Will you be buying it?

Will you be buying it?

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Where the fuck is it!? Do I have to wait until E3?
Okay wait a fucking second. What is this? That's a big no.

>Where the fuck is it!? Do I have to wait until E3?

Pick one.

Attached: Selkie Types.jpg (900x520, 153K)

if it's just a straight remaster than probably not, the original had too many things wrong with it

No, the crystal chronicles games love to make you feel by killing everything you love. I still haven't recovered from the game with the catgirl, hell, even the playable Character couldn't take the tragedy at end.

Probably. Unless someone has to be the chalice bitch and the Moogle doesn't just carry it like he did in single player.

Any note if it'll have online multiplayer?

I dont buy vaporware

>digital only

That's practically the only thing we DO know about it.

absolutely not!



They already said they’re expanding the levels so it’s safe to say they’re changing things up. Though if it’s anything like the chocobo dungeon remake that just came out theyll make unnecessary changes like rewriting dialogue, redubbing and taking out cutscenes and actual elenents of the game

>Digital only
>No local play
No. I'll stick to my GC copy. Now if Japan/Asia gets a physical version with English then I might consider importing once it gets cheaper.

>Still caring for local play.

I bought the original a while ago and it was really boring

Wait they're making it digital only? SE can't do anything right can they?

Pink, blue or 4th on the top

good atmosphere

i hope theres some added gauntlet mode where monsters just keep coming or something and you can take it on with friends

in NA at least, it's digital only.

Might be a limited run version of it, but I kind of doubt it.

I was originally excited but the lack of information about it depresses me.

That's the entire point of the game. It's not like Monster Hunter where you can easily just bro it up online or local no matter how far each player has progressed. Crystal Chronicles is a personal journey among your caravan, so unless you can convince someone to 100% only play it with you at the same time, you lose out on the intention.

That's not even speaking of the originals GBA features unique to each player that encouraged teamwork. Then there's each player families having different occupations which influence things.

If the game at least was getting a physical for switch with local ad hoc play, I would be pretty hyped.

I always played as the boy Selkie with the bandana because he wore pants. I was insecure playing as Selkies without pants, or the human boys who looked like twinks.

I still have the original and four adapters so as excited as I am for new people to play the game, I don’t really have a reason to.

I’d rather they make a decent console port of Echoes of Time.

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Were the sequels good? I never got a chance to play the ones on the DS. CC was enjoyable, but it had a shit ton of flaws that kinda killed the experience for me. Biggest was requirement of all those GBAs and cables. In terms of in game stuff, being the chalice bitch was fun for no one. Game also just felt really slow paced.

Is it possible to legally play My Life As A King/Darklord in 2019 or am I fucked since the wii shop is down?

I have no friends so no

>not superior RoF

the gameplayt is inferior but with that fucking plot the gameplay can catch a break.

RoF is... okay I guess.


EoT’s plot is fucking great though

RoT’s is still solid

Good? Yes, but all lack the feeling of the original.

RoF - Fun little hack and slash multi player game. Actually has a unique story which ended up being pretty good. The gameplay is somewhat flawed, and the levels focus heavy on puzzles.

EoT - Same type of game, but instead the story is super lite, but has a lot better balance for the gameplay. This is the best of the 2.

Crystal Bearers - Fun, pretty comfy action game on the Wii.

Then on Wiiware there was a town management, and tower defense games which were both decent enough.

I'm not saying that is not great but RoF's plot is the best of the series bar none, with the most based MC and DQV's tier of suffering.

>No switch gameplay
Still waiting

probably not. I don't remember caring for it too much on gamecube. my friend and i only rented it because it was Final Fantasy,

I'll probably buy it on switch, maybe even double dip if it's a good remaster/port. Hopefully it actually comes out this year.
Who /lilty/ here?


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Lilty seemed really redundant in the original. I hear they have really good end game gear but I never made it that far. They just seem like Clavats with shitty magic.

was this the one you played with the gameboys? if so this is huge news

Fuck yeah, for Switch. Fuck Onions-knees.

Yes and it will have online play we still don't know if local is possible at as far as the PS4 version.

They have better physical DPS

>No local play
Is that confirmed? Major let down if so.

I'm waiting for some more information to come out about it and I would like for it to come out on PC but I'd love to get it, yes.

Absofuckinglutely. Just give me a damn release date.

I can't wait to relive the glory days with my friends replaying this.

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>Best friend and I played through this back in early high school days
>Still keep in light contact, sending a text every once in awhile about what games we're playing and how life is
>This gets announced and we both fucking explode with excitement

Feels good.

I'm playing through it on mi Wii right now so as much as i love this game and i would likento support it, no i won't buy it i'm not retarded, rich or both

I'm likely getting the Switch version. If they announce a PC version, I'd get that. I fucking loved FFCC on Gamecube, but was never fortunate enough to be able to play the multiplayer. No one ever came to my place, and I didn't know of any friends that had a GBA (I had a GBASP, and two GC-GBA link cables). I always heard that two-player was the worst possible multiplayer option, though. You had to have at least 3 players to have a good experience.

Literally just pirate them. If the storefront is down, there's no moral hangup about "stealing from the developers"

Yeah but I'm autistic about it

Ya damn right.
It's gonna be on Switch as well if that makes any difference.

Got my Gamecube controller ready and waiting. Probably gonna go clavat again. Just cause it's what's next in rotation.

>Not loving the part in echoes of time where a young boy has to care for his catatonic sister while slowly digging graves for his murdered parents.

meant ring of fates, sorry

But user, hadn't the people you loved all been dead for ages in that game?