Is it the worse fanbase in gaming?
Is it the worse fanbase in gaming?
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Smashfags are really pushing it for me at the moment. Especially that they're shitting on other franchises just to satisfy their autism.
smashfags eclipsed them a long time ago, grandpa
Smashfags, but Sonic does have people with actual autism making up the majority of its fanbase
Star Citizen fans circa 2014 were the most insufferable fanbase of all time
>fans of 1-3&K + Mania
>fans of literally anything else
not human
The only thing that really bothers me about Sonicfags is the perpetual sense of victimization and false sense of history.
Reminder that only dumbass boomers, soi drinking game journos and any other millennials who haven't given a shit about Sonic since the 2000s actually think those LOL EPIC jokes about the fanbase are still true. In reality most of the autism went away in the early 2010s and several other fandoms have since dethroned it as being the worst. Obviously all the weird DeviantArt shit and whatever tired examples they like to use still exist, but it's nowhere near as prevalent these days as it was in the 2000s when these discussions were still relevant.
Also, Sonic's fanbase and its "autism" is the only reason Sonic Mania, a game with actual, genuine passion put into it, exists. Nu-Sonic Team would NEVER be able to do anything on that level. See how Forces handled Classic Sonic for proof.
Pokemon trumped sonic a long time ago
>see a thread a few days ago
>hurr durr if they remake SA2 it BETTER NOT BE A BOOST GAME
>boost games are the only 3D entries that even approach being competent video games
Yeah these people are fucked.
even Zelda is worse. Most of the turbo autists left Sonic and instead became trannies and obsessed with Nintendo / Smash.
Saying Smash is cheating because it combines the worse of every fandom it involves.
It's Smash easily. Nothing even comes close anymore. Anything that gets associated with that franchise becomes impossible to discuss on Yea Forums. A recent example would be Persona 5 port begging becoming way worse than it ever was before, which lead to a bunch of shitty console war bait threads.
At the moment, no. They've nearly all gone silent from the constant disappointment and ridicule of the internet because Sonics games were meme'd on so hard thanks to 06 and IGN that no one takes Sonic seriously. I doubt anyone remembers that he gave Mario a run for his money initially
>be DMC fan since it came out
>dont really care for smash
>see what smash has become
>the tiniest wiff of Dante on switch
No. I dont want this. I dont fucking want those "people" coming into my sphere and talking shit about things they know nothing about.
Most smashfags aren't even fans of the series featured. See: F-Zero
I've been to a few smash tournaments, this is 100% true. Most of the people playing smash do no give a shit about the Nintendo Legacy. Most of the characters in Smash have been in more Smash games than their own games. Zero Suit Samus is a complete fabrication was invented out of nothing just to be in Smash.
depravity ranking
the smash fanbase is especially bad since they literally smell like shit and talk shit. they are so full of shit they cant contain themselves
>sonic fanbase is the first fanbase to make a director completely change the look
Based sonic fans
Except there is a whole segment in zero mission where she loses her suit, and this is what she wears under her suit in every game after that(admittedly I think this is only 2 or 3 games).
It was meant to be a cool gimmick like zelda transform, you use FS and she changes to that form and uses the stun gun.
This makes no sense, what the fuck is wrong with Sega where they needed their fans to step in for something they should have control over
Except you don't use a stun gun, you use martial arts, jet boots, and plasma whip (subtly sexist if you think about it). Its feasible that Samus knows CQC and has the strength and agility to pull it off, but everything else she has is made up bullshit.
Actually this. The Sonic fanbase was the worst but it cooled down heavily these past years when the focus went from autists making OCS DONUT STEELS to everyone, even members in the fanbase, collectively having a good laugh at how downhill the franchise went.
Still I feel that despite all the shit they get, they've managed to be the most productive community making quality fan games and projects that can surpass anything Sonic Team can make nowadays. Which is sad to think about but fans know what other fans want and Forces was clear that Sonic Team themselves are out of touch with sonicfags. Having an OC self-insert adventure being Sonic's BFF would had been popular back when the Sonic OC phase on DA was big but the fanbase changed and all they want is a new good 3D Sonic game.
None of those compare to Sonic and Pokemon.
Persona barely has a fanbase and FNAF and Undertale were fads 90% of people have moved on from.
But Sonic and Pokemon are immortal and draw in new generations of animal molesting spergs with every game. Every fucking Pokemon game is exactly the same, but its fans are whores and eat everything up. Most of Sonic's games are boiling shit but if Heroes, 06 and Shadow didn't give those assholes a clue, nothing will. All the disgusting fanart and awful fanfiction is their fault, and it's not a coincidence that both groups are characterized as annoying spergs. Poketards and Sonicfags are the Bronies of vidya who themselves are the Trekkies of cartoons.
Persona fanbase was fine until Joker was announced for smash.
If you're a fan of the 3D sonics, youre not a fan of good video games.
I think Smash is probably #1
For me, it's Sonic meeting the Joker.
fucking seriously. having your franchise represented in smash is like having an influx of refugees from Sodom
SEGA most definitely signed away creative control.
Sonic, Smash, Pokemon, and Kingdom Hearts fans are all fucking retarded. I don't think anything beats Undertale though or any of those indie games that pander to tumblr demographic.
People keep saying smash, but is it really the fanbase or is it just the ironic shitposters here starting so many threads about it because that is the current shitpost meta?
Is smash fanbase really that bad in general? I know about stinky day and tourneyfag and the obsession with melee. Those are tolerable problems that you only have to deal with if you try to be involved the game, but are people on say reddit or reset or neogaf or gamefaqs getting blasted with the ironic roster pick battle between Steve and Erdrick like we are?
2D Sonic is objectively better but that doesn't mean you can't have fun with some of the 3D games, even if they aren't great. Fans have proven that you can make interesting 3D games yet Sonic team keeps on fucking it up.
God that fucking fox thing just looks so wrong
how fucking new are you?
>Is smash fanbase really that bad in general?
Yes, meleefags are insane, and Ultimate players are mostly zoomers and numales.
Yeah but I'm talking abotu people that laud the Adventure Series above the 2D games, and these people make up the majority of voices talking about Sonic. These gaems are putrid shit, with the boost games getting the closest to being competent. I want to see the boost formula evolve but Forces shows theyre just getting worse. Still better than SA1+2 and 06. These are barely video games. You move from one scripted movement zone to the next with very little input. Sonic's main method of attack completely kills your momentum in a game that is supposedly about being mobile and fluid.
I'm not, I just scroll past everything smash related since there are never good threads like we used to have with 4 where everyone was sharing the cool new tricks every character could do.
IMO to be the worst you would need to be mlp tier where you spam the entire internet with your autism so hard you get permanently disowned by everyone and quarantined forever. Like I said it was easy go ignore the fanbase until these ironic rosterfags showed up, but even then they tend to stick to their 3 or 4 smash roster shitpost theres that are up at any given time.
