What was is like to own a Dreamcast?

What was is like to own a Dreamcast?

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Most Yea Forums users are between the ages of 15 and 21 so none of them actually owned a dreamcast despite pretending to

That being said it was overrated shit

A lot of games gelt unique. Internet was novel without PSO. God machine if you played pso

cool and the vmu was the shit

I agree with the emphasis on PSO. The fact that this thing supported a successful mmo is mindblowing.

>none of them actually owned a dreamcast
>it was overrated shit

so you didn't own one

got it.


it was pretty good

crazy taxi chads rise up

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probably the most fun i ever had with a console

was a great little machine, great controllers, great games, great piracy, great times with friends.

Powerstone represents the most wasted of all capcom's thrown away franchises. They could've made so much money off the online gaming era with that title.

I remember the cases for games constantly breaking

I literally own one just for PSO

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I remember getting it about a week after release in the U.S, and the graphics were ridiculously good after coming from N64/PS1 games. The way the shaders made the polygons look like you could actually grab the characters on screen. I'm not sure if my friend at the time was impressed but I was.

played the crap out of the ready to rumble demo it came with and soul calibur. Which was amazing that it looked better than any game out at the time.
and the arcade perfect marvel fighters too? Dreacast was one of the best consoles of all time. so many fun times.

Had a Japanese one right when they came out, which was like a year early. Was glorious until it finally came stateside, then it just kind of fizzled out.

You were that kid with that flashy toy that seemed better than the competition but nobody besides you gave two shits leaving you feeling alone.

>reet REET REET rrrt rrrt REET rrrt
>rrrt rrrt

If you are old enough to remember arcades, it was like the last gasps of the arcade experience at home, with friends.



Pretty great, if you cope one I recommend resident evil: code Veronica or jet set radio

I was really hoping top skater would have been ported to dreamcast. it would have been the perfect fit.

pretty much like owning a vita but much louder and with heating issues

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The graphics seemed insanely good and Ulala made my peepee feel funny.

lot of give in the triggers you know?

>Remember waiting in line at launch, was with Dad and similarly aged Cousins who also played vidya
>Talking about how we enjoyed the N64 for its local multiplayer, hyped for Soulcaliber and Sonic.
>1st System launch event I ever attended.
>Midnight and we get our system. And play it all night.
>Dad calls school and says I'm sick and we ended up playing together most of the day with my cousins.
>They all died, I miss them both a lot and remember the good times we all had together dearly...keep the good memories over the bad.


> so none of them actually owned a dreamcast despite pretending to
>That being said it was overrated shit
are you retarded?

Imagine waking up early one weekday morning during Christmas break in middle school, even before your parents are up, and plopping down infront of a tv with a blanket and space heater.


And after that plays you get this


And then get to play one of the very best MMOs of all times before casuals even know what 'puters were.

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Was great. Thought Sega would make a comeback but by then it was too late for them. They suffered way too much loss and Dreamcast wasn't going to be enough to pull them out of the shit they put themselves in. Dreamcast feels more like a generation in between 5 and 6 due to its death at least to me. Like a lost console generation that only Dreamcast was a competitor in.

I walked into Circuit City the day the Dreamcast wss released and got one launch day without waiting more than 5 minutes.

like owning a vita

smug satisfaction knowing you are part of the elite few

i remember liking it when it was loud as fuck revving the disk like it was a god damn motor. Meant the game was gonna load

now that I think about it , its my most played console, as I used to bring to everyone's house cause my friends were poor lazy shits.

Everyone leaves one way or another.

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In the past, it had a bunch of cool shit you couldn't play anywhere else.
Also, amazing graphics. I lost my shit back in the day with how good DC games looked.

Over time, emulation and ports have dried up that well.

>tfw I pulled out Crazy Taxi to celebrate 9/9 (not a burned copy)
>tfw the DC's having disc read issues and I had to flip it upside down to get it to boot
>tfw at some point, the buildings and shit stopped showing up

god, I still want to hit $20k
I've got the Steam version, but it's got issues. At least the music is easy to fix.

Um, really great. Whole lot of good games, and continued support for a long time.
Horror, shmups and fighting games especially.
But also disc drives dying at an almost 100% failure rate.

I was high school when dreamcast came out. I had always been into games and was a Sega kid so I was all over it. Literally bought every worthwhile game especially every online game even though I lagged. Occasionally id be like the first few people online the day they came out.


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>feels more like a generation in between 5 and 6
yeah I felt that way about it too. it had a good year or two all by itself until the PS2 came out.

Pretty nice. I was probably 4 or 5 when I had it but managed to beat a couple of games

Looking at Sega's public reports from the time is depressing -- the DC was selling plenty well, but they were losing so much money supporting the thing. Sega's 2002 report is basically "yeah, we dropped this thing and now we're making loads of cash again, fucking hell".

It has a lot of my favourite games including this one.

