Pitch your idea for an FMA game.
Pitch your idea for an FMA game
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Not fucking Dual Sympathy.
you play as bradley and fuck everyone over
RPG with characters dropping in and out as the story progresses. or just a fucking fighting game
>Bradley musou
Fund it.
>Bradley game with MGR gameplay
Fund it
nah that'd be shallow af, it has to be a deeper combat system closer to devil may cry
Sidescrolling beat em up with multiple different paths and stages for different characters, including, but not limited to sensei, armstrong, olivier, bradley, pride, and a bonus chapter with Havoc in the wheelchair of death.
Crossover with Courage the Cowardly Dog.
It's like the Vento Aureo PS2 game where the levels are iconic fights and you get bonus points for recreating scenes in the show/manga. With better controls, of course.
Vic Mignogna transmutes his dick for being a sexual assaulter.
>or just a fucking fighting game
only if the homunculi actually have like 200 times more health than the rest of the cast
Is the first FMA game for the ps2 good?Throwing away my broken ps2 games made me discover I still have it. I already played the second and it was great even if I didnt manage to find all the cats. Timing the hard hits seems kind of hard.
Also, I really appreaciate the second game letting me fight Scar and win(and get his glasses as a result)
ninja storm but with alchemists
My thread was superior
>Vic transmutes his dick to fuck women who hate hugs that tried to ruin his life
Character action game featuring Ed, Al, Armstrong, Mustang, Hawkeye, Greedling, Lan Fan, and Dante from the Devil May Cry series.
Yeah, but your thread is also dead.
Why do you want the fighting game to be bad?
combo based alchemy system which doesn't follow the canon literally and lets you do fun shit like turn your arm into a blade, uppercut into an enemy and then with a quick input change it back into a hand to do a mid-air grab and throw them down or at another enemy.
4 player brawler like Marvel Aliiance
Huge roster of characters, some not even getting screen time in the shows (Basque Grand or the Slicer Brothers)
Multiple outfits, like Havoc's Black outfit when fighting Lust or Alphonse when he's been shredded by Lust, or his goofy version
Should I get into FMA? Is it good or is it just one of those nostalgic things people obsess over like Inuyasha?
Platinum game made by the Transformers team.
these licensed anime fighting games are always bad anyway
Fighting game please
I'mJustAHousewife main here
FMA Brotherhood is worth watching. The first FMA is weird and has race mixing but the second has an aryan waifu
Since giving the actual story would require making a ton of unique and interesting environments and diverse gameplay, instead it's just a basic 3d fighter where all of the characters fight in hand to hand combat in 1 of 2 fighting stadiums. Each person only has one special move correlated to their abilities, and there are no stat differences or allegiances between characters.
It’s genuinely fucking good. Both versions of it have their ups and downs but I genuinely recommend them. Or, if you want, you can just read the manga.
Watch both. Brotherhood is better, but there's no reason to not watch both.
sounds completely sterile and awful
much less cringe than Inuyasha. Genuinely interesting setting and characters. A couple of real good tearjerker moments.
Watch the Square Enix version, not Brotherhood. Fuck anybody who says the latter is better
Yes, watch Brotherhood though.
FMA is legitimately good.
I've never seen anybody genuinely defend Inuyasha these days unless they admit they like it out of nostalgia.
Imagine playing the entire Bradley return sequence
A cat is fine, too.
Watch the 03 series until a major character death. Then watch Brotherhood. I'm sure there's a list somewhere of what the essential episodes are.
Welcome to reality.
Guys, im talking about vidya, can someone answer me, you did play the FMA games right, Yea Forums?
keep your gay idpol shit out of anime thanks
I'm so fucking lost here, can you guys explain why you think that way? Very mixed signals.
Read the manga. 03 goes off the rails retarded and Brotherhood has some wonky pacing issues.
Sure it's got issues people are going to over emphasize on this site but go ahead, Dub is good and the voices don't change much between series, besides alphonse.
>Do they really expect me to make a complete mockery of myself by entering through the backdoor of my own palace?
Pure fucking kino.
Bradley in Brotherhood was pure kino.
Magicka mixed with diablo.
Brotherhood sticks close to the manga, fine, but the story arcs in Squeenix are better. Plus the explanation of the universe is more enjoyable
Yes. Its really really good. Watch 03 then brotherhood. The early parts of brotherhood don't explain some things as well as they should and miss the mining town arc completely.
you just play the show in an RPG way but some battles need specific characters. Like the final Envy Fight you need specifically Roy and Riza.
pretty sure they already had one
I vaguely remember playing the Demo at my local wal-mart once or twice
it was a okay game
03 has better animation and art, but a worse story. Brotherhood has a better story, better characters, better action sequences and more better action sequences. Brotherhood also follows the manga and is canon. Brotherhood has better emotional moments, character growth and development, the list goes on. Music isn't as good.
>The first FMA is weird and has race mixing but the second has an aryan waifu
I'm glad we finally figured out the Brotherhoodfag situation.
Fucking no it isn't, what drugs are you on?