Including those that are featured in their own game. I have no problem with Smash as a game but Smash fans are unironically the Nintendo version of ironic weebs.
Smash or JoJo if you are being loose with it.
False flagging SMT mainline cookie cutters are my nonstandard pick.
Undertale is just literal 10 year olds who would be just as annoying with any other game.
That's Smashfaggots infesting the fanbase and/or falseflagging. We don't want their autism around.
The people saying smash are actually retarded. The games only release every 6 years and it's in its peak right now. By next year it will have died down greatly, in 2 years no one will be talking about it anymore for the next 4.
How exactly? They tend to keep their autism at the door unlike some other fanbases
No and you'd have to be retarded to think that.
I'm still upset on how they execute BOOOOOOOOOOOOST in the recent games.
>Boost is basically just a replacement for spindashing using a signal button
>Great for quickly picking up speed
>Could still mechanically work on various 3D environments
>Sonic Team focuses too hard to designing levels around boost only that everything is a straight line filled with enemies to charge your BOOOOOOST infinitely
Smashfags are the worst. Can't have a Direct now without them infesting the thread with rosterfaggotry.
Well newfag, did you know that ironic shitposting is still shitposting?
As for the smash fanbase being bad you're completely underestimating how much autism they bring to the table when discussing other games, INCLUDING THOSE FEATURED IN THEIR OWN GAME. A hyperamalgamated game like Smash is likely to add unwanted new fans to a game that they'll just apply Smash tier logic to every game of every franchise featured they haven't played. The worst being Animal Crossing and the new wave of Isabelle (ironic) lewders.
Glad I'm not the only one who cannot stand them. Go to a YT vid where an artist that's namedropped in the anime is defeated, the comment sections will almost always be filled with JoJotards.
Man, SEGA has really shot themselves in the foot by catering to the wrong fans.
>Genesis fans complain about "Too many characters"
>Series turns into nothing but boost gameplay without the option to play as anyone else
>Sonic Forces literally caters towards fans who make OC's, the most autistic part of the fanbase
Oh God, JoJo fans. They're not as bad as they used to be with asking if everything is a JoJo reference, but once when they have something to latch on to their presence is overly obnoxious.
Well you're really fucking bad right now
Sadly true
Smashfags are way worse than Sonicfags aat this point. Pokemon is also pretty bad.
smash, they bandwagon whatever character is released in their game and that character's respective series while knowing nothing about it. example is joker
Smash easily.
At this point it's got to be Smash.
Sonicfags keep their autism to themselves, this board has been filled with pointless roster speculation for far too long. Hell, the 10 minute video showcasing Joker, ONE DLC CHARACTER, got a fucking sticky and barely even contained the autism.
I'm saying this as a Nintendofag who, while not obsessed with it, enjoys Smash.
>that sad feeling when the worst of sonic's fanbase is probably people anyone on Yea Forums or /sthg/ these days
no, this is.
persona fans are still fine. don't confuse the awful smashfag secondaries with actual fans of the series.
meleefags alone have been the worst of the worst for 18 years and counting.
id say so, mother fuckers are weird as shit
im old enough to remember when these games first came out, i was hyped as fuck but i couldn't finish a single one of them as a kid because they gave me legit migraines and headaches if i played them too long. id get fucking nauseous hearing that music and looking at the animations for too long. .....makes me wonder if this shit warped people who were able to hang on to that seizure inducing series for extended periods of time
>The worst being Animal Crossing and the new wave of Isabelle (ironic) lewders.
As if it weren't already bad enough. I dread the future of this franchise.
>.....makes me wonder if this shit warped people who were able to hang on to that seizure inducing series for extended periods of time
No, I'm pretty sure all that shit you just mentioned is a you problem
Holy fuck
It used to be, now it's gotta be Smashfags. Which fucking sucks because Smash is genuinely fun.
Besides, SEGA doesn't need help from autists when it comes to fucking up their franchise.
>No, I'm pretty sure all that shit you just mentioned is a you problem
said the guy on the right
Please post more Sables. This thread needs some light.
It's not Sonic's fault you have epilepsy
my epilepsy saved me from a lifetime of cosplay and being a weird as shit fan of a shitty lobotomy inducing video game
Overwatch is but it's a close second.
Kingdom Hearts
>first theyre creeps
>now theyre just annoying assholes
The Sonic base will forever be the worst
I blame Adventure for being the first to split the fandom. Going too far in various different directions created too many demands.
I feel you
The Sonic fanbase is autistic as fuck but at least they call out the shit games gameplay and even has the reputation of never being satisfied
The KH fanbase are not just autistic but a bunch of apologists who think nothing is wrong with the series and if anyone criticizes it they go nuclear
As a fan of KH it’s really frustrating to see that behavior
Nope. It's actually the Pokemon fanbase, but because a large majority people are biased towards Pokemon in general, you'll never see or hear people talking about them as frequently as say, Sonic fans or Undertale fans.
Unironically Pokemon, I've never seen so many people defend such obviously shitty developers and business practices
Came here to post this.
Agreed, currently getting front-row seats to watching Banjo (i.e. one of my favorite series) become permanent shitposting material.
Easily the worst are Kojima fanboys.
>makes a video of guy walking for 5 minutes
>autists make 30+ long YouTube videos about the said trailer
What the actual fucking is wrong with those people?
>Complains about boomers
Smashfags easily top.
Pokemon became contained and sonic got forgotten,the rest are irrelevant.
No you don't understand! This latest video of Kojima walking totally proves he is a ruse master, and the REAL Metal Gear Solid V is coming out soon.
Its really weird to go from being something people laughed at and disregarded for 10 years, suddenly its a front runner and it gets peoples riled up at the mere mention of it.
Im just sitting back and watching the spectacle.
Amen to that! And if the game flops, he can blame someone else. Which is what he does. ''Not enough money from Sony to fund my project'' or something like that. I mean, you gotta feed all those famous people who are taking pictures with him.
People saying Pokemon seem to be really ignorant or new, if we were judging a bad fanbase by eating up shit then we'd have probably every game franchise, a lot of the people in the thread seem to be just basing their picks based on some annoyance someone from said community has brought them. The only other negative I see is the furries, which count as the furry fandom, not Pokemon, Sonic differents itself from that fandom because even a ton of furries hate Sonic autism and a lot of the weird porn isn't even comparable to the worse of Pokemon had to offer (Scolipede Donut, 2011 Meloetta porn), nor were there as much fucking Pokemon OC's as Sonic OC's, neither has it had its own Chris Chan
>at the moment
It's been that way since the ballot and Youtubers like Etika made Smash "hype" a thing. Now that's all people look forward to. Stupid roster bullshit and epic short lived reveals. Notice how none of the faggots shitflinging about the roster daily actually play the game?
Are you 12 or something?
It was just 9 years ago, anyone who isn’t a kid right now would have lived through that
You heard of Fallout fans?
I really want to know the psychology of what makes Sonic fans go hardcore autistic. No other fanbase generates the kind of degenerate wastrel trashbag humans that Sonic does.
