Randy Pitchford gets a temper tentrum and attacks the Claptrap voice actor

>Randy Pitchford gets a temper tentrum and attacks the Claptrap voice actor

What the fuck is going on?

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?&q=verbal assualt law

Randy is an absolute cretin.


Jesus christ, these fucking liberal wastes always have to put words in people's mouths. You can't assault someone with words, you moron.

You can take the dude's original tweet without that hyperbole and still discuss it because Randy is a moron

Randy is a total fucking dork and was really unpopular in school. He's running his own company now but since he's been the only investor from the start he never had to mature and get proper business/people sense.

>Im begging you, please voice Claptrap again. Pls PLS

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Assault can be verbal or physical. Only battery is always physical.

You're a self-righteous retard.

you can assault someone with words according to leftists so that is an entirely correct description of events

Randy being Randy

On the one hand you should never trust a VA, on the other fuck Randy that walking turd in a human suit

how about you read the thread that he was linking, you fucking idiot
>Randy physically assaulted me in the lobby of the Marriott Marquis at GDC 2017.

Based retard

I'm just glad this fag makes games, out of 3-5 games it's always a huge hit

Are you retarded, if you read the string of tweets Eddings literally says he was PHYSICALLY assaulted

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Randy is legitimately autistic, he clearly has no idea how to interact with other human beings whenever hes on stage and he paused the reveal of the sequel in his his multi million dollar videogame franchise to put on a 20 minute magic show, not to mention the endless rabid shit flinging on twitter

>You can't assault someone with words, you moron.

He was physically assaulted you absolute moron. Stop defending Randy and your gay ass looter shooter. I hope the tranny liberals boycott this trash game and Randy.

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Of all character types, replacing the VA for a robot seems like the least amount of trouble involved.

I forgot to mention I think studios already have some kind of Randy Pitchford but don't really have talking heads, the last time they had that hilarity was BF5. Most studios keep quiet now. The dude is a major asshat though.

Imagine getting all up in arms and making an angry post attacking other people when you didn't even read the thing you're getting angry about

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>he paused the reveal of the sequel in his his multi million dollar videogame franchise to put on a 20 minute magic show
Wait did that actually happen?
If so, that's fucking hilarious.

>Randy calling people muggles

What a dweeb.

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>You can't assault someone with words
It's not liberals saying this, it's the law. The law says you can definitely assault someone with words. But you're a /pol/tard, I don't know why anyone expects you to understand legal matters.

were these the guys what made gears of war?

The guy was a former high-ranking suit in Gearbox who did the voice work for Claptrap for the hell of it while he was still working there.

Do you think Randy ever got physical with Ashly Burch when his brother worked there?

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Why would you trust anyone, you fucking dope? Why would you trust ANYTHING based on "a person said it"?

>randy just wanted to hear the sounds of hitting a claptrap

Fuck off, Randy.

that was epic and cliffy b. different company, same faggotry.

This is getting lit. I fucking love how every company epic pays for exclusivity from in their quest to pretend it will make developers lives better wind up being hellish work environments

Bet you retards also come running when women cry rape too, kill yourselves.

> his

I swear that was an accident but there we go

Randy seems like a sperg at this point. I find it kind of endearing. It explains a lot of his behavior. He's the kid from high school that would have sudden outbursts of rage and break shit but was also a total wimp and inept. I think he's verging on /ourguy/ territory now.

Do you think Randy fucked Ashly?

I spent a night in jail once because I "assaulted" someone with words. I don't want to hear it.


>I'm begging you, please oil on my face. Cover me in your nectar and show me what a meat toilet looks like.

>Physically attack the Claptrap voice actor
>Start STALKING his social media
>Claptrap literally has to block Randy

Randy is a fucking psycho. I thought Randy being a shithead was a meme but boy am I wrong

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Fuck off, no one likes a shitlord in real life

i could have sworn you assholes said randy was going to jail for child porn yet here we are

If you look carefully, all cards in the sealed box have the same signature on them

>gets beat up by Pitchford
Fucking how?

>Stop defending Randy and your gay ass looter shooter
>You can take the dude's original tweet without that hyperbole and still discuss it because Randy is a moron
>defending Randy
people can attack your argument without overall disagreeing with you, retardo. even if he was wrong you need to learn this.



These videos have not aged well when you think about how everyone ended up. They're just sad instead of goofy dumbass fun.

F*ck off back to wizchan incel

he's a big guy

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>Randy physicially assaulted me in the lobby of the Marriott Marquis at GDC 2017

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I always hated claptrap and his unfunny reddit humor just kidding I love claptrap and fuck randy bobandy

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I'm glad Randy is having more and more shit about him resurfacing. He really does deserve nothing more than a constant barrage of shit flying his way.

Who's worse at this point? Anthony Burch or Randy Pitchford?

user he got the shit beat out of him physically. While he is a total bitch for getting his shit pushed in by Randy fucking Pitchford, that shit is still illegal as fuck.

I love that Randy's retardation is finally being reporting on widely, let's hope Gearbox dies after Borderlands 3.

how da fuck you let randy hit you and not beat his ass LMFAO

I wanna cum on Victoria's face


not that user but

what did she mean by this?

Isn't Eddings a borderline elderly guy?

Randy is an absolute sperg and that's been the case for a long ass time., Burch is far worse because he's actively retarded rather then too autistic to function.

They aged perfectly, they were complete shit then and they're complete shit now.

>publisher hands him a big bag of money with no real promise of completing a game so he pockets the money (based)
>has weird kink fetishes like piss and lolis (based)
>hits on every girl he meets and hires them so he can hit on them and even did magic with an instathot on stage at PAX (based)
>got credit for one of the most popular franchises in gaming (based)
>has wife/kids who put up with his autism (based)
>beats the shit out of shitty VA "actors" who constantly whine about unions and fairness (based)
>spergs out on stage when tech doesn't work correctly (based)
>constantly gives away money and shit to people who he likes (based)
>vexes Yea Forums for eternity (based)
>made a shitty satirical song about Trump (not based)

I'm going to go with based. Nobody really cares about your daddy Trump fetish.

what law states that words are assault?

I'm literally praying the trannies will boycott Borderlands 3 and Gearbox because fuck that gay ass game.

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>get clown the fuck out
>start accusing people of being sjws
The absolute state of user

user do you really doubt that though? I mean it's too stupid too be fake.

hes easily replaced the character was joke annoying anyway no one cares

Glad to know even Randy wanted to punch Claptrap in the face.

that's not what she was claiming

>twitter mobs
>amounting to anything other than being loud
Nah. Fuck Gearbox though.

Does that include the video where they make fun of domestic violence and battered women? Am I the only one who remembers that one?

Assault and battery are labeled separately when it comes to legal charges. Is English a second language for you or do you seriously not know that?

google.com/search?&q=verbal assualt law

Randy is a treasure, he just keeps giving

i dunno, randy's a dope but i can't see him actually hurting anyone. it's like if jeb bush beat his wife

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The world you wish for would have you sterilized for having a room temperature iq

Borderlands 3 will make a lot of money. No amount of boycotts will change this

David Eddings was physically assaulted one simmering Spring of '17


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What the fuck are you talking about? That would only be the case if you are threatening to physically harm someone you retard.

I'm pretty sure jeb hits his wife if she fucks up his pocket turtles. For real though, randy is a certified 100% autistic CWC tier sperg, this really should not be much of a surprise.

