what caused their downfall and how much longer do they have left until EA puts a bullet in them?
Other urls found in this thread:
>what caused their downfall
Irreversible brain drain following their acquisition by EA, which was further exacerbated by their overlords overworking the few remaining talented employees due to their belief in, "Bioware Magic," aka, "the game is complete trash until exactly one month from going gold, whereupon everything just clicks into place."
To put it bluntly, Bioware got eaten alive by Electronic Arts who started shaking them like a battered housewife demanding a perfect steak dinner.
>"it's the feeemoids and the transgendereds that brought down bioware"
t. incel
Bioware exists under capitalism where they're incentivised to make as much money as possible. In an age where everyone with a brain knows not to make games, because of the working conditions.
I'm taking a chance but
Marry the long-haired brown one
Fuck the Thighness in the socks
Kill the rest
Those aren't even actual employees. They just won a tour or something.
>Fuck the Thighness in the socks
The blonde actually looks really normal, she's just dressed a little frumpy which everyone experiences once in a while.
I'm not marrying that one and the other four are visible traps.
Nu-BioWare is the zombie Simpsons of video game devs. It kind of looks and sounds like the old Simpsons you know but behind the scenes all the writers that made the show what it is jumped ship a long time ago and now it’s just a garbage shell of its former self staffed by arrogant dirtbags/low talent people riding on the coattails of former greatness and name recognition. Now it remains on life support because it’s a dwindling cash cow for a corporation.
>what caused their downfall
Hiring women and trannies
I think I went to high school with second from right.
Anyway, they let everyone down when they lied about ME sequels. Nail in the coffin was TORtanic. I've just been waiting for EA to put them out of their misery.
>already abandoning anthem while screaming that they aren't abandoning it
should have got a bullet after da2. Fuck this worthless developer
>We are so diverse!
>from left to right: white makework seat-filler femanoid, white makework seat-filler femanoid, white makework seat-filler femanoid, white makework seat-filler femanoid, white makework seat-filler femanoid, white makework seat-filler femanoid
All six of these women could stay home, cash their cheques, and it'd make their workplace better for slightly easing the tension in the building.
The fact that they hired women isn't the problem. The problem is they hired unqualified millennial shit lords with no talent just to make themselves look better.
See Hamburger hepler
In Zombie Simpsons defense, 4 million an episode is still really good considering current trends in TV viewers.
What caused that huge spike from 11 to 12? Also, I find it really weird that Simpsons kept going downhill with each season in the beginning. For some reason my mind wants to always say that ratings peaked in the late 90's for the show.
>All 6 are women
Oh user...
ME3 was the beginning of the end
>The problem is they hired unqualified millennial shit lords with no talent
This. They should've known better to NOT hire Millentards.
I think the fact they were hiring unqualified millennial smoothbrained mouth-breathers speaks more of their dire financial straits and brain drain than "Progressive Ideology killed another one." Healthy companies don't need to bloat themselves with the Fast Food of workers.
> not 2
overall 2 was a great game, but had a few questionable choices that were head-scratchers considering bioware's pedigree as a rpg dev
They were dead the instant DA2 happened, everything else is just the trail of debris leading away from the crash. Bioware hasn't made a good game since ME2.
Kotor was the beginning of the end
Did the guy on the left forget to wear his pants to work?
Their faces got tired
>what caused their downfall
Not hiring women, as you will suggest, based on your image.
Probably becoming too cynical with the EA thing, and thus all the genuine workers leaving, and being left with mercs.
Is the one on the left wearing those socks that stop you from dying of blood clots?
>Not hiring women, as you will suggest, based on your image.
really now?
Yes, really. All the good dev studios also hire women. If you want to know what makes a studio bad, look at the difference between a good and a bad studio. Women ain't it.
technically, he covered his ass here. he said "up to the final moments" as in, everything will be varied until you make the three color choice. or two if you were a pleb.
>what caused their downfall
1.Brain-drain / retiring employees: Bioware lost a lot of it's top members over the last couple of years to the point that they have about the creative experience of an indie studio making their first game. Also the industry has consistently been losing great developers over the years due to just burnt out / getting screwed.
