

>ugly waifus
>horrible designed heroes
>have to compete with LOL AND DOTA

What else could tesg be though?
Its not like there is any new source material to discuss and the latest one is super bad, at least modded waifus have, and I use this word extremely loosely, "freshness" to them since they are player inputs.

>mfw I only just found out from this very thread that HotS is supposed to be dead/dying

Never followed any of the news, I always just played it casually. One or two games every few days before fucking off and doing something else. Was it ever supposed to be anything other than comfy timesink?

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What happened was that they shut down the esport scene and moved several key personal to other projects. It's mostly the second thing that makes people go "HOTS is dead", ignoring the fact that personal being moved between projects is nothing uncommon and that it mostly happens at the request of the worker.

I dunno about any of that, I just know queue times are still decent and I like the map variety/merc spamming. Also Jaina. I don't even know how to get into ranked games but I'm not really in a rush.

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Blizzard's incompetence.

The game always had an identity problem with its every aspect. Design wise they couldnt balance different title heroes or maps in that matter. Also it wasnt casual at all because it required actual gameplay.

Last of all it came out very very late when moba genre was already stagnating and its revision was also done very late.

>snipes u across the map when you finally thought you got away with 1% health left

pssh nothing personnel interloper

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>Why did Heroes of the Storm die?
Because the game fucking sucked.
I tried to play it when I took a break from Dota, I think it was still in beta, right before the ranked was added and for some time after that, played some ranked.

Game is extremely shallow and repetitive, lacks depth in every direction compared to Dota. It doesn't respect the players and their freedom of choice, their own abilities to move around the map, build the meta, carry, etc. It hand holds you in the worst fashion ever. Some people might actually like it because they'd find Dota extremely hard to learn, there are lots of items, heroes with unique mechanics, timings, camp spots, wards and dewards, smokes, drafts, etc. Hots is dumbed down and more appealing for normalfags.

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>Honestly HoTs was the best moba when it came out. It was about teamfighting, and not about sitting in lane for 30min last hitting minions.
And that's a typical HotS player.
Dumb as fuck and suits his dumbed down game.
He doesn't even understand shit about team fights and actually believes that people sit there for 30 minutes and not finish games in 30 minutes after non-stop fights since the first minute.

you might have a point if dota didn't cut its own legs off to dumb down and appeal to normalfags and third worlders

>Honestly HoTs was the best moba when it came out. It was about teamfighting, and not about sitting in lane for 30min last hitting minions. The heroes felt impactful, the TTK was high so you felt like you were in an actual fight instead of just one-shotting back and forth (like league), and they came up with some pretty unique playstyle concepts.
This. It was the only MMO to stop and put some thought into what was fun and what was tedious about the core DOTA experience, and try to improve on it instead of just copying it. And it worked. It was the only MMO I've ever played that I enjoyed everything about. Not to mention, the community was actually decent instead of running on three layers of PMS like every other MOBA userbase.

The OW heroes were fine, except maybe for D.va, the problem with the others was you needed to exhaust their CD's or CC them, but people's 'Focus the squishy' reflex overrode their common sense and they'd try to dive the fuckers like they were normal assassins instead of waiting for someone to CC them or for them to make a mistake. And OFC, they'd get punished for that shit, the enemy team would end up getting a level up on yours from it, and things'd just steamroll from there. D.va was cancer though. A well-played one basically became a fucking stage hazard that you'd just run away from while trying to fight the rest of her team because anything you did to her was just wasted damage output unless all the stars aligned to create just the right conditions to kill her.

The skill ceiling is still sky high last I saw. The only difference is that they lowered the skill floor a bit and the learning curve is still as steep as a cliff.

Fucking based kek


But HoTS esports was never big anyway. I don't know why they were ever even trying to push it as a competitive thing. It was pretty much always a comfy, fun accessible and simplified alternative to the over-complicated and tedious meta of other MMO's. They should have been pushing it as a more casual social experience if anything.

it's alive though

>no one posted the picture of alexstrasza getting fucked yet

The addition of OW heroes was the beginning of the end, followed up by the protected immunity spam garbage, horrible maps and finally finished off with the news of Blizzard putting the game on borderline maintenance mode.

It's a bit of a shame really since I played the game on and off since alpha and really liked the gameplay and character models. I think I finally gave up on the game a season or so after they added Garrosh since at that point the game was already fucked with no signs of improvement and queue times were abysmal.

It has super shit ideas when it came out, like having to unlock a different ultimate after playing them for a while instead of just letting you pick one.
Shit ideas like that put me off for life, even if I heard it got better.

>Honestly HoTs was the best moba when it came out

Nothing is going to top Dota 2 when it wasn't a bloated chink League clone. I miss ricemaster Anti-Mage and Morphling so bad.

Fug bros I just went back.
Was farming gold for Anduin but then I played Auriel for the first time and now we're married.

Wasn't he considered and they haven't done shit yet?

>Honestly HoTs was the best moba when it came out
No, HotS was never good. It's extremely bland at best of times, and straight out boring at others.

Morphling is still fun as fuck lad.

Dawngate was better

No, nothing in chinkdota is fun. Give real dota back.

