Uh... meow?

uh... meow?

Attached: meow.jpg (1400x1050, 119K)

Other urls found in this thread:



it's all so tiresome

Attached: chickfilagirl3.png (479x557, 617K)

I'm in charge here

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

uh... FUCK OFF.


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Their choice of the song for the trailer was absolutely fucking retarded. I like the song but it doesn't fit at all. The trailer would've been much better with anything fitting.

Now this is the quality content I come here for.

Nice image user!

Yeah, it's like a Coolio biopic would have Sanic theme in its trailer. They might as well have used Baby Got Back.

Best they learn from the mistakes of others. Do not try for realism.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Maybe they chose it because its copyrighted up the ass and WMG demonetize EVERY video using clips of it?

Seriously, check out some of the retard youtubers reacting to their reaction videos getting demonetized for using coolio music.

>for coolio music
Holy shit, they won't let a damn thing slide now that music piracy is so rampant. Who even remembers coolio let alone remembers it?

>Who even remembers coolio let alone remembers it?

Attached: 1551510955817.gif (300x168, 285K)

*laugh track*

La creatura...

Uhhh... meowie

Attached: 3F20761F-0AA7-47B3-BB16-877C91A799C4.jpg (2048x1152, 631K)

They should have used a Bowling for Soup song, would have been a nice callback and fit better

>faggot still wont post more porn

it has be a chris chan reference.

>only posts one censored image

>black box

>Second trailer shows Jim Carrey playing Dr. Ivo Robotnik with a big black mustache while the song “Everybody Dance Now” plays in the background. His acting seems to be very good and will stand out in the movie.

if they have to use licensed songs then the trailer should have been a cheesy rock song like modern sonic is known for like "rock you like a hurricane"
alternatively they could have taken the snarky route and used one of the songs they sampled for the actual games (like marble hill zone is pretty much just youtube.com/watch?v=E7iXpTJk15s) or a MJ track on account of sonic 3 although im sure the licensing on that would be hell
theres so much fun shit they could have actually done but they didn't, and its honestly more disparaging than how awful the film actually looks that they don't want to have a drop of fun with the IP
i hate to use meme words but it genuinely feels soulless

Attached: 23451905.jpg (639x502, 38K)

what the fuck

he knew all along

>coolio biopic trailer releases
>ice cap zone starts playing

Attached: the glare.png (360x360, 84K)


Attached: robotnik.png (1500x844, 841K)

Hey dude, Jetzons were a good band
I love Hard Times

Probably can't go with mj because there was another round of slander recently.

Is that really meant to be the fucking ozzaru, I really aught to watch that shit one of these days.

thanks doc

i want to fuck this dumb buttslut

I mean it's kind of sad to think that YouTube of all things can now influence trailer song choice but I love seeing reaction retards suffer.

Tell me about Infinite
Why does he wear the mask?

What is wrong with Sonic fags, it can't just be pure autism like it HAS to be deeper than that

Attached: 1550220242907.jpg (600x800, 98K)

Attached: CIA.jpg (800x450, 218K)

Would it really have been that hard to find a clean music only version to sing in top of

Sales just went through the roof mere weeks ago after the train-related allegations were proven to be bunk, HBOs ending syndication of LN months before its originally planned, and international media is asking Reed basic questions he's struggling to answer. The only issue is that Sony aren't going to let the people they just had their movie rights bought from get an MJ song for cheap, especially as the 10th anniversary of his passing looms. They're ultimately the ones making bank when this inevitably bombs.

Attached: tomorrow ill ride eternal, shiny and chrome.png (1452x696, 1.97M)

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Who's in the ring?

Attached: sanic.webm (480x480, 2.9M)

That's Sonic from the movie Sonic (2019)


Attached: 1538566277446.png (817x646, 467K)

Sonic the Hedgehog

Attached: 09e1d32c58958dcca036b3b10746f698.jpg (1500x2000, 1.09M)

Ok lets guess the RT score
>critic 40%
>audience 55%
>"painfully generic production line movie that never explores its source material"


Sonic the Hedgehog and behind him seems to be a nude and very sexy woman.