2003 adaption is supposedly non-canon, but that's because the mangaka was slow as shit and couldn't keep pace
Brotherhood is better, but kinda requires a viewing of 2003, since a lot of stuff just straight up isn't explained
Conqueror of Shamballa does not exist
Also the dubs are not terrible if for some reason you can't deal with subs
Olivier mains wya
Look, fighting games are full of bullshit, stuff like that will always be pointless.
Unless it's story mode only
>03 has better animation and art
Watch both. Start with the 2003 series and watch the 2011 one if you want more.
Watch 2003 first. It’s better than Brotherhood ignore the retards.
Watch the original anime up through episode 26 then switch to Brotherhood starting at episode 10 or so (someone correct me, I don't remember exactly which one it is).
>Music isn't as good
neck yourself
My nigga.
imo Brotherhood is better, what you should do is watch both and decide for yourself, the thing is that the 2003 anime went in a completely different direction than the manga very early on, so it has a completely different story, characters and development by the end of it, but is still good. Brotherhood is the original story of the manga being adapted, but skips on a good chunk at the beggining on the assumption that you already watched the 2003 version.
That's all with his all seeing eye covered
>a lot of stuff just straight up isn't explained
Like what?
It does. Brotherhood's to me is digital drawing and 03's looks more like traditional.
The OPs and EDs in brotherhood just aren't as good. Asian Kung Fu Generation is quintessential OP music.
disgusting nigger lips
>assumes you watched the 2003 version
that's really dumb
i'm sold
>has better animation
>posts stills.
03 is absolutely digital animation
Can't he see through the eyepatch?
Not to mention that he’s old as fuck. Imagine him being at his peak at his 20’s-30’s, literally no one would be able to stop him.
>typing reply in the other FMA thread
>took too long, couldn't reply because it got archived
fuck you
>Homunculi fusion is a concept that gets forgotten literally 5 seconds after it happens because that event turned out to be Wrath shooting himself and Sloth in the foot.
"Homunculi fusion" wasn't mentioned ever again because it was never an actual thing in the first place. It was just Wrath doing what Wrath does. His entire homunculus power was literally the ability to fuse himself with stuff. The show couldn't have been more clear about that.
Shamballa's fun.
Completely unnecessary but fun.
>"ready steady go" over "golden time lover"
>"melissa" over "again"
>"rewrite" over "rain"
surely you must be kidding. brotherhood had superior ops in terms of music choice alone.
But Brotherhood explains so much more than 03 does.
Try typing faster, gramps.
>rewrite over rain
he said art, faggot
>which begs the question what the fuck kind of human Gluttony was when he was alive.
Wow, something that's actually worth discussion/thought. Ya know he's just a monster in the second series right? Maybe there was a bit more to him in the first.
Super Winry fucking simulator.
One where the main character is voiced by Junpei Iori
I like the music from Brotherhood but I agree with him, '03's music was performed by the fucking Russian Symphony Orchestra
>Vicfags trying to stir shit again for no reason
It's time to stop.
MMO where your donut is a state alchemist
The original story definitely fits the bill for a JRPG, although the it might have to be split up into multiple games. The combat system would be built around alchemy as the main gimmick, with each character having unique skills based on their specialization in the field. Everything is pretty straightforward: towns serve as locales for the major arcs in the story.
Hell, you even hell you even have ready-made dungeons in the story:
>Liore monastery
>Fifth laboratory
>Dublith underground
>Central sewers
>Ft. Briggs and the abandoned mine town
And I don't think I even have to mention the potential for boss fights with the Homunculi, Scar, the Xingese cast, various chimeras, etc.
Fuck. Now I really want to play a game like this and I'm sad that it'll never be a thing.
Inuyasha's design work was top fucking tier. But I have no excuse for the way the show used them.
Okay, time for the real important question. Who’s the best boy and best girl in FMA?
>His entire homunculus power was literally the ability to fuse himself with stuff
That was just the alchemy he got from Ed's body parts that's why he didn't do it in the movie.
I mean yeah it does, but it also skips (talking out of my ass right here) like 10 chapters from it that are in 03´s version or just goes very quickly about them, like when Yoki is introduced and he explains the time when the brothers visit Youswell in less than a minute. For me its a chapter everyone should watch even if they are watching Brotherhood.
The fact that Bradley mentions that he can’t keep up with his eye anymore means that at one point he could. Imagine no patch Bradley in his prime with both swords, I don’t think even Pride or Father could do shit to him at that point
Shamballa is what happens when nobody pays attention to source material, also the ending makes so little sense that it bears spoiling for those lucky enough to not have seen it
continuation of the 03 adaption, Ed finds a way back from the other side of the Gate to his home world, but decides at the last second to go back to the other side
And this is after spending multiple episodes of the show thinking about returning as well as most of the film
Are you talking about the subhuman in Greed's lair I barely remember?
Personally I just don't think the writers were considering Gluttony when they came up with the alternate lore for the origin of homunculi. All of the other homunculi look like the people they once were, but Gluttony hardly even looks human. I don't know if we're supposed to assume that he's just an abnormally disgusting-looking fat person, or that he looked human initially but became more monstrous over time as he ate.