> if you are threatening to physically harm someone
> threats
> words

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please tell me which specific law states that you can assault someone with words.

No one thought Rolf Harris or Bill Cosby could be rapists either, yet here we are.

If the physical assault happened, one would normally press charges. This would create a paper trail that can be looked up as criminal records are public domain. Anyone can look that shit up to validate if the claim is true.

The fact that such details have not been corroborated, makes me suspicious of the claim. It could potentially be true, but I'd take it with a grain of salt (regardless of whether Randy is retarded or not).

Don't give any attention to Randy, just ignore him and move on. He uses controversy to sell his garbage games, this is literally all just attention whoring.

I highly doubt Bitchford physically assaulted him but it is already well-established that Bitchford himself is a compulsive liar so it would be difficult to defend himself. I'm willing to believe he was still the asshole in whatever situation actually occurred.

>verbal assault is only real if you verbally threaten someone

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Fucking Randy

>thinking tranny outrage will accomplish anything

Casuals will still flock to it at launch and make it a success

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>Physical assault
>No recognition of the accusation of 12m in embezzled funds


>No claptrap
>no troy baker as rhys
>lies about the microtransactions
>epic exclusive
BL3 shaping up to be the blunder of the century

I could see him sneak attack someone with a tire iron if someone sets his sperg off hard enough.



State jurisdictions define the specifics, you dumbass.

>Join the SJW crowed.
>Expect to be invincible and untouchable.
Randy is a fucking chode.

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So you want someone to go through the statutes of 50 states and post the specific codes for you? You're on the internet. You can look up the laws for your state and see. You don't win the argument because you refuse to look up information. And no it's not about burden of proof. Burden of proof doesn't mean your opponent has to present a book's worth of information at your whim or they lose.

Wasn't the Epic exclusive fuckup to do with 2k instead of him? It's been rescinded anyway.

Pitchford is an asshole but he has a charm to him that Burch does not.

Saying you will release BL3 on Steam if Gabe Newell makes Half Life 3 is such an absurd claim, it's great.

Randy is BASED

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Even Chris Chan almost hit a guy with his car. Don't underestimate sperg rage.

I mean, don't overestimate it either. Just saying that Pitchford seems like a cunt.

whatever fuck off nerd

>Pressing charges on your boss
Easy peasy, nothing could go wrong.

>He doesn't wanna cum in Kates hair

Need help moving those goalposts you knee-jerk faggot?

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why can't you just tell me which law states that you can assault someone with words?


I'd agree if Pitchford wasn't so whiny and self-pitying about it. Top tier shitposters don't try to make it about themselves.

There's a lot of reasons why someone wouldn't press charges.

For example, if it's your boss and they have financial leverage over you. Or if you're scared of having your personal career ruined by attaching yourself to an insane person.

Why are you expecting to be spoon-fed? Do your homework.

Depends on the state or country, dumbass. Definitions of Assault, Battery, and Threats are generally different. And no, assault does not usually constitute verbal attacks. That falls under different laws such as Aggravated Harrassment, Harrassment, and in the case of defamation, Slander. Read a book.

I want to fuck Ashly Burch and impregnate her whilst Randy watches.

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>can't open links

you seem to be able to come up with this knowledge off hand but unable to cite the exact law for some reason
why is that?

I sent you links and you're shitting your pants and demanding to be spoonfed when you can easily look up the law yourself. You can stay delusional and claim that you won just because you're too lazy to do a simple search yourself. I already spoonfed you enough.

Charm? Holy fuck what a retard

No. He pushed 2K into going epic and is the biggest one at fault, he even admitted it and badmouthed gaben and steam
He’s a fucking chode

Oh no I could see randy go off like that, that's why I know. I had a friend who moved away who was medically diagnosed autistic as fuck. He was functional enough too get a geology degree, but I understand how spergs work, and if something sets their shit off enough they will fuck that thing up too make it go away.

Randy took a fatass bonus of 12mil, this is established Cuckford lore. Siphon =/= embezzlement. He's just saying he has absolutely zero moral character, which is also true.

Scout, get out of here. Maybe you'll have success trying to seduce high schoolers again.

>randyfags are sperging the fuck out over this
feels so good



>Saying you will release BL3 on Steam if Gabe Newell makes Half Life 3 is such an absurd claim, it's great.
Where did he say that?

based randy

tell me the exact law
copy and paste it if you want

Explain to me again how Randy isn't a bad ass.

Reasonable fear of harm can be enough to lead to an assault charge depending on the circumstances. You can't paint it all with one brush and dismiss those edge cases just because you want to oversimplify the legal world, brainlet.

>Asking for the information to be spoonfed when poster already told you

Absolutely based and retarded

Nah everyone's laughing at them for their hero basically being a rich chris-chan and finally fucking up enough too perhaps go to court for his shit.

So he convinced his staff to forego increased salary for larger royalties, but then took the royalties for himself anyway? How'd he do that?


Yeah, I get ya. It's all about understanding what buttons not to push.


article 6 section 3: you're fuckin gay lmao

Because he did, he's autistic as almighty fuck but he's really good with money. Even Idiot Savants have one really good talent.

Maybe YOU didn't, I never believed the cookie-cutter persona he portrayed himself as, people who are that good tend to hide some creepy shit. Same thing with serial killers, every time they catch one you always see what whore of her neighbor on TV going "Oh, this is shocking, he was so nice, he went to church, he tended to his garden I dunno what happened"

And to top it off it was apparently sort of an open secret in Hollywood, like it was a rumor of the industry, but no one had solid proof. I don't trust people who are squeaky clean, all that means to me is that you're hiding something. I bet you someone else in Hollywood will come out with some bad shit no one knows about, like Tom Hanks funding drug cartels or some other crazy shit.

REMINDER: Edding's confirmed the USB with child porn belonged to Randy and that's why Randy hates him.

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If you want to quibble over the wording and claim that it doesn't apply, then you graduated armchair law school. No shit the wording is debatable and ambiguous. That's why we have lawyers.

I'm only citing California law because GDC took place in California that year.

The best thing is that Randy will walk away from all of this scott free and millions in his pocket.

you can assault someone with words according to the law

Imagine how everyone at Gearbox must feel without all the shit slinging and bad press around Randy
I bet they all fucking hate him


>Everyone in Hollywood is a son of a bitch except Keanu Reeves and Tom Hanks
>Turns out El Chapo works for both of them

Thank God I'm not Randy Pitchford

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holy shit youre dumb

1. Have sex.
2. Kill yourself

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Exactly, but the buttons arn't always easy too spot. Sometimes it's shit like somebody moves shit on a desk in a certain way, sometimes it's a phrase or the sheer facial expressions people have some times. Really could be damn near anything DESU. Basically the VA set off randys tard rage button and he went apeshit.

Here's a free (you)

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One would logically assume it was an executive decision. He had every legal right to do so, as I understand, he's just a dick for not sharing. The asking of voluntary salary lowering with the promise of expected future royalties holds no legal bearing. Pitchford took the honey pot because he's a fat motherfucker. This shit isn't news exactly, it happened years ago. It was just kind of resolved than Pitchford is still a massively oversized dickzit.