>why tho?
>what causes sonic to be the magnet to such fucking rejects and shitheads
Smashfags don't even play Nintendo games. Every fucking Nintendo related announcement has to be Smash to them or they throw a tantrum. A part of me doubts they even play Smash.
>People saying Pokemon seem to be really ignorant or new,
>Implying that Pokemon fans weren't so obnoxious that they needed their own containment board
and there are still multiple pokemon threads up on Yea Forums at any given time
their autism never sleeps
This image is satire but it honestly sums up Smashfags in every aspect
Datefagging is annoying as fuck and people always act like they're better then other people or more wiser because they knew something 3 years earlier then other people
I thought it was because it was a major series that had a ton of different thread topics that it may as well should have its own board. Not every board made for something is a containment board, you don't get banned for posting a pic of a pokemon
I thought this was an ironic shitpost
Shmup faggots
If that was the case, then other Nintendo series, like Mario or Zelda, would've gotten their own board as well. The fact is that back then, Pokemon fans, much like Smash fans, would shit up the board so badly with every release.
They don’t, they just want to see their favorite e-celebs play the game for them
The e-celeb worship on the smash scene is a lot more intense in it than any other fighting game scene I’ve ever seen
This is true, I wonder what causes it. Other fighting games have well known players sure, but nothing on the level of worship Smashfags have
>Notice how none of the faggots shitflinging about the roster daily actually play the game?
That's because at the end of the day the gameplay is nothing to write home about.
Movie watchers. They are killing everything in gaming. They want stuff from movies in games about comic characters, they want games to BE movies, they want less gameplay/interactivity and more cinematography.
Maybe back in 2008. Nowadays? FNAF, Undertale, MOBAfags, and many more are much worse and more autistic.
>Company shills
Why do people say smash? What makes it bad? I'm not a fan of smash and it's a compialtion of franchises to begin with.
You would know if this wasn’t your first time here
Easily smash, all games included. The combine the worst aspects of e-celeb worship and flamewarring and generate the largest amount of secondaries of any fanbase. If we're going normalfag games, fortnite kids and bedesthafags are up there too.
There was definitely a time when this would be right, but the Sonic fanbase has chilled the fuck down nowadays, and I actually like it now.
>Sonic fans now tend to have much more rational conversation
>The state of the franchise in general lends itself well to said conversation
>While the gross trash still exists, I'm seeing a lot more wholesome and fun Sonic related content
>Fanbase is banding together unanimously on something - the movie is gonna suck
>A lot of high-effort fangames being brought to the table
Honestly when it comes to this aspect, Sonic's in a good spot right now if you really think about it.
I think Pokémon is a worse fanbase right now.
It isn't. I find banjo and grinch posting to be funny.
Paradox/other companyfags
>they enjoy their game without bothering anyone
>this makes you hate them
If anything, you're already worse than them.
I remember hating the Persona fanbase before P5 came out, all Sony negros were furiously masturbating over it despite never playing a game in the series just because it was exclusive.
One Smashfag shat his pants in the middle of a Smash Tournament and wouldn't get up until the battle ended, also it's been a phenomenon for at least 11 years now that Smashfags hardly ever shower and actually needed to be reminded to wear deodarant, so much that they got some sorta guard at the gaming expo to make sure every Smashfag has showered
nah Castlevania, Metal Gear and Street Fighter are all in Smash and have none of that bullshit.
I’d say console war fags even the ones shit posting
What you find for Sonic you can find for almost any other fanbase
Blizzard fans are the worst I've seen if voice chat is any indication.
Only retarded weeb moefags hate on the Jojo fanbase because they're too manly for them. Yes, this is the same people that play Neptunia and think they're hipsters for it or some shit.
Lmao. I'm actually buying smash today from some guy at half the price (games are expensive in my shithole), but not sure if maybe i should not. I mostly had nintendo handhelds and only played n64 smash and 3ds one before, n64 was fun, but on 3ds i played like 10 matches.
Fuck off normalfag
No, because I do not accept anything from the Sonic Team. Go play Sonic Mania.
3DS version is pretty crap in comparison to all the others to be fair
this is a strong contender
At least I'm not a tranny like most of the people playing that weeb shit.
People like you are one of the reasons why people rightfully hate jojofags
Furry autism aside, being a hardcore pokémon fan really sucks because you're stuck being a minority to people who never played anything beyond a gen 1 game and GO and don't know and/or refuse to learn anything about anything beyond gen 1 and Game Freak is more than happy to cater to them because money and laziness.
more like they're shitting themselves
Yeah but what makes it crap in comparison? It feels the same.
I don't even discuss Jojo on the internet since I'm so fucking behind with the anime, but being hated by moefags won't make me lose any sleep.
Fuck off normalfag, you're ruining this site
Very small screen for action and the analogs are not ideal for the kind of movements you need. Its like playing a RTS game on console: you can do it but you really shouldn't.
And that isn't even the worst of it. Genwars and other similar shit have reached peak autism, levels even higher than arguments over Sonic games, because at least in Sonic, the games are radically different enough for those arguments to be justified.
The Pokémon games are changing so slowly, and the shit that these faggots argue over is all so trivial and stupid that it makes me wanna disassociate so badly. I love Pokémon, and I want to just be able to be a fan, but the current state of the fanbase has it where no matter what you like, some idiot is gonna tear into you for it, and it's even worse than it was with Sonic.
It's gotta be the Smash community.
console war faggots are the ones ruining this board
It used to be until FNAF and Undertale came out.
They seem pretty chill now compared to the autismfest they were in the 2000s.
Smashfags are easily the worst fanbase right now followed by Overwatch wankers.
No it's normalfags like you
Bull fucking shit. Once Ultimate is done people will start kicking and screaming for Smash 6 and you know it. Every direct will have stupid faggots spamming for it and all the characters that aren't in the pass. Roster fags are insatiable. In fact they already brought up the prospect of Smash 6 as soon as Incineroar was the last reveal of the base roster. This is what Smash has become.
The hardest part of being a Pokemon fan is seeing the series get progressively worse with each new game, and being completely powerless to stop it from happening. At least Sonic fans make good fangames, with Pokemon you get intensely shameful romhacks and shitty Chinese knockoffs.
Then they should actually complain about the game. Ultimate is honestly a bare bones flawed game with barely any new content but roster fags don't give a fuck because they don't actually play it. Then Sakurai cocksuckers will defend everything he does.
>all pokemon fangames are either rom hacks or fucking rpg maker games that run at 10 fps
It's top 5, including fanboys of NRS and Nintendo. Always the nostalgiafags. Always.
Competitive fags are a fucking joke. They just gossip e-celebs with Twitch streams and Twitter screencaps.
Aren’t FNAF and Undertale pretty dead though? And the Pokemon fans barely post outside of their containment zones.