Attached: dr. robotnik.jpg (712x359, 26K)

What are you meowing at?

Attached: file.png (712x616, 507K)

I'm freaking out right now

Attached: IMG_20190507_040518.jpg (1080x718, 132K)

Nah it's sonichu, didn't you see the lightning

>you promised to get me ice cream daddy

Attached: dca.jpg (800x400, 122K)

>Whaddya mean you wont fuck me? Listen, slowpoke, if I'm not full of your spunk in 5 minutes tops I'll make sure your whole neighborhood knows you fucked a shack scavenging animal. Now fill this spikey pussy, uh, I mean meow.

Attached: 1557161490208.png (1024x886, 952K)

Boku no pico

i still can't believe this is a genuine actual product and not just some deviant art submission or some shitposter's photoshop fake
the shit that photshops it with mascara like this really show how non-sonic this being really looks, it looks like some kind of bizarre fetish creation that was made by somebody who doesn't know how to make something visually pleasing, like that one shitty krystal model you see in shitty vore videos

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What do you think now?

Wtf I love sonic the movie now

Femboy Sonic is now Yea Forums's official mascot. Now look at his fat ass

anyone who disagrees will be instantly vaporized

Attached: sonic ass.jpg (1134x960, 53K)

I am unironically going to jerk off to this picture.
I am unzipping my pants right now
I am becoming turgid.

Attached: 15498765093.jpg (324x586, 36K)

>Not wanting him to be a boy so you can destroy his femboy bussy

Attached: pathetic.png (600x558, 379K)

Spread the word of femboy sonic, user. He WILL be Yea Forums's new mascot

Attached: ahegaonic.png (459x406, 213K)

k, keep me posted

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oh good lord
are there any more ass edits

Attached: mord.jpg (714x647, 107K)

>Femboy Sonic is now Yea Forums's official mascot.
It'll be FOTM shit like Bowsette was and you know it.

you dont understand how badly i want to fuck this thing.
how is shadman so FUCKING BASED?

Just genderbent Sonic, I mean is practically a new oc anyway

>femboy sonic
why not just make a fucking OC tomboy at that point?

>claiming Yea Forumss memes as your own

It's just a single person trying to force a meme makes it makes his pp hard, ignore him.

Femboy sonic would never catch on like Bowsette
Normies only like identical anime waifus, if it looks anything like Sonic instead of a generic bimbo, no one will care

It wont catch on cause you have to be far off into the spectrum to find this shit design by fucking Shadman appealing

>Wanting to fuck a hedgehog is more autistic than wanting to transform a giant turtle man into a woman and jack off to the idea that a bimbo used to be a man-turtle


Attached: sink.jpg (1400x1050, 682K)

You do know the director was on twitter defending HIS vision of sanic.

Because it's art and art can never be wrong, it's your interpretation that's wrong...also the rest of the world is wrong...but he's right. (I wish I was making this up )

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Both are autism but Sonic as usal takes the cake

>wanting to fuck a humanoid hedgehog with tits and penis is more autistic than a generic anime girl with horns


this thread made me finally watch the trailer

looks like yikes

>Yea Forums


>Skipping over the TF autism
Don't act like you aren't a freak. The whole appeal of bowsette is that she's a TF of bowser, otherwise you'd jerk off to the literal billions of other actual women on the internet

Attached: 1556641661775.png (810x747, 1.2M)

fuck off faggot

We need another /fur/ge

Attached: 01E10593-CE7C-470C-9405-87B6CAB1AAC7.jpg (400x341, 28K)

Oh, I like this

I didn't care for that shit, literally already mentioned in this post that normalfags wouldn't like it cause its just uncanny tranny sonic without the transformation excuse
Not like these people jerked it to regular Bowser with shopped tits

Honestly doesn't look that bad when you cant see his teeth

I just figured it was a 90s nostalgia thing. Even Jim Carrey being Jim Carrey again felt 90s. Just speculation. Gangstas Paradise, Sonic, Jim Carrey just makes me think so

>Obligatory both characters scream at eachother moment

Attached: DRhiZSAXcAE3N-D.jpg (962x695, 94K)

Yes it does because nothing fits. It's like some Frankenstein monster with monkey face, anime eyes, animal ears and human teeth.
The body is the same holy shit who signed off on this for a non horror movie...