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I don't know who Rolf Harris is but Cosby's behavior has been known for some time. It's a misnomer that nobody knew because he was such a wholesome figure. People 100% knew, they just covered it up because it was better for everyone that way. It doesn't even involve pay-offs either. Him simply being famous and enough of a draw made it so that his agents and others around him protect his name. Then the networks and movie studios would also protect him because your star being a rapist would end the money train. One of the best ways to get away with anything is to get others involved by giving them a vested interest in your innocence. This is how 99% of government officials and celebrities go decades without getting "caught". They put others in a situation to lie for them or lose their livelihoods or credibility. 9 times out of 10 people will protect their self interests and play along. Eventually someone will do the right thing and that's when the floodgates open.

I live like 30 minutes away from Frisco I could go ask them

>finally get a job in the industry and it's working for a has-been kiddie diddler who's obsessed with magic tricks

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Didn't he hire a personal assistant that stole a bunch of money from him, or am I thinking of another Randy antic?

This isn't even a question.

Anthony is kind of a dickhead, but I think most of that has been not being very bright and kind of immature. Pitchford's an actual fucking psycho actively working to make the video game industry worse.

Top fucking kek this guy is an absolute brainlet

>randy incinerating himself right before BL3 release as we all expected him to
>dragging tim sweeney down with him after all the noise they made about partnership with EGS

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He had an employee steal 3 million from him.. Hes not good with money

>Randy Pitchford
Randy Pitchford is a bitchy poo-brained slut
always full off stupid ideas shit excuses for his smelly-ass games.

fuck randy pitchford

He's not really a VA. He's more of a "Shit we need a funny voice, get Larry from accounting in here now!" substitute that just stuck.

Burch has pretty much dropped off the face of the earth in recent years, don't know what he's doing now. Meanwhile, Pitchford has not only ruined every game he touched but has taken money out of those games and used it for his pet projects. He also has the habit of making an ass out of himself by feeling the need to defend himself from every little bit of criticism he sees on twitter.

This. We clown on Anthony for being wimpy and pathetic but at his worst he's just a fucking dork. Randy is a 100% piece of shit with no redeeming values.

> The essential elements of a cause of action for assault are: (1) defendant acted
with intent to cause harmful or offensive contact, or THREATENED to touch plaintiff
in a harmful or offensive manner; (2) plaintiff REASONABLY BELIEVED she was
about to be touched in a harmful or offensive manner or it REASONABLY APPEARED
to plaintiff that defendant was about to carry out the threat; (3) plaintiff did not
consent to defendant’s conduct; (4) plaintiff was harmed; and (5) defendant’s
conduct was a substantial factor in causing plaintiff’s harm.
> (So v. Shin (2013) 212 Cal.App.4th 652, 668−669 [151 Cal.Rptr.3d 257]

> Generally speaking, an assault is a demonstration of an unlawful INTENT
> (Lowry v. Standard Oil Co. of California (1944) 63 Cal.App.2d 1, 6–7 [146 P.2d 57]

> the right of a person to live without being put in FEAR of personal harm
> Lowry v. Standard Oil Co. of California (1944) 63 Cal.App.2d 1, 6–7 [146 P.2d 57]

> The tort of assault is complete when the ANTICIPATION of harm occurs.
> (Kiseskey v. Carpenters’ Trust for Southern California (1983) 144 Cal.App.3d 222, 232 [192 Cal.Rptr 492].

> Furthermore, . . . ‘while APPREHENSION of that contact is the basis of assault [citation,] [m]ere words, however threatening, will not amount to an assault.
> not mere words
> combined with APPREHENSION
> (Plotnik,supra, 208 Cal.App.4th at p. 1604.)

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Pitchford is a fucking faggot.

Has Randy ascended Anthony Burches in JUST levels to become the ultimate cuck?

Thank God I'm not Randy Pitchford.

Pitchford, to the Morning News, estimates he and his wife lost somewhere around $3 million to Martin. (Martin was never an employee of Gearbox Software and the case does not concern that studio’s finances.) The couple discovered in 2017 that they didn’t have enough money in an account to meet payroll at a coffee shop Kristy Pitchford owns, leading them to Martin.

Martin, who had since left their employ to start an interior design business, reached a legal agreement to repay the couple — but his first check, for more than half a million dollars, bounced.

Probably, but he might have ended that guy on the down low. Like i've said, randy is basically a rich successful Chris chan.

Post yfw no matter how low you get in life you'll never be as stupid and egotistical as Randy Cuckford.

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Post YFW you're not randy pitchford

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He probably got his life destroyed through sheer randy autism.

Imagine comparing your series of barely okay-ish looter shooters to something like fucking Half-Life.

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>keanu reeves is the guy who keeps breaking el chapo out of prison

People talking about games that are unimportant and predatory to consumers.

Poor guy, we can help guys like this by not buying shitty games Yea Forums, do your part.

No, Anthony Burch will forever be worse by the sheer fact that while randy is randy, he still earns a fuckton.

Who would win in a shoot, Randy Pitchford, or the American Badass Mark Calaway?

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What does Burch even do these days anyways? Did he ever get his Wii U back?

>publisher hands him a big bag of money with no real promise of completing a game so he pockets the money (based)
>has weird kink fetishes like piss and lolis (based)
>hits on every girl he meets and hires them so he can hit on them and even did magic with an instathot on stage at PAX (based)
>got credit for one of the most popular franchises in gaming (based)
>has wife/kids who put up with his autism (based)
>beats the shit out of shitty VA "actors" who constantly whine about unions and fairness (based)
>spergs out on stage when tech doesn't work correctly (based)
>constantly gives away money and shit to people who he likes (based)
>vexes Yea Forums for eternity (based)
>made a shitty satirical song about Trump (not based)

I'm going to go with based. Nobody really cares about your daddy Trump fetish.

user you know borderlands 3 will be highly successful despite how bad it is clearly gonna be or how stupid gearbox generally is.

>Has million in the bank and gets away with assaulting a guy (eddings is also getting fucked by those claims if he has no evidence)

There is not a single person in the WWE who wouldn't beat Randy's ass to a pulp. That includes Benoit's skeleton.

Burch is at worst a bad writer with dumb opinions who kept ruining his own life. Randy is outright scum that keeps fucking over other people.

>Implying that woman wouldnt be with that fucking 7 foot marshmallow barachad

Burch is a loser and a shitty writer. Randy is a huge piece of shit who (probably) embezzled money from Sega, among (many) other things. Fuck Randy.

More than likely writing Borderlands 3: Electric Boogaloo 2

The guy had a criminal record and a reputation for conning people before the Pitchfords hired him. The only way Randy brought this on himself was by being too stupid to look into his background.

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randy is a cryptochad

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>be randy
>be general asshole, sperg, and scumbag
>get rich doing it like every other great rich person
>staff gets jealous because their wages stay the same over a decade and some of them get fired
>suddenly start with legal accusations a year before new games comes out
gee wonder why that is

Interesting note, Benoit is my second cousin on my mom's side, I met him while he was alive at a family reunion a long ass time ago. Shit still sucks.

Damn, and I thought the right being retarded was just a meme

I may not be rich, but I'm not a fucking douche who sold his soul.

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Because they're getting fed up with Randy's bullshit and want out.

Man everytime when i think the randy saga cant any worse. It gets worse

it's almost like my life

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>the $12M of revenue he siphoned away
literally aliens colonial marines, all over again
fuck randy, he got what was coming to him

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So do you guys think Randy will ever be fired? He's basically the face of Gearbox right? If he keeps doing dumb shit and acting like a general fucking moron how long do you think it'll be before he gets the axe?
Or can he even be fired,he's the CEO or some shit right? Who's higher up than him at Gearbox?