Oh. This. This wins.
the sonic fanbase stopped being relevant like 3 years ago, ojisan
i would say overwatch but overwatch fucking died ages ago and nobody cares about it anymore. i guess blizzniggers in general are pretty annoying though, so i guess them.
100% truth. They like to pretend they're part of some irl community, but they're just online groupies. They're the first ones to boast about balance and tournies they never go to, online, though.
weak bait nigga
fnaf lost relevancy after 3
undertale is still sort of relevant but only because of deltarune
you should probably know this by now but he doesn't actually know what he's talking about, he's just regurgitating the same garbage everyone else says because he wants to feel superior too
It was back then. Now the Sonic fanbase is nothing but "LOL funny Sanic meme".
Pokemon DOES have its own chris chan though and he is even worse.
dark souls
This masterpiece alone proves that the Sonic fanbase is not the worst
I dunno senpai. I recently played Sonic Adventure 1 for the first time and honestly, despite all of it's glaring issues, none of it really seems to be a big deal breaker to me besides the hub world. The hub itself could be good, but unless you've played the game extensively before, you usually have no idea where you're going for the first playthrough. Some things can be obvious, like needing to go to the casino or the train, but then you have the more subtle hints like "There's a way into the sewers" or "Go to the Egg Carrier's crash site" that are tucked away in one spot in the map that you have no idea where they are on first playthroughs and can lead you to wander the hub for 30 minutes.
I acknowledge a lot of the games flaws. I really do. The game's physics can be super whack, the stories are way too short besides Sonic's, and Big the Cat simply existing as something necessary that you have to do, but I never really got into an angry "fuck this shitty game" mood.
Touhou is by a LOT
Nah, non-touhou shmupfags are awful if /shmupg/ is anything to go by
Touhou is one of those fanbases that are so vast across the entire world that it's hard to pin an entire thing onto them.
Pokemon and Smashfags are worse compared to Sonic.
Not as long as generic furrys and bronies are still infesting every community.
And right now i'd say smash-fags are the biggest cancer, who fucking cares who's in next? You'll stick with your fucking space animal anyway you stupid meta fags.
What would you do though. If you were in a set and suddenly got diarrhea, well you got no choice but to keep playing and hoping for the best. But if you end up shitting yourself, it's already too late, so might as well finish the set.
If you are really serious about winning, you should be able to handle embarrassments. A serious competitor would prioritize the game over their embarrassment.
>A real competitor shits themselves, what are you a casual
>Not going to the bathroom before going off to do tasks that can take you a 2-3 hours
Sometimes it happens suddenly with no warning.
What are you going to shit out if your bowels are empty? Stomach acid?
*tactically shits self in accordance with the meta*
Honestly Sonicfags as whole have been cooled off a bit because the more levelheaded ones know the reputation and reel themselves in, not that there aren't total freaks like CWC still, but other fanbases, emboldened by the fact they aren't the Sonic one induge in similar shit unapologeticly.
They are still on the throne due seniority, but frankly, i have seen /vg/ and /trash/ and they are hardly the only fanbase with the behaviour that earned them the label of Worst.
>you share a board with pants shitters
>these are the ones insisting they aren't the worst fanbase
>well you got no choice but to keep playing and hoping for the best
No, you get up, concede defeat, and then you rush to the bathroom.
Shitting your pants like a toddler is never the correct answer. Only retards and smashtards would do that
What's the worst thing the Sonic fanbase has done? I don't even know, Chrischan is normalfag garbage and doesn't really count. Probably the very strange deviant art porn
The worst thing Smashfags have done on the other hand, is literally shit themselves and act like fucking chimps.
Making OCs?
Complaining about Sonic's eye colours?
Thinking about it, it seems really tame. On the other hand, they've done plenty of amazing stuff too, like having one of the best fan game scenes out of all fandoms.
And yeah, one guy doesn't make a fandom bad. It has to be a trend. Pointing at chrischan isn't enough of a proof, you need to show that it is a trend.
Sonic is not alone anymore.
i think league of legends has a body count, not sure
Sonic was the Suicide Girls incident too IIRC, but that was well over a decade ago now, but mostly loads of cringe fanworks and CWC was what got them the label, as well as the SONIC CYCLE and the fanbase always bitching in itself what Sonic should be.
But as people said earlier, the fanbase has calmed down relatively and gotten NUDGE NUDGE WINK WINK about it all and others have gotten more uppity/disgusting in their behaviour.
>Implying furries is bad
the sonic fanbase is not as bad as it used too since sonic games are not getting made at the same speed like the old days.
now its either fortnite, smash, or the persona fanbeses that are the worse out there.
Undertale has absolutely the worst fanbase in any form of media
OCs aren't even all bad, especially now, when less and less of them are settling for shitty recolors
Sonic is the greatest gift given to man in the past 30 years. That's the cold hard truth.
This, theyve gotten close, sonic fandom though is still on their very earned first place and wont go away anytime soon
Basically all Nintendo drones.
Dark Souls.
Not even close.
Fnaf, smash and undertale stole sonifags “glory”, that’s without counting bronies.
Compared to them Sonicfafs look like well adjusted individuals.
I’m gonna go with the Gatcha trash players or the delusional WoW classic retards
they died off after 76.
Yes please post another 50 fucking "GOING HOME" threads, fucking WOWfags
>This image is satire
not really. alot of posers like these do exist.
The worst are Smashfags, Nintendofags and Valvefags.
Prove me wrong...
wow classic tards are up there
The image is literally satire, it's from a satirical article by The Hard Times I believe
maybe a few years ago but not anymore.
Nowadays people complain about Sonicfag autism more then we actually see Austism from them.
Thats old now. The sonic fanbase is not as bad anymore.
No, the sonic hatebase on the other hand is incredibly tryhard and cringe.
i will laugh when it dies after a month.
which it will
i don't know what they are thinking will happen
And when it doesn't you will pretend you never said this because you're a spineless pathetic piece of shit.
So the game will die before most people hit level 60? Are you literally retarded?
>all these retailkeks talking shit
I'll be home if you need me
I'm not sure if it's mostly trolling but some of these people seem delusional to the point of mental illness.
I'm not delusional, I simply point out that classic will get millions of players and retail will die for ever.
If you don't believe this as well you are the c word and the s word.
cute and sexy?
denial is one hell of a drug.
>You are the cunt shit
JRPG fanbases are a very close second.
Rick and morty and steven universe.
When you get to a point that the creators themselves have to step in and tell you to chill the fuck out you know you are beyond help, whether it’s chimping out over a meme sauce or driving a girl to suicide because the characters she drew were too white and too thin.
are the qol improvements going to be so substantial that you will play classic for years to come?
I'm really wondering how you will cope. Let me guess, you'll spam screenshots of how many people are streaming the game and claim it's dead because that number is too low? Really, can't you just tell me what you will do? Or do you lack the self-awareness to even imagine that?