2. Hubris. Bioware imagined it was on top of the world and could do no wrong. They were once held to the same level of public praise as CD-Projeckt post-Witcher 3. People literally thought they couldn't make anything but an exceptional rpg. Even with the hiccup during NWN1, they bounced back and made KoTOR which was the epitome of entry-level engrossing wrpg that got a lot of people into the genre. Then they knocked it out of the park with ME and DAO making the public and games journalists heap endless praise.
All this led to the 'bioware magic' meme that they believed to a fault. It led towards them ignoring obviously bad decisions and just closing their eyes and imaging it'd be fixed at the end.
3. Lack of expertise being handed a budget / deadline / expectations: Bioware titles were never technically impressive and the only thing they had going for them was their rpg narratives that allowed the player to self-insert. Their animation and 3D-modeling has always been bad-to-dogshit tier. We're in an age that rapidly evolved to praise the presentation of a game moreso than the gameplay. In an era of movie games, Bioware's animations and graphics tech (just look at Inquisition and those greasy models) just look fucking outdated and awful compared to meme games like GoW or RDR2.
4. Bad decisions: ME 3 was mishandled (not just the ending), which didn't win Bioware any praise and likely will poison the prospective of the series when it's considered retro. It led to public good-will being injured, which wouldn't be bad if it wasn't for the immediate, bad decision train Bioware started riding on. 1/2
Bioware started as a small rpg developer. Baldurs Gate games catered to the walking sim crowds of then, Mass Effect 1 was an ok action rpg.
After that EA forced them to become like the cool action devs from other companies.
The result was the downfall of Dragon Age and Mass Effect series and their transformation into generic, mediocre action games.
Seeing as they no longer catered to the walking sim crowd of Baldurs Gate nor the rpg crowd of Dragon Age 1 and Mass Effect 1, they could not please the action crowd with their clunky games.
If you want action you play Bullet Storm, an actual fps from competent devs.
The sale to EA drove away the best talent and they got replaced by a bunch of progressive hacks who were attracted to the company because they had gay love interests in their games not because they wanted to make good vidya.
Why is it that one some subjects everyone hating or liking something is okay but on others they are just sheep? Yea Forums usually takes the contrarian route but now joins in on fucking normie opinions?
Anthem is not perfect and has a lot of issues but it is at the core fun gameplay. My other favourite game this year is unironically fallout 76 I have over 150 hours in. They just released a huge roadmap detailing all the big content coming to that its being highly praised.
I don’t know what happen to this place but you all have shit normie opinions that swing like a tree branch depending on what way the e celeb/gaming press shit winds blow. Sad.
Being a woke progressive is a sign of low IQ or some other ulterior motive.
>Step 1: EA Buys Company
>Step 2: starts cutting costs by removing people that have higher wages
>Step 3: Higher Wages people who are often the most important in the company are replaced with EA yes man
>Step 4: The Company is a former shell of itself and struggles
They have done this multiple times.
honestly wasn't EA's fault
it's what happens when a bunch of nerdy cucks with a passion for vidya start hiring women because they heard it's a good idea
It was 100% EA's fault. People blaming SJWs and women are just confusing the cause with the symptoms
>Anthem is not perfect and has a lot of issues but it is at the core fun gameplay. My other favourite game this year is unironically fallout 76 I have over 150 hours in.
you have to go back
They chose to develop rpgs on frostbyte. This nearly killed Inquisition in development and even the devs working on it had hoped it would fail to convince the higher ups driving this train to stop using frostbyte. Bioware kept at it. Andromeda wasn't easily given tech-progression that Inquisition made due to rivalries between the two branches. Bioware's leadership over Andromeda was hammered with mismanagement and a changing development cycle that kept dropping and remaking content. It suffered from this so bad that it was devoid of any polish when it launched, leading to some of the best meme fuel in a long time (you don't want your game / movie to be a laughing stock. The core public isn't into buying obvious garbage). This also nuked any good will the public had for Bioware due to Andromeda objectively having weaker writing than previous Bioware games. As many gameplay tweaks were done, I'd say, personally, I never gave a fuck about the gameplay in a Bioware title. I'd also sooner play another game than an RPG with very little traditional rpg in it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel Andromeda likely would've recovered from the hideous polish and become a cult game if the writing and rpg mechanics had any depth beyond facilitating combat.