>2003 adaption is supposedly non-canon, but that's because the mangaka was slow as shit and couldn't keep pace
It was a monthly manga, so there's really no way for it to keep pace with a weekly anime.
It was also probably decided since the start of the anime production to go for an anime original story anyway since around that year a lot of anime adaptations go for anime original stories once they go past the manga's story (which most fans hated, which is why we don't see those anymore these days other than for long running series like One Piece or Naruto).
Mustang is best boy and Armstrong is best girl. Alex Louis Armstrong. Not Olivier.
Right, but it was still basically that character's special power. The other guy was acting as if the show invented a DBZ-like fusion thing out of nowhere and then forgot about it, and that's clearly not what happened. That's all I'm trying to say.
Yeah but the difference is that Yoki becomes a recurring character and part of their group, I think they skipped the elaborating on that backstory in a full episode because it was more important to have him become a part of them.
Although she's just joking, them being children is an important part of the story.
Alphonse and LangFang.
>Brotherhood was 10 years ago
Fair enough.
>Mfw Bradley walking down the street in the background when Alphonse and the others crashed the car.
The biggest shame of both 03 and Brotherhood. The fact that she dies in 03 and isn't expanded upon in Brotherhood.
The one with the supple lips.
Doesnt she die in Brotherhood the same way? Which is the most metal and traumatizing event for Al?
Reminder that Ed gets come home to this every night.
Why does everyone keep forgetting he loses to Scar at the end, he's badass sure but Scar managed to beat him by the end
>Ed and Al's people completely wiped out save for the two of them and they don't even realize it
Only after he was already blindsided and weakened and even then he still gave Scar hell.
Gays. In flames.
Didnt he went through a bunch of stuff, explosions, soldiers and maybe one ninja on the way to Scar, while being the only homunculus that doesnt regenerate?
>isn't expanded upon in Brotherhood.
Hard to expand upon a corpse.
Bradley keeps fighting with both of his goddamn arms gone. The dude had been run through with a sword and shot by that time as well.
Scar won thanks to a deus ex machina.
Will anyone ever be worthy of them?
My anus is.
Woah, this is really, REALLY fucking good. What's Brotherhood like by comparison?
>and isn't expanded upon in Brotherhood.
That's because her purpose was to give Al a brush with death to get him to remember how to use alchemy without a circle.
>Like what?
Not that guy, but the only thing that was rushed and skipped over that I noticed was that they skipped the story where Ed and Al visited a mining town and put a stop to the corrupt military mustache guy who later, along with the little girl joined with Scar on his journey, and instead put it as a short flashback when they re-introduced him into the story.
Though it's not really that important for the overall story I guess.
>tfw you realize Scar almost ended up doing what the military tried to do to his people and almost ended up killing off the last two members of an almost extinct race
Scar's construction arm was heavily foreshadowed though, it's not like it came out of nowhere.
>isn't expanded upon in Brotherhood.
Her Brotherhood death gave Al some serious PTSD though, that was pretty great.
It took 4 different opponents in succession plus a deus ex machina moment to take down Bradley.
So, how was the story in the games?
I've read that the gameplay was pretty mediocre but I wondered how the story was after reading the preview chapters in the manga.
Why was performing alchemy without a transmutation circle so impressive when most alchemist can already do that by drawing the circles on their gloves or tattoo them somewhere on their body?
In fact, the main character is actually pretty weak when it comes to transmutations compared to their other alchemist allies or even the enemies.
Only after his super eye got torn out and he fell off a 50 story building. Even then Scar only won by luck because of the sun blinding Bradley at a critical moment.
Don't know why but I like how all the different countries people's basically boil down to their eye and hair colors.
>Ed and Al's people have dark blonde hair with golden eyes
>Winry's people blue eyes blonde hair
>Ishbalan have white hair red eyes
>Xing people black hair black eyes
Because Ed and Al don't need a catalyst, the gloves or tattoos are catalysts.
Fuckin saved, jesus.
The sun, not Scar's arm.
A 6 hour game trying to make these two fuck.
If I remember right, only the alchemists who have seen The Truth could do that.
That and Ed's condition is how their teacher realizes they fucked something up.
>In fact, the main character is actually pretty weak when it comes to transmutations compared to their other alchemist allies or even the enemies.
That was the point. Ed was actually pretty mediocre at alchemy, he was only made a state alchemist so that Bradley could keep tabs on him since he was a sacrifice.
Skipping a step in combat is a pretty big deal. It would be like being able to fire bullets without the use of a gun. Sure, everyone can come armed with their favorite piece, but being able to just pick up a round of ammunition and fire it with one's hands freely is a massive tactical advantage.
Beyond that, being able to use alchemy without the use of a circle means someone's found a metaphysical secret that others can only guess the true nature of, meaning they have an esoteric knowledge of hidden, arcane things (supposedly).
Hohenheim was a slave though. He might not be from Xerxes.
Because they didn't need gloves, tattoos or elaborate bullshit to do it, they just could.
I also loved how Ed prided himself at being better at alchemy than Al because Al was better at physical combat, then his ego got kicked in the dick when Al learned the clapping ability too.