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Don't worry user. Despite the fact that you're posting on Yea Forums and may have some bad shit going on in your life right now, i guarantee you that you're a better person than Randy Pitchford. No matter how bad things get, you'll always be better than Randy.

Sorry to hear that. Normally I'd apologize for making a joke about him but this is Yea Forums after all. Sorry just the same.

Betting 20 bucks he goes out like Yukio Mishima.

They're a private company so the worst thing that can happen is that the entire studio gets blacklisted by third-party publishers because they get sick of him stealing their money. Even then, he'd 100% fuck over all of his employees just to stitch together a golden parachute for himself.

Nah it's cool. He was kind of an alcoholic, so it never surprised anyone, but God damn.

take a shot everytime he says the word "um"


spotted the jobless NEET

thats not how it works in the real world. some bosses/higher ups are scum and they can sometimes get away with stuff especially when you're working for them.

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get out of here randy go back to medieval times

Randy is a worse person, but Anthony Burch once allowed himself to be sodomized after being manipulated by his wife.

what happens in this bathroom anyway?

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Randy is a true BADASS he kicks ass, watches underage porn and doesnt afraid of anything

Most people get the version of the story where his ex-wife seems like some kind of cuckolding mastermind, but Burch was 100% responsible for his own downfall. I'd still say that Randy is easily worse.

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The yin and yang of cückdom

He makes Battleborn.

No Anthony thought he was gay because he's stupid and easily influenced by progressive propaganda and coerced his wife into an open relationship in order so he could experiment

This is your mind on /pol/

Tranny outrage was enough to make trannies a thing in the first place.

Anthony has always been a massive moron.

>Randy is a fucking psycho

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My favourite part is when he laments how easily she found dates and he could not EVEN when he expanded his pool to dudes too
Realising he was not a gay is close though

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I like how his knee-jerk response was "men are pigs, both gay and straight" instead of "people who obsessively look for casual sex might have boundary issues."

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Yeah that shit was hilarious.

That's interesting. I read that he wasn't going back because he asked to be paid. NO mention of an assault.

Good fucking riddance to Borderlands. SHould have never brought it back

don't you have a school to attend to, little Timmy?

>The abused and assaulted annoying robot is voiced by a guy who got assaulted by his boss
Getting too into the role.

That's indeed why he wasn't going back, he asked to be paid and that was apparently a no go. Randy then took to Twitter to say that they offered him double the standard rate to come back and he refused it, so Claptrap came back to say not only is that not what happened, but also he didn't want to come back because also in addition to not getting paid, he was assaulted.

Randy's lawyers right now.

Attached: IMG_qs6pyf.jpg (1598x738, 159K)

I fucking knew his SJW shit was a facade.
I fucking bet you this will explode into the revel he sexually assaulted someone.

this. Yea Forums is just jealous of Randy and they cope harcd by going "l-lol he's such a loser tho..." while they sit in a pile of their own filthy cumrags and socks.

His tweet starts off by him saying he agreed to come back for free in exchange for the shit he didn't get paid for last time and an apology for the assault.

Verbal assault is a new concept to you? That's been around for decades.

It's an open secret that he's a degenerate pervert. I'm not sure about the USB porn claim but the guy casually talks about barely legal camgirls all the time as a married middle-aged man. It'd be different if he was some kind of self-help sex expert but the guy is a middle-aged married guy with a kid who can look up everything he says. It's weird.


If it turns out he hasn't sexually assaulted someone, I will eat my fucking hat. Guy is a legit psycho and conman. I would go so far as to say he's definitely got pictures of underage girls on his PC/USB.

Armchair politicians, regardless of what side's cock the slurp on, love to comment on shit they know literally nothing about.

why would "the right" ever defend randy bitchford, think before you post

It could have just been a sucker punch

Imagine working for this embarassment


It could have been a shove or some kind of weird effeminate lunge.

Now that's fucking BADASS

It's a state law, he would need to link you 50 of them. Regardless, every state defines assault the same way.

Since it was GDC, I'm imagining that Eddings had to go to a meeting but Pitchford kept trying to shove him while blocking a door.

It would be fucking hilarious if some Anons just showed up and started trying to question random employees on their way in/out about the Claptrap allegations.

Attached: news reporter.png (900x732, 344K)

>ba dum dum dum libbies whubbahoo
Fuck you, you stupid faggot but also niggerkike.

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So do I understand this right? Randy is a pedophile, siphoned millions from employees, and physically assaulted them?

No OG claptrap no buy.

There goes that.

The pedo thing is debatable but embezzling money from Sega/his employees has been a really consistent claim over the years. The assault thing is new though. Honestly, stealing money from your own employees is bad enough to begin with.

That's sad.

SJW's are often degenerate perverts though.

Attached: SJW's destroyed themselves-.jpg (710x712, 182K)

personally I fucking hate claptrap as a character, at least with 2 onwards, but the mistreatment of the VA is what really is keeping me from bothering to even care about this game

>no 'legitimate' gaymen durrnalists will ever talk about this
Really... makes me........... think.........................

>"Randy Pitchford is an Awful Human Being" Reminder #47613128


Didn't the one in Top Middle change? And man, Trigglypuff seems so long ago, already.


Yea Forums truly has the lowest IQ on this website

Attached: mmmm_grayons.jpg (720x736, 40K)

one is a cuck one is a psycho he held someone hostage during his "card trick" to force everyone to fix the video on his presentation

Ya all know his game will still have big sales because gamers are dumb fucks and he'll be brag about it and act even more almighty
We are talking of the man whose best argument is to post a picture of how little followers you have

Kill yourself, redditor.
Go back to r/The_Donald.

It's honestly fucking hilarious how much of a piece of shit Randy is. I've never given him a penny but I want to see him burn.

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>got the shit beaten out of him
>Source: My Ass

They're Anthony and Randy
They're Anthony and Randy
One is a psycho, the other's a cuck.
They're devs of videogame. Their lives utterly frai'l.
They're Anthony. They're Anthony and Randy Randy Randy Randy Randy Randy...

I'm no song writer like Randy and english not my first language, so my rhyme talent is lacking.

Attached: 76979602-pinky-and-the-brain-cartoon.jpg (1300x1163, 147K)

Can I get a quick rundown on Randy and Burch? Literally never heard of them before.

They're a comedy duo who perform mostly tragedies.

Burch is the supreme ruler of literal cucks who did the writing for Borderlands 2 and Randy is a massive con mon who can't shut his mouth on twitter.

This is actually Randy false flagging

>BL3 shaping up to be the blunder of the century
Not after Anthem and Fallout 76 in the same year, that being said if FL3 fails it will be the third horseman of the video game industry apocalypse

Go to bed, Randy.

76 was 2018

Based incoherent impotent rage.

The Claptrap VA is a CIS white male as far as I know. Unless we find out he is a she, they won't rally to shit.

Jesus Christ you're right it just feels like it happened yesterday

>They're a private company so the worst thing that can happen is that the entire studio gets blacklisted by third-party publishers
So like now? They haven't done shit in ages.

Ash is a fairly successful voice actor now. I'd call that a win.