Anthem was just the latest bad decision. So horribly mismanaged that the team as a whole wasn't aware of what the gameplay loop would be until the E3 trailer. A Bioware game wholly about gameplay with paper-thin rpg elements and a narrative as generic as they come.
Pretty much a dead company now. I'm not afraid to admit that I liked their old games a lot. BG2 especially is a favorite of mine. KotOR is also the SW rpg game for me with KoTOR2 being a perfect sequel. I loved Jade Empire's characters and setting, even if the plot was generic as hell. Even ME 1 I feel was an amazing homage to star-trek style sci-fi. Bioware doesn't make those games anymore. Which is why people don't like Bioware so much anymore.
They were acquired by EA and all the people that actually knew what they were doing were quick to flee from the studio and find positions elsewhere.
The phantom hands of EA have reanimated their obliterated souls. What you see, inside that "Bioware" brand, is a decaying coagulation of dust, arisen to serve the shady tendrils of corporate bidding, picking up every gutter hanging barb on their miserable way to the fiery heaps of EA's studio mausoleum.
EA makes people put microtransactions in shit, they don't make people hire women. That was all Bioshit's fault. You can see them about to go full homo before EA acquired them.
It's like EA forced them to sell, the owners of Bioware really liked that money.
If you want to find the bad guy, find him in the former owners of Bioware.
>It was 100% EA's fault.
Bioware has been pretty open and stubborn about the design of their current games being 100% their choice. Even the decision to use frostbyte was Bioware trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.
EA is still hot garbage.
Most of the talent at Bioware were forced out over time after the buyout. All roads lead to EA.
>EA makes people put microtransactions in shit, they don't make people hire women.
They literally owned the company and set the deadlines by the time their games turned to shit. You don't know what you're talking about.
KOTOR and Jade Empire were both for homos and not very good
>Also, I find it really weird that Simpsons kept going downhill with each season in the beginning.
Cable and satellite TV were becoming increasingly common. In 89 most people just had ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS and FOX was the new kid on the block. Broadcast TV was losing market share to the new networks throughout the 90s just as new competition from the internet is taking away TV viewers now.
>Bioware has been pretty open and stubborn about the design of their current games being 100% their choice.
Which might have meant something if it wasn't for the fact that EA owns and completely controls Bioware.
They were bought buy EA and after DA2 a vast majority of the staff replaced by EA staff and at the same time new "Bioware branches" opened up filled with solely EA staff. All the people responsible for games they made before DA2 are gone including the founders and most of the writers who worked on ME1&2.
Bioware = EA. There's no distinction to be made
>Even the decision to use frostbyte was Bioware trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.
Sure it was, just like it's just a massive coincidence that EA's Sports games also use Frostbyte now and EA was literally pulling engineers from the FIFA team to work on Bioware's projects.
said the redditor
it’s still clear to me this site is pure normal faggotry. Soulless. Everyday for this past month they have been dozens of threads shilling a fucking EA battle royale. What the fuck is wrong with you people.
ok be honest guys, who else got one of these bad boys?
>Which might have meant something if it wasn't for the fact that EA owns and completely controls Bioware.
But even previous devs have stated it was Bioware's choice.
And if we're arguing the Bioware = EA, then we should just admit that Bioware has been completely dead and it's only some reptile wearing the name.
Bioware didn't really have a say when EA bought the holdings company that owned them.
>There are still people who bring up Star Wars Galaxies
>haven't seen any of that for TOR
The funny thing to me is that since TOR copied WoTLK, I wonder if it still has talent trees and more spells than retail WoW.
That clearly isn't the case if you've read anything from people who left the company before DA2.
>then we should just admit that Bioware has been completely dead and it's only some reptile wearing the name.
That's basically true though. Which makes the whole "it was Bioware's choice EA didndu nuffin" look even more retarded.
With what?
im better than u
If you say so?
they changed the trees eventually and started pruning too
Between the ages of 7 and 12, I was repeatedly molested and sodomized by my Rabbi. My family didn't believe me.
i'd fuck the two in the middle, even though they look like digusting pigs
I know OPs a dumb fucking shutin trying to blame women/jews/liberals despite the fact Bioware is still 90% white and gook males, but the fact is EA mismanaged the shit out of them like they do with every studio they acquire. Terrible practices that poisoned away Biowares devoted community, ill timed jumping on fads, and I assume the standard executive meddling took place although I'm not sure.
