Mordhau builds? Mordhau builds

post 'em lads

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Other urls found in this thread:

2/3/1 + spear

underused weapon

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>throw firebombs directly behind enemies busy with fighting your boys
>they backpedal after taking a hit and burn to death
>chase down any survivors and stab em in the back
>destroy any and all enemy structures
I've had a lot of fun with this guy so far

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Is it actually fun? My friends forced me to buy it and I refunded it because they would only play that stupid skirmish mode. Are the other modes better? It looks good and I kind of want to give it another chance.

is it just me or is the greatsword a little poo for costing 7 points? it doesn't seem to do nearly as much damage considering it's cost and speed, also i can't seem to figure out the benefit of halfswording for the life of me

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Yes, use the zhweihander instead if you want a big fuck off sword, it’s 2 points more but can 1 shot lesser armored characters, or use the pole axe, I believe it’s also 7 points but seems to have more reach and piercing power

longsword > greatsword
i wanted to main the gsword cause i like it aesthetically but yeah, its shit
long or zwei, even bastard sword is ok

alright cheers lands, I'll swap it out for a long sword in that case

I could barely stomach chivalry and most of the other medieval combat predecessors to Mordhau, but I'm fucking addicted to this one, probably got a good 10 or 12 hours in already

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I like polearms but I find myself doing best with the halberd as a spear that swings, while it's too risky to prioritize the polearms that are more 'axes that stab'. My use generally goes Halberd > billhook and poleaxe > bardiche. Halberdier is 2/2/1 in armor. Poleaxemen is 3/3/3, bardiche is 2/3/I forget, billhook is 2/3/I forget.

I've done good with the greatsword but I haven't tried longsword. Bastard suffers from very short range but it's very great for a point scarce build. My engineer has it and I'm able to actually fight in a support capacity compared to the godawful vanilla engineer. I hate the Zwei because it's basically a spear and I hate guts faggots using it so I am reluctant to use it as it feels cheap. With the Greatsword I just do a lot of maneuvering, circling round to get them on their side. But I'll try Zwei I guess. Or long.

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I don't see why I should spend 11 points on a halberd when 8 will get me a faster and more versatile bardiche. When you change your grip you get great reach for unhorsing horsefuckers.

Any criticism for my WHF builds? The State Troop isn't finished, and once he's done I'll be making a Bretonnian Peasant Archer next.
So happy that these kinds of builds are possible, a lot of fun to research and match parts together to get an authentic look.

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If you're not using dodge then there's something wrong with you.

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I cannot stop using the halberd, it's way too fun

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What are some of the lesser known good weapons? I want to run something different to throw people off guard.

i love using dodge and pole axe. very easy to bait people into moving into your stab with it

Estoc seems to push my shit in sometimes
War Axe is good for chaotic frontline and skirmish matches as it can just carve through lines of enemies
Maul can 1 shot any helmet no matter the armor rating and it’s slow swing seems to throw some people off
Pole Axe
Bastard Sword


>decent speed
>great damage
>decent thrust reach
>anti-armor stance with a lightning fast switch
>looks badass
Poleaxe is unironically top tier

Half swording makes the stabs do more damage, and I think it buffs strike speed a tiny bit. It’s how they were used IRL, to stab into the slots of armored helmets.

I’m actually having fun with horde laughing at goofy teammates or cheering mad last stands

This, there’s a reason pole axes were the primary weapon of a lot of knights irl and Longswords were a backup

How does this compare to the Halberd?

>pole axes were the primary weapon of a lot of knights irl

It was really more of a duelling weapon, for tournaments.

reminder to buy Mordhau
They are adding full mod support soon
game will have longevity

what is Mordhau? All of my flavor of the month friends are playing it right now and I have been too busy to ask them.

I saw some reddit post about some 60k helmet some guy saved up for.. where are these expensive ass armor pieces? The most expensive stuff I see is like 5-6k.

Go to /by fag.

Rate my poorfag fashion

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Horde sucks though. I want to be fighting back to back with bros against a swarm of peasants and lightly armored enemies with bosses in big armor. Instead you’re forced to perch somewhere unreachable and pepper with arrows since items are too expensive and they’ll rapid fire rocks until you die.

Half swording in tight places let's you actually swing. Win a lot of duels switching it up in tunnels.

Tree outta ten. Kettle hats are aesthetic

Yet another iteration of "Mount and Blade but with PVP combat"

Mount and Blade had PVP combat user, it's how most of us got good at the genre to begin with.
>tfw 4000 hours of Warband have given me the ability to carry the team singlehandedly in mordhau

I usually go hoe first since it’s only 15, gives you a lot more reach than any other starting weapons, and it’s tally good enough to last me until I get a billhook. After that it’s just armor/throwing axes or recurves to deal with rock shitters

fuck armourfags

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I throw sooo fucking much I question why I play.

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What torso armor does the greatsword have? I was gonna make one as well but with the landschneckt hat

Also wouldn't it be better for the state troop to have a regular spear? I'm used to total war so I'm only used to halberdiers having similar clothes to the greatswords, I don't remember the TT too well

>2h confirmed getting nerfed
>shields confirmed getting nerfed

What are you practicing? For me, it's the warhammer and mace.

I fight for m'lady, fairest in all the lands.

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War axe or Battle axe?


>that guy on your team with 0 kills and over 30 deaths

>not 2/2/2
What an absolute fucking pleb

Based Tree/10 would follow for free pokes

K/D doesn't matter, just enjoy your game bro.

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What are some good one-handed weapons for a sword+board loadout? Messer or bastard sword?

What's better for a "steal your girl" build:
>Skavenger + Cleaver (if another 1-point weapon then which and why)

And you care why exactly?

Dagger is simply the best 1 point weapon because it's essentially a mini-rapier, IIRC it's even faster actually

Your team only gets so many lives so them dying uses up lives I could have used.

I can barely comprehend this post

>not going to wizard college

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imagine being mad at videogames
Always made my day/night every time I see those chat

2 armor is super shit
you either go 1 or 3 for chest, nooblet

I don't get people who get mad at things in this game.
Everything is good. Everything is fun. Everything serves a purpose.
Stop being salty.

The team only get so many lives so them dying uses up lives that I could have used.


based midge

I need tips
tips about maknig a better character

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So what’s the consensus on the estoc boys? I’m thinking about switching my long sword out for it

I say nigger into all chat almost every game. Its nothin personnel, being mad is just my natural state of being.

I'm addicted to playing high player count Horde
Its so mindlessly fun and relaxing. I hope they flesh it out more, it could be really good unironically.