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is this a dingdong thread

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fuck off

Starlancer was the best game and there are no facts to disprove this

I bought that completely blind just from the box art at k-mart

It was because of how badly everything between the Genesis and Dreamcast went for them. If they somehow could have never lost money, even if they barely made much money in between they could have at least survived a bit longer. Shame we won't ever get to know what a full console life cycle for Dreamcast could have looked like because the short time it did live it was amazing with tons of great games.

grew up with a dreamcast after my grandpa burnt my psx on a 220V plug
most memorable vidyas are
Sanic adventure 1 and 2
power stones 2
crazy taxi
tony hawks 2
fucking penpen tricelon

also vmu a shit, i only had 1 and i keep eating away the flat button batteries.
Maybe i should dig up my dreamcast and hax it with that sd card reader mod but I'm not too sure about violating its purity

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like most games it has a far superior pc version

ill say this a million times, if SEGA NA convinced SEGAJP to include a DVD player instead of focusing on making a dreamcast a PC 2.0, it would have competed better

Looking at the VMU during every individual game was neat too if support was added. My Godbrother imported a JP Dreamcast and was playing Sonic Adventure right there and then before it even came to the states. And of course Power Stone was addicting as hell.

This, the graphics were amazing. I played Ocarina a year before and the jump in quality was something else.

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Skies of Arcadia, Shenmue, Soulcalibur, Grandia II, Jet Grind Radio, Phantasy Star Online. All pure kino not available anywhere else at the time, and the console ended up being dirt cheap shortly into its lifecyle to boot. Not relevant today, as most of those have been ported to many other systems over the past two decades.

>being too poor for a proper pc
>playing quake arena on dreamcast through 56k
>listening to casey casem countdown the radio in the basement

feel free to post yours now

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>Soul caliber
>Dynamite cop
>Darius G
>Code Veronica
>Zero copy protection so CDRs worked fine

*Sipps loudly* yup the Dreamcast was one heck of a console.

I'm really tempted to cut the speaker lines in my VMU.
I don't keep batteries in the thing, because it drains them so god damn fast.

god, imagine cutting out VMU-chan's voice box haha

Pretty amazing, but the constant BJ's got old because your dick would get all wrinkled. Other than that it was pretty loud and the controller, while not nearly as bad as almost anything Nintendo was a little awkward. The catalog of games was amazing and the vmu was pretty nifty if not a bit citchy. Internet was the shit.

My friend used to play on his dc with us on PC, pretty cool considering they still dont do a whole lot of cross platform play these days

that entire game always had a melancholy feel to me, largely because of the sound track. i couldn't stomach it as a kid.

t. never owned one

It would have bled Sega out even faster. The DC sold perfectly well, Sega couldn't spend the money needed to support the machine with their existing issues from the Saturn era.
Really, the more I find out about the DC's situation, the more I realize that it couldn't be saved.

Bought mine for Soul Calibur when it launched. I remember staying up all night one time with a friend to bear Chu Chu Rocket. Pirated all the fighters; mvc, rival schools, powerstone, street fighter. Such good games.

That whole gen along with PS2 and GameCube was the last good console gen. It felt like the end of an era. It’s all been PCsince then.

>come home from school one day wanting to play Donkey Kong Country 3
>dad is setting up something in the living room (He liked to buy computers seeming at random for me and my sister)
>walk over to see what hes doing
>he turns on NFL2K and im floored by how cool it looks (only experience with 3D before this was a friends N64)
>says I can play whatever I wanted, so i start up Power Stone, Sega Bass Fishing(with the silly fishing controller)Sonic Adventure, and Soul Calibur
>over all I think he had almost every game taht launched with it(Blue Stinger,TNN Motorsports Hardcore Heat, House of the Dead 2 with the Pelican Lightgun)
> He also had a subscription to Official Dreamcast Magazine, so I got the demo disks that came with them(only have 9 and 10 left, which had some of my favorite games on them)

I miss my dad so fucking much, He always brought shit come for me as a surprise after school. He also got me into Starcraft, Warcraft 2, Skateboarding, and programming Python and Ruby.

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still wasn't overrated

The Dreamcast is shit. It barely got any Model 3 games and most of the games it DID get were ported away to consoles where they are better played. The Saturn is far better as far as Sega consoles go, but that isn't normie enough. For some reason everyone faps to the Dreamcast and the only honest explanation I can think of is that they're just repeating what other normies say.

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post yours. What? You aren't some Yea Forumsedditors merely pretending to own the current trendy video game hardware... are you?

If I post mine what are you going to do? You're still wrong at the end of the day.

when is sega making their comeback bros... everything on the market now is for shitters. the time to strike is now

It very much did. The entire story is your investigation about what happened to the people of the Pioneer 1 ship that came before you and why they're all dead.
For such a colorful animu game, its rather sad once you read enough logs.

Sorry bout your dad bruh. Blue Stinger is possibly the most underrated gem in history. Still pissed the dude died before relessing the blue stinger/ illbleed remasters on xbox

what the fuck is even happening in that epileptic fit of a game

>If I post mine what are you going to do?
nothing because you don't own one zoom zoom

Why would you come into a thread that you specifically don't like? What do you get from that?
Go make a fucking BBC or sissyboy thread or something.