It's not your fault, user.
All incels are mentally ill and out of touch with reality. This is the Andromeda team a bunch of pasty fuckin autismos and they made a trash game. Fucking cope
this is true but why do you ignore the fact that there are more basement dwelling virgins in the left than in the edgy frogtwitter crowd? literally every single tranny is a social outcast virgin
Seriously though y'all should have sex lol
you seem angry
Mediocre miserable niggers like this faggot being given a voice in society is the biggest catastrophe in human history
now they run governments and educate your children
Being pozzed didn't help, but the entire industry is pozzed. The real problem was that EA suits micromanaged game development and forced Bioware to work on/with things that they weren't any good at.
user at the very least these millennials and progressives that currently shit up politics, industries and the internet will cease exist in the future.
>what caused the huge spike between season 11 to 12?
Season 11 Episode 5, to be precise.
The original staff and their vision burnt out. EA and SJWs are also contributing major factors; but, the inevitable decay of institutions and the mortal coils therein is the cause.
havent been good since shattered steel
if thats true then how come anthem lost money
the unfortunate sad truth
agreed 100%
not him, but in theory anthem would have been a cashcow considering it's Destiny with ironman suits.
Bioware being clueless fucks who couldn't program their way out of a paperbag made the game into the gigantic fuck-up we all know and love to hate but in theory their is a good money drain to be found hidden in it
hadn't those people made Banner Saga?
>EA was literally pulling engineers from the FIFA team to work on Bioware's projects
If jason Schreier is to be believed it was the other way around and it was the few skilled bioware's codemonkeys who were enrolled to work on FIFA while Dice sent a taskforce to help Bioware with their nightmare of an engine
EA forcing them to realese half-assed games
talking shit to thier fans
SJW wave
Quality bait
Schreier is a hack, wouldn't believe anything from that weasel desu
>never got kotor III
There is 1 game's worth of good single player Star Wars content in SWTOR. You just have to wade through a bunch of uninspired MMO bullshit.
I remember the mass effect 1 forums being complete sjw cancer. Mass effect being good was pure luck.
What the fuck is wrong with the western world?
>what caused their downfall
>and how much longer do they have left until EA puts a bullet in them?
Weirdly enough I think EA might give them another chance or two JUST to avoid the perception of looking like they're killing one of their only single player studios again.
Mass Effect 3 had some very good AI coders and weapon designers working on it, at least. The enemy tactical AI and weapon variety in that game is extremely underrated.
why do western devs make their women look like pornstar bimbos?
>We need to save money if we're not gonna get sunsetted by our bosses at EA
>Hey I know. Lets hire some women. Its legal to pay them less right? and it'll make us look good.
Someone post the Bioware flow chart that shows how every single game of theirs follows The Chosen One trope.
If EA kills bioware, it will destroy any confidence shareholders and 3rd parties have in them.
They will keep replacing teams until it is stable. Stable doesnt mean good though, it just means that they arent making a loss.
Likely they will begin replacing Bioware as their AAA RPG devs slowly with another company in order to improve the new teams brand. Once they have that they can safely get rid of bioware or keep it on as a retard team doing expansions/DLC or smaller game franchises.
i would also like to see this
Can you name any good bioware games?
The only games I remember being great were Baldurs Gate/ Neverwinter Nights and even then I remember a story about Black Isle actually doing all the work for those games and bioware were mostly the ideas guys.
Baldur's Gate series obviously, even with the Black Isle involvement i'll still give them credit
Dragon Age 1 was decent desu, I actually enjoyed Mass Effect 1 and 2 as comfy scifi action games too but they've been on a steady decline for a long time in general
Last good Bioware game was DAO.
Is this the new Sonic was never good? Where even the good games are retroactively tainted by more recent awfulness?
EA will never officially kill BioWare, they have enough bad press as it is. The shitstorm that it would cause would be unreal. More likely they will keep the BioWare studio in name only and dramatically restructure everything. Laying off loads of staff, replacing management, essentially creating a whole new studio, just with the BioWare title.
That image shows you clearly what caused their downfall.
Yeah I did enjoy the first DA and the first ME, but they had a lot of problems. I accidentally compelted ME by walking past a point of no return without any indication and I essentially missed a load of the game.
