Look at this stupid bitch!

Look at this stupid bitch!

Attached: nep.webm (720x1280, 1.62M)

Other urls found in this thread:


looking right at you op

I want to perform irrumatio on her.

delete all neps

You can just tell this game is total trash by looking at it but Japanese bugmen and contrarians on Yea Forums will defend it.

I would jump around with Nep. She looks like a good jumper.

> :)
what did she mean by this in the webm?

She should take the swimsuit off

>the ruffles don't fluff around when she sways left and right

Is it true Nep's game is developed by a mostly female team?


Attached: b8d1a636528e33fbeb324a7c38f965109e850d12.png (720x1010, 396K)

Character design and art is done by women.

ok but wheres the fucking sauce

Attached: gun goofy.jpg (1440x1080, 977K)

the publisher is, not the devs

Every lead except maybe lead programmer and lead composer are female.

Why don't you look at THIS nep instead?

Attached: 1530699951462.jpg (2048x1152, 408K)

The unedited picture is better.

imagine the smell bros........................................................


Shes giving user the doujin eyes

Her belly button doesn't even open up.

Why is she so sexy?

I want to have my way with her pits

Look bitch, stupid at this!

Attached: 1450756435030.webm (600x720, 1.28M)

Woman here. Just a heads up, we find this extremely creepy, and just downright wrong.

Attached: 1488450156_003098_1488461211_noticia_normal.jpg (980x600, 42K)

Gross. Post more Nep.

Attached: 1450757286692.webm (1280x720, 1.79M)

gee i wonder who could be behind this post

Attached: roasties.png (246x64, 39K)

I'd nep Nep in her nepper

Attached: 1550150409578.jpg (800x800, 158K)

Yeah. I'm still thinking you're creepy and weird.

where do i get this

Just keep bumping Nep's thread, tranny.

then leave lol

Attached: 1554731077500.gif (380x298, 368K)


Attached: image.png (509x330, 209K)

Attached: 1450782684845.webm (960x540, 1.19M)

is the English one out for Android yet?

Woman here. Just a heads up we find this extremely cute and adorable. We want to be smothered by cute anime girls.

Attached: Mizuno-san SAIKYO.jpg (608x611, 39K)

Polyamorous relationship with the Nep sisters!

Attached: DmAf9SnU8AAjIKG.jpg (809x1200, 137K)

Attached: 1461972144011.jpg (657x527, 68K)

p-please guys. just post some nep navels. i need this after a long day of work

Ugh, I guess she could cook and clean while me and my wife Nep do STUFF.

Attached: 1450763441592.webm (600x720, 2.85M)

You aren't a woman.

This but with lastation sisters

God I wish there was a full version of this.

Attached: 1546403957036.png (1136x640, 1.15M)

>Nepgear and Neptunia are different people
What the

Do people like women actors because of their vag and looks, or because they suit "women" roles better?

Woman here. I self insert as a smol anime girl who likes getting her tummy cummed on.

just dropping by to tell you that Plutia a shit

Its just an glorified alarm clock, user. Its free too.

Attached: 1548741718266.jpg (1169x1142, 93K)

God I hope we see more Neps in future Senran games. Imaine Nep in Reflexions.

fuck you, you cunt

Farewell user, I hope your affairs are in order.

Attached: byeeeeebyeeeee.gif (334x537, 1.74M)

Wouldn't it be funny if Nep was too lazy to put on clothes?

>nep's shinobi tenshin is purple heart

Attached: nep stare.gif (1200x720, 803K)

The entire fucking series is shit.

Fuck you, I'm not part of your creepy sisterhood. Nep is cute and fun. Go and whine about men on Twitter because none of them are touching your ugly, chubby, leg-bearded ass.

Attached: 1552511804395.jpg (492x388, 39K)

What a weird and creepy thread

women here. we made the character because we like video games to be fun

Attached: 1420260689242.jpg (800x600, 145K)

>post low rez shit
I got you nep nep nepfam

Attached: 1419797297779.jpg (1200x864, 613K)

fuck off bitch

Attached: bitch_about_to_get_told.gif (540x400, 898K)

>Toying with Purple Heart in the dressing room

Attached: 73676993_p0.jpg (708x1169, 694K)

Actually it's not uncommon for fujos to self insert as cute anime girls (much like western female[male]s do).

t. someone dating a fujo who likes this series

threadly reminder
Do not sexualize the nep

Attached: 1422450396246.jpg (1347x675, 238K)

Tsunako-san a cute. CUTE.

yooo what game i would buy it if i knew lol

>ywn tease Nep while she plays eroge

Attached: nep browsing steam.jpg (1680x923, 916K)

>tfw Nep is like 400 years old

Bet Nepgear has this on her phone.