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unfiltered chat is fun
I had a guy actually tell me he wanted to 1v1 me unironically

Bruce, stop posting and get some help.

it pokes

Half of the fun is searching for T3 armor and a maul for the first time.

I hope they never censor the chat to caters crybabies who always mad at video game

aaaaaaa console release when

For building on points and cutting down enemy buildings.

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I take
Rush , bloodlost
0 1 0
Executioner's sword

I just run around the map outspeeding everyone with an armor and one shotting everyone without.
DESU I just made this one to shit on archers and engineers and it's so fucking fun

And for just tossing medbags everywhere.

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I still dont know where any of the toolboxes are on any of the maps

how does estoc compare to the rapier?

You have bloodborne tho

Last time a naked executioner tried to rush me, I chambered his swing and cleaved his head right off.

well everyone is complaining about the rapier and no one mentions the estoc

based base builder bro

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You literally look like my dark souls build...
You just gotta parry and give him the good ol stabby

equip a hornet ring for extra damage

The Greatsword is using the Elizabethen Cuirass. Maximillian might be good but it's unlocked late at Lvl 30.
As for the State Troop, in the tabletop halberd is just a gear choice for the standard troop, they're not a different type of unit or anything.

Green mana/10

Fire mana/10

hes suppose to look like ricard but i dont have the money for the right waist

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This is why I'm charging from spawn behind enemy lines :^)

+sinificant range
+minor damage
+mordhau grip

-significantly slower
-2 hands
-cannot throw

i think that its too slow for its range to make up for its lack of speed

>not going rapier+shield+tier 3 armor
>not topping the leaderboards with 0 effort just by spamming scroll wheel

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>not making a shit build dedicated to piss people off
its like you dont like unfiltered salt chat

Is there any point using onehanded weapons? Everywhere I see most people are using 2handers or are scummy archers/crossbowmen


+Can couch on Horses, couches extremely quickly, and stays couched for quite some time.

Minor benefit, but one none the less.

You should read the thread for 5 minutes because everyone bitches about the Rapier (One-handed), Short Spear (One-handed), and Shields (obvious).

>really like the game
>get absolutely crushing 0-1 FPS for 10 second intervals at random, which also leads to desync/disconnects sometimes
>runs at stable 60 FPS when this isnt happening
is my CPU dying or something cause i have no fucking clue what this is
the sound gets all distorted and shit when this happens too, but no visual artifacts or anything, just a complete slideshow for about 10 seconds then back to normal
and this also happens in offline custom matches against bots, so i doubt its my internets

You have every RTS

Eh if only it was that easy. Though this is probably the best I've done. Usually go 0.5 or worse.

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>hurr durr why do leeches matter in frontlines


if the sound gets fucked up it might be your motherboard. have you tried switching vsync on/off

Soul Build

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bloodlust is fucking useless with 0 armor you idiot. you'll get 1 shot by literally every 2 hander.

Imagine having such shit taste that you actually equip a heater shield with a rapier just because it's easy to play with. These fuckers would swing around a flagpole with a picture of a post-op vagina as long as it was the most powerful item in-game.

>heavy helm with light armor

What's the fucking point? Most of the hits land on your chest

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its a cosplay build idiot

Nigga the level 2 armour pieces objectively the most aesthetically pleasing in the game, fucking neck yourself

Any suggestions to make him look better?

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What weapon/shield should I use in my Hospitaller character? I feel like most of these imagens are from fiction inspired instead of what was actually used

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hit the gym

He's fat and strong like a knight should be

Rate my team

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r8 my man with a big sword

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plume if you want max cheesy

>all those retards running without helmets
Sure feels good cleave their heads off with the longsword

Very cohesive color palette, but at the same time I feel like I've seen this armor combo 700 times

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It's the Tabard. It's too good to not use.
I'm saving up for the Domed Armet

the problem I have with tabard is you can't use other skirts/waist cosmetics
some of the stuff looks fucking great

>You can't use the tabard with a mail skirt

It pisses me off you have to walk with your dong exposed like this

I got super lucky today lads, I won two 3v1s in a single game, and I won a bunch of 2v1s throughout the night.

Feels good to get better at the game

One day they will add codpieces

yeah vsync doesnt seem to affect anything.

ill verify the cache and see if something went fucky in the files or something

What's the difference between the shields?

Okay, now have everyone on your team dress like this and I'll really be able to feel that Dark Souls 2 shine again.

post your most entertaining webms

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sounds like your processor is vdrooping

Why is thrust spamming the best way to make the axe work, as opposed to actually using the blade

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How do I into Lutebot? I wanna play 2hu songs on duel servers.

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>just reached level 4
I love this game but I just don't have the time anymore because of wagecucking

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>some of the best cosmetic options can't be used unless you have nothing at all for a helmet
Fuck off. I'm running around with no helmet now so I can wear even more fur

Fellow wagie here, I just got to level 5 and I've had the game for like 4 days.

We're gonna make it, bro.

Dual wielding axes is fucking impractical.

dunno, every time I tried to change the key bindings lutebot would error out and say it couldn't access the config file for mordhau

*Dies in 1 hit to any high damage attacks*

It's based as fuck and there's still manuscripts of it being done. Kali is a fighting style that has dual wield branches for axes (albeit it's primarily axe/dagger). If you're fighting cunts with shields all day, it works fine if you're not uncoordinated.
t. HEMAfag who likes making it work

Longbow < Crossbow < Recurve < Throwing Axes < 3 short spears

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What the FUCK is the difference between the Workers Hood and the Wanderers Hood? Is there a stat difference in the advanced tab or something? Because I'm not spending 1500 to check

It's just ass-thiccet choice. Go for the hobo look if you want to.

Dual-wielding a dagger is practical. Dual-wielding axes is not. That's a big fucking difference right there, not to mention, the dagger's primary purpose is not attacking.

There is no difference between armor pieces within the same tier. It's all just for cosmetic reasons.

>tfw no leper mask

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't have a dedicated bard loadout
Post them kniggers

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Left lad is 10/10. The rest are okay/10

Wagie here working 45 hr weeks. Level 24 now

Is it too late to get into the game now? Is the FOTM hype declining already?