DA was good but I'm going to say thats likely because it was the only game for years that used the active RTS mechanic and didnt have any competition or any games to compare it to.
Sorry zoomer, but it was ME2.
Key personel left when EA took over. After that more senior talent left to be replaced with unexperienced and cheaper talent, usually straight out of college. High turnover except key people they wanted to be the face of the company.
Then they made several studios under the bioware name and subsequently shut them down. Is the original studio even still open or is it a different one with the same name?
Anthem was a humiliation for them. It should that now they don't have the right talent but also poor management. Their name is mud and they waste money.
Personally I think the death blow was in ME1 when they boasted a dynamic camera angle generator for dialgoue. It meant they made a philosophy of making tools to replace actual talent. With that EA decided they just needed monkies to use the tools and ship off everyone else.
You're so fucking stupid you didn't even realise you contradicted yourself in your own post.
>it's not those female game devs fault!
>nobody smart makes video games!
Top zozzle.
follow up they have already done this multiple times
womens freedom was a mistake. n
>what caused their downfall
Poor internal management, I been watching a few videos by Raycevick and from the sounds of it Bioware has been suffering from poor management for a long time now.
>, "the game is complete trash until exactly one month from going gold, whereupon everything just clicks into place."
Why not, it certainly fooled people into thinking that Mass Effect 1 was the best game in the series
mass effect 2 was ok.
>what caused their downfall
SJWs and EA, it was a tango between both of those
>how much longer do they have
Until EA finds another studio to bank off of
30 minutes in i get stuck on a table and the game autosaves over my progress.
I know two other people this happened to. This wasnt even V1.0 of the game
Newsflash, pretty much every company has female employees. Are they all doomed? Not even trying to defend Bioware, but this picture has nothing to do with their downfall.
I don't understand how buy outs work, can't the owners just say no when predatory entities like EA start waving their cash around?
We're all doomed
Every single one of them, except for the one in puce trousers.
Not all owners give a shit about the company and welcome the instant cash
they could but the power of shekels is too strong
thanks m8
>tfw posting in a doom and gloom thread while listening to Doom metal and watching Doom Eternal.
And who sold bioware to the company that had the holdings. The owners.
Didn't Hamburger Helper write the Orzammar questline?
Your pic is half the reason. The other half are the executives, who just like the diversity termites that pushed out people with actual talent, also don't give a fuck about games.
EA's social justice and politicla correctness
Were you an incel to the point that you decided to take HRT pills and become the woman so you can get the relationships you desperately craved for?
Because thats what it sounds like honestly.
Yes, she wrote the dwarf commoner storyline, parts of A Paragon of Her Kind. Was mostly involved with all writing concerning the dwarfs
Only until the whole rotten shitshow falls over.
And you wonder why SJW exists
You know why. Here's a more appropriate OP pic
Well they mostly get jobs in large companies where their mediocrity is easily hidden.
EA already put a bullet in them
Sad but true honk. My wife wants to homeschool our oldest when he starts school next year so he doesn't get brainwashed by these mentally ill freaks.
They exist because Tumblr attracted all the losers, even the creator of Tumblr hated them. They stayed there and radicalised each other further and further into this belief system until it was their sole personalities and then spreaded out like the termites they are. They took their mentally ill belief systems with them into HR, government and other office roles where women and weak faggots normally work in.
>what caused their downfall
The natural progression of any large human organization caused their downfall
They hired alot of people that don't know how to code, that couldn't of helped.
>They exist because Tumblr attracted all the losers
I'm amazed and shocked at how much the irony is lost to you
>What caused their downfall
>and how much longer do they have left until EA puts a bullet in them?
Already did. It's been a bloated corpse for half a decade now at the very least.
It's a good reason they got voted as the number 1 most awful company in America that one year. You really have to be something malicious to run a game publisher into that. Sad that as long as they hog the FIFA, Madden and NBA licenses, they're never going down and will continue to buy up promising developers and spit them out as dead husks as soon as they're done milking them.
home school is the only way now desu, i probably won't have kids if i can't find a girl that will agree to it
Yet you're here
Says a lot about both of us don't you think?
I never understood comparing Battlefront 2 with Dicefront, when the comparison should be between Battlefront 1 and Dicefront 1.
FPBP. "Bioware Magic" killed Bioware. Oh and Frostbite.