Id have to say smashfags, and especially rosterfags in the long run. Im so goddamn tired of people spamming shit like "BANJO WILL BE IN SMASH" or "NO STEVE WILL BE IN SMASH BANJO IS IRRELEVANT" and thats the entire thread which will certainly hit bump limit, every goddamn hour
The fnaf and undertale fanbases were also pretty impressively bad at their peak but they've died down quite a bit since
>Let me guess, you'll spam screenshots of how many people are streaming the game and claim it's dead because that number is too low?
lol that's exactly what vanillacunts do, only for retail
Come the fuck on. Smashfags are bad but they aren't that bad.
The sonic fanbase is responsible for way too many memes to be dethroned.
>original oc donut steel
>pshhhh nothin personell kid
>fricken fricks
>inflation art
It's fun to make fun of smashfags but saying they're just as bad as the sonic fanbase is just pure melodrama.
Since I'm not a worthless waste of space 14-year old like you, I play old games without MUH QOL IMPROVEMENTS. All the time. If you do not do this, then the site might be more suitable for you. You see, Yea Forums is a website for video game hobbyists. But of course now you will say that WoW was actually ALWAYS BRAINDEAD EASY CASUAL ANYONE CAN PLAY IT EVEN 5 YEAR OLDS, despite contradicting this 5 minutes ago.
didint the creator or Rick and morty dox and threaten some girl beacuse she said something bad about the show? him also fucking a baby doll was just plain creepy.
I wonder who could be behind this post...
But user, I don't do that. I am asking what you will do. Why are you not answering? I just want honest discussion but I guess autistic shitposting is all you are capable of.
thats right. i did Everything you just said. how did you know?
Why are you projecting lol
>spend a hole month shitposting Yea Forums endlessly who the new character will be
it was getting really annoying
>Suicide Girls incident
What was that ?
Whichever's the worst right now, if the upcoming State of Play is any good, Sony will take that spot for at least a couple weeks.
Roaches has always been the worst.
Sonic is bad, but not as bad as these. Maybe at the height of its autism it stood a chance against these 4, but not anymore.
I'm no Personafag but their fanbase doesn't deserve to be lumped in with that pile of shit.
I don't care for buzzwords and playground insults. What fanbase does "Roaches" refer to?
>These gaems are putrid shit, with the boost games getting the closest to being competent.
>You move from one scripted movement zone to the next with very little input. Sonic's main method of attack completely kills your momentum in a game that is supposedly about being mobile and fluid.
These problems are even worse in the boost games.
DMC fags, they're like the dark souls fan base, or worse.
They don't even play the games, just jerk off some youtubers and the shit characters
Ancient japanese bbs term for sonyfucks. Being a braindead brandwhore who hates other products more than they like their own predates the PlayStation. The camerafags are even worse than wojack anal vore posters
Apart from the OC stuff, it's fine. Even that has died down and people joke about it.
I know about him “ironically” fucking a baby doll as well as telling R&M fans to stop behaving like retards because they were dipping chicken nuggets into meme sauce that some guy stomped into the ground with his boot in front of them.
Got it. Thanks for not being a fag about it.
I honestly find more Mario and Kirby autists with OCs than Sonic ones.
But mainly it's just Pokemon autists. There is still so much fucking Pokemon autism on the internet nowadays. I mean for fucks sake, just look at /vp/ and /trash/. Actually, /vp/ is far more autistic than /trash/. Why do we keep letting them get away with it?
Based and positivepilled
>Kirby autists
Whenever you do that they just say "YOU'RE JUST MAD BECAUSE THIS CHARACTER DIDN'T GET IN"
Sonic fandom isn't that bad, Sonic hate fans are much, much worse
Reminder that Sammy's videos were satire and it's really obvious he was doing a silly voice on purpose
>I honestly find more Mario and Kirby autists with OCs than Sonic ones.
How do you even make a Kirby OC?
If you recolor Kirby and give him a hat you just end up with a canon Kirby character than already exists.
I mean, to be fair, I only see them in this discord I'm using to milk lolcows but I for some reason haven't seen many Sonic OCs. There are few Kirby OCs though. Most of it is Pokefags.
no problem. It's not like I hate Sony or the fans but too many of them are insufferable shitwits online and irl. I always assume it's poorfags who have to justify the inflated prices with mental gymnastics about superiority because it's the only thing they own that cost more than 20 bucks. Your average sonybro is pretty chill.
>we're not that bad, the ones that hate us are worse!
Literally what every fanbase says about the people that hate them.
This. It's just like vegans and vegan haters, the vegan haters are much more obnoxious.
The sonic fanbase is self-contained, the only time you experience their autism outside of the community is people making fun of it. With Smash they endlessly shit on every franchise that has ever existed just so they can justify paying for shit DLC. I don't understand why people are okay with paying for a DLC that they don't know what it is, and then giving the game endless free advertisement because of it. It'd make sense if the game was good? It's just a decent platform fighter with a great OST, I don't understand the community at all.
>Checks /vg/ Undertale thread
>687 response/331 images/71 unique IPs
>Thread was created 05/06/19(Mon)16:49:47
Yeah nah, they still seem far too active. Wonder how much the Asrielfags are still propping them up. God I wish those goatfuckers would all die in a dumpsterfire.
things aren't valued by the merits they were given by their original creator. things are valued by the value people assign to it.
pokemon and sonic both stand for an idea that their own franchise no longer stands for, so anybody thats a fan is either ignorant of the past or emotionally attached to a past that is no longer relevant.
people still treat pokemon like it has the same mystique it did on the game boy. its the exact same game, it has been for 20 years, its just that 20 years of context happened.
I actually agree with this. I've never come across an annoying vegan, but everyone and their mother shits on them like they're the most obnoxious thing on the planet. It's rare enough to come across a vegan, let alone learn they're vegan, but by the way people act you'd think they were everywhere with "I'm vegan and that makes me better than you" taped to their forehead.
What exactly have sonic fans done recently to make them the worst fanbase in gaming?
persona five turned the fanbase to absolute shit. worse then four ever did.
What made them bad?
What's wrong with Valve fans?
Not Sony
It's what they have done over the years that makes them the worst.
I believe she has a stun gun in Other M while in the Zero Suit and it’s not entirely unlikely that Sakurai was made aware of this beforehand.
You wouldn’t happen to have a link to that raw autism would you user?
They still think Valve is a good company that cares about games.
They are stuck in 2008 and if you mention that Valve has gotten worse they will shit up the thread.
Also they genuinely believe Yea Forums is a Valve board and if you don't agree you are a shill or a cuck.
its not so bad now, but back in 2009 like half of every high school girl was a vegan because they were suddenly thrust into a world where they felt like prescribing to a group identity was a necessity when it actually never was previously. the obama era was the birth of social media and the birth of people self-identifying as their lifestyle choices rather than alongside their lifestyle choices. veganism is one of the biggest ones. its also who so many people suddenly became pro gay when they never cared about it before. they needed an identity.
veganism is the easiest one, you don't even need to make any changes to your life you just buy different products
this isn't a new problem. times have changed three times since this song was written, and yet im willing to bet many think that we still live in the same world
For me it's Pokémon. Just look at all the excitement for literal reskinned NES tier garbage JRPG such as Let's GO or the new Sword/Shield
Pokemon has always been shovelware with possibly the most incompetent and lazy devs still working today
I don't think it was irredeemable until the ds where the lack of fucks and massive slowdowns were more apparent. I just wish the fans would admit it's not all that great and could be a lot better with a few simple changes that should have happened 10 years ago.