It only doesn't work if you're a shitter. Shield hooking and fighting spears is fucking easy with two since you've always got a second line of defense, with the opposite hand being able to capitalize. Martial arts is about the individual, not what you're using, and if you fight people all day that the weapon combination works well against, you're fine.
If you really want to get into it, it even became more prevalent with the later stages of plate, since axes allowed you to control someone's arms while the plate let you circumvent the weakness of the axe (harder to bind, smaller area to cut with than a sword)
The axe's weakness has always been the lack of versatility in what is actually 'usable' as part of the weapon, but it makes up for that by being one of the most versatile weapons otherwise. Hand-guards make axe using even easier, and dual tomahawks was prevalent in things like Indian culture. The only reason axes were treated as a weaker weapon was because it was easier to fight against most of Europe's armour with swords than axes. In everywhere else in the world, they were one of the best options if you weren't using a shield for some reason

Nope, there was a peak of players at the weekend but the bumbers are still high

I find throwing knives to be better than axes since theyre smaller and harder to notice/get caught in allies/picked from the ground and used against you/have more ammo.

Also, I'm pretty sure they one shot headshot archers with lvl 1 head armor when you have huntsman on.

I have a love/hate relationship with the maul. The abysmal range and speed make chasing and 1v1's a nightmare but every time I switch to executioners or eveningstar I end up crawling back.

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i thought about gettin good, spending time on being "skilled" at this game

then i discovered executioner sword + blood lust and armored maulman. this is too fun. fuck training, i wanna hit some fools. TDM and Frontline are fine enough for me thank you

Infantrychads represent

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Is there a build randomizer somewhere?

take 3 rocks and throw them at people's backs

third person webms are not entertaining


Those sleeves in middle pic are perfect, as are the leggings, need the wide brim hat you unlock at level 30 though.

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Nice history accurate Landschnekt

Arming sword.

Its stab is insanely fast, the only thing that is faster is rapier. In a 1v1 I have not found any weapon that can beat it.

>chamber a stab
>the person can then block or stab again before you can hit them

game is gonna go straight down the toilet if they dont fix the balance really fast

Here are my lads.
I'm severely low on outfit parts though...

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Why the fuck is there no voice chat

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What's the easiest way to get gold faster? My fashion autism can't be sated until I get some of the more expensive unlocks for my doods.

Local voice chat would be fucking madness. I'm not sure if I would love it or hate it.

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I wanna RP about crusading and murdering various ethnic groups in cold blood for the glory of God, king, and country, should I pick this game up?

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It only works if your opponent is a shitter.
Dual tomahawks weren't anywhere "prevalent", the off-hand usually carried a knife, not a tomahawk. Not to mention, even if you do carry around two axes - one would be for throwing.

"Dual-wielding" axes throws off your balance and gets in the way of your swing - it's impossible to fully compensate for that no matter how good you are, you can only deal with it to a degree.
As for making it work - against shitters as was said earlier - sure, sometimes it "works". However, sometimes, even a spear in your off-hand "works".
The whole idea of an off-hand dagger is based around it being better suited for parrying most conventional weapons than a shield of the same size and weight.

The statement about the axes being "better everywhere outside of Europe" is fucking retarded. The sword is de-facto a weapon for unarmored fighting, it's its primary purpose. Swords outreach axes and have more ways of cutting shit - they are ALWAYS better at unarmored fighting than axes.
Axes, if anything, are better suited for bashing against armor than swords due to the weight distribution - they make for a better off-brand mace if the situation calls for it.


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Game mode without

The game is mainly about counting on your opponent to make mistakes. The only real problem atm are that rapiers are just so quick, the only counter to them that I can think of is using a dagger since they're even quicker.
Also shield hitboxes blocks are bigger than the models so they need to fix that too.

I haven't tried the dodge perk to sidestep stabs yet, but that probably doesn't work well.
I usually morph my stab chambers into a slash to juke their parry but I'm fucked if they chamber my chamber.

tree knigga's ww@

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Yesterday. You missed it.
People started crying about the next thing so it was removed.
Devs asked me to tell you you're a faggot.

You're a faggot.

>not being a faggot in 2019

Sorry, it went out of fashion in January.

can't fool me friend

How the fuck do you counter a good player with a rapier? That shit is broken as fuck

Stay hipster, faggot.

>get enemy to near 0 health with exec sword, finish hinnwith throwing axes
>throw axes to unsuspecting enemy archers

This is too good.

Chamber chain. And feints after, one or two should do it.

Also kill some Chad with throwing axes doing good against multiple opponents

It's too bad we don't have pikes, that would be perfect for my setup

dont be a stranger now

trees are cool

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Well there's no brown people or any of their weapons but I guess you could RP as a teutonic knight killing pagans

So mace or warhammer?

dare you enter my magical realm

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>be halberdchad
>frontline grad
>climb up ladder to the wall in blue spawn
>like 4 archers and one other guy
>0 helmets
>press r
>1 swing
>3 kills
>another swing
>2 kills
I fucking love this game

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you're a monster

I just realized why I've had an uncomfortable feeling playing Mordhau. The dude is holding the two-handed weapons the wrong way. What I mean is for example the battle axe is blade on the right side whilst I would be holding it left hand on top, right on the bottom positioning the axe blade on my left side. Is there a way to fix this?

The game registers weapons 'hit' the moment you start the attack which makes sense, but that gives a massive advantage to any 'poke' attack because assuming you are point blank range with someone the moment you poke you are 'hitting' right in front of you.

Basically the time it takes to cover a swing takes longer than a poke, you can get around that by angling your body so that your blade starts its swing in the enemy and it will hit but thats harder to pull off than a poke.

If you like the hand axe and you're using it to poke I suggest you switch it out for the arming sword, its the fastest weapon in its class and does the same thing but with a stronger poke than an axe.

Only had this game for a couple days, rate me.

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>several of my achievements aren't unlocking

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Why are all the helmets much shinier than the chest plates? It bugs me to fuck.

Left handed people are subhuman and not to be catered to, you should know this by now.

Tried to make a varangian-style character
>tfw no proper wooden round shield

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first person melee combat is so fucking bad

Rate me.

Bonus points if you get the reference.

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Sweet colour balance, reminds me of the Arbalest.

>it's a you're trying to 1v1 someone and a war axe 1 shots you from behind episode
also, how damn precise is chambering?
i haven't been able to do it to any appreciable degree except vs spear fags spamming stabs nonstop, and only when i had a stabby weapon like the rapier myself

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I'm not left-handed. I write, eat and do all of that shit with my right hand but hold stuff like baseball bats, axes and hockey sticks like the left-handed. I think it's called ambidexterous or something. I can write with both hands too.

dude executioner + blood lust is so fucking fun it's my guts build

>the rapier is literally faster than the fucking dagger
these devs are niggers

>beating the shit out of people who think you're helpless
very risky playstyle. you bait out attacks and wait for the perfect opportunity to leap in and start going full ham fuckhead aggressive
my favorite is ducking under a zweihander swing that would 1hit me and seeing them parry panic because they didn't think it would happen, letting me punch them between every single click

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Did anybody buy the auto-riposte yet?