Hell, part of Anthony Birch's breakdown was an implication of envy at how his sister was doing better than he was.

top middle is definitely back to normal. She's hot as shit too

I don't believe you.


Hang on faggots I'll find it

Actually you two can go fuck yourselves, I found it two seconds on google. Google "die cis scum girl" and check images.

>these are the people destroying the West
Says a lot about the supposed greatest civilization.

>I spent a night in jail
>night in jail
Holding cell/drunk tank doesn't count as jail. I hope you don't go around telling people you went to jail so they think you're tough

That picture didnt have any Jews in it, as far as I can tell.

I genuinely can't comprehend how Randy, a person who's, by all accounts, not mentally challenged, thinks he can openly lie about easily verifiable things and get away with it.

No but they are their foot soldiers.

>Be VP of company
>Volunteer to be the voice of a funny robot
>Funny robot gets popular
>Earn VP wages for doing work most only get 500 bucks for
>Leave said company
>Doesn't want to do voice of robot as he won't get paid VP wages for no longer being VP of company
>reddit and Yea Forums cry about how Pitchford's a faggot
Every time.

>Yea Forums has to choose between their hatred of randy pitchford and their refusal to believe claims of assault with no evidence
this is gonna be a fun few days

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My town is small and only has one facility, and due to my being 17 way back then, they gave me a bench trial the next morning.
10 hours of community service for "assaulting" my cheating whore of a girlfriend with words.
What a joke.
Lot of potheads in local facilities, in case you're curious.
I'm not trying to act tough, just saying what is called assault is bullshit.

>greentext some bullshit
>haha everyteim giuz

lol one time my friend was in the principals office, and he swiped a note out of the principals hand and then cops came and told him that they could charge him for assault. fucking retarded but I can believe your story

Assault isn't quite the right word if it's just verbal, but whatever, like I give enough of a shit about Twitterfaggots to check.

Can someone explain how in the actual fuck after all these years there's still absurd dumbshit that Randy almost always willingly gets dragged into?

Is he just braindamaged or something?

>offer people deferred compensation for lower pay
>don't pay deferred compensation
where have i seen this scam before

Maybe you should read thread first?

>pretending this is only an issue at companies that Epic bought exclusivity from
it's an industry-wide problem but okay, whatever fits your narrative

it's weird how people expect the agreed upon compensation for work they perform, and not "what most people would have done it for"

Jesus. Can Randy be any more pathetic at this point?

Burch is a hack and and an embarrassment.

Randy is a cringey CEO who does magic on stage, undermines his PR team by running his fucking mouth all the time, AND is the guy who ultimately hired Burch.

Oh and yeah there's all that missing employee money and the stealing from SEGA. I'ma say randy is worse than burch, but I like the burch memes better.

Do we have a list yet?
He's been attached to so much garbage that I've honestly forgotten all the other shit he's done.

How is this fucking guy can be a CEO with that kind of mentality Jesus Christ

pretty sure he has autism so yes on the brain damage

Sometimes braindamaged people are in charge of large companies. Sometimes they get ultra wealthy. Sometimes in spite of how completely awful they are they have enough sociopath qualities to stay in power and continue to make money. The thing is, these people tend to fall under the radar for a real long time because nobody complains because those around them are making lots of money too and you wouldn't can the person making you all the money. A scientist working at an oil company doing research on emissions isn't going to break ranks and publicize their research because then they'd be out of a job; likewise the people around Randy don't want to have to look for work elsewhere even if their boss is a complete piece of shit.

Every world leader of every major power that participated in World War 2 was on experimental or mainstream narcotic drugs or habitually drunk from breakfast onwards.

I love how a dispute between two men somehow leads back to bitching about women. Incels have no surprises.

That is a normal way to use "assault" in the english language. You can get in a "fight" with a friend without caving his face in too.

what? he's the one leading the charge. It's all his fucking fault dude.

He's fucked up so much it'd be a fucking 500 pages book by this point.
Can't wait for him to neck himself due to all the hate and shit he's getting. This hack deserves it.

>Every world leader of every major power that participated in World War 2 was on experimental or mainstream narcotic drugs or habitually drunk from breakfast onwards.

God Bless Mr. Churchill.

He wasn't the VP of the company, he was VP of business development. And Claptrap surely has the most lines in the game. You're a total retard if you think people get paid 500 bucks for that kind of work.

So this is how the video game crash happens, over twitter. Seriously though, how many western devs have been getting into trouble through social media lately? Are there going to be any left?

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>Claptrap got abused

Ever since I was handed a gun in Borderlands 1 I've been wanting to blast him away.

getting accused of shit online doesn't magically kill you
stupid people will continue to give randy money

Stalin apparently got so shitfaced after it was revealed Hitler betrayed him and was invading Russia that his inebriation delayed a Russian mobilization to repel the invaders by weeks. Everyone was afraid of acting without his orders; fucker was wasted in his room for days while the Germans plowed through with zero resistance.

History is nuts. All the major decisions made under the influence.


Dare I say it? Is he our guy?

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Randy. How is this even a question? The guy is a flat out white collar criminal and thug.

are we forgetting the allegations from the ladies that burch traded empty promises of writing gigs for coochie

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Why would he care? He's not related to her.

question, why does this stuff come out of the woodwork now that they're trying to promote a game? its like why now? other than to fuck with the game's publicity? if they just wanted to call out randy for something shitty, they could do it any time of the year, perhaps close to the event in question. But doing it now just seems like a cry for attention because they know some media might pick it up since a game is coming out.

They were already on their way out in the right pic so I don't even care.


>>publisher hands him a big bag of money with no real promise of completing a game so he pockets the money (based)
Sega are by far the most retarded company in the world. I mean for fuck sake Bioware did the same thing and flat out didn't finish Sonic Chronicles because their contract didn't require them to. Who even handles all of the legal shit in that company?

yes that's about right with the added bit where they don't say anything as long as they think they benefit professionally from silence, but once they realize they aren't going to gain future advantage from it, then it's time for the knife to come out

You must not work.

Sega's been getting better since their new CEO took over.

Hi, Randy.

That's true but also this whole ball got rolling because people were wondering which VAs were going to come back for BL3 and it just so happens that Claptrap's VA wasn't going to come back.

And from there on this whole twitter shitfling started that was of course started by Randy himself.

Kill yourself, I mean that genuinely, I'm unironically asking you, please, end your life so that nobody has to ever hear another stupid drop of drivel that you enjoy spewing so much.

This is what caused these claims. He wouldn't have made them if Randy had just kept his mouth shut

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-07-00-58-04-1.png (1421x1818, 303K)

It was just announced a few days ago that he wasn't coming back to voice the Claptrap character over a pay dispute, so now he's jumping onboard while the attention is on him to bring other issues to light.

It really helped that Sega's new CEO / President was basically a 30 something guy that grew up playing their games and understands the appeal of them, instead of some balding old man that just wants to follow market trends and appease shareholders

this fucker seriously needs to tighten up his social media presence

check that, EVERYONE needs to. Why the fuck do people not filter what they say?

>Roasties willingly using their snatches to get ahead and getting burned vs 12 million dollars of embezzlement and now assault
Nah still Randy

The right pic is the After.

HOLY shit dude I can't keep up with all that


>David Eddings
Fuck me I thought it was the author for a second there

SEGA really has been doing better.

But 3D sonic's future is questionable at best. I guess this is an alright turn of events depending on what sort of sega fan you are.

