Risk of Rain 2 Roster

>10 total slots
>6 already confirmed
>4 slots remaining
>at least 1 is guaranteed to be a newcomer
>Bandit is already mostly complete
>2 slots remaining
Who is getting cut? Will Hopoo add more character slots?

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Other urls found in this thread:


if the game stays popular, i could see them doing some dlc for it and adding more characters. Personally hoping for more characters with swap-able weapons like Mul-T

i just want acrid or chef back

ok who gonna host NA? :)

>Who is getting cut?

Attached: lonely acrid.png (1004x696, 54K)

>merc already in the game
we already in this

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So is this the thread now?

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US East Vanilla

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>spend eight minutes grinding for the red chest as engi
>it's the one that buffs your shift skill to have 3 uses
>engi cant have more than 1 bubble active at any given time
gee, thanks

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One slut left

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HAN-D is cut for sure and we know it

being able to throw a bubble up at any point is really nice

Is there an achievement or something for not spending money? I swear I've played with like 10 people that don't understand opening chests

>ror1 main is confirmed /in/
I am ready to jew once more

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I can't imagine acrid, chef, or hand working. Merc barely works because he can double jump and airdash, but the rest of them never had any real aerial killing options. Maybe if acrids spit became his main.

Wouldn't Hand's drones do the job for aerial killing?

They aren't efficient in the least for it.

Also I take it back, Chef can totally get in. I forgot he literally threw his weapons.

what happened to that data about someone named "bomber"?
engie's M1 sucks and is a pain to use. I'd like someone with a rocket launcher as their main weapon. Kinda like mageslut, low RoF but high damage.
Imagine stacking syringes and Allah Akbaring everything

risky 1 host when

Attached: 8yiueka8ue101.png (687x778, 445K)

They're combining Acrid and HAN-D to a bug that spawns bugs that shoot poison.

No one is really gone.

how does he know this

played around three games of this before refunding. found the combat to be absolutely mindless. aiming at shit while holding down mouse1. you could move around a little if you wanted but it didnt matter cause you would get healed instantly anyways. i also got many of the same items all three rounds so the looting wasnt very exciting either. especially considering the fact that people just stole every item they could see leaving me in the dust. i looked at the item list afterwards and i had already seen a majority of the items after barely playing it. it also felt like shit that they didnt have randomized map with a clear goal, instead of just 4 small maps where youre supposed to run around like a headless chicken looking for a teleporter. you had the option the fight shit while looking but for every enemy you killed, another would spawn behind you making it entirely pointless.

if this game was more like isaac, where you actually have to actively dodge shit, and losing health is a big deal. i would probably had enjoyed it more. to me there's nothing worse than a game so easy that you can just alt-tab and browse youtube during your game.

my final game lasted was around 30 minutes long before i just hit exit since i wasnt enjoying it in the slightest. so dont tell me i didnt play enough for the game to get hard. if i have to wait more than 30 minutes for any sort of a challenge im fucking out of there.

okay but why are you telling us this?

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I'm open to playable beetle queen

What color is engie is he blue or is he purple i need to know

Hardlight Afterburner is literally a top 3 red item for Engineer, because you can have infinite bubble.

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I really fucking hope that miner makes /in/

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People were talking about Reaper as a guest, and I'd definately play him.
Not sure how to make him distinct from bandit or commando, though.

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I'll finally be able to play other survivors after finishing this up

Attached: Prototype_FemMerc.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

p sure he has a cameo as an item

>that file name

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ROR2 US host when?

If they cut Acrid I'm gonna refund the game.

My boy is not getting cut, shut your whore mouth.

Did he finish that mod already?

Very nice.
Will there be a nude version?


NA Monsoon, join in lads

Did I miss the skirtless Ryuuko or did you not get around to do that?

Ya missed it
There's versions for with and without the attachments.

Attached: SKIRTLESSRYUUKO.webm (1280x720, 977K)

Do you think it's possible to implement some sort of skin switching system with how the game is made?
Having to choose which mod I want before I even launch the game is already going to be bad enough with Ryuuko and Femmerc, if you have similar alternative skins for the other characters planned it's going to be hell.

Absolutely not saying you shouldn't be making such alternative skins, by the way.

1 more slot

Whoa this is sick!
Do you still have a link for the Femme Merc completed? I only saw you/him working on it.


I think the most efficient way to do it is to just post the unity data files and give people the ability to pick and choose what they like. I'm still figuring out how to organize things along with previews. Likely just going to be a mega folder.

>had to reinstall steam
>my savefile got corrupted
>tried to edit a new savefile to get the stuff back, it got instantly "corrupted"

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Oh fuck, you're truly a god.
Do you plan on making a twitter or newgrounds account or something, where it's easier to keep track of your releases?

It's not done yet. I'm still deciding on how to fix certain things. And I'm probably just going to save normal mapping for later

What's to say we won't be getting more survivors post release? Sure it took a while for Chef and Loader in RoR1, but given how well RoR2's been doing they gotta be stepping their games up, right?...Right, anons?

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I was kinda hoping for a way to do it ingame. Not saying I expect that from you, but that someone could make such a mod.
How'd the unity data files thing work? Would you have to build them yourself? With the resources.assets file you kinda just get a full package.