My dreamcast is in a shoebox in a tote. Its the black sega sports edition o got after my original died. I even had the virtual on twin sticks i bought from toysnjoy

Except vita doesn't have any fucking games, you pleb.

>t. Vita and Vita TV owner

>inb5 m-m-muh emulation makes it worth it!!!

30 year old boomer here: it was actually unique. It didn't have the shovelware of the PS2 and was basically an arcade in your home with how good all the games looked. Four player Frogger was great. Marvel vs Capcom 2. All the Sega games. Even the Sega sports games were good. In an era where EA was just beginning to rehash their yearly sports titles, Sega fames were actually good and fun.

pso v1 was the last game my gram bought me before she died, still cant listen to that music

vita has tons of games. they're just all weeb trash.

Jet Set Radio was the most stylish game of the generation.

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Despite its 3 year run it had so many good and unique games. Even today I still think for the size of it's library it may have one of the strongest line ups of any system in the ratio of good to bad games.

most of the time weeb trash only released in japan too

All I know is, I can remember clear as day the first time I walked into someone's house, and they were playing Mortal Kombat on their Dreamcast, and the graphics had me shocked. That shit looked futuristic in that generation, before PS2s and Xboxs were around. It was legitimately impressive, especially coming off of the Saturn, which everyone I know wrote off except for like one dude I knew who had one, and I saw him playing Tomb Raider on it and I wasn't impressed.

I'd still like to own one someday. There's a ton of good arcade-y games from Sega on it.

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If you liked arcade games it was fucking great. If liked anything else it was terrible. It did give me a good dumb fun game to play at Christmas time though.

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the coolest shit when i was a kid

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Weeb trash is not video games. That's like saying Candy Crush and Clash of Clans are video games or gacha shit.

tf? This is legit the first levels theme, how is it depressing?

They aren’t expensive or hard to find. TheVMU might be hard to find though.

The games are super easy to burn. Try a bunch and then try and buy legit copies of the ones you like. You won’t be dissatisfied.

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Stupid Sega. They call it the Chaos Emerald, and then they make a typo. Typical.

>bled out

Literally the only reason why PS2 and XBOX were extremely popular is that even casuals who didn't give a shit about games would buy a unit just for blockbuster movies

I agree actually, now that i think of it all the music was very eerie

Your dad lives in you (no homo) otherwise you wouldn't have these memories. The body is limited but the spirit is eternal.

I think I may look into more seriously. Thanks. I forgot about the games being easy to burn, but I like having the real deal hollyfield's, so I'd be hunting down the legitimate copies even if I burned some.

nights should have been ported to 3ds or psp
the low resolution would retain the soul while being available on a modern system

weird, i listen to the OST to relax

All I have left, everything else is just a manual or is damaged.

I was rough with my shit as a kid unfortunately.

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SEGA was too far in debt from the CD and 32X Debacles. And the Saturn coming in a distant third behind Nintendo and Sony did not help. They knew the dreamcast was their last ride. Regardless of what they did.

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Every version besides the Saturn original has butchered controls.

>the chad console
>literally almost every single game ever created for the dreamcast was great
>sony cucks you with a dvd player

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>being seriously wounded but having your soul still burn

The CD was mildly successful. The 32x and especially the Saturn are what did it.

Imagine being always wrong and doubling down on your retardation.

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I completely disagree. If Sega went with a DVD player and also happened to sell 2k sports like EA did, they would have made it

that song is foreboding as fuck dude. coupled with you just arriving on the planet to find that everyone is missing and wildlife has overrun the dome. you have to be autistic not to get sad vibes from it.

Blame the masses for wanting a non-gaming feature in a gaming console. The Dreamcast was a pure gaming system.

both psp and 3ds have the same layout as the 3d saturn controller

I remember being the only one of my friends who had a dreamcast and we'd spend the nights playing Toy Commander and Power Stone.


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Fuck i want to finish Fur fighters, my disc was scratched and didn't load after the first level

Are there any good emus for Dreamcast?

you really should have called him a nigger instead of Yea Forumsedditor

no it isnt, sounds like early 2000s ethereal music

I'm a boomer who owned a DC. PSO on the DC was literally some of the best and worst online gaming experiences I have ever had.

Fuck gameshark.

No they physically ruined the controls. The Steam original didn't even support analog control until it was patched in later, and it's completely different to the original.

toy commander unironically has the best engame boss battle of all time

god damn i miss this game so much

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he's dumber than your average nigger so it would've been a compliment

Have sex.

I already did, just ask your mom.

Superior port coming through

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not really unfortunately, had to buy a replacement disk drive a few years back after mine died since there isn't.. Never got passed the dam level myself, still love the game. Tank controls for a third-person shooter is dumb as hell.

Had to wait for everyone to go to work/school because connecting to the internet required you to disconnect the phone.

Best 3D platformer on the Dreamcast

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I have kids

I even had a racing wheel for it.