I love Nepshit and am comfortable enough with my taste than I don't need to drown it in irony to avoid being mocked for it.

your reddit is showing
how can you not know nep
nepping newnep nepper

Attached: 1422558094271.png (251x220, 139K)

Attached: 1410107634420.png (600x850, 490K)

all of nep's mothers are cute

Attached: 1425191386210-1.jpg (225x339, 24K)

Then tell Nep to stop being sexy

Attached: 1546524249313.png (698x1279, 574K)

It's quite refreshing to play a serviceable jRPG with a fun premise. I wonder how much of the "going up against God" shit that happens is tongue-in-cheek, but they don't mock it in-game as far as I can remember.

there is nothing sexual about nep

Attached: 1420262262139-0.jpg (1000x944, 640K)

Of course they are.
Now let's also take a minute to appreciate that Nao is both stylish as fuck AND can actually hit those high notes in Nep themes naturally.

Attached: Nao has style.png (1366x768, 759K)

That is one fine Neptuna.

nothing sexual at all about her slender little body and cute warm lips

Attached: 1420262262139-2.jpg (1000x944, 632K)




Attached: 1431920700488.jpg (322x365, 24K)

you would have to be one sick son of a bitch to see anything at all sexual about nep being forced to eat eggplants

Attached: 1420262468532-0.jpg (1000x944, 753K)

>insulting ploots again
You better buy a jockstrap, cause your balls are in danger

Attached: plutia upset.png (1280x720, 947K)

post cute sisters

Attached: 1422183384497-1.jpg (1188x1500, 380K)

you're gonna end up mentally scared for life or worse

Attached: IrisHeart2.png (854x480, 489K)

rom and ram are my treasured daughters

make me you piece of shit.
ploot/IH a shit!

Attached: _neptune_neptune_series_drawn_by_disco_brando_4fe59dc1fe035bd90bb807b713256506.png (1488x1267, 754K)

Attached: 1422183384497-3.jpg (2871x3958, 1.43M)

Iris Heart looks so fucking good in that shot

Impure thoughts about Neps

Attached: 167415903.jpg (751x1169, 98K)

Attached: 1444705731621.jpg (732x1092, 181K)

you're not gonna like her when she's angry

Attached: 1423104721327.png (580x700, 341K)

God damn, I want to wake up next to Nep Nep with her wearing one of my shirts, that is baggy and loose on her tiny frame, smooch her on the forehead and cuddle for a bit. After we are done, I'll go downstairs and make us breakfast.

she's perfect

Attached: Step on me mommy.gif (500x281, 1.94M)

you sick fuck

Attached: 1420273342936-0.jpg (209x272, 17K)

I miss Nep face capture tool and anons masturbating to it

Is it no longer available?

you rang?

Attached: o-nep-nep-secretly-has-lewd-thoughts-about-eggplants-6361947.png (500x392, 94K)

delete this

Attached: 1423098772371.png (1300x1258, 1.38M)

i want to fill nep up with my baby batter

No tranny, you will never be a woman.

Imagine not picking the cute, shy nerd who is determined to achieve her goals no matter the cost.

Attached: NepgearGlasses.jpg (680x383, 62K)

>Nep doing anki
What the hell?

all neps need to be destroyed

By the cock

Attached: 5dc672806a43164b63eff43b1097d359.png (796x1182, 1.81M)

I want to kickstart the robot uprising with Nepgear

Attached: 5b864216e97c7e0bd1c1cc17398f6eca.jpg (1540x1400, 256K)

I just want to see them naked

How tight is little Nep?

Next time we get a spinoff, I want nep to be an annoying pixie who follows the main character. Probably another game in which nepgear's the protagonist.

Here take this
This is official art btw

Attached: 00c74d9e8afab84b12f0c6938530943f.jpg (4877x6950, 2.37M)

But Nepgear won't find that annoying. She'd just stuff mini-Nep down her bra to keep her safe.


Attached: C8F39C81-9515-4E48-9335-6B1298834CDE.png (331x6969, 193K)

>follows the main characters around
close enough

Attached: nepbike official.png (283x500, 131K)

Her being annoying isn't for the sake of the nepgear pairing, it'd be for the eventual headbutting between tiny nep and tiny noire when nepgear ultimately had to face her rival, uni.

Still want tiny nep but I recognize your point

Attached: shrug_iffy_by_nifriy_d9hlkeb-pre.jpg (894x894, 75K)


>masturbating to it

Attached: 1450756079663.webm (853x480, 2.89M)

man here. we don't give a shit about what you find, think or feel. go away.


