PlayStation Home... home

>PlayStation Home... home

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The amount of pedos on there was absolutely staggering lol

Power to the players!!

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I miss it

I remember hitting on any or all cute girl avatars

Fuck Playstation Home. Waste of hard drive space.


Playstation Home let me live out my dreams of hanging out by myself at a mall and doing absolutely nothing then going home and doing absolutely nothing

Not that guy but I wouldnt say pedos. Just greasy dudes with girl avatars.

Thy were all men my dude.

that's the dream for me user

I know but I did get lucky with a few though that were 14 or 16 the same age I was at the time

They were dudes. The usernames should've given it away. How many girls pick xXCODMaster69Xx for a username? I made my character a female for the lolz, and that was a fucking mistake.

Im always ashamed at the amount of money I pissed away on this. Sony hit a fucking gold mine with it.

I bought a ton of homes and now I miss them, especially the Locoroco island.

The apartment seemed nice to me at the time but looking back it didn't have a bed, kitchen, or bathroom. Just a nice view of the beach

>*Dances next to you*

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Nintendo needs the Splatoon 2 lobby to be something similar to that.

What happened to it

Locoroco Island was top tier comfy.

Servers were shut down years ago.

>those E3 events with live stream theaters and digital recreations of Sony's booth

I wish they re-released this for the PSVR. I think it'd be cool as fuck.

I dont think thats a good idea man. At least kids were somewhat aware of the dangers of chatting to strangers online back then.

Now the predators would have a free-for-all. Unless the servers were divided by age.

PlayStation Home private servers when?! FUCK SECOND LIFE.

I doubt it. More and more kids play online multiplayer these days. They're a lot more savvy than we were in the early days of console+internet gaming.

pic related

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>tfw the comfy view of the planet when folding@home was running
>boot up after getting home late from work and start playing demons souls

i want to go back bros

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They didn't give those out for free, either. Really weird.

>I have no keyboard
>Cabbage Patch

This. I got banned from PSN for a week for saying nigger on there.

I played home for a month when it first came out. Literally had jack shit to do. Guess i just played it to early and missed out on the good stuff.

That pic. I know a retarded bitch just like her. She was extremely, extremely intelligent - probably IQ 130+, I wished she was born a male instead because that meticulous brain was wasted on a girl. Would read entire books in a day, experimented with every religion and theology known to man, but she was into this "deep ecology" shit, and wanted humanity to get wiped out to save the animals. She was about to kicked out at 18 too, I told her I wanted to take care of her but she didn't accept that offer. She's in a world of shit now. I wonder if she's killed herself. What a waste of a brain, she was a lot smarter than I am. I could've had smart as fuck kids. I don't want her now, she's done fucked up.

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>they would give away free avatar loot if you attended

I only went on Playstation Home to get free Loot. I was addict to getting free loot. I went every week to see what new thing popped up.

Desmond, I'm coming


ps home 2 when, surely it was profitable enough

You should've joined her if she's really as great as you say she is and if you really cared about her. You never intended to take care of her. You just wanted someone better than you to be submissive to you and give up her independence. Sounds like she's better off without you and power complex haha,

>to be submissive to you and give up her independence.
What do you think marriage, being a wife is, and forming a stable family is? You type like a tranny though, so you'll never be familiar with what that's like.

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I know what it is, my point is that you were trying to force it on her when she obviously wanted to be independent. You also made no further attempts to help her without making her your slave and nothing stopped you from offering different types of help like in the greentext. You are a piece of shit is what I'm saying.

>see someone on a path to self destruction
>offer them salvation
>they jump off the cliff
shut up retard life isn't a romcom

replied to the wrong post

Playing a trap in this was very fun

I'm pretty sure offering a spare bedroom isn't "forcing" her. She said no. Again, she said no. Okay, no then. She made her bed, she laid in it, she's seriously fucking screwed - she's in a world of shit. Or she's dead, haven't heard from her in a while. Women don't need independence, I just watched firsthand what happens when they do have it. Independence for girls is like a toddler sticking a fork into an electrical socket. By the way, you'll never pass as a female bro. Trannies are disgusting as fuck.
You reply to the right person?

Wording was off I guess. It depends on how self destructive she really was. From his post it just seems like he doesn't agree with a path she was going down. Then he tried to force her on the "right" path and she declined and he made no further attempts because he thinks her not playing into his messiah complex makes he a lost cause. If there's more to the story, then I guess I apologize that he wanted to spend time calling her retarded instead of saying what she was really all about. Based on what I read he seems like a prick.

How can you be so far up your own ass? I really hope you're shitposting. If you actually believe any of what you just typed you should shot in the fucking head. Her saying no once after you preyed on her vulnerability in the heat of the moment doesn't make her a lost cause. It's obvious that your long term plan was to make her feel like she owes you something and wear her down until she gave up her independence and "crazy beliefs". You are a prick case closed and I'm glad it blew up in your face. Go ahead and cope all you want by ignoring her and not actually seeing if your prediction was accurate.

>tfw standing behind people just saying nothing, watching how pissed they'd get because you kept violating their "personal space"

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>I really hope you're shitposting. If you actually believe any of what you just typed you should shot in the fucking head.
Holy shit, the tranny infestation is real. Dude, there's so much projection here, because this shit is coming out of nowhere. I've known her for a while; I made it very clear to her that I wanted a family a few months before this happened. She's a girl so even though she's smart; she's also fucking retarded. She makes the dumbest decisions. Instability via hormones and shit. Fleeting feelings instead of thought. Women don't have "beliefs," they'll take whatever belief their husband has, or what the society is. They're like water, they'll change according to the shape of the container (society). But dude, you're either a tranny, or a söyboy. If you're the latter, and you're not careful, you're going to end up in a world of shit too with that white knighting.

>tfw never played the siren mini game because the line is always full
>tfw never played the r-type mini game
>tfw you will never piss off pedophiles by pretending to be a little girl again

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I'm not white knighting, I'm telling that you are an asshole, you have some sort of complex and you keep contradicting yourself. You can't keep saying that she's smart and shit but then still act like she's property and not allowed to have thoughts of her own. In this case you need to pick one and stop pretending that you tried or cared about her. Own up to it, bitch.

I'm glad I actually managed to get all the trophies for it. Just barely got the last one a month before it closed. Feels kinda cool having 100% on something that doesn't even exist anymore.

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>SO2 and SO4 not 100%
fucking casual as fuck

Didn't get a PS3 or PS4 until after they removed this.

I always thought it looked interesting. Did I miss out on anything?

>Portal 2 on console

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