>audio CD player
>plans for a proprietary digital video format called Dreamcast Video Disc for watching movies similar to Sony's UMD plans
>internet browser
>The Dreamcast was a pure gaming system.

You're an idiot.

good times

what the fuck was rated higher than a dreamcast at the time?

>tfw he says PC.

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>Virtual-On OT
>House of the Dead 2
>Sonic Adventure
>Virtual fighter 3
Dreamcast was also more powerful than the PS2 despite releasing a lot earlier and having a 56k modem built in. If only SEGA wasn't incompetent.

Sony and Microsoft were in perfectly healthy financial condition and could spare those millions of dollars to push machines and make up on software.
Sega wasn't. Sega was dealing with a machine that succeeded in exactly one market and a dying arcade market (well, dying for other people -- Sega was doing pretty damn good in the arcades compared to basically everyone else who wasn't Namco, but they weren't pulling in the Daytona USA and Virtua Fighter 2 era numbers anymore)

And before you mention Shenmue, Yu Suzuki has made literal billions of dollars for Sega up to that point, having had a hand in Sega's most profitable arcade releases and hardware.
If he asked for millions of dollars to work on his dream project, Sega wasn't going to turn him down under any circumstances. Shenmue's actual costs ended up being half the figure that got bandied about in the press back then, too.

Look at the time! YOU SUCK!

>Dreamcast was also more powerful than the PS2
Yea Forums is such a fucking joke

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It wasn't. It had less RAM, a lower performance CPU, and slower 1998-era video hardware.
The hardware was much simpler to develop for than the PS2's crazy bullshit, but the PS2 had a whole two fucking year technology advantage.

You have to realize that I'm coming from a perspective of hindsight, not literally expecting for all the right decisions to fall into place at the time. SEGA 2k was the most preferred franchise overall as far as games are concerned, XBOX capitalized on this after DC went bunk


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1999 I was 12, you fag. I got that system for Power Stone and MSG 0079: Rise from Ashes.

>Dreamcast was also more powerful than the PS2
You know that's not true.

You're completely wrong. Sega would have needed nearly 2x as many sales as the PS2 to stay in the console business. DVD playback + 2K sports games wouldn't have been enough to save them

The OG Xbox was a failure sales wise. The only reason they continued is because Microsoft had enough money to absorb the losses.

Dreamcast is the one system that makes me happy

when did I mention steam

for me videogames as a fun medium died as soon as netflix came to consoles. (bout the near end of last gen. everyone just watched netflix instead of playing games.

realized a lot of games just didn't hold as much magic as they used to only a generation ago. some games are still fun but not the way it used to be. even semi shitty games had some element of fun that made it worth while. or maybe it was because friends made it better.

I miss having friends.

Propeller Arena is fucking great despite never actually being properly released.

The Dreamcast didn't really have heating issues IIRC. It sure didn't have any QA fiasco like the PS2's DRE.

The disc drive was audible but still nowhere near as grating as the loud fans on the 360 and PS4 Pro.

>Perfect arcade simulation
>Jump in graphical and processing power
>Easy to develop for compared to the Saturn
>All the features mentioned came afterward and not at the start

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>You're completely wrong. Sega would have needed nearly 2x as many sales as the PS2 to stay in the console business. DVD playback + 2K sports games wouldn't have been enough to save them


>The OG Xbox was a failure sales wise

Because it didn't have a branding yet, unlike sega

>superior port
>that sound quality

Only Dreamcast problems I've had was the lens not reading discs anymore.

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I explained to you that the ports of NiGHTS all have bad controls and a 3DS one probably would too.

One of my friends had one. We seriously thought it would be the future of gaming.

>forever the highest ranked American on Cosmic Smash online leaderboard

>no one has modded the dc ost into the gc iso

shame because it really fucking on highs after youve played the dc version

>Hey, is this where the party's at?

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nigger, I'm 37 years old. My dreamcast is in a box somewhere among other boxes in a room somewhere. I aint looking for that shit to take a picture to prove something to you.

tho you're opinion is a shitty on, in my opinion. not sure why you say its over rated, yet you still have one on hand to take a picture of it. guess you like it more than you think.

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It's not. It's definitely no more speculative than "If Sega went with a DVD player and also happened to sell 2k sports like EA did, they would have made it". Sega was too deep in the hole to continue making hardware even if they had matched the PS2 and then some.
In a few ways it was.

how old were you in the year 2000 by chance? I know youre going to lie anyway but lets see the number

>The Dreamcast didn't really have heating issues IIRC. It sure didn't have any QA fiasco like the PS2's DRE.

Apparently the PAL dreamcasts have a QA issue. The power connection inside is prone to failing when the console heats up. It's trivial to fix, though.

The lens would get dirty and cause disc read failures but every optical drive has that problem.

Sony dominated over Sega in terms of brand awareness by the time the Dreamcast released.

I lived in Russia and knew some guys who owned it, i don't think they were dissapointed. They skipped ps1 and ps2 though and we didn't play any nintendo home console except nes and maybe wii.