>Not using can't stop by red hot chilli peppers
The late 90s had thousands of better song choices

Don't ruin Winnie from Hotel Transylvania by contorting this abomination to look like her.

Attached: D571fTsUcAIjIwo.jpg (1026x679, 109K)

Reminds me of the early 2000s trend of taking a cartoon character into the real world, like Garfield for instance.

Attached: 1350547319014.jpg (300x300, 18K)

Yeah definitely and certainly many other fitting choices than Paradise. But again it's just a hunch.

you actually like the peppers?

I said I wanna marry you :)

Attached: 1556351069598.jpg (626x625, 112K)

Ey bitch, yo food gettin cold

Wtf man, this shit is making me into a furry

Yeah. Still surprised me that Bill Murray did that. I prefer the Roger Rabbit method of having cartoons and people interacting myself
Not him but the song might have fit better I suppose. Not like I know a damn thing about music. I haven't listened to shit for fun in years. Slowly going deaf suuuuuucks

Who told you to sit down?

I know it’s a bit of a meme but I like Bill Murray’s quip about that in Zombieland.
What’s up with the deaf thing? Can you do things to treat it?

Don't look up oystercatcher7

How wrong you are.

Attached: 1556857543457.png (276x295, 172K)

Psychic pebbles already predicted this movie.


You're absolutely correct. This edit actually got me having pangs of excitement over this tire fire of a film. Silly cock rock is an integral Sonic ingredient. I don't know who okayed Gangster's Paradise. It's no un-Sonic, it's like they did it on purpose.


>All gothsanic listens to is Girlfriend but it's the version thats poorly translated into japanese


Attached: 1234443297_ken_park_suicide.gif (320x234, 1.23M)

I kinda like how Shadman's fucked up proportions and artstyle fit very well with movie Sonic

Attached: 1557150677143.jpg (800x705, 97K)

And I forgot the picture. I'm too tired. Night anons.

Yeah I was reminded of that too. Nah I'm almost completely deaf. It's cool though. I can still hear brace fencer Musashi music in my head whenever I replay and that's fine enough

Now I'm off to bed

Attached: unforgivable.jpg (800x450, 45K)

fuck it. Movies are all shit nowadays. All these animators should just defect to making high quality animated porn. They would make much more then they do working for jews.

this our meme now white boy

lol so overdone, its usually dumb kids that were shy or quiet too

>song featured from dragon's dogma
>not any of the hit tracks from adventure 2
is sonic just cursed or something? do people throw logic out the window whenever they're developing anything related to the franchise?

Sonic The Hedgehog

The point of the edit was to make it look like one of those re-cut Japanese trailers of western films. Into Free works really well in this regard. Jun Senoue would've been too westaboo.


Attached: 1529142184195.png (1280x1611, 3.41M)

yeah but it still just doesn't seem good. Maybe it's because of dragon's dogma conflicting with sonic in my mind but I'm not entirely too sure

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Goodnight, user. I hope they cure deafness one day. I don’t know how I’d be able to live with it.

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Deep Toot

It’s Monday night/Tuesday morning, faggot. I’m just unemployed, get it right!

>sudden electrical powers
>the trailer song


How does CWC continue to do it?

I heard our guy Angry Joe made them fix sonic

You mean "Pissed Off Paco"?

Is that supposed to be the werewolf loli from hotel transylvania.

I'm so used to this shitty design I don't even want to see it changed

Same thing I said. She's adorable.

Every single other decision in the movie is equally as shit as Sonic's design, might as well have everything match.

It's like being invited to someone's home and everything is covered in feces, and the host says "Oh I'm sorry" and cleans off a single chair for you.

You mean 4 tonnes in 4 hours?

Attached: let's try on these nightmare vision goggles.png (631x578, 503K)

seriously stop posting this one its terible

Sonic dumbass

They had to fulfill the prophesy.

Attached: sonic movie.jpg (423x600, 29K)

You some kind of gay?

