More Persona 5 shilling and milking

>More Persona 5 shilling and milking
>Still nothing else on SMTV
>Didn't get a rep in smash
I fucking hate Persona so damn much. Fuck you Jack Fatlus.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You should be used to it by now.

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SMTV was going to take this long anyway, bud.

You SMTfags are approaching Metroidfag levels of being whiny bitches. Be happy your shitty series isn't on ice instead of bitching about what you don't have

Kill yourself Personafag. Persona is shit tier garbage that needs to be forgotten.


NuMT is not any better than Persona

Buzz Buzz Buzz

LMAO, literally worse than persona

Lmao the spinoff made the main series become the spinoff. I'll enjoy your sweet tears when P6 is released in next year.

Before Persona 5 came out people were complaining that Atlus kept making Persona 4 spin offs instead of revealing Persona 5 details. Just be patient and SMTV will come.

>Sweet tears
Cringe. Persona 6 will kill your shitty spinoff for good faggot.

>here’s your party bro

Nah I’m good with SMT for now especially if Kaneko isn’t directing V

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They won't possibly pull another 4a right?

Kaneko never directed a game, unless you mean art direction.

Should be happy it's even getting another entry. Persona has completely overtaken it in popularity and brand potential, there's little point to SMT even existing anymore.

>Next year
Wrong 5bab, enjoy at least 5 years of mediocre non-rpgs games, maybe persona 6 will release in 10 years, who knows

I am happy SMT is still getting a few bones thrown but its complete bullshit they neglect their mainline series. Its not even fucking hard to make SMT marketable and popular without going soulless and make it like Nu-persona.

Too bad Persona games have bigger budgets because of how much they sell. Hopefully that happens with SMTV.

Are you retarted, he was creative director for Nocturne, SJ and many others

The fuck does Kaneko have to do with 4a

Yes, not the director.

Nice reading comprehension

It's not bullshit it's reality. Compared to Persona, SMT doesn't sell as well. Same shit happened to Fire Emblem which is bound to happen to SMT with Persona. Just face the music bitch baby.

The only reason Atlus is shilling Persona 5 is because it almost won game of the year award. They want that taste again so they forcing Persona 5 Royal to come out faster.

>here's your party
>we made them as useless as possible to reaffirm that the correct choice at the end is to pick Dagda's side

SMTIV:A had issues but shit team mates was at least retroactively justifiable by the fact you had an ending where you slaughterfuck your entire team, revive Isabeau and Flynn then become the first human God/Messiah with a Godslayer/Messiah servant.

>The only reason Atlus is shilling Persona 5 is because it almost won game of the year award.
And because it's by far their best selling game.

>we made them as useless as possible to reaffirm that the correct choice at the end is to pick Dagda's side
That doesn't really work when they're incredibly useful in battle.

This. Also it appeals to Normalfags more than Persona 4 did.

P5 went through the exact same development hell. Complete with cheap 3DS ports and shameless P4 milking.

The sooner you acknowledge that Atlus is pure scum, the better.


Having Asahi just be a free heal every turn was so useful. She's the only one other than maybe Navarre or Hallelujah worth a damn

I mean Gaston sorta proves that wrong for most of the time but I was more specifically talking about from a story perspective.
Nanashi solo carries this team the entire game while everyone else is a burden story-wise.

>Persona 6 comes out with more waifushit and milking
>Smt6 will be in development hell
Why do they keep doing this cycle? Jack Fatlus is truly scum.

>The sooner you acknowledge that Atlus is pure scum, the better.
Pretty sure almost everyone with at least 2 brain cells hates Atlus for different reasons, that doesnt change the fact that i like their games.

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Bless him. Isabeau was good all around too.

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The only time you can truly rely on your friends is against Krishna, and even then you'll be dead if Hallelujah decides to be an idiot.

If you actually have to rely on your friends to heal or buff, you built a shit party, and you'll get your face kicked in anyway.

t.Seething Shitsonafag
This is why Joker will get deleted in smashs bros in a month.

How do you REEEEEE if you extend the Rs. Are you rolling your Rs like a Spaniard or something? How much build-up does a REEEEE with half the makeup being Rs require?
If I do a 4 second REEEEE do I have to dedicate 2 seconds to the RRRRRRR part of it?
This seems terribly inefficient as a method for expressing dissatisfaction at the current situation.

