Day 2 of Ramadan

>day 2 of Ramadan
Doing great bros, I already feel much better, what games you playing during the ramadan?

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I don't play video games

Day 2 for you? Where you live

>being an athiest homosexual but live in a mudslime cuntry and have to fast just so i dont get kicked out of the house and possibly even get killed

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Just played a few Csgo matches after Suhoor, I don't have much time during the day cuz school. I'll have much more free time when summer comes

Based and redpilled.

I sadly did not fast first day cause in progress of starting a new job. My anxiety is bad very bad atm

Why do people readily defend Islam but are totally acceptable with shitting on Judaism and Christianity.

don't worry man, just redo the previous day's fast before the next ramadan comes

You know why faggot

I'm replaying Katana Zero but I'm getting bored without having a timer. Where the heck is that damn speedrun update?

And feed a homeless man when possible

Show me a person that does this.

All religions are dumb.

>wake up very early
>gorge self
>go back to sleep
>go to work like normal because you're still digesting your early AM binge
How is this allowed?

Unironically playing the remake.
mubarak alaikum al shahar, Brothers.

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>be athiest
>dare to post terry himself

I played Breath of the Wild during Lent.

Last year I missed two days, did them later on and paid kaffarah

I always feed this one stray cat that comes in my backyard. Picky eater though cause she does not want dry food only stuff from can

Thankfully my family gave up all religion when they moved to Canada.

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based and rp

>be an ungrateful atheist faggot
>call your friends and family mudslimes
>surprised when people rightfully want you dead

but i love terry

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VtMB, Thief 2 & HoMM3

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Ramadan kareem brother. Replaying TW: Shogun 2. Not eating isn’t so bad but i have to say, no water, especially with my line of work, is tough. Pray for me, friends.

Based and redpilled

Based and righful murderpilled

Don't Starve Together

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Allah curse you

I spent most of the day playing Mahjong Soul, it helped me get through the fasting no problem.

How is it fasting if you can still eat at night?

Ramadan isn't just fasting, brother.
read the quran get closer to god.
الله يجبر خاطرك

Is this ironic shitposting or are there genuine people in here?


god luck with ur fast i am drunk ash shit right now just gonna go cook some bacon and sausages but all the best ot you no disrespect/

Fasting is the willing abstinence or reduction from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time. An absolute fast or dry fasting is normally defined as abstinence from all food and liquid for a defined period, usually 24 hours, or a number of days

Who does things ironically, you fucking faggot? Go back to twitter with your faggy trannyspeak

Are Muslims even allowed to play vidya?

damn what the fuck, I started fasting these week for fat loss, turns out it's also ramadan

kind of spooky

Fasting doesn't mean you can't eat/drink anything at all..?


Yes but you need to get your consoles purified by your imam and only run them on halal electricity

thread reported for terrorism

why wouldn't they?

LOL islam was made up by catholicism to fight kikes. mohammed was a boy-fucking retarded nigger

When does the hangry-lead bombings and shootings usually start?


>Muslim thread
>No fedoras laughing at magic turban wizard in the sky

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where do you plan on bombing OP?

eurotruck simulator.

Imagine actually believing this.

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Convert into chri

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I figured someone would have decided Islam forbid it for some reason

When you finally learn how to type.

>reeeeeeeeee don't bully my kike god

what do you mean muslim friend?


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Woah calm down anonohamed you're already getting mad on day 2.

>some people are dumb enough to willingly convert to islam
i guess they deserve whatever happens then
muhammad can suck my left nut lmal

of course muslims will deny it. the vast majority of them aren't aware. i mean, it's not your fault because most people, in general, aren't aware

well, lucky you. you are aware now

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they play a lot of FIFA
t. been around a billion saudis

Nigga, an imam can't have an absolute word on what's allowed or not allowed. People follow different interpretations but it doesn't mean we suddenly become like the amish

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It's a sign, Allah is calling to you

Westernized Muslims are actually pretty cool dudes

>no fucking little boys until 6 o'clock

i can't make it muslimbros

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>projecting this hard

Porn skyrim

redpill me on this religion

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Malaysia or Indonesia?

Saudis who go to the West are barely religious, I wouldn't count them as Muslims desu.

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I dare you to bomb our town OP.

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No thanks, Touhou fucking sucks

>Jesus is not divine in any way shape or form, nor is Muhammad (peace be upon them both)
>Equally confronts christians and jews in the Qur'an about letting go of their faith due to worldy reasons

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like the matrix LOL

based and redpilled

If pork was raised in halal conditions would it still be considered unclean? Genuinely curious.

don't forget to subscribe to pewdiepie op
he's the bomb

I always wanted to ask this. Are any actual Muslims actually upset by pork products and shit or is it whatever?

Endless spiritual fellation of Allah