>better encounter rate
>better graphics
>piastol sidequest
>skyfish hunting

>lower sound quality
>no pinta VMU game

I miss being able to tell when im going to get an encounter when the drive revved up, but outside of sound quality is IS the best version.

>I know youre going to lie anyway
Why would you expect me to take you seriously after saying this? You're just grasping at straws now and going for ad hominem.

Dude, 90% of the people I knew who owned a ps2 around launch got it to watch The Matrix on DVD because it was fucking revolutionary. Which is why Sony went with shticking blu-ray with 3.

ehm ehm...

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Yea Sony made tvs poornigger playstation fans couldnt afford


I was only like 8 or 9 I think but I remember thinking what little games I owned seemed to feel like different kind of games than any of my other games and thatvthey we're really fucking fun. Like I remember Power Stone and MDK 2 feeling so different from anything i'de played. I didn't own a whole lot of games but what I saw available just looked a little too "wierd", as i thought, for me at the time. Stuff like Shenmue or Blue Stinger. I also remember Phantasy Star Online feeling so completely unique to me than any other game especially since it was my first online gaming experience. Did Dreamcast games feel surreal for anyone else?

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All the great arcade ports aside (and there are alot) I associate the Dreamcast mostly with Kenji Eno's eco-feminist SJW game D2. It's still only on Dreamcast and it's a pure acid trip.

>Answer my question so I can say you're lying
Why should I? You don't have an argument.

Well, I got it with Sonic Adventure, NFL 2K1 and Crazy Taxi. NFL 2K1 was so good, that it made me forget it was a football game. It offered customization to the point that I could deny the offsides rule, sit right next to the quarterback and sack him. It was really funny back then.

The dreamcast was awesome. I remember hearing on a radio station that the production was cancelled on the way to school. I felt extremely stubborn about it then and I still do. Hence the switch to PC and you can all fuck yourselves.

PS1 was more popular than any Sega console by the end of 5th gen.

just shut up ya dumb bitch


>Which is why Sony went with shticking blu-ray with 3.

Sony did that because they own bluray and there was as format war going on with HD-DVD.

Toshiba, who were a major proponent of HD-DVD, actually started making noise about Sony engaging in illegal backdoor bribery shenanigans to win this format war but they suddenly stopped making complaints after Sony gave them a bluray manufacturing plant. Funny coincidence that.

The NA version has an issue with the disk staying on the tray. Yet I think this was universal. It's easily fixed but fuck was I confounded by it for about a week until I researched it.

Best girl.

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>random Dreamcast thread
Aww yes, it’s my favorite system and has my two fav games of all time, Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio. Also rate my recent purchases, the Rent-a-Hero is still sealed.

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People apparently still play Quake 3 on it.

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im better than u

Code Veronica is literally on every console.

Disc read errors on the PS2 were common enough that they got sued over it. It only pales in comparison to 360's RROD.

Dear Diary: Today user was unquestionably based.

Private PSO servers are still going strong.

>Have fond memories playing my cousin's back when
>Wanna get one but have no clue what's worth geting for it
I saw there was an SD conversion you could get for the CD drive but it costs like twice the console itself.

I'd say just pirate them.

My $150 copy of Cannon Spike doesnt even work. Gives me a big epenis though because people think it does.

i like japs

You can play any game from a burned CD so you can try before you buy.

It was great. I didn't even realize it was a dead/dying system with all the great games. By that time dead-simple piracy had made it absolutely the system to have.

That's great, champ.

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Highest ratio of good games of any console.

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$150?? Damn son. Why doesn't it work? Is it scratched up

I heard the CD drive was notoriously shit on them though. I figure if I get a used one now odds are it's on its way out


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i was the only kid on the block with a dreamcast back in the day. and it had a decent library: crazy taxi, jet grind radio, 18 wheeler, ready to rumble boxing, power stone, skies of arcadia, samba de amigo, elemental gimmick gear, super magnetic neo, etc.
on the other hand, it was loud as fuck and had one of the worst controllers in history. and both sonic adventure games were overrated shit even at the time.

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theyre just loud, not shit

TEN IN 2010

a lot of "legit" copies are actually fakes
my copy of marvel 1 is a fake unfortunately.
check your discs compared to actual GDroms.

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What's up with the parroting? It makes you come across as a 15 year old girl.

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Christ that value shot the fuck up. Highest price dreamcast game i had was project justice which i sold a few years ago

Add caveats to this shit. "PCSX2 is 100% accurate!!" I hate you people.

You'll need a CD burner capable of burning SLOW speeds. Nothing bought in the last decade will do.

Since the "Gigabyte Disc" is a Gigabyte, and CDs are 700MB, bigger games will either have FMVs cut out, audio quality lowered, or something else to make them fit.


sony's "dvd player" had arguably the greatest and deepest library of any console ever. the dreamcast did not.

I watched a video on YouTube a long time ago of someone buying a Dreamcast on e-bay that wasn't working, and he just popped open the top and twisted a pot to adjust it, and Voila! shit was working like new, disc spun right up. He said whatever it was was a common malfunction for them. Anyone know what I mean?