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This is all an elaborate scheme by Nintendo to get back at Sega during the Nintendo vs Sega mascot wars.

Nintendo have planted special state actors posing as retarded Sonic fans to taint the fanbase. Hence the rise of Chris-chan, the nothing personell meme, and the likes.

You may not know it, but Chris Chan is a Nintendo actor who is being paid tons of cash for ruining Sonic with Sonichu.

Then, they've been sending in double agent game developers who've taken every opportunity possible to sabotage Sonic's game, further ruining the franchise. What was the last good Sonic game made that involved the main Sonic Team? Exactly. Games like Sonic 2006, Sonic Boom and Sonic Forces were designed in mind to damage the Sonic brand with preposterous and tiring game design.

And now.... we come to the sonic movie. Looking at Sonic's design here, no sane human with a pair of two working eyes can find movie Sonic to be appealing in anyway possible. This is exactly Nintendo's plan. They've sent in secret operatives who soon got in charge of designing sonic for the movie. These operatives purposely made Sonic as horrid as possible so that consumers are disgusted by it, therefore drawing more attention to the cute Detective Pikachu movie releasing in a while continuing to damage the brand image Sonic has cultivated...

Bros, I've revealed a huge conspiracy and I don't think I'll have much time left before the Nintendopolice barge into my home. Just know that the destruction of Sonic was brought upon by Nintendo. They were the deep state that everyone should have been worrying about from the start. We must overthrow these shadow Nintendo government and make sonic great again.

Attached: help.jpg (798x420, 31K)

what, I haven't seen that shit movie in a long while, but I thought that was piccolo's form


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Why the fuck did this give me a boner?

Attached: 1549916483261.jpg (480x480, 47K)

The Hero writes it and the Elder Scrolls record it!

I DONT want to fuck a hedgehog

ha furfags



That's all this movie has done - make me listen to Amish Paradise every day and sing it to myself whenever I get a chance.

This must be what it's like to have schizophrenia

it was an edit and a reddit picture no less

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>circle tool head

Attached: A420DF81-F150-4778-A734-B928B7B6B1EA.gif (600x600, 741K)

good shit

Attached: lmao.png (786x814, 441K)

Their kid better zing so hard for the werewolf girl that his dick explodes.


I think the artist is Doppel.

Not knowing this was by

Thanks user

If you don't, she'll(?) tell everyone you did.

Attached: Sweet.png (640x480, 242K)



Attached: sonicthethothog.png (1457x606, 530K)

post more sexy sonic edits


>that song

Attached: foo-fighters-best-of-you-traduzi.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

they pussied out when that image leaked and slapped the CGI chimp over it in post, that's one of the many reasons it looks so bad

Attached: evolution_oozaru.jpg (396x296, 40K)

Google "Sonic the Sissyhog Trilogy"

I'm about to update it

nigga what the fuck



Attached: bite.jpg (850x1202, 233K)

I actually retched in real life

Would be hotter if Sonics dick wasnt bigger than most of the robots

Bravo SEGA.

Do Sonicfags honestly find these edits attractive? Absolutely disgusting.

Attached: 1526864921932.png (434x245, 189K)

The prophecies, they're coming true...

Thanks for reminding me how dope the B'z are

ive never wanted to fuck anything from sonic until now i hate this

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Attached: Eggineer.png (432x395, 189K)

Thank you i want to puke now

Attached: 8rgt.png (1128x632, 736K)

>mfw this is actually kind of hot.
Give it to me straight Yea Forums ...how fucked am i?

Attached: 235456.jpg (864x622, 130K)

Even if they "fix" Sonic the movie will still be shit.

Attached: 1556630368333.png (1031x466, 562K)

Why do I have the sudden urge to cum in her(his) asshole? I wanna, spread it, gape it, taste it, smell it, love it.

Google "Sonic the Sissyhog"


Attached: sonic_movie.jpg (511x463, 117K)

I understand they want niggers but jesus that one and the black girl in this Sonic movie look hideous and terrible at acting, at least blacks like Eddy Murphy were funny

I have never played a sonic game or engaged with the fandom at all and I like the edits.

