Anime avatar

>anime avatar

Attached: 1556701994590.gif (200x200, 3.89M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: itm_2015-02-10_06-22-27_1.jpg (500x500, 221K)

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>vince posting

Attached: 960 (1).jpg (960x620, 40K)



What makes a good avatar? Pic related is mine, and I feel it conveys my personality pretty well

Attached: number city.jpg (184x184, 8K)

I do it to piss people off, thanks for validating me

how did they still let him fight after that one?

Daily reminder: anime leads to tranny faggotry.
No joke.

This is mine

Attached: 1528067924468.png (300x300, 3K)


this is very true
t. tranny faggot

here it is, what do you guys think?

Attached: d9e17d4ad68a236531f277690f7438ab.png (900x900, 755K)

this is mine

Attached: 1555436066224.jpg (719x718, 95K)


>ahegao avatar

Attached: 1519611193077.png (506x643, 489K)

>Ttw I specifically target the animefags in vidya

Just don't be mentally weak

Not OP, and I hate wrasslin', but Vince is reaction goldmine

Attached: 1550754868948.gif (171x141, 911K)

>vidya avatar

Attached: box.jpg (513x512, 36K)

>sphere with melty green liquid on top.jpg

Attached: c55 - Copy.jpg (300x266, 31K)

this is mine

Attached: sonic.jpg (256x242, 32K)

how can i not be mentally weak

Attached: 1501430659675.jpg (649x621, 168K)

>anime avatar
>pepe avatar
>wojak avatar
If you see anyone with this, they're guaranteed to be an autistic attention-seeker and/or tranny.

Attached: l0l.jpg (500x500, 47K)

Have you tried not being a tranny

>that one guy who posts a smug anime girl

Attached: 1556665519663.jpg (329x399, 20K)

>halo posting
Sleep tight dead franchise.

>master chief avatar

Attached: 1522266951790.gif (346x263, 945K)

im not a tranny but i wanna wear grills colthes and be dominated and sexually abused by men
im getting a boner just thinking about it
and im aware thats probably the effect of being exposed to so much hentai and pornographic materials

>being on an anime website and complaining about anime

Good taste, wanna fantasize about getting fucked in an alley together?

Attached: 1464733124535.gif (400x225, 1.67M)


Attached: 1535764272136.png (533x548, 341K)

>that guy with a wojack or frog avatar
I immediately target the mentally retarded.


Attached: 1487779932105.jpg (500x1200, 132K)

>not anime avatar

Attached: 1487574165153.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

>be on Yea Forums
>site replicating japanese imageboards
>complaining about anime avatars
Back to twitter you go you filthy game journalist.

why? so you can have a fair fight?

Post your pfp and people rate it

Attached: F57B32CB-B929-450A-9E05-116E089D2D05.jpg (1800x1600, 306K)

nice but intimidating

>muh animuu website!

times change, boomer.

Attached: 9ae.jpg (1024x521, 43K)

>Play QP on Smash
>Anime girl avatar playing Pichu/Wolf/Lucina

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 12.39.05 PM.png (64x56, 5K)


thats certainly sounds interesting...

Attached: 590603a7ad9b99c0e1abba003c8c6742 (2).jpg (712x712, 96K)

>anime girl avatar in smash
What did he mean by this?

Attached: Mugen-samurai-champloo-19839405-1200-873.jpg (1200x873, 557K)

heres mine c:

Attached: 1524496620014.png (500x500, 336K)

>yellow fever

Attached: 1557195839684.gif (200x250, 2.16M)

>puts "is back!" in his name like someone knew who the fuck he is

Attached: seriously-nigger-1401511.png (500x853, 206K)

This is mine after a nice drawfriend did it up for the /tg/ bloodbowl league

Attached: asapgobbo.jpg (1000x989, 354K)

A lot of WC3 and Dota 2 weirdos did this

>A reddit nigger got so salty he made that pic
Yea Forums is, was and will alwys be an anime website

Attached: 1557009917332m.jpg (1024x895, 71K)

make love wap

Attached: 1555087145010.png (770x774, 717K)

Attached: 1543638181382.jpg (1024x1002, 153K)

yeah man, a lot of mentally ill fags these days name themselves like "depression", "sad", "alone", etc. Like what the fuck, who cares about you sad faggots?


Attached: 1515288649534.png (772x2344, 774K)

Animefags are tied with furfags for #1 most obnoxious shitheads, it wasn't always like this

Attached: Yotsuba Lewd Mod Reply.png (1554x422, 86K)

"anime poster's perspective" is 100% correct.
Also every cancer in this site can be traced to anti-anime normalfags.

>feeling threatened by anime girls

Attached: 1537481628259.jpg (480x544, 24K)

>says the gamergate invader
lmao stay upset faggot

Attached: mt.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

>says the elections tourist

>being gay
>watching anime
Pick 2

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

xD Yotsuba so pure amirite fellow Yea Forumsros lolololol upboted to reddit fellas :)

Been watching anime for a long time, mainly watch cute girls and lolis. Never once even given the consideration of thinking about being the girl.
>Cute girls are cute because they're cute girls.
>Men are not girls and can never be girls. If there is a penis attached, that's a man.
>If you need to dilate, you're a schizophrenic man with an axe wound
>I don't want to bang a guy, that shit's hard gay.
>Don't want to fuck with my body's genetics because that's retarded
>Don't want to wear girl's clothes because, again, that's gay. I'd rather put girls in girl's clothes of my choosing
>Will never see trannies as anything more than glorified schizos
>I just like cute girls being cute and that's that.
How does anime lead to tranny faggotry since the only way this seems to be the case is if you are already mentally ill?