No. It's near mint. Seemed like a sure thing.


the entier "dvd library" was worthless compared to a single copy of The Matrix

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They are shit but every console except the Sega Saturn has a shit optical drive. DC optical drives are not "notoriously shit", they are just as shit as everyone else's.

I dunno how any Dreamcast owner back then didnt go on to buy an og xbox and didn"t experience jsrf

>Did Dreamcast games feel surreal for anyone else?

Yeah it does. Having Seventh Cross Evolution and Ecco the Dolphin on the thing probably didn't help.

I've got no idea what this has to do with what I posted, but let's lay down Sega at the time:

>Sega's busy choking to death before the DC is released because basically no one actually bought a Saturn outside of Japan
>DC isn't saving them, it's just making it a slower bleed -- looks like it's doing amazing on the surface, but Sega is full of long-standing issues
>to cut expenses and broaden Sega's opportunities, the new head of Sega abandons the DC to focus on multi-platform development
>he's a dying old man -- before he dies, he gives Sega a billion fucking dollars (for real -- he'd poured like $500mil in cash out of pocket to the company earlier and he returns like $600mil in stock to them), which allows Sega to continue existing
>Sega's still a bit strapped for cash given their expenses
>Sega looks for a merger (god, fuck the Sammy deal)

This is how bleak Sega's situation was. Selling more DCs wasn't going to help, not unless they somehow magically lucked out and started pulling in the sort of numbers the PS2 was hitting.
A DVD drive would have just jacked the DC's cost up, which is something Sega was trying to avoid.

>Dreamcast was also more powerful than the PS2
not even close to being true. imagine the dreamcast trying to run ffxii, black, or god of war ii.

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>echelons first 2 disc release of skies went to a black screen about 2hrs in
>they fixed it by compressing battles which decompress on the fly and using 3 discs


The disk drive tends to have a problem with seating. I experienced this with my own dreamcast that I bought about 3 years after launch. It's a problem that can be solved with modern parts. Gamestop refurbishers are probably chinese, and hence retarded and don't actually know about the common production issues. That rubber/plastic ring there is a huge problem because it doesn't seat well and can't be read by the light.

Hold this.

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I can't even name 5 bad games on the dreamcast

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He's adjusting the laser strength for the drive. You should never need to do this. It's not fixing the issues, it's just squeezing a little more life out of a dying drive.

>PlayStation 2
>Greatest and deepest library of any console ever
You must not play many games.

That's all just speculation.

How old were you in the year 2000 by chance? I know youre going to lie anyway but lets see the number

>selling more DCs wasnt going to help

God youre fucking retarded. Having the DC trend like XBOX did with sport franchises or cinema would have had stock purchasers lining up at the door.

not him but shut the fuck up fucking faggot
>p-p-post your birth certificate!

Shittiest multiplayer console by far that generation for local and online

sorry, zoom zoom, but it's between the snes, ps1 and ps2 for that discussion.

he literally specified DVD player you retard

Remember, always do the opposite of what Sega of Japan says.

Sonic Shuffle was pretty atrocious

Ok. I remember it was something with the laser and the disc wouldn't spin up.

reported for underage

It's a tie between the Sega Saturn and the PC Engine.

Ok thanks. Yeah, cause he didn't have any replacement parts or anything, it was just : Disc wouldn't spin, adjust pot, now disc spins and game works. It seemed weird.

It had some shitty multiplat shovelware like fighting force 2

>sorry zoom zoom, but sony's "dvd player" had arguably the greatest and deepest library of any console ever.

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I'm probably older than both of you, and SEGA bowed out due to 90's and 00's Japanese garbage-level thinking.

>sony is pushing us out of our gamestores!
>Oh geeze, we don't have a chance, bow out and don't fight the giant

Nintendo fought forward, and look where they are now. SEGA had coward execs. Unwilling to push forward. Bowing out wasing the right move for them.

Just one?

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Im older than you and fuck Nintendo

How much?

Best Sega girl.

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I've already stated this

It always bugs me when people claim Microsoft brought "casuals" to gaming with the 360. To anyone who was actually alive in the early 2000s it was clearly Sony and the PS2 that did that. That was their whole plan. They flat out said they were targeting "normies". That's what all that "third place" shit was about.

Careful user, you'll trigger weebfag to escape /vr/ containment and shreik about how sega of america was so retarded and is the reason they don't make consoles anymore


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it literally doesn't matter what they did. they were screwed no matter what after they alienated consumers with the 32x and alienated retailers with the surprise saturn launch. there was no coming back from those blunders. it's amazing the dreamcast even existed at all.

I was like 10 when my older brother brought one back from college. He barely ever played anything but sports games and eventually stopped playing entirely, he had a shitload of pirated games though. I don't buy the story about Saturn killing Dreamcast, I'm convinced it was the rampant piracy. If my dipshit normalfag older brother who barely knows what a video game is anymore was able to easily pirate and burn 100s of fucking Dreamcast games, there's no way the average idiot didn't do the same. I actually went out and bought (made my mommy buy, almost forgot I was 10-12 at this time) Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 because it was one of the few games he didn't pirate.