Word. Well good stuff, though! I always check these threads. Did you learn all your 3D work from a school or did find guides? I can't rig to save my life

Gib Miner

hopoo pls

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Today I will remind them.

Attached: RemindedReminder.webm (976x549, 2.99M)

>The music manages to capture the old feel and sound unique at the same time
I'd have to disagree on both accounts. The only song I can really remember is the menu theme, that I'll agree keeps the old feel, but the rest are just... really mellow and quiet. In RoR1 the music would pick up even when not in a boss battle, now it picks up ONLY during a boss battle. Thank God it's only the placeholder sountrack... right, Chris? :^)

Spot on with everything else, tho.

Scrapped now because you begged too much

therell be a version with less clothing, right?

Should be as simple as importing the raw unity data files you'd want into the resources.assets file and then you should be able to launch.

I hope that's a lot less complicated than I imagine it to be

>taking 10(ten) second to kill 5 overloading 150 minute in
Ain't even gonna get a (you) from me

I kind of want to see some alternate skins for the characters later down the line. Maybe the reaper could work well as a reskin for Merc/Commando?

Your attention span is pretty sad, desu.

>if this game was more like isaac
Good lord, your taste is SHIT

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>if i have to wait more than 30 minutes for any sort of a challenge im fucking out of there.
Spoken like a true drizzlet

Any idea when you expect to finish it up? Tomorrow, later?

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Are you planning on making skins like Ryuuko for the other classes in addition to the more "vanilla" female mods?

>10 total slots SO FAR

You realize Hopoo could change this at any time.
In fact, Hopoo would be dumb not to include every original character, and introduce more.

>No host
come on guys


us east monsoon



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can't join

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wait, that's NSFW? pls no ban

>visible penetration
what do you think

>tentacle ravaging a huntress vag
I couldn't imagine why that might be nsfw.

isn't it just rubbing against her

Do you think a defined vagina and clitoris visibly being rubbed by something is safe for work?

ive seen worse posted and going unpunished while mods are watching

OH my god modanon, she's so good, exactly what I was hoping for holy shit

This does not answer my question.


maybe not safe for work, but Yea Forums i figured

The blue boards are safe for work, whether or not this is always enforced doesn't really matter. You should always be aware you're taking a gamble by posting something nsfw, even if you've seen worse not get deleted. The moderation may be shitty, and inconsistent, but it's still how it is.

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I always wonder what causes enemies to circle chance shrines. Is it scripted behaviour?

it's just shitty pathfinding

Did modanon (the dll) ever post how he managed to do his modding? I'd like to take a look at those things, myself.

What even happened to him? Get shit talked too much in thread or something?

No clue, he just asid he'd stop working on the mod one day.

I think there's actually something more to it than just shitty pathfinding. I've seen enemies circle around items that weren't picked up yet. I think the intention might be to have enemies be really visible around specific points of interest so that players will know if there's something they missed. Also bad pathfinding, though.

>the risk of rain discord STILL spamming their general on Yea Forums
Fuck off back to your containment general Speedonvhs

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Modanon, I really need you to know how great your mods are. Their fantastic!

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>4 Player game
>Teleporter boss fight
>Defeat boss
>One player takes ALL THE REWARD ITEMS

Why is Hopoo retarded enough to allow this, when all players are alive?

>it's a lunar coin cheater thinks his webms with 20 lunar items are impressive episode
You're literally worse than drizzle players

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Can't wait until all characters are done.

>383 Lunar Coins
kys cheater


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Chef is coming back baby

Probably not, to be honest.

>People STILL don't rush tele on Monsoon and farm stage 4 for the red for the first run

Attached: 1541048946555.gif (297x268, 600K)

Why bother? It's easy enough to go infinite no matter what you do.

Only if you have one guy who cheated it in lunar coins. Otherwise I have no idea what you're talking about. When fuckers farm the whole map, for each map, we lose by stage 3 loop 1 because the enemy scaling got away from us.

farming for the gold chest on stage 4 feels like a waste of time. any visit after, sure, but not the first visit. and i get by just fine going for all the chests in every other level

Literally just get stickies glasses and clover
Which, you know, you get by actually opening boxes before stage 4

>he thinks that's a lot
lmao drizzlet

Alright who IS confirmed then. pls tell me

Miner and loader would be perfect for 3d gameplay

>Literally just get stickies glasses and clover
Because RNG guarantees stickies, glasses, and clovers, right? Did you actually think your post through?

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Bandit and Han-D have fully functional models and animations, and most of their abilities work.
Sniper and Enforcer have some basic stuff, but very unfinished.
Same goes for the new Assassin, Paladin, and Bomber.

RoR1 or 2 server first post decides.

2 desu

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>good coop run with buds, 20 stages in
>finally see 2 mountain shrines, last unlock i need
>hit em
>no bosses spawn, no achievement
wasn't expecting that only 20 stages in. i didn't want to unlock it single player but i guess i fucking have to


also buff artificer, shes dogshit to play with that retarded cd on the m1 and flamethrower that goes against her design

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It's easy to get a useful amount of each before things get too tough. Sure you can get a shit run without a single one of each, but that's rare.