So how come Alchemy isn't a lot more rampant? The ability to repair your devices or for local towns to build any kind of infrastructure they need in a day with like no labor needed at all seems pretty fucking useful. You don't even need the clapping ability for it to make everyday life be immensely easier.
I know you can't just draw a circle willy nilly and do it, but is all of the knowledge on it on lock so none of the middle-lower class can get to it?
>Bradley thinking about his wife before he dies
The eclipse was a vital part of everyone's plan.
I felt bad for Ed. He had literally nothing going for him over Al at that point.
I think their society just enslaved their own people. Hoenheim had the same hair and eye color which is what defines people in FMA universe.
What about bad ends?
At least Ed had his penis.
Can Lust grow a futa dick?
Just curious, haha.
the second game is serviceable I guess, it helps/makes worse that it ties in with some chapters of the series(Lior, Tucker, fighting Scar, fighting Armstrong) and then get promptly forgotten to give space to the actual story.
NTR'd by Envy or Sloth.
I played it, 1 and 2. 2 is decent fun but 1 is underwhelming at best
Which game are we talking about?
Because the DS game was just the same as the 03 anime.
>is all of the knowledge on it on lock so none of the middle-lower class can get to it?
For the most part, yes. The big bad controls the government and only allows regular people to use the most basic alchemy. All the cool advanced shit is under lock and key unless you get promoted to state alchemist, at which point you're heavily controlled.
I love that the budget always got dialed up whenever Mustang got to roast someone.
Seems to me its one of those fields of knowdlege you would have to spend years to understand and do the right way all the time. Also, related to what you said it always bothered me how it was never expanded upon having the ability to do it in and of itself, are people just born with it? can some people do it and others dont? why? can just everyone do it, but only a few decide to use it?
God I wish I was Riza
>There was no reason for [the 2003 anime's homunculi's original body's remains] to affect them negatively outside of magic.
There was no reason for homunculi to exist at all outside of magic. The show refers to alchemy as science, but it's effectively magic. At best, alchemy within FMA lore is the scientific study of the magic that exists in that universe. Besides, the fact that homunculi are weakened by the remains of their original bodies — although you can't explain it with real-world logic any better than you could explain why circles drawn in chalk enable the rearrangement of atomic structure — does work thematically. The original body's remains are a reminder that the homunculus is a fake. It's, like, symbolic and shit.
Bradley yells about how there's no God in this world at all, and then less than a second later the moon moves and lets the sun bounce off his sword at just the right angle to blind him and get him killed. Come in now, don't make me spell it out for you.
Did it seriously take you an hour to write out a 6 sentence response?
Posting best opening
Because alchemy is an expensive thing to learn and most people don't have that kind of money.
>theres no God
>Part of his creator's plan is to become strong enough in order to eat God
It operates under "obscure knowledge" rules where it's treated as a theoretical mathematics. Anyone can learn the basic algebra, but the advanced equations require much more work and calibration. It also operates under Equivalent Exchange laws, so there's a sort of calculus that has to go into it, and doing high-level thinking on the fly isn't something everyone can do. Alchemists specialize specifically for that reason. Memorizing a few exchanges is better than memorizing every exchange.
Alchemy is tightly regulated by the military because the main villain doesn't these gay ass humans rising up against his shitty ass.
Based Arakawa making a central theme of her work around accepting the existence of a higher power
>The original body's remains are a reminder that the homunculus is a fake
That's the problem, in the 03 anime they were the person they attempted to resurrect so they were anything but fake.
>Op so good the anime acknowledges it and uses it for the ending.
All the op and ed’s between both series were fantastic.
Damn straight
>At least Ed had his penis.
I swear I saw this in doujin after page at some point
This, for all intents and purposes the homunculi are real. They have their memories, their bodies, only difference is that they've got black hair, pale skin (except gluttony) and for some reason Ed and Al's mom wants to kill them because she was fed a bunch of rocks.
I mean, a higher power does exist in FMA´s universe, im sure Truth got kinda pissed at Bradley for denying its existence and thats why he died.
I always figured it was a combination of safety, being difficult to learn, and being intentionally held back from the public. The especially advanced shit can be horrifically deadly and it makes sense to keep that under wraps, but even on its own it seems like it takes years of study to even get basic shit working unless you're a prodigy. At the same time the civilian applications are probably kept away from most people purely as a means of making them more reliant on the government.
The PS2 game and the Wii game, since both even had each a prologue/teaser chapter in the manga.
>your sister will never beat you senseless in a coup to take over the family
>ywn have a Olivier gf
I bet she pegs Mustang.
... Gah, fine. I'll give you a twofer.
>FMA FPS about a soldier on the front-lines of the Ishvalan civil war. Not a happy game.
>RPG about a completely different society (british/norse based, think victorian vikings) on the brink of discovering a formula for a philosiphers stone, set approximately 10-15 years after the events of the manga/anime. The alchemy of this land is based on using crystals to trap/refract light and condense them into usable energies, which can be used to power alchemical machinery, though typical alchemy styles from the anime can be studied and used regardless. The plot revolves around a mysterious doctor from Amestris who was caught with a proto-philosipher's stone, and the political machinations of those who wish to create a fully-functional stone. Also, there are mechs.