I remember running Mr Driller, Power Stone, Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were literally some of the greatest gaming experiences of all time in my childhood, Virtua Tennis was some addictive shit, crazy taxi was crazy. All in all it was very fantastic owning a dreamcast, I have no idea what we ever did with that thing. Terrible controller though.

It was like victory

Nintendo was nowhere near in the same position as Sega was in the mid 90s and early 00s

>never owned a dreamcast because poorfag
>niggers across the street win a contest to win a dreamcast in an arcade cabinet and a fuck load of games
>they never play it and let it go to waste

True suffering, I always wanted a gamegear as well but never got one.

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I realized that the day an episode of friends referenced Sony Playstation

okay 21 year old 4channer

And you were already refuted.

How old?

I'm still bitter about SEGA losing their ground. Even when I was a kid, I didn't see how it was good to have fewer competitors in the market.

>Over time, emulation and ports have dried up that well
in 2019 we still don't have a "perfect" emulation of the system (and the systems based on the same board). Redream is what I'm using right now, but even if the thing is able to run pretty much anything I want to play at 4k with no issues, it's not actually 100% to cover everything we need (Dreamcast, Windows CE, Atomiswave and NAOMI)

I love it, I never owned one until last fall but it's got a fantastic lineup and the best ports of its era.
Helps too that the games are easy to get and my co-workers love switching off on stuff like Crazy Taxi and Dynamite Cop.

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I still play PSO on PC to this day. Granted I'm only 26 but damn was DC PSO the tits.

>I have no argument so I'll say you're yonuger than me and call you a 4channer

That's a Namco girl not a Sega girl.

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I love this game.

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Sure, kid. Go play Fortnite, bucko.

the casuals actually came in with the wii. they bought a ps2 to watch dvds. they bought a wii to play casual waggle "games" like wii sports and destroy an entire generation of the hobby in the process.

Thats a Namco girl. And the gamecube version of Soul Calibur 2 was the best in the series.

>they bought a ps2 to watch dvds. they bought a wii to play casual waggle "games" like wii sports

No, they bought a PS2 to play "casual waggle games" like Guitar Hero.

I have images that are older than you, kid.

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What are some good arcade ports on the dreamcast besides Crazy Taxi and Cannon Spike?

The casuals bought a PS2 to watch movies and occasionally play gta or sports games. The industry never recovered.

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go watch a 20 minute youtube video about the DC from another fellow 14 year old then just copy and paste your brain

Seriously. I don't know what was so strange about those games but I loved them

>Having the DC trend like XBOX did
You mean the 2nd-to-last place console that gen that only succeeded because of the Halo brand (online subscriptions) and Microsoft's coffers.

Sports games didn't even crack the 10 best selling Xbox games btw.
Guitar Hero didn't have motion controls.

VMU's are actually surprisingly easy to find now, I got 4 of them new in their packaging for $20 total a few months back.

You realize guitar hero came out when the Ps3 was already out? Stupid fuck

Virtua On. Marvel Vs Capcom. Third Strike.

nice try, zoom zoom, but you're clearly the zoomer here for not knowing how badly sega screwed themselves.
when the 32x came out, normalfags noped the fuck out of anything sega-related. at that point, sega looked like a bunch of greedy pricks demanding more money for overpriced accessories on top of the base console.
when sega pulled that stunt with the early saturn launch in north america, retailers like kb toys who weren't included in it were so pissed off that they vowed to never carry sega products again.
please do explain how a dvd player, which would have made the dreamcast more expensive, was going to magically fix all that. this should be good.

You're not very convincing when you're pulling that 12 year old copycat bullshit, bud.

whatever, i unironically jerked it

yes with a brand like sega itd have more clout

One of the best weekends of my life was getting stoned with a buddy all day while playing bb on a private server for 2 or 3 days straight

I miss it so much

lol touched a nerve

>12 year old copycat bullshit, bud.


i wish more games did subtle horror like PSO did.

That shit got really spooky, especially in the side quests

It was the last good console ever made and a definition of soul.
Playing pso and fighting games online was mind blowing.

They already lost their clout during 4th gen. And by the end of that gen Sega could not finance a console for as much as Microsoft did.

Sure, lad. I've got dust on my Colecovision from when your mother was still a virgin like you

Sure you do. That image is over ten years old. Let's see your birth certificate kiddo.

>lol touched a nerve
By proving you're a baby bitch who can't argue for shit.

idk i played it once or twice then sold it for weed

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>fuck the Sammy deal
Based. Sammy turned Sega to shit. Its no coincidence the output got lesser/worse after 6th gen.

I've been bald for 18 years, child. Show me your chest hair


It was absolutely amazing. No 9/11 to worry about and all the sonic and 2k sports games to play. Those sport titles are still the best.