U.S. west, Monsoon

I sincerely believe you're only talking about single player. If you farm every damn stage, looping bosses and enemies have scaled too far. Unless you've found a late run printer, the run is ruined. I cannot tell you how many times this has happened, and I can't wait until idiots wake up and realize how dumb it is to farm.

Untouchable like what?

>I sincerely believe you're only talking about single player
I'm not.
>If you farm every damn stage, looping bosses and enemies have scaled too far.
Don't fucking farm for 10 minutes each stage, you can clear every stage in 5m.

>130 minute run
>got lots of fuel cells and the preon gun
Fuck, that was fun.

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Nah man, you have to be aware of your positioning and keep your distance, but also you need to be dry humping enemies legs to do any damage. What's the problem?

>Don't fucking farm for 10 minutes each stage
What the fuck do you think I've been saying?!

That you shouldn't open boxes that are out of your way.
You can open most boxes and leave before 5 minutes pass in all stages.

>You can open most boxes and leave before 5 minutes pass in all stages.
That is utter fucking bullshit and you know it. Especially in later stages.

It really isn't. Some of the later ones might take a little bit longer, but you should at the very latest start looping at 25-30 minutes when opening most boxes.

Attached: acrid_shitpost.png (800x450, 494K)

he's right though, I use the 5 min per level as my main check on how I'm doing
Just go straight to TP, kill boss and charge up, then go get as many chests as you can and run back to the TP before 5 minutes have passed. I usually end stage 1 anywhere beetween 3:30-5min, stage two 8-10min, stage 3 takes a little longer because it's big so always around the 15-16min mark and I end the first loop at 20-22 min on average.

>but you should at the very latest start looping at 25-30 minutes when opening most boxes.
That is positively impossible if you're going for "most" boxes. What you're actually advocating for, if you complete each stage in five minutes, is rushing the tele and getting the items you have with the money you got from the boss fight. I know that because that's the EXACT strategy I use, and I loop at 25-30 minutes.

>Just go straight to TP, kill boss and charge up, then go get as many chests as you can and run back to the TP before 5 minutes have passed
Yes. I fucking agree. I don't agree with farming the entire map and then activating the tele unless we're going for the red in stage 4 during the first run. Am I speaking in fucking tongues here?

I make a quick lap through about half the area picking up boxes, find and start the tp, then buy the rest afterwards. That gives most of the boxes on the map and allows me to loop in 25-30m.

I think you're getting riled up for no reason and misunderstanding other people posts

l o l i f i c e r

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Absolutely untrue. I know because I'm doing a run right now testing the idea. Distant Roost took me 3 minutes to run the entire thing and pick up 3 items, leaving two equipment barrels for after the boss. I was done at 5 minutes 47.

>People STILL don't rush tele on Monsoon and farm stage 4 for the red for the first run
And then some dude tries to tell me otherwise...only to advocate for exactly the same strategy I use.

I'm hoping that Thunderstore modders eventually do something to allow replacing assets upon starting the game like:
>find an asset file's name in resources.asset file
>make that the modded asset's filename in a mod folder
>bepinex loads the modded asset and replaces the original asset in memory, without outright changing the original resources.asset file to allow easy editing and swapping of asset mods

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>be hotpoop
>get fucked by cucklefish publisher on first game
>wew lad, guess i better pick my publishers more carefull...
>wait, is that randy “bobandy” “stole all of segas money for borderlands” “pocketed bonuses for his employees” “doesnt pay his games voice actors” “literally every single publisher red flag ever” pitchford? Offering ME money!?!?

How retarded is hopoo

When this bites him in the ass i will do nothing but laugh.

Are you playing Artificer and not sprinting? Unless the far off island has the tp i usually skip that. And do make sure to take the shortcuts to the upper area.

id be completely fine with this

All the 3d stuff I know is self learned. Lots of tutorials and lots of anguishing over how to make half-way decent TnA.

Thatd be a good solution, Id still wish it were possible to switch skins without restarting the game.

All that anguishing has paid off.

There's a mod that acts as a modlist you can toggle other mods with, maybe something like that could be done where you can put a batch of versions of one asset and have the loader bring in the selected one on the fly?

Current plan is to do things as I've already done so far. !-2 character replacements as practice and then attempt to do a last genderbent version before moving onto the next survivor.

Super excited to see femcommado next or femengi, depending on which ya do of course.

Thats great news, exactly what I was hoping for.
Since you're familiar with the files, do you think a skin select like would be possible?

Potentially, but I'm not really one for coding. I do know that it'll be somewhat awkward to work with since unity loads things from the .assets files, and you might end up having to load them into the game at the start which could affect load times.

Probably worth it imo as long as its just the initial game launch load time.
Being able to swap skins ingame, especially since youre making multiple for each, would be amazing

>if this game was more like isaac
I could never get into that fucking game since it always seemed like you had to have the stars align to even have a chance of completing a run.

How's work on FemMerc coming along?

someone host ror2 pls

Who do you have planned for Commando?