EA won the golden poo in 2012 and 2013 and I can assure you it would have gotten many more if they didnt stop the awards after 2014
>won the golden poo in 2012 and 2013
over companies that deserved it a lot more
What amazes me is that pictures like this ignores the possibility that developers can fuck up on their own
>what caused their downfall
your pic related is literally your answer dumdum
>over companies that deserved it a lot more
So what?
Sure but in EA's case every single one of their studios has gone to shit. If you weren't retarded you'd realize there's a pattern there.
Yeah man but it sucks for the social aspect. Shes considering doing a 1.5yr primary teaching degree and apply to transfer to a remote school where there is like 20 kids to the whole school. So she can teach them all properly and our kids can still play with other kids.
But man its pretty serious stuff whats happening now in the education system.
yeah they'd need hobbies like group sports etc to gain social skills and i don't think most western education systems can be fixed anymore desu, only rebuilt from their eventual ashes
>What amazes me is that pictures like this ignores the possibility that developers can fuck up on their own
If only they were allowed to. EA assumes control, twists the company, bleeds it dry and then executes it when it has been destroyed
The curious thing about ME3 clusterfuck (not only the ending, whole game was crap) was that until that point I never realized I cared that much about the series.
I was not a fanboy, yet I was royally pissed after playing ME3, and for several days too.
weirdly the one thing i thought would be garbage, the multiplayer, ended up being the only decent part of the game
For ea bioware was just free mass effect money. After ME3 ea basically stopped giving Bioware attention until they die so they can make a tax write off. #sad, many such cases.
Was it EA's fault that Renegade was forgettable? Dice doesn't seem to have changed much, pretty much all of their games that you liked have been released under EA. All the games you liked by Visceral was also made under EA. Criterion made need for speed games that went back to basic for the franchise but did anyone buy them?
Wasen't EA's fault that Andromeda ended up being the mess that it was
>what caused their downfall
It's a mystery.
I guess the "magic" is gone ;^)
Look man, EA was stamped on a lot of games pre-2000 and they had very little interference with.
You can see that Dungeon Keeper is published under EA. If you ask molyneux he'll tell you they didnt interfere much on that one, but the interference became more obvious around dungeon keeper 2 once they took their attention off their other cash cows. And it became absolutely clear around Theme Park World and Theme Park Inc. that these game were developed by committee.
We know EA "published good games" but they quickly fixed that.
>ywn have a creepy stalker fenneko gf
And molyneux also said that he liked how the game turned out
Which game?
>forced to make loot boxes in Battlefront 2
>Visceral games
>had to turn their horror franchise into a third person cover shooter
Look, EA is obviously not at fault for every single bad game done under their publishing, but you're having a fucking laugh if you don't think their practices and sentiments destroy games and the people that work on it. Know why the Star Wars game written by Amy Hening wasn't made? Because EA asked them how it would be able to make as much money as their sports games do. When EA took over Bioware, they all of a sudden started churning out minor DLCs and pre-order bonuses. Look at how they made them cut out content of Dragon age Origins, and then sold it as DLC. EA is scum, and their track record proves it
Dungeon Keeper 2, a game he wasen't even involved with.
>5 years
>now 7 years
I'm at 11 years for Spore and I'm still not over it m8s
Also, they forced micro-transactions for crafting items in Dead Space 3 - in the fucking single player. They forced Bioware to turn Dragon Age 2, which was supposed to be a DLC, into a full fledged game in a year
>Know why the Star Wars game written by Amy Hening wasn't made? Because EA asked them how it would be able to make as much money as their sports games do
What you mean Project Ragtag? That game had a very troubled development most of which can't be linked to EA, you know who can be linked to the troubled development? Hening herself, along with Disney
>Then the problems started. Throughout 2015 and then the rest of development, Hennig began clashing with others at Visceral, particularly the design team, according to all of the staff who spoke to me for this story. Designers described Hennig as a brilliant writer and story-teller who was spread too thin on Ragtag. Because she wanted to direct every aspect of the game, and many decisions had to run through her, it became difficult for Visceral staff to get her attention. She would work long hours and weekends, but she also spent a great deal of time flying down to Los Angeles to record with actors. Some told anecdotes about waiting weeks or months just to get her approval on something they’d done, only to find out that it didn’t meet her standards.