Attached: 1556987012756m.jpg (1024x619, 57K)

you delet right now

Attached: 65bcf90f-9c11-4582-b1d5-d71158797549.jpg._CB289175519_.jpg (1024x683, 40K)

Stop that.

This is the worst thread on Yea Forums

Attached: _Lucina.jpg (1024x1024, 98K)

This is the best thread on Yea Forums

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Please, don't make me nostalgia about the early 2000's
it was a horrible time

fuck off shilling you shitty fanfic faggot

Attached: 1555120471860.jpg (1000x1168, 291K)

>I’m just unemployed
haha loser is what i wish i could say if i wasn't a jobless loser also

>tfw you recognize the artist
I hope they post more on their "secret" tumblr after pornhub hopefully acquires it

I have a retarded cousin that spouts something like that every thursday when I visit him. I love my retarded cousin, thank you for reminding me of my boy

>literally looks like a kid with fur

what were they thinking

Does Hollywood live in a bubble?


Attached: 1552506095015.gif (480x270, 3.39M)

I would rather play as movie sonic on team sonic racing than big the cat and omochao.


Is this one supposed to be Amy?

rent free

Sometimes i do homework in a cafe where a lot of homeless people frequent, and you will often overhear conversations that flow exactly like this post. Very entertaining

>Post 2015
Jesus christ, did the movie producers know of this and just used the song as a severely autistic reference to chris chan?

Why the fuck are we losing our heads over this, this is literally what Belle Delphine does every month when she needs to cash in those Patreonbucks. It's just fucking eyeshadow and mascara you dolts, don't get fooled; you could probably achieve this look too if you tried hard enough.

Attached: 1538850340_Cat-Keyhole-Bra-cosplay-ahegao-belle-delphine-4421467.jpg (720x960, 71K)


Attached: AHHHHHH.jpg (625x571, 46K)

yeah but belle delphine isnt a shortstack rule 63 of sonic the hedgehog

I personally don't give a fuck.

I jerked off to this girl one time even though she's really not my type and that face she keeps putting on makes me want to go grab the squirt bottle. It was alright.

Gotta cum fast

She's so repulsive. I think her fans areas bad as bronies.

same user

Attached: 1543943465577.jpg (695x402, 50K)

just realized I have some b or even c tier sonic memes

Attached: 1525915875159.jpg (223x314, 49K)

Oh yeah, that happened.

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Attached: IMG_20181212_211148.jpg (566x582, 58K)

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How exactly did a niche game that hasn't been relevant in over 2 decades spawn such a disproportionate amount of autistic furfags?

Asking seriously. Like, Pokemon has deviants, but proportionally they're the overwhelming minority. Sonic has a following unlike any other. Why?

Attached: 5af3d119a0af4d5-a-nw-p.png (1024x590, 886K)

fucking hell

That would imply that he had written the lyrics down in advance and had any sort of sense of rhythm.
He's clearly making it up as he goes as evidenced by him losing his place multiple times and just mumbling incoherently.

In the 90s it was actually a big deal, a mainstream icon bigger than the current state of Mario. 90's Sonic would be the equivalent of Pikachu in the current era.
Then when the Saturn flopped and their attempts to drag it into 3D were a disaster, the only people left playing the games were hardcore autists. What happened next seems to be that SEGA recognised their only audience were autists and started literally catering to them. So now here we are.

>but proportionally they're the overwhelming minority
The fuck are you talking about?
Porkyman is the biggest tag on r34.



Attached: 1555455600566.jpg (403x710, 52K)

>Home alone on friday night again? Geez you're pathetic.



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a daring synthesis


Attached: BTFO.png (749x320, 199K)

that's pathetic

belle needs to fuck off
stupid anglo cunt
i would kms if she was my daughter



>Do Sonicfags honestly find these edits attractive? Absolutely disgusting.
not a sonic nor shadman fan but GOD damn. femsonics got something going for her.


>Google "Sonic the Sissyhog"

Attached: 1501389183254.jpg (860x459, 35K)

>stupid anglo cunt
shes South African born

nice cope sonicfag

She's playing you like a damn fiddle, user. She knows it annoys you and that you'll happily advertise her Instagram for free because of it.