>If you actually have to rely on your friends to heal or buff, you built a shit party, and you'll get your face kicked in anyway.
Why wouldn't I? They heal, buff and give you smirk and charge for free and you're never punished for using them.

since this seems to be the designated smt whining thread: does SJ get better after Sector E or is the rest of the game gonna be as tedious?

Sector E is easily the most tedious area. It really made me appreciate EO's map making.

Are you okay? Who hurt you?

Maybe dungeon crawlers arent for you, crazy. I know

Those two things have nothing to do with each other. Nobody at ATLUS walks up to the SMT team and tells them to stop working because they've decided to outsource a Persona spinoff. Just stop being retarded and try using your head for a second instead of letting your hatred of Persona feed into some paranoia about how it's responsible for SMTV not being out yet.

>People keep eating up Atlus' bullshit but people keep buying because they make fairly decent games.

It's no surprise at all it's getting another entry and it surprises me that people are surprised by it. They finally have HD Demon models to work with, and if ATLUS are willing to keep Etrian Odyssey going, which is much more niche, then of course they're willing to keep SMT going.

You're talking to an obese man baby user. God I hope Persona continues to go mainstream to trigger babies like this faggot OP.

wut a goode bost

The repeated Rs feel like a kind of buildup to a louder series of Es, I'd say.

This is worse, but it's fine passed that.

Persona is for paying for SMT

>shameless P4 milking.
boy they sure did milk p4 more than p3

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Keep seething Personafag.

Doesn't that sound odd to you though? A REEEE to me should be a sharp, instant loud noise of a man who has snapped.
Build up just seems unnecessary and ultimately counterproductive.

I mean this has been happening since P3. Why did you expect it to stop?

You fucking idiot. The whole reason people know about SMT nowadays is because of Persona 5's success. It's introducing new people to the series not to mention Joker in smash giving away publicity to the series as a whole. God damn how can brain dead idiots like you even be allowed to post on this site?

also god damnit A-1, its a cover for a drama cd yet you still make it bad

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Most people dont even know Persona is a spinoff to SMT.

>SMTV was going to take this long anyway, bud.
This is the longes gap between announcement of SMT game to actual info since If...


Cringe. You're the one seething for being butt hurt your favorite series isn't as popular. How pathetic can you be?

I love how useful my reincarnated sister-doggie is

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Stay mad mainlinecuck.

Well, It's A-1 after all
Lets hope for the best when the P5 dramas CDs releases

I see where you're coming from, but I wouldn't say it sounds odd. Say an autist were at the dinner table with family and one family member was talking about something that he disagreed with, and he keeps to himself up to a point out of an attempt to suppress his autism, but then the family member says something the line. The autist is still trying to suppress his autism but he's no longer capable of that, and so a crescendo of rrrrRRRR slowly stirs, and by the time the rest of the family has looked over at him and began to wonder why he's making that noise, he suddenly lets loose with an EEEEEEEEE. That's what I envision with the multiple Rs anyway, and it feels fairly natural.

They'll find out because of the demons. It's like saying people won't recognize a pokemon spinoff even though it has pokemon.

if you have an issue with party members in 4a you damn sure didnt plat smt1 or 2.

Don't come crying to me when Persona dies off for good.

ok you keep on living in your fantasy land where thats even remotely a possibility

I see your point. Within the context in which you framed it I can see exactly where you're coming from and agree wholeheartedly, if it was a build-up REEEEEE of someone attempting to hide their powerlevel or something of similar intention then you'd be entirely right.
However the context put forth by that user was "Muh opinion is absolute" which makes it sound like it's just an internet argument REEEEE which if I had to be a judge of, would definitely seem more short R, low buildup rather than long buildup/frustration.

And then they'll cry about being 2hard "soulslike" and not having confidents

i love both series, but mainline-only fags are becoming so fucking annoying trying to manufacture this dumbass rivalry with persona. it's not p-studio or persona fans' fault that yamai is taking forever to make smtv.

because its the first current gen hd smt game. p5 got delayed twice if you recall.

God you're so pathetic. I hope SMT does well along with Persona's success. I really wish people like you would just do the world a favor and off yourself. Nobody would care. You're the fucking cancer in the SMT fanbase.

Social links/Confident aren't even necessary to beat the games but whatever knowadays anything "hard" is the dark souls of the series.