Strongly considering motoko kusanagi. Maybe a knight saber or something? Who would you want? Any guns akimbo character would do.

Let me get back to you with that, I'm drawing some serious blanks for akimbo girls right now.

shit-tier drawfag here
open to drawing a request or two

Attached: 1526437469624.png (400x552, 13K)

Don't be down on yourself, you're doing good stuff and being productive.

Fuck all you shared item player holy shit. Can I get one fucking team that doesn't mod

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This (alternatively, the original: i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/673/407/9b3.png) but with MUL-T holding up the Brilliant Behemoth. Make sure he's got a uke and 57-leaf strapped to him for maximum memes, too.

Attached: 1419650217325.jpg (609x611, 20K)

I have no idea how the item share mods are fun. Even Monsoon becomes easier than drizzle

requesting you host a game

You realize he can add as much shit to the game as he wants right?

yeah nah mate, try someone with less than 1k ping

Attached: 1528549488884.gif (399x369, 39K)

RoR1 host?

lolilemurians and a confused commando

Anythings better then chucklefuck.

You better shut your stupid fucking mouth you cankerous whore.

He's dead, you gotta accept it.

Pro tip they don't know/ haven't decided how many survivors there will be in total and which old survivors are in or out, if they did they would have said already who is gonna be cut

They absolutely would not. Letting people have hope is better than dashing their hopes.

I have finally arrived.

Attached: 20190507024821_1.jpg (1920x1080, 305K)

>Revy from Black Lagoon
>Noel Vermillion from Blazblue

Are the girls that I can come up with. I'd probably lean towards Noel or Bayonetta.

What are the chances for a character with a heavy machine gun?

Attached: 1555056677835.png (834x699, 189K)

Now enjoy the most fun character who has some supreme lewd mods.

Attached: DO9quM2.png (412x501, 47K)


Attached: Risk_of_Rain_2_2019-05-06_05-53-56.jpg (1920x1080, 690K)

all i want for christmas is enforcer to come home
i want to protect my commando friends from blazing titans with my giant shield

Paladin's probably gonna fill that role.
I wonder if the Reinhardt like shield he has works already.

>fighting jelly
>jelly does bullshit aoe attack
>everyone huddles around enforcer
I can see it now.
Bring him home.

Attached: enforcer.jpg (500x550, 22K)

>blazing golem charges up from behind

I worry about how viable he would be in 2. Having a Reinhardt style shield just doesn't seem useful.

Sniper WHEN

Attached: Bi5tghn.png (1001x1251, 483K)

Okay I finished this one

I'll do this one tomorrow loli-enthusiast user

Attached: MUL-T the hedgehog.png (640x480, 32K)

How do you draw? Lasso tool?

im looking forward to the lolimurians

I use the binary pen in paint tool sai
I try to make most of the lines the same width (8px in that pic of MUL-T)
I use fill bucket to colour stuff in
I make the foreground object have black outlines and the background have no black outlines
I use tracing as a crutch as much as possible, I didn't get to trace MUL-T at all because of his strange pose and angle, but the behemoth and clover and background I could do in ez mode

Attached: 1539343912247.png (1739x1446, 254K)

10/10 don't stop user


I haven't been keeping up, there's another character datamined?

Paladin: streamable.com/as3nr
Bomber: streamable.com/no77s
Assassin: streamable.com/a2a3f
These are the 3 datamined newcomers I know of.

Thanks user that's valuable info

Thank you for doing sharing your secrets user. you're helping us help us.

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Requesting a Blazing Monster edit of this

Attached: artfagpls.png (837x184, 436K)

alternatively a Golem edit of this

Attached: golemclappls.png (564x525, 798K)

>2 drowned and 6 fuel cells
>Firing a volley of missiles every 2 seconds

All I did was just run around.

Attached: 3E84D03A-B3C7-4C0C-A089-CC68185DB9C3.jpg (740x1024, 56K)

>get enough gestures and fuel cells
>pick up a missile launcher and let it go for a bit
>swap to another item and the missiles will keep going until you change stage
Shit gets real ridiculous.

Still waiting for the RoR1 host

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how fucked up do newfags to RoR1 get when joining a Yea Forums server?

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Not very, most obey the rules and dont act retarded

EU lobby, NA fine

Will be in an hour.

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>Bandit is already mostly complete
Bandit is obviously scrapped, he simply not fun enough. Next survivor will be totally new so Bandit never ever.

At least he's easy to mod in. Would honestly be fine with me.

2/4 come on in

Thanks friend

Attached: 1556839485112.jpg (771x1200, 530K)

where the new content at
why even lock WIP shit when you're game is literally in early access

Because it's too unfinished for testing. Bandit doesn't have an R ability and the other WIP survivors are in an even worse state.

Hotpoo ran with the money, sorry.

Fucking nice.
Is that you, drawfriend?

Attached: risr.png (1200x1200, 701K)

>we will never get the finished picture

I still believe in him, faggot.

It's time to give up, user.

Aghanim when?

Never. He's hit a rough patch, and from he's still drawing. One day.

Look at the filename. Some other user reposted it.
Dangerious waters ahead.