>The addition of OW heroes was the beginning of the end
Only shit players who dosen't know proper checks and counters complains about OW heroes

You can't make your team into unshit players.

That's what it was and it turns out casuals drop games quickly when they see a new shiny thing. See: overwatch vs. cs

>chinks haven't been relevant for years

>you might have a point if dota didn't cut its own legs off to dumb down and appeal to normalfags and third worlders
Don't make me laugh, you were never playing at high level, I doubt that you could actually achieve at least 6k mmr.
It's true that Icefrog dumbed down some things and made them easier to execute (like flasks can not be interrupted by creeps), but skill-wise Dota never really dropped.
Average players were always 3-4k shitters and they are the same shitters now.

Be glad that "third worlders" like to play Dota instead of shitty movie-games on consoles or dumbed down LoL. At least they still like to compete and play challenging multiplayer games instead of pressing X to win.

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Blizzard's gutting of the team.

2.0 unironically resurrected the game from the brink of death, and it was slowly growing up until they halved the team.

No, but in HoTS, you can actually say shit like 'Hey, can the guy playing X hero try to focus on countering X on the enemy team' or 'Can you guys try to stay away from X until he's low on mana or used his CDs' without people bitching about 'muh lane comp' and abusing you.

What's your highest level character?

42 Abathur.

>almost 200 posts in
>no one posting alex crops yet
I feel ripped off.

Be the change you want to see

50 Abathur, though it feels like they are trying to change every 'quirky' character to just fit the standard mold...
Shame since characters like Aba, Murky, TLV, etc are the most interesting.
Like how they straight up made Sylvanas an assassin instead of a fun afk siege unit.

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Post things HoTS did RIGHT.
>Screen effect as a clear indication of being under a CC, which CC exactly you are under, and prominent, visible bar showing exactly how long it will affect you for.
Coming from shit like LoL where I'd have to read the kill report to find out why my character suddenly stopped running mid-fight, this shit was a godsend.
>Map Objectives
Shakes up the gameplay and keeps it moving instead of the relatively static meta of other MOBA's. Prevents onset of complacent gaming syndrome/muh meta and ensures games can go unexpected ways instead of everyone following the exact same predictable tactic every single game.
>No All/Enemy Team chat
Bam, and just like that, 100% less losses to people taking the bait and raging.

Game is still alive? I quit before Imperius came out, when they announced HGC was ded

now i feel ripped on

I tried playing it again about a week ago and can tell you EXACTLY why.

>Say I want to play as Alexstrazsa
>I have to pay a certain amount of crystals
>Costs 14.99 to get enough for ONE character

And there 85 heroes in the game currently.

I would love to play the game buy FUCK paying that kind of money for a few characters I like.

>and not about sitting in lane for 30min last hitting minions
that's the most fun part of moba though
>The heroes felt impactful
nothing is as impactful as heroes in DotA
>global tp
>global instant damage to everyone
>steal any spell
>permanent invis
>invoker - nuff said
>meepo - nuff said
>outranging towers
>interraction with the landscape like removing trees etc
>dropping items
...not even talking about the item possibilities

dota feels like freedom (or felt when I played it I don't really like nu-dota)
I remember when I was a kid we used to play it in internet caffes a lot
but even at home I would play it alone, not even with bots, just fucking around with items and the map and the hero I liked
the atmosphere is just orgasmic

you could never do this in lol/hots, the abilities and items mean nothing without the competitive setting against other champions
hots/lol you're fighting in an artificial set stage

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I want to marry and impregnate Lana Bachynski.

>that's the most fun part of moba though

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>playing anduin
>genji dives me
>I come out nearly full health and mana, he runs away almost dying
fucking weeb, stay out of my lane

After playing HoTS for years, I switched to Dota. I a can say this. FUCK HOTS. Playing DoTA made me realize what frustrating and obnoxious shit HoTS was. The players in HoTS are total morons who can't even learn the basics and it takes one moron to ruin a game.

i want to fuck this dragon in the ass

That barely even happens though. The >muh 30 minutes of last hitting only ever happened back when the chinks had their way with their awful 4 protect 1 strats.

In fact, Dota 2 is the one with the highest rate of skirmishes out of all the ASSFAGGOTS out there.

I hate EA for not giving this a chance. Fenmore was my favorite moba hero ever.

I stoped playing when they added those.
Disagree on the "best moba" part tho.

>global instant damage to everyone

Attached: 1542378191241.png (203x99, 41K)

Nerfed to shit. Too long of a CD. Only gets good with the lvl 20.

>The heroes felt impactful
wew lad, it's like you barely played any other moba

I love Whitemane!

Trips of truth. Move over braphogs this is slender thighs territory.

I am still angry that she became a dk follower and not a priest one.

She's a perfect wife, regardless.

Attached: Celestial Whitemane.jpg (693x805, 125K)

her ass is too large

>page 4

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How many /hotsg/ anons have migrated to this thread?

My plans are coming to fruition
>gives you the succ

just us bro

Attached: 1554416893917.png (746x512, 114K)

Shouldn't have killed her so many times if you wanted her to be alive, chump.