PERSONALLY I just want some enhanced Saturn arcade ports. Thunder Force collection would be cool too.

actually kill yourself if you think what is described in the physical tweet is even close to him being in fear of actual assault.

Fuck off.

I genuinely believe it's something to do with social media. When we're behind a screen and "speaking" with a keyboard, we think that our words don't matter nearly as much as they would when facing someone in person, but the reality is that they matter even more than real-life conversations since the words can reach so much further digitally than they ever would vocally.

That feeling of safety lets people be completely transparent though, so honestly when someone says some stupid shit like this in a non-comedic context, you know he's actually a scumfuck.

Claptraps voice actor needs an asswhopping for all the headaches he's caused me i.g.

>embezzles Aliens CM for Borderlands 2
>had CP on a thumb drive
>assaults the VA for Claptrap

Randy is such a Chad.

Just do it with water and see how far in you could probably get before passing out.

3d sonic belongs in a gas chamber

Idiots outing themselves as idiots is the #1 good thing that social media has done for the world.

Generally when you write a parody you want to try to match syllables and sounds to the original words
>Pinky and the Brain
>Randy and the Cuck

Eddings was screwed over hard by Randy. Remember her posted this way back during the flash drive thing. The allegations really aren't out of nowhere especially with how much people have been digging trying to figure out why many voice actors aren't returning

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3D Sonic is just getting watered down. Unleashed's day stages and Generations were kino, but then they took *even more* agency away from the player during the modern Sonic stages in Forces because god forbid someone learn how to drift.

Kek get a load of this retard

Randy is honestly based, redpilled, and /ourguy/ for bullying his staff and jerking it to lolicon

>ctrl f "Moze"
>no results
lets fix that

Attached: moze pose.jpg (311x394, 54K)

i would agree with you but SA1 and SA2 have a lot of charm to them even if they're a bit janky.

I sincerely feel that you can take those two games, and then build off them to make something better.

t. Randy Dandy BADASSandy Bobandy aka Randy Pitchford's cousin and totally not himself

They really have. I'm just glad the Yakuza series survived and now has its own decently large fanbase. I don't know if it's true or not but I think Randy's embezzlement of Sega's money during the Colonial Marines fiasco almost killed the Yakuza series in the west, a lot of that Sega money was meant for the localization of those games and they were going to straight up shelf that series until Sony stepped in and brought it back. I don't have any sources for this but I just remember reading about it years ago.

We just call him Randy BITCHford at this point, because that's really all he does outside of swindling money from people

It fits the profile. Both of a massive dork and someone who cons both people and production companies out of money.

All the ones smart enough to steer clear of running their mouth, virtue signalling or arguing

Does anyone else think that video games have tried so hard to become taken as seriously as movies and other artforms that they've attracted the disgusting types of people who actually work in those industries?

Not a fucking day goes by now where you don't hear about some AAA developer harassing employees sexually or otherwise, many of them are arrogant pricks talking about much better they are than the masses, et cetera.

If they're not self-obsessed egomaniacs then they're straight up rapists or pedophiles, literally just like Hollywood, what the fuck is going on?

unfortunately the before and after are swapped

Isn't this guy married and had children? Why carry CP around? wtf.

This is what the wealthy and influential do, especially in the west as it is right now.

>wannabe journalist can't cut it in real journalism, does games
>wannabe director or producer can't cut it in real filmmaking, does games
makes sense

it wasn't cp
it was a "BARELY LEGAL" 18 year old cam model

he didn't he had legal pornography with edgy names like "barely legal"
people hate randy so they just lie

It's sad. I wanna buy this game, but between EGS and Randy Pitchford being the CEO... I just don't want to give a single cent to that piece of shit.

>people hate randy so they just lie
Tit for tat considering he's a lying piece of shit too.

It's still disputed as to whether or not there was child porn on there alongside that barely legal stuff though. That and I mean the dude's a magician, you telling me he's not a pedophile?

are you calling the trash man a pedophile

Randy could easily sue him with almost no monetary loss but he can't because he knows he's right.



Keep buying risk of rain 2 Yea Forums

There's always a ship with black flag on it mate. Buying a VPN to pirate the game is much cheaper than giving the money to these faggots.
And if you really feel like getting the game the legal way just wait for GOTY edition with huge discount to come out. It's the best way to get Borderlands games anyways.

>A kike who wants to subvert and provoke shit, but doesn't want to have responsibility for that.

>implying that hack n eyed shit can hold a candle to the GOTY material that is BL3

lmao @ indiecucks

they aren't

He seems sociopathic, honestly. Like if he felt disrespected at the wrong time on his life he'd be in jail for murder.
That's my armchair psychology for the day.

>randy spends all day on twitter defending a move he said was the publishers choice
>people that are around him all the time constantly talk about how hes an asshole
hmm who to trust

>his son's name is also randy pitchford
>he can never not be randy pitchford
No wonder there was that story about him getting beat up at school. Poor bastard never had a chance.

>Boredlandzzzzzzzzz 3


yes they are

That is assault! THAT IS ASSAULT!

him and his wife apparently took it in someone's bathroom and thought it was funny

>Randy Pitchford is a piece of shit
Why is this a surprise again? A fucking fish has a better memory than gamers nowadays apparently

Thanks, now I'm dead.


Changing the definition of words is literally raping language.


>I thought Randy being a shithead was a meme
randy has never done or said anything publicly which hasn't just made him look even worse.

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How the fuck has he not been forced to quit his job yet?

>will physically assault any body who says bad things about him
>master magician
>carries usb stick with porn and info about BL3 at all times
>steals millions and gets away with it
>won the name gearbox name in a game of poker from gaben
>will gladly sell out to Epic in a moments notice
>likes fat chicks doesnt give a shit what anyone thinks
>continues to add updates and new content to 6 year old game
>everything he does is unbelievable but true

Attached: chandy chadford.png (1219x1024, 77K)

Personally I want public figures all over social media just for the chance they fuck up so we learn how awful they truly are.

The public itself should stay the fuck away from social media for the most part. It's clearly addictive and bringing out the worst of society. We have to learn to deal with our human issues before we let them get amplified by social media.

He owns Gearbox. Gearbox isn't a public company. Nobody has any say but him and the owners and if there are any other owners nobody has seen fit to force him out.

it's his business bro
he could be hypothetically be pressured by other shareholders and/or publishers from actively doing things, but it's not going to happen

>"professionals" having public shitflinging matches on twatter
This is beyond embarrassing, what are these fucking retards doing?
Social media was a mistake

Attached: 1519420624450.png (378x374, 165K)

Hi randy


>someone claims you assaulted them
>being kind to them
fuck off, if you accuse me of that shit you can bet your ass i'm gonna do everything I can to ruin your life, because you obviously have no intention about ruining me. We don't live in an age of evidence anymore, and the accusations are all that matter.

>making sure people know someone assaults their employees is a "shitflinging match"
Your existence is a mistake.

my rule of thumb is to make the courts figure out wtf happened

>Bitchford has charm

Attached: 1555352380922.png (731x720, 352K)

This is the man who some few people on this board unironically think is going to produce a good video game after Battleborn, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Duke Nukem Forever.

Can you imagine being so fucking gullible?

Despite being a fucking lunatic Randy does seem to be a competent (read: scummy) businessman. He has a knack for gathering useful resources and people that he can use for his own ends.