>I just wish the fans would admit it's not all that great and could be a lot better with a few simple changes that should have happened 10 years ago.
You ever been to /vp/?
>In reality most of the autism went away in the early 2010s
Imagine being that denial
And yet Sonic Boom became a thing instead of being cancelled.
Souls and Smashfags at least on Yea Forums in particular.
I try not to.
Sonic fanbase is without doubt the worst game fanbase. And I say that as a Sonic fan since Sega Genesis era.
>80 replies
That's nothing, why are tumblr so dumb
The difference is though that literally everyone who grew up during pokemania has good memories of pokémon. These people are not hardcore fans though and is why some people only care about gen 1-3.
Both Pokémon and Mario have massive normie crowds.
Genesis era Sonic also has a normies crowd that have fond memories of Sonic.
Yes but that's the thing.
Normies only stayed with sonic during the genesis era while Mario and Pokémon have put out things in the past years that have drawn in the normie crowd like Pokémon Go and Mario Kart. Sonic has not had somehing like this but instead put out games like Shadow the hedgehog and Sonic the hedgehog 2006 that made the autism crowd massive.
It's even worse because they shit on actual fighting games that don't have shitty baby gameplay.
because the show was good.
You're mistaking Persona for SMT
Absolutely not, all these sonic fags clinging to smash trying to say that normie party game has the worst fanbase are kind of pitiful and delusional.
Now since there's no worse fanbase then Sonic I guess I would say the second would be fighting game fans.They're all skilled but it's gotten to the point for them were being good at a fighting game is basically the most important part of their life. Have you ever played a fighting game with randoms in voice chat? It is absolutely insane.
undertale is
Most fans have already lost hope and moved to appreciating their old games.
Like look at VNN, even he's become bitter about the company.
>They tend to keep their autism at the door
/vp/ exists for a reason user
oh man, I can smell this post
i pray to god Dante doesn't go to smash, we have already too much cancer in this fanbase
I'd say I feel bad for the naive fools that think rosterfaggotry will end after the Fighter Pass is finished, but I wish I was that blissfully ignorant. Fuck the ballot man. That seriously was the turning point for this shit.
This was kind of predictable
Diehard Zelda fans are my least favorite, personally.
>Constantly hail their series as the best adventure games, despite their flaws
>Argue about a ridiculous timeline
>Go apeshit if you criticize characters
>Think an elf boy who never talks and breaks pots is an A++ protagonist
Yeah. Growing up with them was something else. I enjoy most of the games, but not the fanbase.
Smash fanbase is the worst. Fuck Smelee fags and roster autists who don't even play the game but want to circlejerk about their predictions.
>they're like the dark souls fan base
those are fujos, they don't even play the game
Sonic autism died down and is really only caused by one person (Chris chan) and even then I don't hear much from him these days. The Sonic fanbase got pretty quiet since 2015
Sonic autism is really self contained, it always has been Chris was just an outlier.
It's just that no one bothers to focus on them anymore.
The most degenerate Sonicfags stay in their dens. Smashfags literally stink everything else up. They have tabletop tier hygiene. They shit up all Nintendo Direct related anything. They bring out the worst in patternfaggotry because everything apparently revolves around this one series. Like how a guest character suddenly means their games of origin are guaranteed on a Nintendo platform. Or that everything has to be a calculated advertisement. Smashfags shit up anything fighting game related. Rosterfags exist.
have sex
and he admitted to being a ripoff of Mariotehplumber
This was kind of smelly
Huh, breathes in.
Paper Mario is its own brand of Sonic autism. If having partners means fedora wearing Goombas, Coldsteel the Koopatrol(s) (yes plural), female Pokeys and cringe self insert non-Mario characters I'm okay with them no longer being in the series. Yes they're that bad.
Or worse. They ask who you wanted in so they can create a convenient boogeyman to constantly bring up for the rest of time.
Glad you too put CD fags into subhuman category.
Sonic hasn't been the worst vidya fanbase in like a decade. Partly because other fanbases have grown exponentially worse (Undertale was on par with the entirety of Sonic's awful fanbase throughout the 2000's within its first year of release as just one example) but mostly because the autistic shitheads that everyone talks about when discussing Sonic's fanbase either migrated to said new awful fanbases (Homestuck, MLP and FNAF are three more examples off the top of my head) or matured and became the bitter, tired, worn down sonic fanbase we have today where outside of Mania's hype and success, they're mostly just beaten down and wish the franchise would go back to "the good ol' days" (depending on how old they are, this could mean a multitude of different things.)
Not denying that there isn't still a lot of cancer today, but it's just not comparable to what other fanbases are putting out anymore.
the 6 years between Generations and Mania killed a lot of people's interest I think. Lost World and Boom were mediocre, and the rest was spin-offs. Mania was good but then Forces came only months after, and there's a shitty movie on the horizon.
Sonic can't catch a break.
Not until I start.
Sonic has cool villains.
Close. Difficulty snobs have been on the rise though
What was the point of that design when he turns into monster of the week right after
Metal Sonic back at it AGAIN with the JNCO's!
Why are the edgehogs so cool?
>Is it the worse fanbase in gaming?
What are Sony fanboys
>What are Sony fanboys
Not very obnoxious at the moment. Though I must add that I've been staying out of Nintendo threads for the last while, so I might just not have seen them in action. They only really activate their true cancer when Playstation gets something good or better, or when a previously PS exclusive gets ported, or when something gets ported to PS, or when Nintendo gets an especially bad game, or when Nintendo gets an especially good game, or when a thread about BotW is made.
that's a jackal
Yea Forums in general, then again its hard to call anyone here fans of anything outside of drama.
I can tell you never posted here when Brawl was coming out.
It's an edgehog if I say so.
Nup-ersonafags, fatefags (ESPECIALLY fatefags), and pokemonfags are infinitely worse to be honest
Sonic fans are all autistic but you just feel bad for them because the sonic team just fucks with them all the time. Personafags and fatefags are the defintion of pure, unadultered waifufaggotry, however. Their single digit IQ minds only have to capacity to drool over dumb shit like "best girl". There are so many of them too, and they are VERY obnoxious people in general. Not to mention personafags are EXTREMELY entitled.
FPBP as usual.