None of you guys would actually get Olivier's interest.
NONE of you would actually be able to keep up with the way Fort Brigg's operated and the daily hardship.
but yea same honestly
I thought the show was entirely ambiguous about that, actually. They seemed to have some memories of their past lives, but the show went pretty deep into the "what if memories can be fake" stuff.
>They have ... their bodies
Not really. Wrath is the only one who is known to have been created using his original body as material. Sloth, for example, was made from a pile of raw minerals and stuff. It eventually took a particular person's form, but that doesn't make it that person.
>FMA FPS about a soldier on the front-lines
That would be boring.
>high ranking asshole orders her to stand down and submit to their evil plan
>she stabs his faggot ass and buries him in a concrete foundation they were laying
It should be illegal to have characters this good in a story, it's too dangerous.
>and for some reason Ed and Al's mom wants to kill them because she was fed a bunch of rocks.
It's been years since I saw 2003 but don't they play up the stockholm syndrome angle being essentially corpses fed life stones and that their personalities are different despite their memories which is why most of them have a crisis of identity
And I'm certain I'm remembering this bit wrong but didn't the homoculi convince Ed and Al's mom's humonculi mother thing that they abandoned her for being a monster?
I really liked how the characters besides the main duo all have a part to play and are generally competent as hell. Ed and Al would be shit out luck if it weren’t for them.
>but the show went pretty deep into the "what if memories can be fake" stuff.
So did Brotherhood, the events at lab 5 with Barry still happened you know. That said if I remember right it kind of ends there while Brotherhood implies you can't just fabricate memories.
>you'll never be beaten up by your beautiful older sister, only to be comforted by your cute younger sister after
There was Al doubting his existence in both series. Brotherhood did an amazing job of the flashback to Edward in the bed, his arm and leg bloody and missing but he's crying more concerned about his brother hating him for losing his body.
Fuck, Brotherhood is too good.
It continues on in 03 for an episode or two and ends with Winry slapping Al's shit and essentially saying "Hey you dumb faggot, if you're fake then why do I remember doing shit with you when we were kids when Ed wasn't around?"
>that scene where Ed is literally begging for his baby brother to come back to him after the failed transmutation
Shit tugged at my heart, man. I’m the older brother of two younger siblings so Ed and Al’s relationship got to me way more than I like to admit.
The chimeras introduced in Briggs all ended up critical to the plot at some point of another. In most other Shōnen those guys would have just been fodder for the protagonists to fight and be done with.
They do it with a bit more subtlety in brotherhood before it becomes a plot point later on.
Hell, one of them even takes out Kimbley who was a major antagonist in his own right.
And here's later on
>FMA 2003 gives Shou Tucker a redemption arc but kills off Scar and makes Mustang a villain
I cannot explain how mad that shit made me
>redemption arc
>fucks with his own body to try and ressurect his own daughter
>uses Al against his will
>only makes a living doll
>redemption arc
Is this just about the best dub ever? I'd say the only real rival is Panty and Stocking.
>Mustang a villain
Wait, what? I don’t remember that happening. Unless you mean the change of Mustang being the one to kill Winry’s parents.
Yeah, I never said the memory thing wasn't in both. But in the 2003 anime, I think it does come up again with Sloth in particular, who doesn't seem sure if her memories are real, or if she really is the person whose memories she has.
FMA 2003 was one of the earliest examples of EXPECTATIONS = SUBVERTED shit
>Character action game where playing as Ed lets you do all kinds of crazy Transmutations on the fly as part of combos
>Different weapon styles
>Switching between Al and Ed on the fly
>Other notable characters as unlockables
>Can explore locations and do sidequests
Please, I need this.
The Adult Swim web site had a flash game. It was a beat-em-up in which you play as Ed and Al, if I remember correctly.
>Other notable characters as day 1 DLC
Fixed that for you. Only Lego games let you unlock characters without a credit card anymore.
third person immersive sim with the various cities as hub areas. focus put on the way you can interact with the world using alchemy.
Third person what. Speak English motherfucker.
I'd love an FMA game in the same vein as Deus Ex HR, and instead of augments you pick different transmutations.
>An immersive sim (simulation) is a video game genre that emphasizes player choice. Its core, defining, trait is the use of simulated systems that respond to a variety of player actions which, combined with a comparatively broad array of player abilities, allow the game to support varied and creative solutions to problems, as well as emergent gameplay beyond what has been explicitly designed by the developer.
I'm pretty sure he wrote "third person immersive sim".
The phrase "third person" doesn't need to be followed by "shooter" or "platformer" you know.
Stop making up bullshit genres and get the fuck out of this thread.
Jesus, Winry.
In 2003, all the villains are ultra-evil with no good intentions, and all the heroes have good intentions but end up fucking everything up. This is why Hoenheim is presented as a hero despite being a super-murdering body-snatcher the same as Dante, because he intends to not do it anymore. Merely having good intentions to resurrect his daughter and atone for his sin is presented as a heroic trait.
I'm thinking they took a look at his junk to see if that's where all the growth was going.
The problem resolved itself eventually.
vic did nothing wrong
>Ed became a Chad
Pretty based for a manlet.
