What going happen with Capcom VS series now that Mahvel is dead?

What going happen with Capcom VS series now that Mahvel is dead?

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yep, I'm thinking we're back

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It will disappear into oblivion like Darkstalkers, Children of the Atom, Rival Schools, and every other Capcom fighting game that isn't Street Fighter.

MVC started before there were marvel movies.

And MVC ended because of Marvel movies. The Mouse gives no mercy to failures. MvCI is the last nail in Marvel's coffin. Because of Disney meddling and their attempt to shill MCU in the roster, and Capcom's half assed attempt on making a quality game, they will never be another MVC

Capcom vs Konami.

>TVC was a breath of fresh air due less popular character brawling around with Tatsunoko.
>Everyone and their mother bitch about it not being Mahvel.

Man that fucking sucks.

Mahvel got killed because mouse forced MCU down everyone throat on MVCI, even back on 3 they meddled with roster and capcom had to beg to have Sentinel around.

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Capcom can vs something actually cool now. The marvel characters were always lamer than the Capcom ones anyways. Capcom vs Nintendo would be great

>and their attempt to shill MCU in the roster
It worked for marvel 3.

It would be a fucking nightmare to do for copyright reasons, but I so want Shonen Jump Vs. Capcom. Please, Jesus, make it happen.

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>The Mouse gives no mercy to failures.
And yet EA has been nosediving the Star Wars license for the better part of a decade with no consequences.

Darkstalkers is almost certainly getting a new game for the anniversary.

It's good to dream, user, but don't live with your head in the clouds.

Bameco have license for jump shit.

Thats why they are the sole publisher in recent years.

How so? Adding Hawkeye? Dr. Strange years before the movie was ever made public? Oh yeah yknow the Iron Fist movie that happened, and the Nova movie, and the Rocket Racoon solo movie, and all those Xmen that they still didnt have the rights too at the time.

SEGA vs Capcom would be the best.

What does Sega have though that would be good for a fighting game?

MVC ended because of capcoms shitty fighting game division. 90s capcom could have done something good with the mcu shit that Disney wants to force.

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Marvel on 90s was nearly bankrupt, they whored the IPs like no tomorrow back then.

Capcom had way less meddling aside licensing issues like Iron man not popping till Mahvel 2.

Yakuza, Bayonetta, most Atlus characters, Beat could be pretty cool as a fighting game character, literally Virtua Fighter, Hornet, and other Sega stuff that you wouldn't really expect like Valkyria and Puyo Puyo.

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DC vs Capcom



do I need to go get the nukes again gramps?

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>Virtua Fighter
>Fighting Vipers

These are the only “fighting” characters they could do.

Valkyrie Chronicles and House of the Dead can make good Winter Solider/ Chris characters. You act as if Sega doesn’t a shit ton of unused franchises they could utilize. Not every capcom character is a “fighter”, you just have to get creative.

Living in nature over destroying the planet for useles technology is indeed ideal, living a simple life is good and greed and armies who fight for the wealthy are bad
>do I need to go get the nukes again gramps?
Yes and dump them on Israel, Switzerland and the USA

That was way before the MCU ever took a foothold. Remember the outrage when Rocket Raccoon was added because literally no one but comic book buffs knew who he was and now everyones riding his dick after the movie? Or how about Dr Strange? Hawkeye? They were far from popular back then because no one knew them. Iron fist? And in MVCI we get to see full shilling, they remade Rocket Raccoon to include Groot in his movesets, Captain Marvel is the most egregious of this

Off the top of my head, if we set the roster to like 40, 20 on each side:
>Akira Yuki
>Pai Chan
>Kazuma Kiryu
>Goro Majima
>Ryuji Goda
>Riela Marcellis Selvaria Bles can sub this one too
>Sakura Shinguji
>Ichiro Ogami
>Axel Stone
>Ryo Hazuki
>Agent G
>Arle Nadja & Carbuncle
>Satan/Dark Prince
>Gilius Thunderhead
And that’s without cracking into Sonic/NiGHTS stuff. Would be nice if they can get Virtual On in there too, but giant chars were super-cancer in Tatsunoko, so it can be skipped.

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I wish we could get a TvC2 just too see what they could pull out for the roster.
>We can never get a team of Sigma and Braiking Boss.

EA gets a pass because they have such a grip on the consumers' mentality. Notixe how everyone still fucking buys yearly sports game from them? People will complain about a lot of EA's policies but people will buy them. In corporate, that's enough as long as it meets their margin.

The difference is people actually bought the shitty EA Star wars games. The same couldn't be said about MVCI

this user predicted the future, screenshot this

Just give me Sakurai Pizza Cats

shounen jump vs capcom, they can make all the popular marvel functionswith that roster

goku flying around the screen doing combos and shooting beams fits way more than magneto doing that

>Capcom vs SNK 3 will never exist

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people bitch about TvC not only because it was a roster of literally whos but because it was a terrible game to play that also looked like shit and had comically awful online with netcode worse than a dreamcast game that let you use the easy automatic controls that dont have to worry about dropped inputs

>I’ll never get my fighting game dream team of Kula/Shiki/Nemesis without MUGEN
I just want one fighting game where I can use my mains from 3 other fighters & toss-house.

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Fuck it, give me Cap VS SNK, Rival Schools, or Darkstalkers instead. I'd want those about a thousand times more.

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You can thank Capcom for fucking over SNK.

They couldn’t even shill the MCU very well. The MCU is now big enough that they could have used more unique choices like Vision, Loki or Ant-Man as well as Daredevil who got a surge in popularity thanks to the show yet instead we got Black Widow.

What was the story behind this again?

Mahvel 3 rejected ton of characters because either didn't fit or nitsuma didn't liked, stuff like Loki and Vision were considered for roster well as some BOF characters and Gene.

Also it's quite amusing that Marvel keeps cockblocking Shuma gorath.

Capcom VS Nintendo

Some contract where the two companies would make 2 games and the company who made the games would make all the profit. So SNK made no money from Capcom vs SNK 1 or 2

That would just be Smash wouldn't it? Unless you mean make into a real fightan' game.

Yeah, I'm talking 3v3 and shit

Capcom VS Fate

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Rocket was totally advanced synergy for Guardians. They cancelled the comic book that was going on that year to start prepping a "movie-friendly" incarnation of the team to be shoved into the films, which paid off hilariously when it turned out the movie director disliked those comics a lot and was telling his actors to read the comic they cancelled instead.

TM staff is too dumb to actually let a big company handle the games. They still act like a small circle rather than a company with a huge ass IP.

Compare with Cygames do with mobage money over TM do with FGO bux.

Naw, fuck it. Capcom is too filled with trolls and assholes to Vs anybody.

I'd rather have KOF Vs DOA. That would actually be awesome in many ways.

We're already a third of the way through the year and no news.

They probably going do a switch port pretending to care.

They were going to do a 3D one in the early 2000s, but it got cancelled. Capcom Fighting All-Stars was actually an attempt to salvage some of its assets before it itself was cancelled.

If so I just hope it's as fully featured as the Playstation 2 one. That's still the best release the series has in terms of content and options, but it has lag and speed issues that keep it from really being perfect.

Capcom VS SEGA

Unless it were developed for playstation, PS ports of any fighting game were garbage since forever.

Amusing that Wii actually got decent ones.

Capcom VS Kamen Rider would work

>he thinks MvC4 isn't happening
cmon bruh

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