I'm not afraid to admit I enjoy Smash as a game, but most, if not all Smash threads are just pure bona-fide autism, not to mention their recent tendency to shit up other threads just because they're talking about a series with a character that starts shit-flinging without fail in their own threads, like Banjo-Kazooie. Let's not forget about how everyone always gets their panties in knots when they don't get Smash news in a Direct, and it's all they fucking speculate about prior to it. Hell, sometimes even when they DO get Smash news they'll still be pissed off just because it's a character they don't like. I honestly do not give a single rat's ass about whatever Smash news they'll have at E3, if any at all.
>smashfags singlehandedly banned discussions of dozens of games by sucking the mod's dicks by dragging them to /vg/
I'd tolerate their weird porn fetish over a smashfag's autism anyday.
I'm mostly a 3D sonic fan since my favorites are games like Adventure series, Heroes, and riders. I haven't tried many 2D sonic games since I don't enjoy them that much. Yet hopefully you guys are getting more 2D games as well. Mania looked pretty good too.
Lost world was them trying to recapture the Mario lite feeling of Colors except it didn't work
Nope, Smash. Even the Archiefags weren't as bad. Smash however brings every series under the sun in one place and it is not pretty. Smash Four was the start of that and it doesn't help that Brawl was intentionally dumbed down after Sakurai got mad people were playing it in a way he didn't like. What developer does that? Now if you say you want good gameplay, you're called stinky or a meleefag. Casuals hated Brawl too. Smash Four was better for removing tripping but even that wasn't saying much. It really felt off, in some cases worse than Brawl. Never mind the characters, etc. That speaks for itself.
When it took a suggestion box to steer the director to add obvious characters in the game who should have appeared in Brawl, you know something went wrong. That entire ballot was fucking cancer. Brawl's hype also ruined Smash; now every new reveal has to have its own section and trailer and every reveal has to be astronomical and pull in more people from whatever series Sakurai played two years ago. Sonic fans put out romhacks and fangames with some seriously cool concepts. The closest Smash had to that was Project M and look what happened there. Did he really think that Icons game was going to succeed without notable faces? Say what you want about rosterfags but they're right; Smash without those characters won't succeed, case in fucking point.
Sonicfags have pretty much been beaten down overthe years by a multitude of things.
On the other handwe have fanbases like Pokemon, Smash and some parts of the Mario and Zelda fanbase who get utterly ignored despite their autism.
Smashfags are probaly the worst, because they won't stop spreading themselves like a virus to any fanbase that has even a small rumor pointing to it's inclusion.
Smash is definitely the worst. It’s nothing but tier whores and roster fags flinging shit at each other over REPRESENTATION, SALES, RELEVANCE AND WHO DESERVES A SLOT.
I’d say Pokémon and Sonic are a close second. I’ve noticed that recent discussion on these have been about how to improve the current states of the franchises or retards praising where they are.
I hate that I share an interest with so many autists but that’s probably testament to my own autism.
Honestly Mario RPG fans (especially Paper Mario) feel like a completely seperate fanbase from the main Mario fanbase.
Wtf man, that's in the base game? Or is it a mod?
now you know how i feel about erdrick shitposting
fuck i miss comfy dq threads bros
Erdrick is just one part of DQ. Actually, that alone exposes these faggots. Funny how they shit on people who believed in that Grinch leak (I believed it), but go to believe another leak with no basis.
Sammy seems really chill now
Probably not as bad, but...
Obnoxious, toxic and unhygienic fucks. This fanbase is either a complete culmination of the other franchises autism or just a bunch of roster faggots who constantly bitch about a character getting in over another.
The closest to Sonicfags. The franchise has been going downhill since the 3ds in terms of quality and GF knows damn well that playing the genwun card is the reason why the games are still selling. I remember when people bitched about LGPE and the fanbase had the gull to call them entitled for saying a shit game was shit. Not going to bother talking about the furfaggotry going on. Same with the waifufags.
Less about the franchise itself, but more about the whole consolewars going on. MHW wasn't that bad, but it was almost Tri tier in mediocrity. There was a lot it did wrong, but just because nintendies didn't get it, snoyfags start coping. Same case with GU.
They never stfu about the how the new games and waifus killed the franchise, when the franchise was never that fucking memorable to begin with outside of Smash. This is one case where the anti-FEfags are even more obnoxious.
Is Yea Forums really so stupid that they think the rosterfags are actually a group of smash fans and not underage memers latching onto the latest trend?
>no fire emblem
it is pretty pathetic how people are getting excited to pay a subscription fee to play the same shitty game they played in 2004.
Smash is kind of an unfair comparison because it attracts fans from a bunch of different series
Holy shit this. They nearly pushed out Labyrinth of Refrain, Kenshin and Lobotomy Corp out of Yea Forums because our thread was getting in the way of their smash faggotry
That’s not a 400 word rant that someone expects you to take seriously all the while thinking that they have an impact here even though everyone can lie at anytime.
and they still all end up being better than the Sonic fanbase, even though thats not saying a lot at all.
If that's the case, it's your responsibility as a Smash fan to call them out.
why do smashfags ALWAYS deflect and pretend that their shitposting is really just a false flag?
smashfags had the nerve to complain that dmcv and sekiro were getting too many threads for their liking when those games first came out. they unironically believe that they are entitled to take up 90% of the catalog at all times. and mods/jannies encourage it by never doing anything to stop their spam.
People just want to cling to the past with an easily hatable fanbase. Zoomers don't give a fuck about the Sonic fanbase. They just know Sonic as a meme factory. In fact Sonic has failed to garner a lot of new fans for like a decade now. It's 70+% boomers at this point.
wow fuck smashitters
Persona is mostly just typical waifufag bs
Undertake and FNAF aren't that big anymore
Pokemon keeps to their one corner, the autism at least
All of them, that's why I exclusively play single player games.
Honestly most Sonic fans I've seen keep their autism to themselves, so it's knda harmless
But most autistic fanbases belong to single-player games.
Are smashfags the ((them)) of Yea Forums?
>your responsibility as a Smash fan
where did you get that from? I'm just not blind
But anooooooooooon, can’t you see that my vendetta against a character is more important than talking about a good action game’s gameplay even though I have no ability to change what people put on the Smash ballot years ago or to predict a curveball loving developer?
i've seen in person, trust me it is very real
If you don't want to those so-called rosterfags to be called Smash fans, you as a Smash fan need to call them out for it. Otherwise you're complacent with them being in your fanbase.
forgot half life friend. dead series but they still won't shut up about half life 3.
As long as I don't have to interact with them I don't care.
I blame the anime so much
Everything was fucking fine until the anime happened and now underage fucking twitterfags can't fucking shut up about HAHA JOJOOOOOOOOOOOO SO WACKY
DBZ youtubers are pretty bad and rosterfags show up in DBFZ threads
>call of duty
>apex legends
>player battle grounds unknown
multiplayer games are catching up on being the most autistic fan bases.
Nintendofags in general around 2014.
You forgot the current most autistic fanbase in video games
I wouldn't say it's the worst but Hollow Knight has become pretty bad with people wanting to fuck bugs and making their own insect OCs.