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I might steal this, sorry bro

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You have to do a lunge just before the weapon would hit you, near the end of its animation frames. I went onto a local server with 1 bot and put "slomo 0.40" in console to get my timing down and progressively brought it back up to normal speed. Still not great at chambering, but I know how to do it now at least.

so fucking stupid that med armour can chase down no armour, even if no armour has a fucking head start

Graaaaaaaaaaa I spent 2500 gold on the wrong fucking item by mistake!!!

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Back to the front for you.
>captcha says to select all store fronts

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>Accidentally bought the plume helmet

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just got the game last night. question? should i stick with the preset builds and horde gold or buy cheap stuff and build up from low cost gear?

can i play this with 1060 3gb without dipping bellow 60fps

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>people keep stacking the same team and outleveling the other team on teamdm by a huge margin, also refusing to switch when teams are imbalanced
>put a bunch of garbage characters in my name
>go on their team and TK them until they leave the server


Learn the weapons on the presets and see what you like from those, and buy new stuff accordingly. Have a set appearance in mind for your custom merc(s) and just buy them in whatever order you want. I prefer trying to complete a merc's set before I work on another's.

>Try to use bear traps, teammates keep walking over them because they wanna get the kill I'm baiting over
>Try to use fire bombs, teammates keep running into the obvious pool of fire they're chasing enemies through
>Try to use billhook, teammates won't give me space to swing and bumrush in so I'm getting it caught on their heads and dying from being staggered all the time
>Last five games there have been people just sitting in corners dicking off all game
I'm just gonna start running firebombs and a lute at this point, fuck it.

Does the grind get any better/give more gold? I'm about level 9 and both levels and XP are slowing down fast.

knock knock, sheep fucker
>implying the english didn't fuck sheep for sport

game looks fun though, wish i could afford a pc

do they have tattered/weathered cloth/armor? would be cool if you could make something similar to the fallen knight armor of ds3

post em

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>wielding battleaxe on horseback in the mountain
>not just lolcharging everyone
>carfully weaving in and out of combat at the front decapitating shitters
>end up chasing enemy horseman
>all the way to blue spawn we end up in a glorious impromptu jousting match that ends in me decapitating him at the final moment
and then I got disconnected

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how do you even kill people with non rapier 1handers


are there any short swords in game?

Have they ironed out the progression bug yet? I was going to buy the game, but hearing about nogainz put me off.


Holy shit dude I feel bad for your v key

It was fixed last week

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Yeah that's fixed, it didn't last very long at all.

Whats the point of bastard sword / messer? Should i be having a shield for 1handed mode? I don't really find myself often in situations where id need to switch to a shield...

well, fuck, guess I missed the release sale for no reason. See you on the battlefields then.

Wow this game is just fucking medieval fortnight

i use an arming sword as my gladius stand in

yes, it is

Attached: dumb horseniggers 2.webm (950x534, 2.89M)

god i hate horses so much
fuck their stupid large stun hitbox

Shield fags get a fuckin job you god damn rednecks Jesus Christ the game is fucking click right to win fuck you shield virgin rapier twirling Neanderthals

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can you hurl handfuls of shit at their shields at least?

>Spam left click to win
>1 shot level 2 armor wearers
>2 shot level 3 armor wearers

Is there literally any weapon that is worse/Scummier than the executioner sword or the maul?

I'm finding it hard to believe that any faggot that uses these weapons has any kind of skill at all.

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theyre fun but not very good against any decent player

>Some sword fag takes a swing at me
>chamber it and hit him in the head with my maul instantly killing him
>that crunch sound

Skirmish gets boring, especially as a way of starting the game, because it's mostly played by much more experienced players. You end up spending a lot of time just being dead, rather than Frontline, Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch (especially duel servers) where you spend a lot of time alive, playing, and learning for yourself how the game works.

I'm a faggot who wants to stay a million miles away and snipe niggers with a crossbow or a bow. Can I do that in Mordhau?
I have an issue that inhibits motor function in my left hand so I cant dodge like a mad cunt

All I can say is... Based

>let me pull this information out of my ass


im watching youtube vid on all the shit you can customize, just saw the roman legionnaire short sword...fuck my life, i want a pc.

>play exclusively with the mouse wheel

I really hate how you can chamber a chamber with another chamber so fighting spears or rapiers just turns into who can scroll up the fastest.

How could you moan about left clicking? There’s a giant wind up, and it’s the easiest and most basic attack to parry. You have to be sub 60 IQ to be bad at that. I see executioner/maul and think “slowpoke.”


would love to spill your own blood over your pretty clothes, both you and the lads

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is it technically possible to chamber every hit?
like, if you are super close, you get hit way before the end of the animation frames

my 1060 6gb can ultra this bitch and i didn't notice any frame dips, i would have to check a frame counter but i'm usually sensitive about this stuff, you'll be fine

Yes but it’s boring and people will want you to die IRL
Dodging is a perk and uses the space bar, 99% of the time you’re walking around like normal and doing the parry dance.

rhodok scumshooter/10

Yes. You can also snipe with firepots, LOTS of throwing weapons, catapults take the fucking friendly fire reduction perk or don't use it, ballistae, and can play as a support with medpacks or as a builder, or as a beartrapper for even more variety.
Movement speed is fairly low for armoured builds so although footwork plays a part, you don't need to be super good at dodging unless you actually take the Dodge perk. Most of the replayability of the game is in melee combat, but there's still a lot of non-melee content.

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How do you feel about MB4 upwards strikes?

>so fighting spears or rapiers just turns into who can scroll up the fastest
Parry into accel'd upswing.

>heh “slowpoke” nuthin personnel..
>giant windup
>mistime parry
>maul completely obliterates your low iq head

this game isnt fun
its just frustrating

because if you play like your opponent has an IQ over 3 his left click spam will interrupt all your big brain plays


but getting good isnt fun
even if i was the chosen one i wouldnt have fun

I use a long sword you dip.
>right click your clearly telegraphed baseball swing using the most basic defensive move
>hit you
>do it again until you die
The big one handlers are only good against scrubs, once the first month culls the casuls it’s going to be hard to M1 your way to victory.

>sniping with firepots
>throw it in the middle of a group of 6 people
>not a single tick of damage
>throw it in a fairly large corridor, there's maybe 2 enemies in the vicinity
>triple kill
on that note

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What are these big brain plays? Just right click. If you’re complaining about team fights stop playing frontline.

>no rapier slash nerf

are they retarded?