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HAN-D is mostly playable now, albeit underpowered. His solution to aerial enemies (currently) is a grappling hook in his chest that pulls small enemies toward him, or pulls him toward large enemies. Not sure if it's enough, but it's definitely something.

I feel like this could work if he could target them. You could use royal-capacitor-style targeting, where it locks on so you can choose your targets, but still allow it to be spammed at targets behind you if you don't target something. Just a thought.

Anyways, I've been continuing work on Loader. I'm not totally sure if I'm happy with the helmet, but I like the general look of it.

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Who's your main?

Because despite the early access designation , consumers are retarded, especially those who buy video games. Releasing a piece of content that isn't finished yet is just allowing the community to shit on something for attributes that aren't finalized, or letting them get attached to parts of the content that will eventually be replaced. The composer even mentioned this in his album notes for the current soundtrack, saying something along the lines of "none of this is final, but I'm sure they'll be plenty of people telling me that they liked this version better when the final versions of the tracks release"

I also did a shoop job to test of what areas will be painted what colors. I want him to look like a walking caterpillar backhoe.

Attached: 203ef45533.jpg (459x642, 75K)

I believe the helmet is supposed to be black/cyan not yellow/cyan. The helmet shape could use a bit of work imo but still looks pretty good.

Are the helmet and the arm sockets the only printed parts?


Is there any reason to believe that the new survivor in June will be one of the three datamined ones?

>the highest difficulty literally takes 30 min to hit HAHAHA
>can get fucked right up if you dont get the right items before that 30 min mark


Yes. I'm maybe going to print some kind of roll-cage piece over his shoulders but so far that's it.

Yeah, I'm considering totally reworking the helmet to more of a face shield, and then using this helmet for the enforcer or something. Not sure yet. I like the way this makes his head look like the cab of of a Tonka truck though. I'll try another design and see how I feel about it.

Do we have any reason to believe they wouldn't be? But yeah, you're right that it could be a totally different character.

I need to recreate this pic, so once I'm done with Loader I may go straight to artificer

Attached: d80.jpg (1050x1900, 765K)

Fuck you I want Acrid back.

I'd love to see a nice Artificer figure.

Never coming back.

Seems people been saving my pic
Loader has little references, so it's mostly a guessing game since all you got is his sprites, what I mostly took was looking at a bunch of construction vehicles and back at his sprite.

Attached: Loader.png (166x446, 85K)

Crashed, open.


Attached: 1545678495437.jpg (1920x1080, 175K)

What does the Queen's gland mod do?

Why is Risk of Rain so aesthetic? The music, the artstyle, everything.

Take off huntress and artificers cape/skirt
gives them big tiddy instead

>pistol akimbo character

Attached: TOMBRAIDER1996PSX.jpg (1500x1500, 288K)

Hey you drew that? It's great!

I'm aiming for an interpretation. Or the character, not so much a literal recreation. But you're right about the mask/helmet, I think. Im going to try another version later.

Going with the dark helmet is probably the right choice, imo


>cheat in lunars and stack the only good lunar items so the game plays itself
>brag about it on the internet

>shit player wants both merc and arti buffed

Why did the newt god steal artificer to sell later

prime breeding material females are a rarity on that planet

This is a stupid argument user, it's rng reliant. If the chests all spawn right next to the teleporter then you can walk to all of them without spending extra time. If the game spawns no elites, you won't get as much. If it spawns a lot of elites, you'll get them all.

Sometimes chests spawn close, sometimes they spawn far. Sometimes the game doesn't spawn many enemies. If you're playing Engie or Arti you'll be slow, if you're playing Merc or Huntress you'll be fast. There's no "impossibility" in successfully clearing a stage in under 4 minutes, it just depends on a lot of rng factors.

Mul-T can be pretty slow at first and if you have bad RNG. Engi should never have down time early, you just drop turrets and mines without stopping. I genuinely don’t know what this user is on about, though, boy slow as fuck

>Mul-T can be pretty slow at first and if you have bad RNG.
He can do the driving thing so he can get around Distant Roost very quickly. Only thing that'll slow him down is shit spawning at the highest point of the level since he has no verticality.
>Engi should never have down time early, you just drop turrets and mines without stopping.
Yeah but going out of his way to grab a chest on the other side of the map will still take him forever. That's what I was trying to get at.

I usually clear the first three levels in 5 minutes tops but I guarantee I skip chests that I'm not even aware of because I can't explore every nook and cranny as Arti or something. It's just not possible unless you get Red Whip or some soda early on

>Only thing that'll slow him down is shit spawning at the highest point of the level since he has no verticality.
There are enough shortcuts to make that a non-issue.

I agree, no matter what you’re a slave to RNG.

Hey retard where did hopoop say they were going to stop updating the game at all after 1.0?

A lot of good shit came after Risk of Rain 1 had been long since released. There's WAY more total slots available than just 10.

I'm familiar with the shortcut where you climb the wall, but can Mul-T actually do that with just one jump?

shit dude if that's requirement, acrid bandit sniper han-d and loader are all out, too

MUL-T can do it without even jumping once, just hit car mode and BEEP BEEP your way up there. I actually didn't know the correct way for at least a few hours when I started playing the game

You're correct.