B-b-b-but it's BORDERLANDS, user! BORDERLANDS! That series which has had one whole good entry! And two other entries that were ... okay! Fourth time's the charm, user!

>everyone always says IT WASN'T CHILD PORN! but no one ever mentions the peacocking parties mentioned in the lawsuit against Randy
>The parties where children expose themselves to strangers for Randy's amusement.

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Can you imagine liking Borderlands?

the only gearbox games i've played are borderlands and the 2 half life expansions

>Everyone was afraid of acting without his orders
I don't blame them. The incompetent fucktard purged all his high level generals right before the onset of WW2 on bullshit charges.

>That series which has had one whole good entry!

the telltale movie?

It's fun with friends. Most things are, so that's mostly a moot point, but it was above average fun with friends. Enjoying Borderlands solo is a bit queer though, yes.

If there EVER was a time for SJW's to start being obnoxious and pester someone out of publicity, it would be now.

Fuck Randy
That faggot is the most unlikable dev I know right after that phil fish, curry thunder and "I don't have to work another day" guy

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>Yea Forums jealous of Randy chadford
How can one me be so based Yea Forums hates sega anyways so who cared they he screwed them over.

Is it the guy who claimed orgasms were magic and that's why he had barely legal porn with him?

He is ex gearbox, he has no more credibility than Randy. They are both dumb faggots and so are you if you defend either of them or their behavior. Both of them resort to crying on social media when they don't get their way so they can get a bunch of sycophantic yes men to make them feel better.

SJWs like Borderlands though

It'd be stretching it to even call BL2 okay.
>dumb gun scaling so as soon as you find a gun you like it's already obsolete and doing piss damage against bullet sponges
>that "writing"
And those were the two major selling points of the game.

it's ugly unfunny shit in a genre that is inherently unfun to play

i dont have to imagine
i play with my gf all the time

No. I picked it up cheap and I thought it would be fun just to fuck around. It wasn't, really. It was just a boring slog.
Not really awful, but it wasn't engaging or interesting either.

>play it with friends
>it's less fun than solo because all the difficulty is removed thanks to infinite revives

people need to let the "fun with friends" meme die already

Hi Randall

You really think he has the stomach for it?

Attached: 1543270475347.gif (260x291, 2.6M)

>Thinks playing with friends is about difficulty
Spotted the guy who either has no friends, or who's "that guy" in his group of friends. You play singleplayer games for difficulty, you play with friends for amusement.

We don't need the child porn to be real to fucking detest Randy. Even if 50% of the shit he and his company pulled wasn't real what remains in the other 50% is enough to completely not want to be associated with him.

I'm all for separating the artist from the art, but I'm going to make an exception here; there's no fucking reason to believe that giving money to Gearbox is going to go to the people who deserve it. He is majority stakeholder so you're giving cash to a piece of shit who probably has nothing to do with the games themselves; it's not like he's Michael Jackson responsible for doing the song and dance. He built the Borderlands franchise on stolen assets and money fuck him.

Worst feeling of all is my friends don't care. They just want more Borderlands and that memetastic humor. Randy can fucking kill a man on the street and they'll still buy his games.

In all fairness, who wouldn't want to attack Claptrap if given the opportunity?

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>playing boring games with your friends instead of playing something that's actually fun


Does Gearbox not have a board of directors or shareholders? Why is this company allowing this mentally ill retard to drag them through the fucking mud with him? He's obviously going through some kind of breakdown and needs to put out to pasture asap before he does irreversible damage

>this is your brain on maga

Based nanami poster

>My definition of fun is the only one that exists, and everyone else is a child molesting Jew
Oy vey user.

yeah but Randy is a ""white male""
if they can dig up dirt on a white male, they'd use it - unless of course, he's one of theirs

Nobody likes a bigot, Randy

guilty conscience rabbi?

>past royalties
voice actors still believe they deserve it lol

Objective bottom 5 board IQs /pony/ > /pol/ > Yea Forums > /tv > Yea Forums. I'd love to include Yea Forums but too many of think are stem gooks with high IQs who only seem retarded because of their crippling autism

if someone is dumb enough to promise it to you then you do

Yeah, The only thing we are banking on is that it makes a stupid amount of sales. But RIDICULOUS amount, but a stupid amount. Randy is gonna wave his ass and go "HAHA, SEE! EPIC DOES WORK DESPITE IT BEING AN OVERHYPED GAME AND MOST SALES ARE ON CONSOLE HEHEHAHAHOHO! PAY ME MORE MONEY EPIC TO PUT IN MY BANK ACCOUNT!"

the lowest iq boards are the ones that attract hispanics and seamonkeys

who cares what randy says
if epic is unsuccessful in buying mindshare with all of its subsidies, then it will eventually stop, once they are forced to realize they are wasting fortnite revenue that could be invested for returns
unlike a console vendor epic doesn't get anything for just getting a nibble. they need people to become loyal customers to make back their handouts

I loved Claptrap in Poker Night 2 ;_;

Attached: 1555576355775.jpg (827x1024, 53K)

>Awesome Strange Nights game might actually continue since Locjaw is back

It's amazing.

>Gee Randy, what are we gonna release tonight
>The same thing we always release, garbage gameplay promoted badass

They're Randy and the Cuck
They're Randy and the Cuck
One is an asshole, the other fucking sucks.
Their vidya jews, their faggotry's in the news.
They're Randy, They're Randy and the Cuck, Cuck, Cuck, Cuck, Cuck, Cuck...

Before each game is done, their marketing is all done.
By the release date of the game, they'll squandered all the funds.

They're Randy and the Cuck
They're Randy and the Cuck
Their feminist campaign, is easy to explain.
To prove their beta worth, and rub their puny girths.
They're Randy, They're Randy and the Cuck, Cuck, Cuck, Cuck, Cuck, Cuck...

>physical tweet
so it was physical and therefore assault by your metric?

Hello Aggressor !

The only reason Hitler was on meth was because of his health problems.

How come people mention the barely legal porn USB drive constantly, but nobody talks about the "peacock parties" alleged child sex parties anymore? There were even screencaps of Randy's twitter inviting others like cliffyb to said peacock parties.

Out of all the things the lawyer accused Randy of, that seems like it could easily be the most damaging if true.

I've felt that Borderlands was merely okay.
And with the looter shooter competition it has now, it won't do well.
Especially since it's locked to Epic for six months.

because teaching children magic isn't pedophilia, brote

>Voice actor for a character with the most lines in your game series does the first two games for free
>Fans love his performance
>This time he asks to be paid
>Suddenly gearbox simply cannot afford to pay him and Randy claims he was paid in the past when he says he was not
Reminder to never do anything work related for free. Your boss is not your friend, and will happily exploit you and toss you aside if you ask for compensation for that free work

Let me guess, you live in the UK.

What if it's Cock Magic?

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it's good when there's a happy ending

>And thankful to no longer hear people referred to as "muggles" like a con-man refers to a mark.

So Randy calls Pigeons Muggles?

>I wanted to do something cool for the fans
>So I offered to do it for free, all I asked for was an apology for something that might have happend 2 years ago and money

Both guys sound like terrible people, I hope they ruin each others careers even further

>Randy Pitchford

What a legend

Attached: X7fQkrX (1).jpg (1200x1000, 166K)

Your pic is you for watching CHING CHONG YONG


Chinpong makes me laugh, get out u

PS: just watch the entire thing, its not like you have anything better to do.