>but getting good isnt fun
thats because you need to git gud

rapier will be fine with people using other 1h waepons. rapier feels overpowered because everyone not using rapier is using 2h

>some longsword beta thinks he knows what he’s doing
>I feint a left horizontal swing
> he blocks lol
>already know he’s going to stab
>he stabs
>chamber morph his stab into his head with my MAUL crushing his low iq skull instantly

where was this even said?

Now is the best time to have fun (in Frontline) because cheeky meme builds can work, you just have to get creative. You can do a hobo build with all the good stuff and no weapons so you have to scavenge one from dead people, you can do an anti-horsenigger build like in , 3 firebomb builds, 3 short spear anti archer build, rock throwing peasant, etc.
Enjoy it while all of this still works, it did in Chilvary in its prime too. At some point people are going to wisen up and normal players will move on to another game so you'll encounter a lot more tryhards in your games.
Realize that in a Frontline game, there's 32 people in your team. Just because you're having fun (not necessarily topping the scoreboard) doesn't mean your team in necessarily gonna lose, there's 31 other dudes. Not to mention, sometimes you can be such a cheeky asshole that you're helping your team more than you would in the meat grinder.

I've seen people top the scoreboard consistently with like a 20:1 kdr using nothing but Executioner Sword and the left mouse button and it's utterly baffling.

You can't use firepots as grenades tossing them into packs of people. They work best for cutting reinforcements / people backpedaling into fire.

im just gonna ruin 1v1 servers instead

so baffling that you cant do nothing to stop it

you'll fail at ruining them because you're not gud

Each of one of you is worse than the other.

yeah, i noticed.
works pretty well against shield niggas

I'm pretty sure I played some duels against you a few hours ago. Can't remember your name, but I was Kuma. Some green dude with a longsword.


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I usually only play on duel servers. When my friends make me play Frontline or TDM I get mad as fuck when people gang up on me or when people in my team hit me in the back. Or when archerfags do their thing. Duels is where it's at.

Heh....... foolish 3/3/3
>wait until midswing since your weapon gives the most time to determine feints
>3/4 of your green text never happen
>beat your head in with the title of the game
pshhh...... sorry kiddo, your time is up

Is Walking Tree the most based sigil?

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stop posting this you fucking retard

What perks do you fags use on a longsword knight build?

you'll regret it after like 5 hours
play it for 1 hour and then ask yourself how long you could do that shit for

Praise be unto our Lord and Saviour Shinju-sama.

Then you have terrible reading comprehension.

uninstalled an hour ago because I couldn't git gud with 160ms ping causing insurmountable delay to weapon swing and parry speeds

enjoy the game, hope it is there in a year when I move back to the states

also fuck the janny nigger faggots, suck my dick you horse molesting queers


Pan or nothing

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Scavenger, friendly, and tenacious. I might drop friendly since I never hit teammates and scavenger too, and replace them with better armor or perks. I’m 2/3/1

>As of today MORDHAU has sold just shy of 500.000 copies and we have reached a peak of 60.000 concurrent players yesterday. These are just mindblowing numbers to us, and we still haven't fully realized that MORDHAU is currently among the top played games on Steam.
F-Flop right.

fucking love it when scrubs come on duel servers and think they can ruin anything. they always get their asses handed to them until they pick their "serious" class and try to acually fight people in a normal way and still get fucking destroyed.

sounds like you're just a sore loser.

Drop em both and go 3/3/2

How do I get good at this game? With only 2 side mouse buttons should I use 240 or use binds?

yeah didnt happen
i quickly got 30 kills and ended the match and then left knowing there was a bunch of butthurt honor niggers running around looking for me

good list, but 3/3/3 BL+Scav doesnt sound too bad

>mfw massacring a bunch of full plated niggas with just the rusty shovel
The damage on this shit is unreal, like 40 on a body hit.

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Is short spear actually cancer? I was interested in using it


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>Epic are proud to announce World War Z sold 250k in its first week on epic store
>Game heavily marketed
>Store curated
>Mordhau sells 500k with no real marketing in its first week with a peak 60k players online

Maybe now I understand why Valve doesn't seem to give any mind to Epic.

Though fair play to the devs, really good game. Absolutely loving it at the moment.
Did try 1 round of horde though and it was shit, they just need to pump out more maps for frontline.

for suuuure. fucking 13 year old Yea Forums faggots, why do i still come back here?

Use binds, you only need one side button. Holding alt then pressing the swing button changes the direction from right to left. It’s infinity times better than 240 and doesn’t require a million buttons.

I have to say... fists are so OP in this game. Honestly just run around players constantly bashing left mouse and you just wreck 4 out of 5 people.

>flying punch some lute peasant’s face
goddamn that felt good


you really think its impossible to kill a guy from behind when hes got 1 hp?
talk about getting good


Attached: Look at him go.png (642x933, 837K)

Not him but I think it's very possible you got killed numerous times, giving them gold, xp, and the fight they were looking for, after accomplishing that only once. Especially given that you said earlier you don't like gitting gud, that's the most likely outcome.
TLDR: Pics or it didn't happen.


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Whatever weapon just killed me is OP because clearly I would never lose otherwise.

>When the game you spent $60 on is so shit you have to spend another $30 to get a new game which is somewhat like it just because it has a player base

Absolute state of for honor players

RDM'ers get a couple free kills then the servers starts to wise up and kill on sight. You are incredibly full of shit.

sure i got killed
still owned some duel babies

Pics, or you got owned.

Short spear + shield is very good for learning the game because you don't have to worry about feints or drags at all. It's also much better at avoiding friendly fire than swing based weapons. Once you get the hang of the game you can generally do better with something else, though.

A side bonus of it is that immunity to feints and drags makes the I AM TOO A CYBERATHELETE MOM crowd incredibly upset.

i got for honor for free and i still didnt play it lmao
cry more fanboy

Guys i love harassing my team so much
>Play archer
>Find victim, has to be another archer
>Position self behind hiding spot, behind his hiding spot
>Start pelting him with arrows and then ducking
>He will look for you
>Use the stealth skills you learned from stealth games to avoid the enraged npc
>Keep pelting him with arrows and laughing
>Repeat until as long as you can manage, until he finds and kills you or just straight up leaves

Is the reason they don't let you preview your build with team colors because they want to minimize people trying to make ambiguous looking characters?
I mean you can still kind of do it by reducing the amount of surface area that defaults to the cream color on each clothing piece.

What’s the easiest way to get gold?

