Name a good sonic 3d game

name a good sonic 3d game

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Other urls found in this thread:

name a good sonic 2d game

Name a good sonic game

Sonic adventure, but only the overworld

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sonic heroes

Sonic Generations
Anything that isn't 3D Blast (still a 2D game) or Sonic 4

sonic adventure 1

Metal Sonic's Hooters Tour (Exclusive)

Sonic Spinball

Gets old after the first level. Same shit with nearly every 3D sonic game

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 and 2 battle.

Blue Sphere

You can generalize any game that way, idiot.

Rayman Legends


Who cares

Amy thread

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Why was Amy on Little Planet anyways?

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she followed Sonic there
Don't ask me how she got there when Sonic needed to run up a mile-long giant chain.

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Seeing as how my last post didn't generate a lot of discussion: let's end the debate once and for all.
Left or Right? Personally, I'm on team Right, as she has more personality, and is cuter.

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

SA2. All of the Sonic racing games.

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Sonic Generations
Sonic Mania
Sonic 2 mobile

/thread never return

both are cute

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it's literally a child
mature, refined, fuckable

Bros, I think I might love her more than Midna.

What do Amy's panties smell like?

What's the English word for "pure but also a tremendous whore"?

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Let's go.

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Name a Sonic game

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Sonic 3D Blast, but this is turning into an Amy/Rouge thread so why even bother.

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Please! Does this cutie-patootie look like a slut to you?

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Smelly bat

I want to FUCK that HEDGEHOG!

sauce quick cant find shit

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2

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I didn't say she was. I was just answering that guy's question.
Also this thread is so getting nuked.

Do NOT lewd her! She is for hugs and hand-holding only!

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what if you fucked amy in her tight hedgehog pussy
dont tell me that wouldnt be satisfying

Why would this thread be nuked?

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>it's literally a child
why is that a problem?

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Please don't, she's only twelve years-old.

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Look below you and you'll find out why rofl

Pedophilia is extremely unethical & a crime.

Why look at filth when you can look into her loving eyes?

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Hand-holding is among the lewdest acts a hedgehog can do, she deserves punishment.

fucking based

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Do NOT. She is taking a nap.

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Sonic Robo Blast 2
I'm serious.

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Name a Sonic

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Google "Sonic the Sissyhog Trilogy"

She needs 20ccs of cummies, stat! She's going into cummiac arrest!

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Would you eat them, even if her DNA was in them and it would turn you into a clone of her?

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I want a Sonic Heroes 2 that goes for the Advance 3 approach.

Essentially a 3D game where you pick and choose 3 characters with all of them having certain abilities that can help you go through certain areas or do certain things without being quite as intrusive as the first Heroes.

That's not how DNA works, DA...

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Well let's say hers does. Would you still eat them?

and the most based posts of may goes to these two. congrats guys. all 2d sonic games are bad except the rush games and rayman origins/legends has better flow and level design than any 2d sanic.

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Of course!

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Guud, uniq Amy, saving.

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>all 2d sonic games are bad except the rush games
You're funny.

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Rush Adventure


Prove me wrong

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nice thread

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Because it plays like a proper platformer. It also has villains that aren't taken extremely seriously and edgy. But Sonic fans don't like good design so they panned it.

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>Prove me wrong
Casino Park.

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>Amy will never love you as much as she loves Sonic
Why even live bros

It's a good platformer, just not a good Sonic game.

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But user you play as sonic, so by extension...

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Cool cat.

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Sticks > Amy

Attached: Amy.png (1280x1280, 300K)

Adventure 1/2, Unleashed and Colors
The entire classic trilogy, Advanced 1, Rush and Mania
Sonic Spinball

Roses, I would hope.

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*bangs head with hammer*
*tongue rolls out like a red carpet and my heart marches out of it with a cane*
*tie spins like a whistle*

You missed.

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Sonic Bagenerations.

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>There are people who would choose Rouge over this cutie.

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Attached: Rouge_school_kogal_style.jpg (678x960, 286K)

Because Rouge doesn't have a confirmed love interest while even if you bed Amy she'd just be thinking about Sonic the whole time

Looks like they had some of those chocolates...

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Sonic R

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I want PUMP my hot LOAD into AMY, if you know what I mean

I wish she was still voiced by Lisa, he new one I got used to but still prefer Ortiz over whoever voices Amy now

I like argento but wish he would stop doing hyper balls and cum suits and all that weird shit

I live how they keep letting her have panties and don't void her unless it's the olympic games

>cum suits

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Fucking christ how are amy, rouge, and blaze all so good?

He means condom suits. Basically she cums and it forms a condom around her cock making big cum balloons.

Thank you anons! I really needed the fap ;)

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I love that shit fuck you.



Hey man I didn't say it wasn't my fetish either

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Lost World is objectively the best 3D game.

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3d blast

I wish it was easier to find. There's this one gif from gelbooru where a dude cums in a girl's mouth and he pulls out and it's a filled condom and I love it but can't find it anymore.

That game is AIDS desu

Attached: AmyAdvance.png (2549x4409, 2.69M)

I would 3d blast amy rose if you know what i mean

You are playing the most mangled, broken version of this game

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
>b-b-but it's not a sonic game
It has Sonic in the title, fuck you.

Sonic looks like he's about to smack the shit out of that bird.

I'm still mad that Sega managed to make every release of SA1 worse than before.

Officially, none at all.

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I wouldn't mind it if it was mixed in with some other normal stuff but it's literally all he draws now and it's annoying and a waste of a nice art style, just like mode7


Alright post the goods, faggots

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Sonic Utopia.


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If you disagree you are a contrarian.

Why does this board love Amy so much?

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Uh, you mean you don't want to fuck Amy?

She is a 12 year old girl. Guess

Pure, unfiltered cuteness.

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God damn Amy is BUILT for human cock.

Simplicity, she calls you back to the days of innocence where the simple feminity of her was all it took to enamour you before you truly knew what love, and god forbid lust, felt like. The days before you had to go through a checklist of character traits and attributes to even consider a character in any form of media as worth your attention. The days where the mere sight of a female character was all it took to get your imagination going for hours on end. The days when there were only two tags at most for your porn searches instead of a thousand different caveats just to get it up. She is love in its purest form: immature and without substance, but there in all of its glory. I think the same applies to most people's first game crushes, and they never truly leave you.

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Amy is a shitty character. I don't know why you waifu her instead of someone better like Rouge or Blaze.

I think Sonic animal people mature faster than humans. Tails is "8", but can build machines and has shown to be much more mature than an 8 year old human kid.

someone post the before and after amy porn thing

She act like a girl before the YOU GO GIRL and all the other stuff that came with it. It pretty much look down upon these days, viewing it as a negative.

>you don't want to fuck Amy?
Not really. I'd rather share a coffee and talk with her.

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That and 2 did NOT age well.

Do you fuck with that pillow?

>fuck with
no sane individual would want to fuck him after seeing that.

Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Mania