Attached: nep098.jpg (1425x2008, 2.18M)

Attached: C9yQNegVwAAcgjB.jpg (1600x1400, 280K)

i need to lick those tummies and armpits

Look what I found!

Attached: DAuz5CjUMAAlaLu.jpg (2721x2195, 645K)

my wife (daughter)

Well too bad, shes mine now

That's not Nep. Nep doesn't wear a bra. She wouldn't even need to wear one in the first place. There's nothing to support.

She reverted from PH while on bed. Or plays with the idea that men like girls in cute/sexy underwear

my wife is not stupid

Attached: 1056361808656.jpg (530x599, 88K)

Stupidly sexy

Hey buddy get your own wife, this ones mine

Attached: 1544464055073.jpg (1024x576, 62K)

How come no one has ever just edited out her underwear?

Purple Heart? More like Perfect Heart

I'll take the green one, any objections?

>Implying anyone cares about her

Nep shipping reminds me of Haruhi shipping back in the 2006.
Very based.

Attached: d9c9f73477334fc593426b9510c54fcd.jpg (1000x563, 266K)

>pirate a game
>get a life sentence

Attached: 1554069068792.jpg (1920x1080, 373K)

Here's to another 7 years of nep threads Yea Forums

Attached: 2012v2.jpg (3000x2000, 2.56M)

that is just creepy
what is it with japs and greys?

Attached: 2e11312ec9bac0cd2ad42fa8798b3651.jpg (4916x2232, 2.05M)

Attached: Sex goddess.png (720x1184, 582K)

what is this video game about?

video games

it's one of the worst JRPGs to ever come out, so bad that they had to remake it for it to be remotely accepted as even tolerable, and even then it was seen as universally bad, and the second and third flooded themselves iwth so much fanservice that weebfaggots drowned out voices trying to warn people of how terrible they are.
It's sort of like senran kagua. Terrible musou but MUH TIDDIES and horny 13 year olds who could just as easily be looking at actual porn keep it afloat.

i was kinda expecting this because no one ever talks about the gameplay its just the pedophile baits

What the fuck is this chart, the style is just based off of cartoons from way back then and shit like Astroboy

Do you pedophiles really masturbate to this shit?

No, to this: youtu.be/X5FKNbI-NLc?t=20

Why are you even in this thread then

We also channel our inner weeb through the overabundance of the words pure and must protec followed by unironically laughing at corny humor as we attempt to enjoy life by acting like 14 year old girls who discovered anime for the first time.

Attached: Astolfo.png (270x270, 105K)

this guy is unironically not wrong

Because I saw someone asking about it on the front page, so I came in to reply to him and make sure he wasn't misinformed like I was when I bought this turd and was treated to a game that somehow managed to be worse than FF mystic quest.

You had to be born yesterday to think nep is "bad" compared to 70% of shit on the market

Look at this knockoff

Attached: file.png (1622x747, 414K)

i dont understand how you can live through that suffering

Attached: f85b3381.jpg (1002x1024, 271K)

Someone asking a retarded question like that can't be taken seriously and these games are nowhere near as shit as most of the stuff out there it's almost a meme at this point

It's terrible. I'd rather play the same exact call of duty they shit out every year and have for the last decade and a half than neptunia again, it's crash prone, terrible translation, overabundance of fanservice, a terrible plot, boring one note gameplay that tries to be unique but ends up knocking off xenosaga.
It has nothing. It's a mishmash of ideas and features.


Attached: file.png (1649x777, 583K)

Women are invalid. Please remove yourselves from this plane of existence.

Cringe but redpilled.
You 18-25 year olds should use Twitter less and achieve those hobbies you keep procrastinating from.

It is literally about video games you fucking mongoloid.

Where are the shirts were it's like a Daki but in shirt form

I love Neptune!

Attached: 1557024368235.gif (498x480, 2.29M)

would you?

Attached: 20160721023628_1.jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

You would.

Attached: 4ccfbcd6870724243155245ce2383f3b.jpg (800x1033, 396K)

Remove this male from my vision.

But user, she neps from there.

begone thot

Don't talk about my cute goddess like that

Attached: r-xJVNewugFln1Hx4p3etlhg7AEOtwKDnyISGsMNAMY.jpg (543x767, 97K)

gave me a good chuckle
should have ended it after the first 20 seconds or so though

Is this an app or what?

Yes, Hyperdimension Neptunia: The App. It's discontinued and replaced with Neptunia & Friends.

Attached: based nepfans.jpg (351x369, 26K)

That jiggle is mesmerising


You called ?