>teammate kicks me
>beat the shit out of him with my weapon until its team damage -80 or more
>if he kills me, votekick him
>if he ignores me, keep tapping him to make sure when an enemy shows up he has no health
dumb faggots dont ever kick me again

I just realized Mordhau doesn’t have micro transactions. Are the devs going to keep it that way?

i just pretend that im not trying to hit my teammate whos using a faggot loadout and do it completely on purpose

guys the balancing dev said javelins will be added in the near future

Lets see what you guys have.

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Yes, they only added the gold shit because they knew autists would complain about there being no progression instead of playing for fun. Everything used to be unlocked from the start

>start votekick using console
>80% of the server just votes yes since they assume this dumbass did something wrong

is this edited or are you just a faggot?

just a massive cocksucker

Attached: statsMordhau.png (814x721, 94K)

But we already have short spears.

Yeah but then you only get 3 total.
I'm assuming these would have individual ammo counts per slot in exchange for not being usable as melee weapons, just like the way dagger vs. throwing knives works.

Nothing. I will always use the maul and warhammer combo no matter what. Theres nothing more satisfying than landing a skull crusher with a big hammer.

The battlefield... Is under my control... Fight in my smoke!

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Fuck off dad.

to the autist in here last night complaining about siege towers in Camp being used to attack a wooden fortification: if you looked around the map, you'd realize Blue has an actual castle behind their castle.

behind their wooden fort*

good 14th century knight

Attached: thistreewasmadeforwalking.png (651x790, 803K)

>28% of my kills are fists

Did you just not realise how you equipped a weapon when you first started playing the game?

>why is the river on fire

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Peasant w/ heavy club for maximum UNGA BUNGA

Is it a good game for a shy autist who don't speak to other people online?

Reminds me of the Hyrule guards in Twilight Princess

Nah I just like my build.

Attached: Stats.jpg (951x863, 90K)

Has rat EVER been useful? Why even crouch

Even if we had them they'd cost so many points that you wouldnt be able to have the same armour as that pic.

smaller profile vs archers and overheads but yeah i agree it's a bit of a meme. it should have an ancillary benefit

Welcome to the university of wooloomooloo/10

oh my god

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>60k for the plume helmet
Looks like I'm in it for the long run.

Really want to get used to the maul but the struggling with its speed. Whats the best way to fight with it?

How the FUCK do you get gold more quickly?

>get stabbed and die after winning duel
>by the time I get back to the guy for revenge he's already getting spam kicked against a wall by all the other bystanders

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switch up your timings, add kicks, add feints, do some throws with it, take enough armor or perks that you don't get 1shot if you fail to swing before they do, and avoid anyone with fists out since they can stunlock you


Boring as hell but you get a lot for your efforts, more if you last longer

Play horde if you're shit for the same amount of gold and xp 1st place gets you in frontline

How do you guys record your videos?
I've tried the usual instant replay thing from ShadowPlay but it doesn't seem to work at all in this game.

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>mfw always highest deaths on my team
>but also always highest kills

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Maul is slow and has short range. If you got hit by it, you were 100% outplayed.

>devs confirmed theyre working on ranked/competitive


Bad sign

>35 chambers
Chamberlets I swear to god

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Does looking st the ground when doing overheads accelerate the time it takes to land?

i kick archers off ledges into the meatgrinder. It's fun.

If you're winning on tickets you're having a bad time. You should be winning by doing objectives.

Based berserker

Attached: berserker.jpg (150x230, 21K)

You can do overhead and turn to the side, the end of the swing catches their foot
Looking at the ground while doing overhead makes it harder to see the animation

Honestly i hate all that shit. Reminds me too much of chivalry.

>The archer is lacking in its combat stats
I use a quarterstaff. Shit for chambering, its main use is it's light (1) and has good reach so I can back the fuck out of a fight and hope some combat guy on my team comes to help me out.
To be fair though the QS isn't too bad to play with, nice for doing combos if the knob actually gets hit by the distancing jab and feels good killing people with it.

>spamming thrusts
I dab on thee

Just wondering because I just had some cunt do it to me in a duel and I didnt know if it was just lag or ballerina niggertry.

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Is there a last team standing mode like in chiv? I dont mean that gay battle royale shit

>he can only chamber stabs
Wow you're shit

Literally skirmish

Huntsman makes getting kills so easy as most other archers are shit and crossbow players are typically stupid enough to reload in the open.
If you're an archer and don't have friendly you're the worse. Now I rarely hit players but they're never going to appreciate it, let alone an unfriendly perk player.
Unless they're stupid and keep running back and forwards through the front of me when there's no need to, then usually I shoot them just because they deserve it.

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I swear, tryhards always ruin good MP games

>My knight follows the mouse pointer with his eyes


well OBS would probably work, it can actually use the same encoding hardware in your GPU that shadowplay uses so there's no extra CPU usage.

>the worse
what did he mean i wonder

>All tryhards are going to play competitive
>Everyone elses enjoy a casual game in frontline smashing heads

Sounds good to me

Just play overwatch

>archer with no sidearm
Boy I love me some free kills

Attached: stats.png (892x829, 127K)

>when you parry your teammate who is swinging at you 6 times in a row
maybe my knigga needs more team colored cloth on

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typically get killed about 3 - 5 times a game, really not much of an issue.
Also reason for the new change is because before had quarter staff and didn't have huntsman, but only just realised fists > quarter staff.

Plus would add, as I typically sit far back with the long bow, if you're running towards me I'll normally have killed you before you get to me.

so is battleaxe perhaps one of the most underrated weapons?
>beefy damage
>outranges executioners
>faster than executioners
>everyone under-estimated its reach
>sweeps with drags absolute clean up multiple attackers
>surprisingly good thrust for a non-sword
I didn't even try it until 30hrs in and now it's my go-to

>no sir boris on the list
not the finest swordsman in the land or the most enthusiastic

Red has an advantage because blue is more likely to hit bloody teammates

Who needs to chamber when you've already lopped off their fucking head, retard?

It's honestly surprising they didn't decide to make a green or yellow team instead.
Chivalry had a similar thing to a far lesser extent and that game had armor unique to each faction and voice unique to each faction.
With Mordhau an enemy could scream their yell voice clip while swinging from behind you and you won't know if it's a friendly coming to help or an enemy until you spin around yourself.

Realistically speaking, having a sidearm is likely to be a better protection than 011

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>plate armor


Sometimes a little chaos is good.

Honestly fists are OP at the moment.

Blue has an advantage because they are more likely to be seen as friendly by reds while bloody

Black vs. white would be good too, for the chess aesthetic

I killed a few teammates because of that.

They should patch this shit though, it's retarded. Or at least make it so the flames stay ABOVE the water.


>Boxer runs up to you
>He cant block any weapon
>Still manages to beat your shit in

If you are a boxer whaling on players, dont say fists are op or its too easy. They deserve every punch to the face.