>Guitar Hero release: November 8, 2005
>PS3 release: November 11, 2006

Also why are you fags arguing over a ripoff of Guitar Freaks?

Old fag here. Bought a dreamcast day of release was there even for Broadband Quake 3. *sips* I sold it in my 20's and then at 30 realized I'd made a painful mistake. Bought another one also picked up the Akura made by Behar Bros so I get that 480p passthrough via HDMI. It's a phenomenal system but biased and nostalgia fagged hard on Shenmue Machina X D2.

yeah i regret it

>I've been bald

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I love this machine.

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For fucks sake, I thought it was a fart

>everyone itt admit to pirating the fuck out of DC games
Gee, i wonder why it died...

Because Sega ran out of money before they could build enough of an install base to get back profits on it?

hahahahaha, you must be 18 or older to browse this site.

>smol east european country where PSX hit big because nobody could afford N64
>SEGA of the previous gens was a choice for a few contrarians and people with parents who were out to get a SNES or something and got steered by game store clerk's pitch
>every games magazine sets out to hype Dreamcast which most people without regular internet access (most of us kids) haven't even heard about
>literally "forget PlebStation 2 this shit is gonna rule next gen"
>demo reviews of games that look shiny but no familiar franchises and you don't want to be the kid who plays games nobody else plays and can't talk to anybody at school about them
>PS2 is gonna be around the corner and you can only beg your parents for one machine per generation unless you're bourgeoise scum
>never knew a single person who had a Dreamcast and it was memoryholed by vidya gaem magazines as soon as PS2 hit

In hindsight I wish I had the tenacity to beg my parents for both PS2 and DC, unknown to me they were actually rolling in dosh at the time.

I'm a man. I'm 40

my sides

So did your parents.

Time to get comfy and relive that time again

Yet you type like a woman.

>people insecure about being young in 2000
>i have memories of the 80s

CVX is everywhere. Not CV. CVX has fanfic tier changes

The PS1 was the most pirated console of its gen. Same with the PS2 (if you ignore the Dreamcast). Same with the Wii, DS, etc.

People who think piracy hurts console sales have actual shit for brains.

Only brainlets think piracy killed the Dreamcast.
1. Sega was already in deep financial trouble.
2. The PS2 had stolen the market share immediately upon its release.
3. Broadband internet and CD burners weren't as ubiquitous as they are now, so just burning pirated discs wasn't as trivial as it is now.
4. I doubt 50% of the Dreamcast install base even knew piracy was possible back then. I doubt 50% of gamers today even know what emulation is, so it's even less likely that more people from back then knew of piracy for an extremely niche console existed.

t. Mike Gundy's mullet

I used it for Sonic shuffle and nothing else, preferred my 64

5. The most successful platforms of all time (PS1, PS2, Wii, DS, PSP, etc) had rampant piracy, and they broke sales records.

Imagine going from the previous generation to the Dreamcast.
I thought it was broken until I found out they all sound like jet engines.

Thank god for the Noctua fan mod and IDE mod.

Ps2 destroyed all three of it’s competitors so hard it stopped being funny at one point.

I sort of wish I had the chance to own one of them, but I was like 3 years old when it was released.

Playing PSO back when Internet was still not quite mainstream or useful on the daily sounds cool as shit

They didn't destroy them that hard. Two of them are still around 20 years later and both were more successful with the next gen than the follow up to the PS2 was.


31 years old, I remember 9/9/99. It was pretty cool. PS2 and Xbox came out shortly after and ruined it completely, but for a year it was great.

I love forward to the future of retards blaming the Wii U being a flop on piracy despite the fact it wasn't even happening until a year or two before BOTW released.

It was great. I loved the DC, and had high hopes for Sega. Dreamcast was shaping up to be a home arcade, a poor man's PC, plus all the unique Sega games, and some of the best sports games of the time.

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Originally, shit, because there were so few decent games. As time went on it was more worth the purchase, the action replay shitstorm giving everyone free games made it enjoyable and let me play a bunch of games I never would have touched otherwise, like ikaruga, seventh cross evolution, skies of arcadia.

didn't own one growing up but I own one now, waiting forever to get on the GDEMU preorder list, and now pirate everything. it's pretty good, favorite games are crazy taxi, typing of the dead and seaman. still need to finish skies of Arcadia.

>columbine happens
>sega never releases the sega made light gun and we have to rely on madcatz shit to play hotd2
still was the beginning of the end

Some games I never got but wanted. May still get. Still connected to my old CRT. Pretty sweet for friday night gayman!

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/vg/ is almost 50% gachashit now and even Yea Forums has regular threads for the more popular gatchashit

Nice dude. Good collection you got going.


It was awesome, had some damn fine games, vmu was pretty neat, but PSO was fucking godlike. It had knockoffs of other IPs like Carrier for Resident Evil and Dino Crisis, but Sonic Adventure 1, 2, Skies of Arcadia, PSO, there were tons of fucking great games for the system and the controller had these deep grooves underneath so its way more comfortable than it appears in pictures from the front. Overall a wonderful system that deserved better than what became its fate.