That's all you had to say to my entire post? I take it you agree with the rest of my points, then?
He was involved in it but he is uncredited.
DK2 had a lot of problems but it was the experience the team went through that ultimately destroyed any chance of DK3 and Bullfrog.
Can't I agree with both of you? Hennig is a writer, she shouldn't have been in charge of development.
Not really, I ignored the rest because I heard stuff like that before with zero proof. What content did they cut from Origins and sell it as DLC? Shale? That DLC was free
True enough
Inquisition was good, had some rough patches (namely at the start) but I enjoyed it. I never played Andromeda but heard it was hot garbage and Mass Effect 3 turned me off of the series.
They've been shit since Baldur's Gate 2 and anyone who doesn't agree with that has Mass Effect has babbies first "rpg" and first waifu. That's the only reason anyone could love the shitty characters in mass effect.
>Inquisition was good
get out
>tfw Bioware developers wanted Inquisition to fail because the company ran them into the fucking ground making it
>tfw it was a success anyway in spite of all it's problems and it's death march dev cycle and they were doomed to Anthem and the eventual failure that DA4 will be
>The shitstorm that it would cause would be unreal.
I don't know about that. I don't think anyone cares enough about them anymore that they'd be upset at their death.
I never gave a shit about Spore or looked into it, what exactly happened?
The Warden's Keep. They then dropped Dryden in the middle of your camp, where he would ask you to join him in his quest, and then the dialogue would tell you to buy the DLC.
Why do you think human enemies and cover shooting, as well as the micro-transactions, were implemented in Dead Space 3? Why do you think that they became increasingly bombastic with each installment? Why do you think Battlefront 2 had a completely unreasonable Loot box system?
You can see these kinds of changes with every game EA acquires. EA winning the golden poo, while not really reasonable, isn't unfounded. Do you think people just suddenly decided to hate EA? Why do you think Fuse was bastardized into a more serious and "edgy" shooter? Why do you think Crysis 2 was suddenly a console focused game? Why do you think there's seven million DLCs to each Sims? It's all in the numbers
>inquisition was good
Fuck off Solascuck
DA4 has been changed into a game as a service, it's basically over for them.
Like every company that EA acquires, EA is the problem.
>They chose to develop rpgs on frostbyte
EA mandated all their developers had to use the engine, not much choice there.
>DA4 has been changed into a game as a service
meaning what exactly? maximum jewry?
The last game they made that was decent was Dragon Age Origins. It was amazing or anything but it was a overall alright game. Ass Effect always sucked.
>It was
I wish they looked like pornstar bimbos.
Those things are fucking goblins, not bimbos my dude
>Bioware exists under capitalism where they're incentivised to make as much money as possible.
Is that why they go out of their way to have a diversity chief, and make sure they don't hire by merit but by skin color and sexuality.
Is that why 3 of their recent games were HARD flops, probably losing more money than making?
Even the semblance of communism is a disaster, dilate and die
Commence dilation relaxation, tranny.
yeah their potential waifus are a fucking trainwreck now
but didnt they consent to the sell out ?
braded like a cow
Thats what you get for putting women in men's job. Just look at TellTales
When I know I'll never have feels like this again
pattern recognition is racist and sexist, goy
they killed themselves by recruiting people that are shit at making video games, thats it
Bioware was shit all along.
new star wars game uses unreal engine
Everyone single one, except the man, the woman front and center, and toad hair. I hate the cravings of my bratvurst.
Zoomers are just too young to see the cycle of EA.
They all end up in the pile eventually.
>except the man
you sure there is one in the photo?
Why are the ugly ones at the front?
Ok which one of you did this?
looks like they quickly grabbed the janitors at the last second
Well I had a go at trying to fix some things
fuck off Jim Sterling!
it's an improvement at least, wonder where the telltale clones are now
Please, they're the "beauty challenged/impaired"
What happens with all EA takeovers
>Increased pressure drives the brains and doers from the company since they can find work in more relaxed environment and
>The void left is filled with diversity Hires or just quantity over quality hires
>Knowledge and Technique gets lost in the employee movement
> EA expects rising constant sales from productions under their wings and dictates what the development house should work on
>BioWare cant keep up with EA unrealistic demands and expectations because the team quality decreases over time and no one wants to deal with EA shit