It's the first weapon I used and my go-to. Downward swing to the head is nasty.

>interrupts all your attacks with knuckles of steel
looks like you should hit the gym kid

I brawl as well. The big swinging idiots are always the easiest ones to take down

Mordhau is pretty cool but I'm failing to see how this is anything more than mount and blade with fancier graphics.

Is there depth to it I am just too brainlet to get?

It seems like a 4 map M&B mod, a GOOD M&B mod, but an M&B mod. I was always terrible at M&B combat so I am terrible at this, but when I get better will it have more depth than that?

Its a post-chivalry chivalry game

There's a few tricks you can do that weren't in M&B, but overall it's not that different.

>get rushed by boxer
>unzip dagger

haha le epic peasant build!!11! I'm so wacky and random and contribute nothing to the team!!

Peasants are both cringe AND bluepilled

>U stab
>I dodge to side and queue up a hook

Speak for yourself

Knights always beg me "please peasant chad, let me have one pan. You have like 3 bro just let me have one PLEASE"

Also peasant is just hard mode for the good players

oonga booga rockstop

Got killed by a pan again, didn't you?

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>no dysentery perk where turds show up in your slots

>something cool or fun happens but the recording software fucks up and doesn't capture it

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Ah, I guess I'll refund and keep waiting for bannerlord while I play my autism similator.
Lack of a single player game really kills this as a $30 game for me.

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a dagger?

Wave check *snatches durag*

rate my sharia warrior

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the axe is better for stab spam because people don't expect it

Firebombers are the biggest cancer

>t. someone who cant handle the heat

>Bards actually singing
It would be great.

>Tfw have a firebomber, smokebomber, knife thrower, axe thrower, spear thrower loadout

Im so fucking useless but i have so much fun

>jump attacks during face to face combat
Must be some special kind of autist to actually even attempt that dumb shit.

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Maybe he wants to show of his sick kung fu skills.

holy fuck this is pathetic

yeah. I regretted it like 5 hours in. Now i have 20 hours and i still regret buying this awful game

I like when they jump on my spear if you know what I mean
I mean I like it because they die because jumping on a spear has a very high lethality rate and I use a spear often

>greatsword autist tries to jump-overhead
>duck and stab him in his unarmored legs

Attached: confused negro.png (649x649, 296K)

cosplaying as a faggot

why the fuck are the swings on the normal one handed axe so fast? i can't even follow up with a second parry or riposte most of the time because by the time the animation started for me, the axe already fucking hits me

Then you need to chamber it and counter it with a morph

never saw anything from this game other than character creator

s-someone told me he hopes i get cancer ;w;

Just got it, played 3 games. Finished one game -1/18/?. My teammate blocked my eveningstars path, how bad am I? I found toward the end of my adventure i should use bow.

defend this right fucking now

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ur retarded lol

I got killed from that actually. There was so much blood i thought they were red team.

should've covered yourself with blud

I swear I saw someone using some sort of rugged club/branch as a weapon, but I don't see it anywhere in the list. Is it a skin or something?

Peasant perk allows you to use weapon you couldn't before (pickaxe, club, sledgehammer, carving knife, pan, etc.).

They do, its the "wanderer" set.

Why can the carving knife interrupt you in horde mode, but you cant interrupt people with it in every other mode

>Playing against some rapierfag in duel
>He literally never falls to any faint, sometimes he gets hit by some drag but rarely


The peasant weapons are unironically very good in duels. People think it's a meme for the -8 perk but it's because the weapons are powerful as fuck at the cost of no gear.

Thinking of rebinding all my mouse buttons to different attacks, ignoring the directional system, and binding parry to the keyboard somewhere. Is this a good idea or will it fuck me some how? Still new.

>devs doing everything in their power to make spin2win faggots leave their game

>can't bind mouse wheel left/right to swing left/right
I want to fucking chamber without going full retard with my camera. Why don't these bindings work?

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why is this game so fun? shit, there's only 4 maps and I can't stop launching the game

Yes people think the pan is a joke until they get hit by it

I enjoy staring at enemies and left clicking walls, let them hear the sound it makes and stir fear

i know what you're talking about but don't understand the context
who are you quoting

t. tryhard """"MUH INVICBLE 10 LAYERS OF PLATES"""""

you're just missing a feathered hat for the Greatsword, good job


the pan's attack speed is insanely fast, I literally don't want to fight people who use it seriously because I get shit on pretty easily by it, granted I've only fought it with low tier armor. now that I think about it, peasant weapons are probably only good for dunking on mostly tier 1 armors. a 3/3/3 knight would be able to ignore how fast some of the weapons are and just 1 shot the peasant even though he got hit 5 times in a row by pan like how it should be

OK you fucking nerds. You made me buy it. Gj shills.

En garde!

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oh god that is so satisfying

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ok anons, im planning on getting this, but i want to ask one question : how autistic is the combat. are we talking m&b levels here? or similar to for honor? what i'm trying to ask, can you only have fun if you GIT GUD, if you are not into mastering autistic melee simulator, will you have fun or will you just get shrekt by everyone?

unga bunga
metal man bad

new maps soon brother
Castello and Feitoria "in mid-production"

Attached: dnpgj7r.jpg (2100x1080, 330K)

Thanks i get to eat cup noodle tonight

If you are not into mastering autistic melee simulator, you can still pick a cheese build like archerfag, horsefag, trapfag, firepotfag, catafag, backstabsmokebombfag, or maulfag and still have fun dunking on people.

low skill floor and reasonable skill ceiling
easy to have fun with even as a baddie

i suppose so, but what i failed to ask in my stupidly worded question is that i wanted to know if there's any middleground there. is it either 100% autismo or 100% cheese? i plan on trying it out anyway, since i can just refund if i dont like it, but wanted to hear more oppinions from you guys.

Its fun oriented, and is trying to avoid the autism of chivalry. It might have a long life. Its all up to the players

The mindset that a multiplayer game needs to listen to the top players is dying

>see enema on lower ground
>jump straight onto his back with pointy axe on his head

Attached: 1549505243900.png (195x189, 94K)

welp, just got it, download is almost done. wish me luck bros

Cool, I like seeing indies with good products make good. Especially considering this shit was in development for eternity

Based trap knight

the skill ceiling isn't insanely high, but it's still high. at the end of the day, bad players can still choose their fights. you can always juke someone and just leg it, or just run away before you even engage

Good, thanks for the insight.

play tutorial again

I love when people jump against me because I just cut their legs off


Attached: hereicome.png (983x528, 131K)

That looks extremely based and comfy

Do you think they'll add Arab armor/weapons so we can go full Deus Vult vs Jihad? Or will the memes and political correctness keep them away?