Got both these games over the weekend and I'm loving them, never played online can I get a rundown on the do's and don'ts of playing with others?

I'll practice that then, I always assumed his horizontal momentum wouldn't drive him up that wall but it's kind of hard to accurately guess how the fucked up physics of this game works.

>don't be a jew
>don't be a nigger
Follow these instructions and you'll be fine. Don't do QP.

>nobody gets anything they want
>everybody has to get accustomed to new characters
honestly I'm in, even if that just means people will complain like many did with artificer before a few of them learned how to play her

Has Hopoo said this specifically? I thought Acrid was pretty high in some pool he had. Why not have Acrid in the 3d game lay poisonous gas everywhere that enhances his speed and such while he's in it? Would mimic his acid floor ability from the first. Need a ranged attack? Acid spit and tossing his ball and chain around.

shes shit, you can get a good build but
you'll need to put in a ton more effort than oher survivors. and other survivors would far outperform her with a similar build in every case

I'm not sure how you're getting up with mul-t, unless you mean driving up the wall on the left side rather than above the gate

Oh, yeah I meant the left side. Sorry.

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Can you plant turrets in Mul-T?

And it's a Cuntress player too.

>the pin isn't a syringe, or even a sticky bomb

There is literally nothing wrong with playing Huntress in 2.

Nothing wrong with PLAYING her but there's a lot wrong with saying she's good

How is it that people on Yea Forums always seem to not only harbor the most supremely shit opinions, but also feel the need to present them with a laughably cringeworthy "my opinion is the only one that matters" attitude? Is there something common tragedy that happened to all Yea Forumsirgins that shaped them this way?

Must have had something to do with reddit migrating here and acting like they own the place

Fair enough.

I just have to tell myself that most of those posts are bait.

Dont do quickplay


>tfw no enforcer
enforcer was my waifu in ror1
most fun char easily

>finally get god-tier RNG with a fungus and a syringe printer
>discover that imp overlords fuck my sentries up the ass in abyssal depths stage 9
>get killed because "drop the mines and sentries and run" doesn't work when imps are around

Attached: 1557015881364.jpg (305x331, 33K)

>drop the mines and sentries and run
>this is high level enginigger play
That fucker needs a rework more than Artificer.

>failing as autopilot class
Engi is so easy it's literally impossible to lose as him.

Yeah, it gets hard to stay alive once enemies are one-shotting the turrets. Teddies and stealth kit help some, but not usually enough. I wish there was an item that bolstered your defense momentarily for standing still.

>I wish there was an item that bolstered your defense momentarily for standing still.
That would literally be the worst item in the game.

Okay, how about while healing? That would also solve Engi's problem but without being completely useless.

>Only one class in the game that benefits from standing still
>"I hope they add more items based on standing still"
Engifags are such cancer

That's just permanent damage reduction on lifesteal characters and would make the divide between good and shit chars even worse. Also retarded.

Every time I slow down and try to stand my ground 60+ minutes into a run, I get one or two-hit killed by something, so I was resorting to that to thin out the crowd before I could more easily approach it.

Sniper and HanD almost certainly will be cut
Acrid or Miner could make it back but miner is a little close to Mercs kit so they may avoid that.

kek no
sniper and han-d have files already, acrid and miner were so unimportant they don't even have any references

Okay, fuck guys, it was just a thought. Clearly I'm not a game dev.

No, you're wrong.
Being this incompetent would make you the ideal gamedev, going by todays video games.


us east monsoon

This excuse again. Reminder that having game files does not mean they ever intend to finish those characters. Although, with only a month to finish a character, Bandit is probably confirmed.

Attached: 1556319996413.png (1260x1200, 33K)

Having files gives them a better shot at being realized in any case. At least it's confirmation that they were at least being considered.

I guess no one's on until work gets out

Remember how long ago we had these assets though. Feels like they gave up on them at this point.

But hey, at least it will be easier for modders to make them with the existing data.

Taking requests for drawing and edits. Something simple if possible, don't have much time.
Sorry about yesterday, cats got into a big fight and mine was wounded. Got scared and rushed to the vet, but as expected it was nothing, a minor wound you get while playing.

Attached: quick com.png (500x356, 104K)

>it's "server shut down" because I took his rare item for the third time episode

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loli engi playing with turrets like dolls

You deserved it.

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he in the game if you use mod tools
trash character in 3D tho


How did this autistic slot faggotry even start and how did it spread from smash threads to RoR?
They can add as many characters as they want. If things go well enough we might get more than 10 and if they suddenly do a full 180° for some odd reason and stop development we'll get less than 10. Slots are utterly meaningless.

Cucked by Mul-T.

Attached: 1555116521978.png (484x406, 13K)

>/Vee/ say good
>Is bad
> Wait for refund

Thank /vee/

Attached: 180819.jpg (225x225, 10K)

The fact that there are literal slots on character select may have something to do with it, but I agree in principle.

Loader was added to RoR1 post-release, they could do the same here. We have no way to know, really.

Hopoo stated 1.0 will have 10 characters. Maybe we get 11 as an extra one and post-launch content over time like RoR 1. Right now the placeholders mostly show the intended content for release.