A Tales of esque Action RPG with multiple playable characters. The game would have an original story.
Everyone who isn't a retard knows that.
She rejected him too
Posting omakes
With all the revivals going on, I'm shocked they haven't forced the creator of this to make more FMA.
What happened was he figured that like, half of what he ate was going to the gate to keep Al's body alive, so he was barely getting any gains.
So he started eating enough for three men and hit a growth spurt.
I’m glad they didn’t. FMA benefits so much more from being a complete, cohesive story that doesn’t drag on any more than it should.
I think at most, we'll get another animated movie.
Reminder that Alphonse went to China and fucked the loli.
That's because she's working on Aslan or whatever its called.
I’m not sure what it is but there was something really satisfying about the eyecatchers in Brotherhood. Especially towards the end.
What a man.
is that any good?
No idea, all I remember is Kimblee working with horses.
We don’t talk about the movie, user.
Have a skill list of alchemy transmutations you can perform that grows as you level up, context sensitive items around the environment you can transmute from your skill list, equipable transmutable clothing that can be shaped like his arm giving the player the ability to have a different default weapon for when there's nothing in the area to transmute, a skill list for the default weapon because fuck that bird in broken angel I ran out of ammo, swap between both the Elric brothers leaving one to be a.i controlled with the ability to pause the action and draw a path ala zelda spirit tracks to perform team attacks and coordinate with your partner better in addition to base commands such as, come, go, help, etc not open world, a linear adventure with branching pathes that have you back tracking back to the main city for assignments, sculpting mode (think the gummi ship from kingdom hearts but instead of a ship it's terrain) it can be assigned to button combinations that you can customize with effects such as what material it's made of and whether it be offensive or defensive like having spikes come out or maybe making a small hut or balcony for reaching new heights (there would be a limit to this so it's not abused), transmutable enemies such as golems that wouldn't die when transmuted but change the fighting style to something you might find easier to handle (this would be a sort of parry basically (imagine a clay man smeared across the floor but it's solid rock just using its back lets to charge the arena knocking you into the air due to the ramp he's now equiped with) bosses would fight mostly using environmental attacks like collapsing walls inward or skewing the environment into crazy patterns like an M.C Escher painting. it would be an original story set some time before the last episode.
What about this one?
Fuck, never came to my mind that Ed and Al were half Xerxeans. There are quite nice few details here and there.
We don’t talk about that either. Cool scene, though.
Fullmetal Alchemist is more of a suspense/drama than an action action. Kind of ironic sense so many of the alchemists are so combat oriented, like how Edward only knows how to turn his metal arm into a blade and Mustang only knows how to make explosions. Realistically, the alchemists should be like scientists and chemists.
All three of those are correct.
To be fair, Ed has shown to think outside of the box. Like that time he figured out how to counter Greed’s shield.
There was also making ammonia out of the wet TNT. He's clearly capable, it's just that when a lot of your fights involve madmen going guns blazing you don't have a lot of time to think on your feet.
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo is definitely the best dub of all time.
>Realistically, the alchemists should be like scientists and chemists
They are, they just use that knowledge for combat for the most part. Take mustang for example, his explosions are a result of him changing the composition of the air and igniting it using his gloves.
It's a geniunely good show. Deals with some heavy subjects with Grace, and it's world and "magic" [sic] is interesting.
Watch the 2003 series, though. Brotherhood has absolute dogshit pacing and basically becomes a bad shounen, just like your Inuyasha comparison. 2003 keeps a consistent pace the whole time and doesn't drag itself out.
>but muh manga
Everyone seems to think that "closer to manga" is gauranteed to be good, when it's likely the manga was shit and the changes were for the better.
Honestly wouldn't mind a western series as long as they stick to the manga. It's one of the few series that could benefit due to the characters not being Japanese.
>50/50 human cyborg with a 50 cal sniper on his arm is better
Fuck no.
Oh no it's retarded.
I had one of the PS2 games and it was silly fun. Not really all that bad. But I was 13 at the time I played it and that was waaaay back in 2006.
>2003 keeps a consistent pace
>goes balls to the walls at random intervals
>consistent pace
she's too busy making her slice of life farm story
Yeah, no.
I legitimately have no idea about what the fuck they were thinking when they made this.
God literally had to ass pull a miracle for Scar to win.
the entire game takes place during the ishvalan extermination. you can play as a simple soldier or any of the state alchemists and the gameplay consists of killing as many brown skins as you can. kimbley appears sometimes but you can't beat him, the conflict never ends, the game just goes on forever. team based online multiplayer is a huge focus but it's entirely playable offline. ed and al are DLC
She stopped being a loli.
Both versions have their ups and downs but I vastly prefer Brotherhood more than 2003 although I consider both good series.
Tends to have a bit better pacing in the beginning but is fucked due to having a few filler episodes that are quite pointless and just made to add melodrama to the series. It starts similar to the manga but starts making a lot of small changes here and there, some of them are quite interesting if you have watched another version. Last quarter of the series goes off the rails quite a bit, world rules are broken from time to time and a few characters that they decided to focus on (Rose) end up being more annoying than anything. Still music is quite good and some characters end up having quite a few interesting moments.