Attached: 5d6558f47221d4e2e52b55d24a0be189.jpg (3577x2547, 1.48M)

ram cunny best cunny

Attached: __ram_neptune_series_drawn_by_atair__f8dea9f97747a03df1eae6f97d259f1d.jpg (600x600, 172K)

The ugliest nep

imagine being gay like this guy.

Attached: 28792402_p0_master1200.jpg (600x675, 106K)

nep bum

The vilest nep

I want to feed nep

Attached: FD557A51-FE48-4E1F-BA46-1C99892BE6F4.png (2036x2414, 2.11M)

If you want to see more cute and sexy Ram, just say so! No need to be so tsundere.

Attached: 1538591946406.png (450x749, 293K)

I don't and no one else in the thread does either. Stop posting that thing

Thats just you faggot. Eat an eggplant

you're a big nep

Attached: 1525295210483.jpg (640x539, 80K)

Oh look her neck broke several times
What a quality model

There's plenty more Ram where that came from, friendo.

Attached: __ram_neptune_series_drawn_by_atair__0501712bbe9b8c5a02b8e16aafbf170d.jpg (750x750, 158K)

because she looks like 11

I request more of Lower twins

Fuck me and my phoneposting.

Good man. Here's a nice transformation sequence.

Attached: lolis transforming.webm (1260x356, 2.86M)

I wanna pick up Nep and carry her off somewhere.

what's the objective of this game?

Where to, user?

Attached: 1535668955670.jpg (512x512, 25K)

can i do lewd things

What is it?

I want to marry and impregnate Ram

God damn that's cute

Attached: 1549395544288.jpg (640x800, 94K)

Attached: based.gif (367x219, 523K)

Sorry user but her heart belongs to me.

Attached: __ram_neptune_series_drawn_by_atair__6ab9d64aa4a059c61f17e59c6a7fe469.jpg (659x907, 191K)

You'll never be a woman, you'll only be a creepy dude in a dress.

I dunno. Just somewhere. Figure I'll put her down eventually. Hopefully before Nepgear hunts me down.

Can I have her sister then?

Only if you treat her right.

Attached: 0c0235153f742a14fb7c8410781f4d7d910df75d_hq.jpg (800x884, 87K)

I promise I will. They're both wonderful.

Have you seen the Nanoha A's movie transformation scene? You would like it.

Attached: 9e785e35f670fd89ba6337dbeb847df3.jpg (450x450, 89K)

Indeed: youtu.be/QD8JgRsh5ro?t=117


ninja ninja

Attached: 1549328579767.png (2000x2700, 1.18M)

Sexy wife

forced hand-holding

I am literally going to marry Uni!

Attached: 30520218_p0.jpg (901x1007, 265K)

Same but Noire!

>this makes the dick become the big dick

You will never be a real woman, tranny.

hahahaha my wife

Is the first game on PS3 really that bad? I'm playing it now and despite looking and feeling a little primitive I'm enjoying it. The dialogue is very amusing and the music is great. Neptune is adorable. And Purple Heart is hot as hell. The others are nice too. I did hear something about shares though but not that far yet.

Attached: 1557092169957.png (480x349, 100K)

Attached: 1540286518607.jpg (400x500, 113K)

I am literally going to anally rape Uni until she can't walk for a week straight!

Attached: 1532248752607.png (850x1615, 1.32M)

She's already mine lads. back off.

Attached: nepnep marriage.png (2160x1080, 2.5M)

when's the next nyamota douijn?

Never, he just lives off patreon

imagine them getting blacked

hang yourself

>Ram getting teen pregnant with a black baby
I like it

Attached: 1531343667993.jpg (588x639, 94K)

Attached: 1550773573557.jpg (1500x1200, 187K)

I'd rather imagine them doing each other

Attached: 1541160322876.png (938x1175, 861K)

daily reminder that my wife nepgear did nothing wrong and is a good girl.

Attached: 393902489005.jpg (1280x1810, 334K)

>Wh*te """"""""women""""""
Fucking LOL!


My little murderer can't be this cute!

Attached: 1523672478110.png (859x930, 729K)

Anime girls are for punching, prove me wrong.


Attached: 1538960983218.png (1024x1536, 426K)

I'm going to lick Uni's sweaty body after succesfully getting her pregnant!

Attached: a77836d0d0845dd8dd064b6d80813633.jpg (1019x1500, 1.12M)

>Those finger nails
>That thigh squish for the leg strap and thigh highs
>That expression bordering on unhinged
Yandere Nep Jr does things to my dick

Attached: 8f1.gif (493x370, 352K)