It kind of died down a bit right now but will well up again when Silksong is released or we get a new trailer around E3.
There never really was a problem with this until it released on Switch.
Switchfags are peak Nintendo autism though.
Don't use Smash as your convenient scapegoat for hating. The persona fanbase was rampant and somewhat obnoxious long before the thought of Joker himself was a thing, let alone his inclusion in Smash. It was always a poor man's SMT dating simulator spin-off before P3.
At least sonicfags fucking enjoy their series. A huge chunk of kirbyfags I've seen are all a bunch of ironic artist types who think s4s brand humor is the epitome of comedy and haven't actually played a kirby game but love THE CUTE PINK BALL BOY UWU SO CUTE HE COULD KILL YOU WITH PHOTOSHOP PISTOL HAHA KIRBY WITH A GUN SO FUNEE
Pretty much, but then Smash is special since it's mostly rosterfagging. Worst traits of crossover shit combined into one group.
Sometimes people who don't even play smash get into rosterfagging, so it makes the situation worse
>thing gets popular
>popularity ruins fanbase
Why do you think people on Yea Forums hate anime adaptations and secondaries so much?
Bug fug sounds more like an attempt to rekindle the old Yea Forums weirdness. The creative side of mental deficiencies.
>always a poor man's SMT dating simulator spin-off before P3.
>Before P3
>dating sim
Fucking idiot, there's even a schism between P1/2 fans and later games due to the differences
I meant to say after P2. I don't know how I butchered that so well.
>you as a Smash fan
I've taken to just spoiling shit for anime only fags. I used to be nice about it and had the mindset of "oh they're experiencing JoJo for the first time, let them have their fun" but I've seen what a mistake that was
Narancia dies. Everyone in part 6 dies including Jotaro
I guarantee you most people posting in the Classic Wow threads haven't played actual vanilla wow.
>but I've seen what a mistake that was Narancia dies
What happened with that and anime onlyfags?
No that would be PC gamers.
Godamn it user.
I already know the spoilers from the games, XForts, and Meti though
>donut steel
>deviantart shit
what about the avatar junk in forces bringing all that shit into the context of the games
personally i thought it made having ocs okay
>It was always a poor man's SMT dating simulator spin-off before P3.
you couldn't make it any more obvious that you're a smashfag trying to deflect. blatantly making shit up about other franchises while pretending to be an expert is one of smashfags' worst traits.
I hate how smash fags rag on any character who is even slightly anime-like.
We get it, you want every slot to be filled with mascots and furries, fuck off.
Good point, as a fanbase its matured and the craziest members have jump ship to shit like FNAF and Undertale.
>FNAF and Undertale.
Neither of these are that bad anymore either.
Sonic is probably one of the worst in video gaming, but it doesn't have much of a presence on Yea Forums. If we're talking about Yea Forums specifically, Smash is definitely in the top 3. The only repetitive Sonic shit here on Yea Forums is the occasional bat tats thread and some short-lived movie shitposting.
Sonic is the obvious choice for worst fanbase because of memes, but Pokemon is the underrated close second. It somehow manages to simultaneously be vomit-inducing normie and disgusting sperg, and the series itself isn't even that great.
>normie and sperg
are these the two sides to everything?
yawn. boring thread. how is this still up? Yea Forums is so fucking boring
Not really. Through the Sonic fanbase you know you can get some cool shit like game fixing mods or interesting fangames or even official ones. Some fans are autistic as fuck but usually it's pretty chilled around Sonic fans because they've seen the worst and can't get any lower in terms of game announcements. Here are some fandoms that are louder and more obnoxious in my opinion.
>Naughty Dog Fags
Assuming he meant to say "before P3", he's absolutely right. The nature of P3 and the games after it is the primary reason it attracted some a cancerous fanbase. A combination of shitty wish fulfillment, pure waifu faggotry, and garbage VN levels of dialogue resulted in a fanbase of single digit IQ basedboys that only have the brain capacity to drool about dumb shit like "best girl".
Assuming he meant to say "after p3"*
Yes, and Pokemon covers both.
All the genwunner muh childhood shit: imagine a vaping man in his late 20s with gauges and a Squirtle leg tattoo, who fondly remembers the anime and gen 1/2, posts Pokemon GO team memes, and won't shut the fuck up about Detective Pikachu.
Typical disgusting Nintendo fan shit: imagine a fat sweaty manlet who walks around with his 3DS tucked into his cum-stained sweatpants pocket, attends Pokemon tournaments, and can recite detailed stats about team comps and matchups. Also ERPs as Lucario.
The whole gaming community to be honest
MK11 the non stop TRANNY RIGHTS spam every single fucking stream of it
>I've been to a few smash tournaments, this is 100% true. Most of the people playing smash do no give a shit about the Nintendo Legacy.
I had the same experience. The Tourneyfags I've met IRL barely play Nintendo games and don't really give a shit about the characters, which is surprising because Smash is a very mediocre game if you're in it for the gameplay only.
I only chimped out because he mistakingly said before
Tripfag corrected himself and I won't disagree with the correction with "after" at all
honestly, the waifufags are still better than the p3fags who act pretentious over a game with terrible writing, pacing, characters and gameplay compared to other games in the series. i'll take "best girl" arguments over people unironically defending tartarus and months full of boring filler just to be contrarian.
Persona and SMT have shitty fans and that was the case before Joker got into Smash or even before P5 came out. Persona threads are often just shitflinging between the different games with everybody acting like their favorite game is the best one and all the others are complete shit alongside a bunch of retarded reasons to back that statement up, and when they're not that it's just waifuposting, which is inoffensive for the most part, but still not very good. When P5 had just come out was some of the only times in recent memory where a Persona thread wasn't shit.
SMTfags aren't as bad, and are usually completely fine when Persona isn't brought up, but when Persona is brought up they always comes off as absolutely desperate to maintain an image of being hardcore and only liking SMT, they blame every bad thing about SMT on Persona, and just spout a bunch of blatantly uninformed shit in a desperate move to fit in and make themselves look hardcore, which is made all the worse when all many of those kinds of posters have played are some of the more popular and accessible PS2 games and some of the DS games, which is fine by itself, but when you act like you have refined taste and look down on others for playing games that aren't even that obscure, it just reflects poorly on you. SMTfags still aren't as bad because they're completely fine when the conversation doesn't go that way, but it does go that way fairly often and it's awful when it does, thankfully it feels like it has lessened a little bit recently though.
JoJo was always a fucking meme what the fuck are you talking about.
Anime just opened the door to more people.
Google "The Sonic the Sissyhog Trilogy"
man i wish
I only ever see undertale shit from depraved furfags or clickbait normie games theory bullshit, even after the demo thing came out. It can't possibly be as big and obnoxious as once was
>genuinely love Digimon as a series
>Have to put up with 9 billion furries who don't even qualify as secondaries, to the point where some think Renamon is a POKEMON
Being a Digimon fan is suffering.