Beginning is quite fucked up due to rushing to the better parts but just little things are lost like Yuswell that was the first chapter in the manga, the introduction of Liza's dog that was quite funny in 2003 among other things. The world is more consistent and the villains are more interesting, it focuses more on action and comedy compared to the 2003 series. Almost all of the characters end up actually doing something in the final stretch of the series and characters like Bradley have a lot more cool moments compared to 2003.
Read the manga and then Botherhood, if you still crave something more watch 2003.
>eclipse that was there from the start
>Fucking fanfiction that ends with Edward going to another fucking alternate dimension with Real hitler and not alphonse and then all this other stupid bullshit happens with Hoeinhiem and envy which leaves edward trapped in the alternate universe and winry dies alone.
Nothing gets fucking solved the only thing is more questions.
Man fuck you and everybody who think your stupid ass fucking fanfiction is worth a shit past a certain point.
We know, Roy.
the series doesn't really go into it, but it's heavily implied that each chemical reaction needs a specific circle. roy's gloves can only ever perform combustion, so he can't use that alchemy for anything else. likewise scar's destruction arm could only deconstruct materials, and he still needed to know what the material was to deconstruct it. ed, al, and izumi can do whatever the fuck they want with their alchemy as long as they understand the materials they're working with.
I was pretty happy with just watching brotherhood but now I'm curious about watching 03 but I don't really want to watch the whole show again
It’s ok
it's a combination of needing to actually study it for years to understand it like any skill, and also the amestrian military kept alchemical secrets on lockdown. that's why you had to be approved to be a state alchemist, and you answered to the military once you became one so they could keep an eye on you.
I'm in the same boat there, ive watched Brotherhood twice and love it, so I've been meaning to watch 2003 eventually as well, but ive never gotten around to doing it
im feel like im gonna be too biased to get much enjoyment out of it
>roy's gloves can only ever perform combustion,
Correction. They transmute the oxygen in the air to combustible levels and then he makes a spark using the material of the gloves or anything else that can cause the same effect as shown with lust.
There is nothing wrong with not watching a show you don't think you'll enjoy.
And that's why the tattoo on Hawkeye's back had to be scorched from her flesh.
It was a circle that could produce an explosion similar to an atom bomb.
[citation needed]
I'll never understand the lack of awareness people must have to call FMA a stereotypical shonen, while then turning around and saying 03 is anything but the most bog standard "angsty" anime.
>when it's likely the manga was shit and the changes were for the better.
We've all focused on the wrong part of this nigger's post. HE DIDN'T EVEN READ THE FUCKING MANGA.
The circle on Hawkeye's back was for the flame alchemy that Mustang uses
>tfw for the longest time I thought Fuhrer King was Bradley's title not King being his first name.
I'm such a fuck up.
developed by Platinum Games
I will never NOT hate Brotherhood for the retarded bastardization of FMA
I felt like I was watching an anime that tried way too hard to be:" DBZ BUT FOR SMART PEOPLE !!!11"
FMA 03 was already a bastardization of the manga, dumb 03 fag.
ArcSys fighting game
Brotherhood is only good for people who think that "sticking to the source material, no matter how objectively bad it actually is" like the first anime has unironically more soul, depth and doesn't focus so heavily on Dragonball-esque fights that are just in there for being epic
Fuck off Tucker.
and it was better because of it
>the first anime has unironically more soul
Discrediting your own post. It's just a buzzword idiots use when they're not intelligent enough to actually formulate thoughts to describe their observations.
Anyone that thinks 03 Sloth wasn't the dumbest fucking shit of all time needs to off themselves. Her very fucking existence completely sabotages the entire setting's sole fucking law of equivalent exchange, and all the themes of loss the 03 anime tried to display.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, no it wasn’t.
Anyways, while I read the manga I just watched Brotherhood entirely during the last few weeks. Hohenheim made the series for me, just the revelation of the photo with him crying warms myself up.
>just going on a journey so you can get older with your waifu and sons
no lol
What's with all these brainlets making a DBZ comparison?
Why are they so insecure about 03?
Most of the people recommending Brotherhood say its better, but don't actively shit on 03
Also, Brotherhood is shonen, but with a very interesting story and characters, and a satisfying conclusion. Being shonen doesn't take away from the deeper aspects of it
>The little side chapter where little kid Ed thinks his mom hates him and Hohenheim makes him hold up a bucket full of water to teach him how hard his mom worked to bring him into the world
>"Would she have done something that hard if she didn't love you"?
He was a good papa.
Wait, King is his first name? That's stupid, but hilarious.
In the shows it's basically impossible to tell by context using the conventions of English language until they talk about making someone else fuhrer. Otherwise it just seems like a compound title like God-King, or Master Chief Petty Officer.
Until it's broken down he might as well been called "The Honorable Lord Sir Duke George-Arthur David von Ludvig". Which could either include a bunch of overt flattery or graciousness on behalf of the speaker, and actually might include several names or titles up in the air until it's explained later.
>Why are they so insecure about 03?