There's more chances of SMT having a game on exbawksagain than purseowner dying after P5

The only spinoff SMT I'd like to see being made is an MtG: Arena like CCG.
SMT's demons and setting scream card game

I would agree with you, but the initial question which prompted this conversation was your "How do you REEEEEE if you extend the Rs." Although you did go onto mention how it seemed like an improper way to respond to his specific situation, that was not the part of your post which I was addressing and I would agree on your assessment of the post you responded to, I merely meant to defend the multiple Rs in a general sense.


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Ah I see, I apologize for mistaking your position on this. With this understanding I entirely agree with your point on this.

I said SMT
Shin Megami Tensei series != Megami Tensei series

persona is the mainline series

smt is the spinoff

Both are wrong. Persona was never SMT nor MT, at least not in Japan.

It was about an old article about SMT IV


>We could have seen the demifiend reunite with Dante in Smash
That would have been so kino

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Not him but while you're right, it's easier to refer to persona as being MegaTen

>Always some couple of faggots screaming about their hatred of Persona
Atleast we actually are getting a game. Also its just part of the cycle.

It literally is a Shin Megami Tensei game. Persona 2 obviously takes place in the same universe as Shin Megami Tensei If... because the female protagonist of that game appears in Persona 2.
And aren’t the Persona games as a whole the product of Raidou Kuzunoha time-traveling and changing the past in order to stop the events of the first two Shin Megami Tensei games from happening?

P5 is also only 3 years old.

>making me dig out my 3DS
excuse me



Go fuck already. Unironically making war arguments about SMT and Persona is gay as fuck.

>shares demons and abilities
>not a part of the MT franchise

It could be, just like Yu having a special training to summon demons in the Detective Naoto manga before it was made it non-canon

Back when they were released in Japan they didn't have the sheen megoomi tansai title

Yeah, I know, that doesn't make it not a part of the MT franchise.

Do you fucks ever get tired of console wars?

>And aren’t the Persona games as a whole the product of Raidou Kuzunoha time-traveling and changing the past in order to stop the events of the first two Shin Megami Tensei games from happening?
Uh. Explain.

I've only played Persona 3/4/5.
Wanna play MegaTen.
Where start? Strange Journey? Got access to most consoles sans PS2.

Isn't persona Q a RPG?

SMT and Persona are both shit, give me Devil Survivor 3 instead.

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Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2, Strange Journey, then either Nocturne or SMTIV into Apocalypse. You could sneak in Devil Survivor there too

Happily if I knew where he lives. I'd gladly rape him good. He's a God damn attention whore that needs a good dicking.

Strange Journey it is. Any tips while I wait for it to download?

No this seriously. Explain please.

Honestly surprised Devil Survivor never caught on. I guess its because it has the word devil in the name. Just change it to fiend instead. It worked for yugioh.

It had two games, two enhanced ports, an anime series and a few mangas, I'd say it caught on.

those are all spin offs that don't really interfere with Atlus's workload
okay maybe Persona 5 The Royale
but the others are handled by other teams

Here's a question, say they want to do some SMT spin-offs
what do you want to see and by who?
>Radiou game by the Yakuza guys

They should have adapted DeSu I think it would have worked better as an anime than DeSu 2.

True but I am just surprised it never became Persona tier popular.


Apocalypse is a fucking travesty, why do you idiots want Fatlus to shit on SMT's corpse even more?

>not liking both
I seriously don;t understand what the fuck is wrong with both persona and smt fans, i'm also pretty pissed about the lack of news about smtV but jesus christ just shut the fuck up, stop acting like those fire emblem fags

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I have a feeling that SMT V is going to be great.

You're in for a ride faget, enjoy you're persona 5: Ultimate in the Tokyo subway and his sequel full of insupurrtable puns with his guest character being a sho-off

What are they even up to nowadays?

The difference is that P3 is actually worth a damn.

I used to be like OP until I played Persona 2 on emulator. I like both but I do understand why some SMT fans despise Persona due to neglect from Fatlus while Persona gets milked. Still dumb to hate one over the other.

gacha shit and shiting on modern fire emblem, as usual

They're quiet about it because it's probably going multiplat.

Because I simply don't care for persona and it's really fucking tiring seeing the nonstop stream of spinoffs and tie-ins for it. I'm perfectly fine with persona being more popular, but jesus christ throw the rest of the MT franchise a bone, anything.

Hopefully is worth the w8.
The series will never top Strange Journey anyways.

yeah, i get it, just finished both raidou games and it would be really fucking cool if they got another game

>Persona was never SMT
Eternal Punishment was one of the first mainstream SMT games. Not only was it nothing like modern Persona games, it was advertised as a SMT game.