>6 already confirmed
There will be a total overhaul in the fall, user.

USMW vanilla

>Who is getting cut?
Enforcer, Acrid, Chief, Handy
Probably Miner and Sniper too (unless Multy gets changed).
Loader will probably get in, he can transition to 3D pretty good with that grappling shot. But his tesla will probably get changed.

I'll agree on HAN-D because I think he fills a melee-heavy-hitter niche. We need a character that slaps enemies around like he did in RoR. I think that there aren't any obstacles to him being in that can't be overcome, and his role is one that feels like it HAS to be there in a cast of diverse characters who play differently. It would feel really weird if the only melee character was the DMC weaboo. He already has a model, movement and jumping animations and bone work, and animations for two of his skills. He'd be a very expensive failure to complete a character if he wasn't released now.

Sniper seems less certain. He's much less developed than HAN-D and Bandit (his model is a colorless t-posing commando I think, and he only has his scoping and firing implemented). Plus his piercing shots don't really work in 3d since it's harder to line enemies up. And even more damning, he can't leverage his range during teleporter charging, because of the circle you have to stay in.

I think sniper has a unique model, at least. Still, it's not looking good for him.

Loader's grappling hook would be so fun in 3D, but I imagine they'll have to nerf his shield. Nobody gets I-frames in 2, he shouldn't be any different. Honestly, his grapple works decently AS a dodge. I wouldn't mind his shift being another attack.

He feels like he could fit the role of mobile-enough melee tank for this game unlike Han-D. Miner could work too, but he'd need some tweaking to make him unique from Merc.

She left with a tinnitus and killed herself

Attached: 1556488304835.jpg (616x619, 61K)

You're literally always the same guy right?

If the current mods are anything to go by, he doesn't have a model. It's just a really rudimentary, colorless Commando model with Sniper's "bunny ear" shapes slapped onto his shoulders. He even has dual pistols that perpetually aim up-left, away from your target.

At first I thought that MUL-T is the replacement for sniper

What, his perpetual dab wasn't intentional?


Attached: 1554263950491.gif (246x382, 1.38M)

You can't be a total retard but its easy to get carried in multiplayer as him.
If you take too much time or play badly you can still get gibbed once your shield depletes, get killed by splash damage or titan fists, or your turrets are too weak to tank melee units inside the shield. There's definitely points where Engi can drop off hard where others might be able to kite it out, so its not like he's broken, just either extremely easy or unplayable

No loli, just regular engi here.

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Not even once I had bad engi run. Like literally never. If you're overwhelmed by enemies you can just run away and place your turrers and they'll kill whole crowd while they slowly walking for you.

>get unlucky with bungus and aoe damage drops
>turrets get clapped
im not saying its common but its happened

Do you play on monsoon?
Granted its been a while since I had a bad run myself but imo Engineer gets outscaled by enemies the hardest if you don't pay attention, I've had runs where his turrets couldn't stay alive at all once enemies caught up. Also by the same logic commando and mul-T are also unlosable because technically they can always run away and snipe instead, its just not realistic

What, you think they'll CUT characters? Highly unlikely. Once people get attached to these characters, it would be cruel to cut them out. Plus, if they aren't broken removing them would just be undoing hard work and limiting content for no reason.

Or did you mean something else, because what you said was very vague.

...So is it just me or does Mul-T sometimes take fall damage from simply jumping?

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>Yea Forums keeps telling me artificer is bad
>best run was a 1hr 30m monsoon run with her
All she needs is a couple goat hoofs and a feather and she's undefeatable

>Do you play on monsoon?
Yes, always. Just did a run to check and obliterated myself because I was already too OP for anything. Engi is the most boring and braindead class right now, he gets too powerful too fast.

Attached: 20190504233805_1.jpg (1920x1080, 280K)

It's a known bug. Fortunately I don't play Mul-T, otherwise I'd be pissed.

Every character can win the game. RoR 2 is honestly a suprisingly easy game once you play it for a while, I still fail a ton of runs in RoR 1.
Artificer just objectively has problems compared to other classes

It's the weirdest thing, I've seen people post end screens of their runs a lot here.
But never have I seen an Artificer screen.

Does it cost them money to throw out hotfixes? I mean that shit kinda breaks the character. Same with artificer, doesn't she miss out on money if she kills with icewall? Killing elites or lemurians with icewall only to get no money from it is pretty fucked

Slot 1: Paladin
Slot 2: Assassin
Slot 3: Bomber
Slot 4 :Enforcer
Slot 5: Bandit
Slot 6 : HAN-D
Sadly, not a single line about the other boys like Acrid, Miner or CHEF

Fuck you

RoR1 host??

I genuinely dont understand this image. Is it supposed to be nonsensical for the purpose of lewd?

They fixed that one within hours. Merc also had a similar bug with dashing into the ground, but that's fixed now. Dunno what's taking them so long with Mul-T.

I would've screencapped it if I wasn't retarded
I won't make the argument that she's that good, if you don't get any movement items be the time you hit very hard you're practically fucked, but she's still playable is my point.