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Ya know I actually really enjoyed 2 when it first came out. First game was pretty fun too.
But I've been replaying 2 recently with a friend and it's just so goddamn obnoxious. Every single line of dialogue just HAS to be "funny".
There's no breaks from it or normal conversation aside from when Roland speaks.
I like the co op and different classes and just all around looter/shooter aspects of it,but fuck is the writing a major flaw. Was kinda hoping 3 would tone it down some but Claptrap seems just as forced and unfunny as he was in 2.

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Interesting how you choose to interpret things. Very telling. Very interesting. Very peculiar.

I'll still try the game out when it goes on sale later on but I just want to ask.

Am I fucking blind or does BL3 look exactly like the first BL? I know it's the style and all and that it's supposed to eventually become timeless but I genuinely think Borderland's designs aged liked absolute dogshit.

Tbh I don't believe most people online talking about assault because they lie abd exaggerate often.

>guy gets a French fry thrown at him or water sprayed in their face

I didnt say that, dumbass. Im just saying its ironic considering the high ground they take

It looks ok,but not great.
Regardless of any sort of console wars or pc masterrace or any other type of shitposting,most AAA games these days actually look pretty damn good.
BL3 just looks like a slightly better looking version of 2 with slightly improved animations but visually really doesn't look much better than some titles that came out towards the end of last gen.

>Didn't press charges or file a report.
>Mouths off a bunch of hearsay on the internet.
I'm not saying I don't believe Randy isn't a dick but this guy is fucking retarded if he thinks THIS is the way to handle an altercation.

I get why he didn't come out with this before I mean telling people you lost a fight with Randy? I would never show my face again

More like /pol/ posters. Haven't ever seen anyone as dumb as them.

To be fair assault can mean a whole bunch of things here. Randy could have just shoved him like an autistic sperg. While it's still assault, you might not want to bother getting the police involved over your boss/former boss shoving you

those are the same thing
large boards with international audiences are tard magnets

LEL! Thank GOD I'm not Anthony Burch.

The first game was still comic in tone but it at least felt consistent with the setting and was somewhat restrained. Here it's just LOL BONERFARTS XD every two god damn seconds.

It's still a bitch move to whine about it over the internet. Take it like a man or do something about it.

>guy gets a French fry thrown at him or water sprayed in their face
Isn't that technically is assault though?

>Blunderlands 3

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no throwing or spitting at people, or hitting people
also don't threaten to do those things

nope, if he can't prove it, he can go fuck himself
>gets raped or beaten
>does not document it instantly or contact the authorities
>years later starts bitching about it
people that do this should be put in jail

>Disgruntled former employee gets called out on social media
>Claims money was stolen , that he was stalked on social media (not a real thing), and that he was assaulted in a public place (with no witness reports)
Lmao this Eddings dude is having a meltdown

Anyone else seeing some parallels between this and the whole Vic Mognana situation? Are all voice actors just going awol this year?

But he's literally the only presenter who has a shred of charisma, and doesn't stutter or drone on like a robot. You have to be autistic. I'm guessing you're intimidated by outgoing men because they make you feel inadequate

Tell that #MeToo'ed actors and directors

I found the porn of Tiny Tina more engaging than Borderlands 2, at least with the porn I could finish it.

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those dumb cunts deserve real rape
not just that Weinstein shit of let me touch your cooch to put you in a movie shit.

Imagine going to the police and saying Randy Pitchford assaulted you, it'd be less embarrassing to go to the police and report that you were assaulted by your 13 year old son. Simple assault isn't something that has a worthwhile resolution anyway, Oh no he gets a $200 fine, totally worth me wasting several hours of my life.

He's only bringing it up now because Randy is trying to act like he's a great guy who offered him a fair deal when that isn't the case.
Sounds to me like he was going to move on and ignore the whole thing, and now is just wanting to drag Randy through the mud since he's telling constant lies

anything to spite those SJW huh even though its been confirmed on multiple occasions that Randy is a piece of shit.

>TFW Don't automatically believe what this dude is saying because he didn't present evidence to back up his claims but then realized that he's accusing one of the biggest pathological liars in the industry who's even more unbelievable than this dude

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Randy does strike me as the type to lose his marbles and attack someone.

assualt has always meant verbal abuse in anglo law systems includding most of america

It sounds like bullshit but at the same time it's Randy fucking Pitchford of all people.

What did Randy mean by this?

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RoR2 on Epic soon. Your days are numbered Yea Forums.

Anyone who will buy BL3 are super retards.

>when a guy has a reputation so bad people will believe any negative claim made about them, even lies

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I still remember his lie about winning against Gaben. Makes me giggle every time I read it.

what kind of passive aggressive faggotry is this?

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>charismatic presenter

lmao what fucking world am I living in?

>You can't assault someone with words,
Actually you can. There is a very common charges called "Defamation" in modern civil & criminal laws system around the globes.

You idiot dare rabidly insulting anyone "faggot", "subhuman", "insect", "nigger", "chink"...etc in real world, like you faggots love to do here, people can sue you in court.

What I find amazing and hilarious is that the dipshit has posted on his twitter since all this stuff broke public here on the chans, seemingly ignorant of it all, probably because he has Edding blocked on everything and anyone that's ever said anything negative about him or to him on twitter previously blocked.

So he literally doesn't know this is coming yet. He's probably sound asleep right now. Goddamn this shit is going to be hilarious when he wakes up, I fucking hope he gives the world enough rope to hang him with metaphorically speaking on twitter being a manbaby in the morning.

His anus is not ready. Dis gon' b gud.

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How badly did Mandy Pissford beat you?

no one cares about your monkey country, where defamation is a criminal subject and not a civil matter, and where insulting you is consider defamation to your insane cousin-marrying ancestors

>Randy being a little bitch
So nothing new

I actually have no idea
What the fuck actually was he trying to get across here? Was that meant to be a genuine sentiment but it was just so retardedly worded that it came across as sarcastic?

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>no one cares about your monkey country,
US obviously is a monkey country as well, full of homosexual albino monkeys.

burhold is literally being jealous of couple of /agdg/ autists

I think Randy is bitter about the good sales on a platform like Steam, since he sees it has anti-publisher.
Hence why Borderlands 3 is a timed exclusive to the Epic Store (Probably because they payed well for the deal, too).

>assault a dude
>make up all this bs on twitter about the dude
>now the dude is telling everyone about your assault

Gosh who saw this coming

Not Randy, that's for sure

>thankful to no longer hear people referred to as "muggles"
jesus christ

I mean I remember the first time I played the first game and got to the Nine Toes boss fight.
The splash screen thing that came up for him says something like "Nine Toes! (also he has three balls)"
I laughed my ass off at that because it was just sort of out of nowhere and I didn't expect it,but also kind of subtle. There's wasn't some big plot point or conversation about him having three balls,it was just a quick passing joke and then done.
That moment was probably funnier to me than most of BL2 combined.

>Lmao this Eddings dude is having a meltdown
Doubt it. Consider the boondoggle Randay did with sega's money to make retardlands 2 and it fits his M.O. completely to dip in to the employee payments, hes an already proven liar and thief what makes you think he wouldn't do it again?


The Cosby stuff coming to a head when it did was 100% to do with the Ferguson riots and Black Lives Matter. Michael Brown was pretty much the physical embodiment of the carrot cake speech.