They know it's inferior but refuse to admit it for some reason so they spout nonsense like soul or comfy
Most of those types of people are either disingenuous shitposters, or were roughly 10-14 years old when 03 came out, and it was their first "mature" anime. Because it had darker themes, it made them believe they were now more adult and intelligent for having watched it, and they forgive or ignore all the rampant stupidity and poor writing of its latter half because it was too important for them.
I just always assume they like it because it was their introduction to FMA. They sure as fuck didn't read the manga.
Imagine it being a series of QTEs.
Both shows are good. Brotherhood is more accurate to the manga and offers a more satisfying finish, while 2003 deviates quite a bit later on. That being said, I’d say 2003 is the better made show (better direction, pacing, music) despite doing it’s own thing.
I love angsty anime. I need more angst in my life.
>Ed puts down the bucket after an hour or so
>"That bucket weighs about as much as a human baby when it's born. Your mother had been carrying that weight around for months to give birth to you. Somebody who hates you wouldn't have gone through that much, so don't say your mother doesn't love you."
>Ed has access to unlimited transmutations as part of his ability at the cost of his health
>He is fast but deal minimal/average damage and is combo heavy
>Alfonse has limited transmutations because of papers with the circle, or use materials like chalk but it takes time
>He is a medium tank with mid/slow speeds but dishes out high damage
It can fucking work with the right devs. Platinum gameplay with Arksys art style.
That attention to detail
>Goofy comedy that actually sets up the skillset of the villain
I love misdirection like that
Okay you fuckers
I like Brotherhood more, but 2003's four openings are pure kino.
A dating sim/adventure game hybrid so you can fuck Ed ( or anyone else for the matter)
It was my introduction to FMA, used to watch it religiously when it aired on tv like 15 years ago and even without reading the manga you could tell character like archer or wrath didn't belong.
I actually liked 2003's overall story despite its flaws, but I admit sometimes it can be really dumb.
Seriously, Envy is like the worst trap pandering ever in an anime.
Though theres a lot of great moments near the end of Brotherhood. Always hated those Chimeras later on though,
Brotherhood also has a satisfying ending
I'm actually the same way, I remember burning every episode to dvds because I loved it so much.
Then when brotherhood came out when I was in college i ended up liking it more than 03.
Based. The direction and vocals are just perfect.
Heinkel and Mr Gorilla are the best
>I'm actually the same way, I remember burning every episode to dvds because I loved it so much.
I bought them
Kino as fuck
>It took two side characters dying just to land the first hit on Bradley
What an absolute fucking unit
When I was younger I wondered why it shows Ed losing his arm, Al losing his body, and then Winry in the same kind of shot
Then I realized it's because Winry lost just as much as Ed and Al did because of that mistake, she lost her brothers
>tfw you realize it's Ed singing about how Winry keeps him from giving up
>tfw you realize it's not
>It's Hohenheim singing about how Trisha's memory keeps him from giving up
thos this this thank you
Fucking hell now I'm rewatching all the OPs from 2003 to Brotherhood and I'm literally sobbing like a faggot, because it reminds me of a time I wasn't a jaded piece of crap, my dog was alive and liked to watch it with me, and I felt like I had an actual future.
>Ed's temper and his goofy red coat and stepping into fights he shouldn't is all just posturing because he feels out of place and isolated and looked down upon by everyone in his life, alone with his guilt about what he and Al did and how it was his fault, and ultimately just feels like a little kid way out of his depth
Unironically the best depicition of life as a manlet
t. 5'2 cuck
Brotherhood is literally an adaptation of the manga, dude.
>tfw watched all of FMA 03 on Adult Swim's website because I was able to catch the first 2 episode batch on the right day.
>tfw fearing episode 51's batch was going to be skipped because it was only one episode
>It didn't
You play as a doctor who give corrective eye surgery to Roy mustang
People like that don't read, dude. Even comics. It's depressing.
A mobile gacha with all kind of characters
An JRPG with a lot of customization even during a fight (because Alchemy, duh). Also includes stuff from Brotherhood.
Also has alternative endings.
She dies in both manga and both shows. And indeed is a pity here.
"Selim in the bath" encounters
Maybe she's alive in nazi germany
When Edward thrusts his spear, you can actually hear Bradley’s sword in that split second, and in the seconds before and after he thrists the spear, it is at first sheathed then in the moments afterwards it’s in his right hand
Let me try and format it better
>Moments before the spear is at Bradley’s neck
>It’s sheathed
>Spear is at Bradley’s neck
>A schwing sound can be heard briefly as he thrusts it and Bradley puts his hand up
>In all shots afterwards the sword is in his right hand
pure cringe
though that is pretty much what I would ask for with any anime tie-in, DBFZ was really good
the PSP fighter is really good, the PS2 action RPGs are fun but flawed.
Really I think the series is fine just not getting more games. It doesn't need them.
fma and brotherhood dubs are pure cringe in 2019
i used to like them but i cant go back
Why did Al grunt every time he got hit despite apparently having no sense of pain?
the only cringe here is you
Why the fuck anime threads are so much more comfy on Yea Forums than Yea Forums?
A fighting game. like, there's no question about it.
>MC is a trap
don't know how we go from FMA to that