Attached: Discord.jpg (1080x812, 206K)

>that ESL mod post
Ah yes, of course it's spic mod aka "kami". I've never met a more autistic, ban happy mod than him before. He's also from a country with an average IQ of 80 lol

Well you''re a pedo so you're already mentally ill, retard.

Attached: 1554576787046.jpg (552x524, 25K)

Here's my avatar

Attached: shamo.jpg (500x500, 51K)


Not having an anime avatar means you're gay, and as always, OP is a fag.

Attached: 1557179403581.png (462x562, 376K)

So emo~

Attached: 1526885687437.jpg (305x285, 29K)


Attached: 1502181950874.jpg (341x307, 18K)

>guy with anime avatar appears and proceeds to dominate the game

Attached: 1531951510750.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

At least I'm not some incel posting little girls. Are you also into traps by any chance? You fucking dork.

Attached: banos.jpg (768x1280, 83K)

o he mad.

Attached: 1495834393169.png (559x638, 284K)

>cute girls
Well you're already mentally ill, for one. Anyone who watches moeshit is generally a mentally ill loser.

Attached: get out.jpg (640x960, 87K)

But people who have a anime avatar are garunteed literal trannies or fags

Attached: 1540951274178.png (450x393, 173K)

What do japs think about weebs? It can’t be good.

Here's mine.

Attached: strawman.jpg (815x1087, 697K)

Shut up nigger

Attached: 1530502542542.png (1280x720, 868K)

Please don't post photoshopped images of my wife.

If you don't like anime, go back to plebbit where you belong, you fucking faggots. Stop shitting up my board with your normie faggotry.

t. Tranny

anime posters crave attention

I'm married to a woman and have two kids.

Attached: 16012cdac9c32283355a39b88c6c5f3d.png (920x1061, 648K)

>calls others incels

Attached: 1503824430606.jpg (676x676, 95K)

rofl anime trannies are so ez to trigger I should do it more often.

aslo see you in 3 days for avatarfagging newfriends

Attached: 1550938112737.jpg (464x618, 58K)

Nice fanfiction faggot.

>anime avatar
>absolutely dogshit at the game
>always tries to steal items
>has a hissy fit in chat when their own shit for brains gets them killed
look if you are going to be a stereotype at least pick a positive one.

Attached: !JEB.gif (280x211, 1.92M)

>sports avatar
>celeb avatar
>e-celeb avatar

Attached: 597.jpg (210x240, 19K)

sad if true

>homestuck avatar

You're either a tranny, an incel or worse, a prison gay incel who's into traps. This os true 99% of the time. You are literal filth that has to be gassed kek.

Attached: weeklytubeshow.jpg (416x312, 19K)

>t. Schizos

>wwe shit on an AEW board

Attached: Yuka seeing some shit.jpg (1200x800, 114K)

Legitimate fags are less gay than weebs.

Attached: (1183x1185, 160K)

Attached: __reiuji_utsuho_touhou_drawn_by_asakura_noi__8464a8ff0c5c963cb036fcf692727e36.png (826x900, 594K)

t. Mentally ill soon to be crossdresser sòycel

Attached: you.png (497x617, 15K)



Attached: 1556153263099.jpg (600x600, 51K)

based and AYAYAYApilled

Attached: 1556783117687.jpg (1616x1080, 207K)

>Anyone who watches moeshit is generally a mentally ill loser
Yet its the shonenshit that gets all the tranny and SJW attention.
Don't you have to bitch more about a character showing some boob since she's 17?

Attached: (slow heavy metal music playing).jpg (640x614, 40K)

How dare you use Rapeman while spouting such shit opinions.
>moe is for trannies
>yet they bitch about moe's existence all the time because it never appeals to them
They're a bunch of braindamaged retards that watch entry level shonenshit

Attached: Can't stop the loli train WOO WOO.gif (370x360, 704K)

>Not recognizing mastur cheef
C'mon user

What kind of autistic piece of shit cares about anime or banime lol
ERPing is stupid as hell but this site is stupid so who cares

Attached: azukipfp.png (815x701, 686K)

>Mentally ill soon to be crossdresser sòycel
Literally how schizo tranny? Maybe you should learn to read before you start spouting shit?

Look at this board's tranny and trap threads. Most images consist of avataring moeshitters like you. Moeshit is literally for mentally broken people lmfao.

Attached: 1538456828492.png (297x288, 76K)

who are you quoting

Attached: Rtrt0Jr.jpg (640x789, 136K)

shut the fuck up and post avatars

Attached: LUIGI_REAL.png (600x574, 350K)

Attached: __reiuji_utsuho_touhou_drawn_by_dai_tou_ben_liu__a2d1e12884d11c993aa4c991f11a4619.jpg (2362x3543, 597K)

Attached: 40b.jpg (225x225, 10K)

Attached: __reiuji_utsuho_touhou_drawn_by_oshiaki__3415b3cbf95ac159fde16c15a5deb3e2.png (1100x1500, 1.6M)

>Moeshit is literally for mentally broken people lmfao
Yet I've made it perfectly clear that I'm not mentally broken. All those trap and tranny threads just disgust and disturb me. Also did you miss the part where I called trannies "glorified schizophrenics"?
Clearly I don't fucking like them.

t. tranny that ERPs online
You're pathetic bro

Attached: __reiuji_utsuho_touhou_drawn_by_toutenkou__f199bb1a981f449dca73cea7687411f8.jpg (1988x1336, 183K)

Attached: 7356EF2F-4261-4C34-9527-7A608B92DF58.jpg (887x444, 103K)

I'm a huge weeb but people with anime avatars are usually human trash