Playable, yes.
Far worse than every other character? Also yes.

you know what to do

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I'm not sure what you're getting at here. Seems to be 10 total, only 4 more to go, unless I'm mistaken. Also, wouldn't Enforcer and Paladin be the same in practice?

acrid is uncut actually, don't ask how I know

It's hard to say because everyone is playable, but only playable playable characters have 4 skills.
Assassin has a proper skeleton. Paladin is a blue beetle guard. Enforcer is a small square. Bomber is a dabbing Commando. Sniper is a white dabbing Commando. HAN-D has a fully rendered model. Bandit is nearly done.
Don't FUCK WITH user

Having infinite bubble is worth it for engy, the only thing it sucks against are worms and getting fisted




EU Rainstorm

come play with a beginner

I'm playing Mul-T

Any chance that they will add an autosprint function to the game? Ctrl feels uncomfortable but I don't want to take the third skill away from shift.

>RoR 2 is honestly a suprisingly easy game once you play it for a while
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it's a 3rd person shooter now, which is I assume everyone on Yea Forums is very familiar with. I too got my ass handed everytime in RoR 1 but I can easily do multiple cycles on Monsoon. But also the fact that it currently has little enemy variety and simplified levels with little deadly platforming sections.

It's an edit.

I put it on one of the sidebuttons on my mouse so I could sprint with shift. I recommend it.

Oh, I didn't know about the model details. Paladin might end up being cool if it becomes a rouge alien, similar to Acrid. Do we know what assassin looks like?

Also, I'm still pretty sure that wasn't what OP meant when he said 6 confirmed. He was probably talking about the current roster.

Holy shit the rumors were true, the fabled "serverchad" discord


come join us


EU, need one!

Assassin is a petite purple headless skeleton for now. But has a working M1 and Utility. Download "Risk of Shame'' to see for yourself. The mod has a character swapper, and you can even play a s a claypot or a overloading worm.

hurry up you bozos, we're starting in 3 minutes

Brittle Crown is literally the worst item in Risk of Rain history. This includes any future items. There is NO reason why someone should pick it up. It's absolutely dreadful. I'd rather have pre-patch Vultures.

it's core for 160m+ Aurelion

>Risk of Shame
Sounds like a porn mod, heh.
What is Assassin's utility, if you don't mind sharing. I'm not in a place where I can access my game.


>Actually getting hit

Attached: 1541495958363.jpg (450x450, 28K)

A 3 charges blink. M1 is dual daggers with a small chance for bleeds.
I'll webm it in a bit

>no Acrid

still haven't started. we can switch to monsoon if you want!

I knew some dumb shitter like you would say that.
It doesn't even give out a good gold ratio with its terrible gimmick.

I agree honestly, I put it on "C" so I can easily hit it.

You got small hands or something? Ctrl is a common keybind in 3d games, usually used for crouching.

There's just way more space to evade in and way more momentum to kite with. Holy god is RoR1 a slow game in comparison, in the beginning at least. Doesn't help that RoR1 has nasty enemies like those teleporters or those that shoot targeted missles, I wonder if they'll make a comeback

Just rebind sprint to Caps Lock

>You got small hands or something?
I am a femanon
And yes I am aware of what you said about 3D games

Thanks, user. You're a good lad.

Attached: 1555622931923.png (475x429, 61K)

Attached: RoR2 Assassin.webm (1280x720, 1.84M)

HAN-D'S model is more than rendered, it has jigglebones and really interesting bindings between his model and skeleton so that certain parts of his body are rigid and orbit each other instead of flexing like a joint.

Almost feels like a prototype mercenary honestly.

Baller. Thanks, drawfag.

Attached: RoR2 Bomber WIP.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

Huh, cool. I can see why this hasn't made it very far in production, it doesn't seem super unique from Merc. Still, maybe it could be made into something fun. Thanks for posting, I had been curious since I first caught wind of it early on.

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Attached: RoR2 Enforcer WIP.webm (1280x720, 1.45M)


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Attached: RoR2 Paladin WIP.webm (1280x720, 1.07M)

It just needs a numbers tweak. Make it give double the gold and subtract half the gold.

Then it might be busted, but at least it's worth a damn, unlike the vast majority of lunar items besides shaped glass for some builds and the based corpsebloom, as well as the meteor if you feel like playing a little risky.

A slow-ass rocket launcher sounds fun.

Does boxforcer have any unique mechanics implemented? I can't tell.

Seems like Reinhardt, doesn't feel like it would be very playable in the current game. But I believe in hopoo making whatever they want work

Enforcer, from what I can tell, has a shotgun primary(not done yet), a sidearm secondary(not done yet), a shield charge utility(not done yet) and a machine gun blast R(you guessed it, not done yet)
Bomber has a dodge-fire-a-rocket
Paladin is very early to tell, but yea, sounds like a Risky Reinhard, which sounds fun, but I can already hear the future screeches over this

Also I'm really sad I've been not able to find my boy Acrid.

theres HAND files already

Well damn, I didn't know you'd be posting so many. You're doing the lord's work, user. Interesting to see so many characters start with Commando as a base.

user HAN-D is now a background prop