Games with offensively long intros and tutorials

I’ll start

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Doesnt your little sister rape you in this?

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Black for PS2

Nothing is more rage inducing than forced cut scenes.

Pokemon's laughably bad with this sort of thing the later the releases get

I tried to replay it with the Final Mix version but after all these years I still don't want to replay Roxas's dumb ass adventures. Even if I skip all cutscenes I still have to deal with the stupid minigames and all the back and forth in Twilight Town.

Probably my favorite game of all time but it's legitamately nearly 3 hourse before you get to a battle.

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>Tfw no black for PS4


This one. I tried getting into it cause i love mana series, despite this one being a remake of the original ff adventure and i played another 3d remake as well, but deleted the game with a save, now i don't wanna get into it again, intro was like hour long. It's similar with ff tactics advance.

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I can't get any of my friends to play MGS3 because the intro is too long for them. But they all just play stupid shit like overwatch and Dota 2 so it doesn't really matter

Fuck, is it any better on the 3ds?

they seriously skipped a huge selling point of "skip Roxas tutorial" at least on repeat playthroughs.

yes absolutely. the remake cuts like 60 hours of downtime from ps1 version. i actually 100%'d it.

Earthbound. Game doesn't pick up speed until fucking Fourside (or Winters)

>60 hours of downtime
what the fuck, how? Load times?

for me it's once you get paula. Before then everything's just a slugfest with almost your whole inventory eaten up by equips and keyitems. Fourside's a mess of confusing event flags that kills playthroughs

How so. You skip your sleep sex dungeon after max 5 minutes.

Every 3D Zelda except this one and maybe OoT

Twilight Princess. Who in the history of ever has ever gave a shit about anybody from Ordon Village?

80% of persona 5 is a tutorial. Gotta hammer in the gimmick for each palace and social stat increasing activity or the children might forget

This. Oot as well, but i played that game so much, i come for the nostalgia usually in the first part of the game. Majoras mask sets you straight for action tho.

At least its a quick 2 second screen.
Not a 3 hour experience.

Are you high? OoT gets you into a dungeon in like sub 5 minutes. MM has you fuck around in Clock Town for an entire cycle.

>Majoras mask sets you straight for action tho.
you what? That first cycle is a pain in the ass to do every time. You're better off just doing it once and copying the file after you get the ocarina back

As i said, nostalgiafags.
Actually, either of those are barely tutorials. But they are both a pain in the ass to do.

I'd argue the first cycle of MM/first couple hours of TP count as intros.

>comes out after the original
>removes all the actual fun and interesting bits from the original.
>sequel released 8 years later follows the stripped-down gameboy port instead of the fun and charming original
fuck this series and fuck konami, honestly.

load times, slow walking, it all adds up. it was a massive reason why DQVII was so beginner unfriendly before the 3DS remake made it all but obsolete. however some fans still cling to the original for nitpicky reasons.

One of the best tutorials in history. It's the most fun part of the game.

pacing. rebalanced leveling, better load times, etc.

Never actually finished either, oot/mm and botw are the only 3d ones i've finished. But i remember intros being boring. Not sure if i should play on emulator on pc again or if there are gonna be probable hd ports on switch, maybe wait for those.

Oh, i thought you meant WW. It's actually pretty intense for an intro, if it really is one, there is no dungeon, but MM is not about dungeons.

I still don't get your point. OoT's intro and MM's from power on to playing are pretty similar and not very long... but the entire first cycle of MM is a big tutorial and you can't skip it.

the Deku Tree could be considered a tutorial, due to all the times Navi stops you to tell you things with very slow text boxes

I love this game, and I've tried replaying it on two different occasions, but fuck me does it drag its feet in the beginning. The training wheels don't really come off until after the fountain boss, and that's like three or four hours in.

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That's what i implied, they both could be named tutorials or not.

I love it, but that intro is just obnoxious.

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I timed how fast I could do the intro of Star Ocean 2 before the first "Dungeon" that Claude runs off to. I remember it being 45 minutes in total with me pressing X immediately and going immediately to where I needed to be to advance the scene.

Rena if I'm not mistaken took longer with all the self deposition.

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A remaster with the option to skip to outside town with the djinn (and have their not be a djinn tutorial) would be a welcome change

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It's a main dungeon of the game and the text boxes are inoffensively short. No longer than prompts which exist throughout entire other Zelda titles (WW has the infamous long as fuck cutscene showing the candles, for example). The game lets the player more or less "play the game" after they get the sword and shield. For the most part, all of the tutorial content in OoT is contained within the village and can be 100% ignored. MM's still just cannot. This isn't a matter of fanboyism or whatever-- regardless of which game someone prefers, MM has way more player confinement for the sake of teaching the player how things work.

I like the story that takes place in the prologue after watching the cutscenes for Days, but fuck that is such a slog to play through.

Rena skips the first dungeon as a result of that shenanigans, yeah

Dude, MM is not about dungeons, there are literally 4 dungeons and the moon is not a dungeon either. It's an overworld game with repeating the same shit.

Star Ocean 2 in general just loved to waste your time with scenes that went on way longer than they had to. I should replay it and take a drink every time a dialog box is preceded by a character taking a few steps in one direction, looking down for a few seconds, and then turning around before finally speaking. Luckily when the gameplay did finally hit you could spend a few hours in a single, huge dungeon without interruptions, so it balanced itself out.

Also, i unironically prefer the MM "tutorial", cause it basically gets you straight into action and shoves you the main plot and danger of the game into your face.

the tutorial was wonderful! fuck you!

a remaster to skip the redundant mess of dialogue that plagues this entire game. Holy shit if these characters don't know how to muse over a single hidden switch for 2 minutes before they give you control so you can cast reveal and watch everyone gasp before they re-explain psynergy for the 10th time

It's not just the tutorial. There isn't a single fucking scene in that game that doesn't go on three times longer than it should, with all the characters constantly repeating one another and the constant fucking emoting. As much as I liked the games, I could never tolerate a replay for more than a few hours before dropping it.

How did no one post this?

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Stop drinking the Golden Sun kool-aid.

Being stuck in a town and constricted to doing very, very, very few things is not "getting you straight into the action." Most of it should be spent skipping time because there's literally nothing to do after getting the fairy. It's a massive tutorial to figure out how time works. How fucking bad do you have to be to love sitting and waiting for so much empty time to pass?

final fantasy xiv

I stopped playing the game after the 1st arcade boss. Game sucks

Honestly only bothered me in NG+, but it's similar issue with P2IS, P3, and P6 intro being abit too long too. Thankfully P1 and P2EP are not too bad.

This is the worst intro in all of fucking video games

I actually like roxas' parts

Not really. When you're new it can be pretty bad, I agree, but once you've gotten used to the game it's fairly intuitive and can be gotten over with quickly.

Everything before Paula becomes a viable party-member is a painful slog

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It's easy mode to post JRPG's because they are slow burners by design. Post non JRPG's please.

the game is actually boring you just walk everywhere and talk to things. Its all so lazy even the battle sequence is sad. I cant believe I even spent the time to download the rom. Must be really hard to be a hipster.

Fucking ANY Harvest Moon game. Do you now how to use a watering can? You do? Let me show you anyway. You already figured out how to ship items from taking a short glance at your farm? Let me slowly explain how it works still. You know all the basic features of a Harvest Moon game? Here is how you save the game....

Metroid Prime 1

Same. I have no clue why people like it so much. I unironically liked undertale better

Story of Seasons Trio of Towns gives you the option to skip the tutorial.

I came here to post this. I'm glad to see someone else beat me to it. It's a fun game, but that intro.