Yeah when you think about it, it doesn't make much sense to focus on their experience because winning will be fun anyway. The important thing for a multiplayer game is making sure shitters have enough fun to stick around so that everyone else has someone to dunk on.

>is it either 100% autismo or 100% cheese?
if you're asking what i think you're asking, yeah there's hybrid builds.
all the default classes have backup weapons which can be used seriously in melee, and with the points loadout system you can build your class almost any way you want

Meanwhile im downloading with 1.4mbits/sec


kite shield, rapier, fire bomb

Its an all you can rape buffet. I almost feel cheap using it.

This. Game needs to strike a balance between being fun for losers (so that winners have someone to dunk on and feel superior to), while also allowing winners to dunk on and feel superior to losers. This means the basic gameplay must be fun and easy to access, while having a modicum of depth without too much autism

prepare for everyone to tell you to go fucking die

They can QQ all they want. I love watching them catch on and try to chamber my stab too late.

You can throw spears? Which ones?


Attached: nbdccf.png (367x770, 344K)

I know this post is hours old but fuck it, the greatsword is just too good to ignore
>is it just me or is the greatsword a little poo for costing 7 points? it doesn't seem to do nearly as much damage considering it's cost and speed,
For its cost, it's damage isn't really bad. It's not going to cleave 2/3 chests in two strikes like an executioner's sword, but it does make a bunch of important secondary threshholds like 50 on tier 1 legs (seriously, once you start looking at people's legs armour you'll appreciate this; you can basically just wildly up-swing into crowds and rake in the kills), 50 on tier 3 heads with swings and 50 on tier 2 chests with a stab.
It's also longer range than the pretty much everything in it's weight class bar the spear, and faster too with either with normal swings or half-handed stabs. It does all this while keeping every form of it's attacks useful, which nothing else that high does bar the poleaxe which has a shorter range and is slower.
>also i can't seem to figure out the benefit of halfswording for the life of me
It nerfs your damage and speed on swings but the lower range can stop you hitting teammates, plus it's got some weird hitboxes people don't seem to be used to. It still nerfs the range of your stabs, but it makes them *faster* and only slightly lowers their damage.

tl;dr it's a solid all-rounder and in just the right weight class for shit like 3/3/3 or 1/2/1 and bloodlust.

there's only spear and short spear, short is the one you can throw

>The mindset that a multiplayer game needs to listen to the top players is dying
Actually, if you've been following development up till now, that's not true at all. Literally all their balance feedback thus far has come from listening to high level players.

They ignored the kind of high-level player who wanted stupid looking stuff (eg ballerina spins), but otherwise they've been listening to high level players this whole time.
It makes sense to balance around the high level players (while taking low level into account) because the lowest level players can improve at the game to deal with crutches, but the highest level players can't exactly make themselves worse.
Yeah I'm getting some top tier comf from these screenshots. for the other 2 pictures.
The second last tier of their Kickstarter was Crusades stuff and trebuchets, but they failed to reach it.
On the other hand, we are supposed to be getting mod tools. So maybe people will be able to mod it in on community servers like with Warband modding.

Attached: fiwuUQ8.jpg (2100x1080, 514K)

While brawling i found that the uppercut animation can be concealed just by being turned to their side a little. Pretty much the same idea behind a counter in boxing

I cant into large slow weapons

How git gud?

accelerate your swings ya dang dingus

Short Spears can be thrown and you can carry 3 of them in your loadout. I also saw a dev in the official discord say that javelins will be added in the near future (which will probably have something like 3 ammo each, in exchange for being unusable as a melee weapon).

>The second last tier of their Kickstarter was Crusades stuff and trebuchets, but they failed to reach it.
maybe as an xpac down the line then, it seems to be selling well

There's literally nothing wrong with spear/shield combo. stop crying and get good *pokes u*

Theyre on top10 on steam, does that mean they can do those missed Kickstarter goals?

Also do you have a screengrab of their tier list by any chance? I never followed the game

feint, add a kick every now and then, parry and riposte, remember to keep sprinting at them while swinging as it increases your range and makes you harder to deal with, drag your swings to switch up timing

While the new maps look very nice, 6 maps is still a bit underhwelming. Right now the game's biggest problem is there just isn't enough maps so the existing ones get tiresome pretty quickly.

Once we get mod support and custom maps, this game will really take off. Imagine Helm's Deep, lads.

rip in peas

Also to clarify i just want to know what the devs plan on adding to the game.

don't go spreading this around but S tier is lute, dung, catapult without the friendly perk, lance, rat perk, and flaming torch

Feint , kicks and morphs are your friends and in fact the only way to deal with any opponent face to face that isn't a newbie.

>when you're only good with one weapon, but decide to try a new one
>get just as many kills and just as few deaths with the new weapon
I'm feelin' it bros

thanks guys

Attached: 1556368066256.png (560x645, 243K)

Attached: cqg5aa.png (328x869, 515K)

*equips invincibility button*
Heh... git gud..

3/3/3 with bloodlust and an axe or arming sword is super op. I can almost always find a good two hander before my first fight. One time I found a short spear and a shield, I was invincible.

Attached: op.png (862x939, 881K)

Forum post says to expect insofar:
>compensation for lost gold and XP
>server browser fixes
>2 new maps
>ranked/competitive modes, official support for duel servers (no hard date on this, might take some time)
>new armor pieces and weapon skins here and there, as well as some new character customization options
>Modding Tools "further down the line"
>improvements to the maps and gamemodes
>horde AI improvement

Attached: scot.png (367x648, 360K)

kek just doing tutorial
>hans test

I've fucked up some experienced players with just drags and accels without feinting, morphing or kicking. Not that you aren't right in general of course, but you're not always forced to use those 3 to get the kill, if you're not too predictable.

we need the mod stuff ASAP, it really helped chivalry out

>horde AI improvement
are they finally going to be able to climb ladders?

Yeah, balancing it for high level play makes more sense because shitters don't really care about balance but it absolutely has to be fun when you're losing. Also, there's different kinds of high level players. The ones who are high level because they learned a counterintuitive, unfun mechanic and jealously guard their advantage because it's the only time they've ever been winning in a videogame should never be pandered to.

we might as well move to

You said what I was trying to say much better than I did, yeah. Balance around high level players, focus on skill, but it's also gotta be intuitive and (in a game like this where immersion is priority) look good or you're just going to have an empty game.

how do i transition off of spear + shield
i used it as my training wheels but now i feel naked trying any other weapon