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I like both.

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>What is Persona Q

Sounds more like a Nintendofanboy desu

never played a SMT game in my life but i can understand their perspective

YOU fags are the casuals. YOU fags are the problem.

A mediocre drpg made by the EO guys in their lunch breaks

Its almost like one is niche and boring, and the other one is making money and popular

Being contrarian. Also some people think that by having a niche taste it makes them appear more mysterious/cooler.

I seriously don't get how you can love SMT but hate Persona

I thought it was prety gud desu

>never played a SMT game in my life but i can understand their perspective

No, faggots like you are the problem talking about games without ever having touched them.
Shut the fuck up and get lost

It was offensively bad if you liked the characters from P3 and P4. All they fucking talked about is "FOOD" and "DUDE GIRLS ARE BAD AT COOKING HAHA"

Why would you ever want an SMT rep in Smash? Have Xenoblade and Persona threads nowadays taught you nothing?

why isnt PQ2 localized? im sitting here waiting to play it. it came out a year ago...why can’t I not play it?

It's up for pre-order in English in June.

>faggots like you are the problem! not my casual ass!
dude I've talked with many and totally get where they are coming from

they enjoy a series, and now the developer doesn't fucking care about it because of YOU persona fags that outnumber them 500 to 1. And to think, all it took for you to give a shit about a niche JRPG developer is for them to let you date characters and have social links to fill the void in your social life.

legit LMAOing at you

You're retarded. The director for V and a lot of past SMT games, Yamai, is aware that IVA turned off a lot of the fan base. There was even a struggle in the development team between the older members and the newer members.

What a baby.

In Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Souless Army, Raidou Kuzunoha XL travels back in time to the time of Raidou Kuzunoha XIV as part of a plot to prevent the apocalypse which occurred in SMT 1from ever happening. Although XL is beaten by XIV, some people think he still made enough of an impact too prevent SMT1's apocalypse, though I've never quite understood where people get that idea considering XL did fail, but that world where the apocalypse did not happen in SMT1 could be seen as the world of SMT if... Persona or both.

Always never sometimes trust this angle, maybe.

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I think Yukari was better than in her game.

>He thinks Atlus will ever port their titles to other consoles
Persona will stay Sony, and SMT will stay Nintendo, stay seething console warrior.

Oh shit I might try the series out now. Thanks user.

Based law bro.

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i really hate what’s become of persona. P1/2 they had some interesting ideas, went nowhere. P3 had some lesser but still interesting ideas/direction, I don’t even know what its become

>like Persona
>still get nothing
I wonder why the first two get swept under the rug anyway.

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What you ACTUALLY want is Kaneko as the writer. He wrote Raidou 1/2 and they were kino.

Unfortunately Yamai is in charge so it'll be like IV/IVA. Which were good games mechanically and had great music but the soul was missing.

I'm a patient man.
There was also the issue of the Taisho era being longer than it should in Raidou's games, hence why Rasputin was sent to rectify what was causing it.
Thorman's also mentioned in Devil Summoner (this time as chill with japan and dying)
Plus ...if girl appearing in P2 along with the original Kyouji from Devil Summoner possessing the current runner of the Kuzunoha detective agency in 2 too.

I heard it was out of respect for the creators cuz they didn't want to fuck up their work.

This comes to fruition in the original Devil Summoner 1. A news report indicates that Gotou was arrested for treason and Ambassador Thorman was found dead. At the time of release it was just a multiverse explanation for why the events of SMT1 weren't happening. But Raidou 1 implies that because Raidou got a glimpse of the SMT1 bad future, he was able to pass down warnings to his descendants and ensure the law/chaos conspirators were stopped early.

I don't hate Persona, I just hate the fanbase. Ive seen people who actually treat the social links like real friends and it's awkward as hell. I'm not really feeling the high school settings either. I just miss the occult feel the first two titles had.

Yeah, they really did a good job with her

I'd rather have Yamai and no Kaneko then, the Raidou games play like shit.

I just want more of "lets make different and creative spinoffs" instead of "milk persona with x spinoff".
Got nothing wrong with Persona outside of that. Got into megaten with P4 anyway
Kaneko wrote the original script for IV. I think IV did have the soul, but issues with the plot (since like a good chunk of the original script had to be cut during development) undermine the good world building.
IVA, you got a point since it's so different, even compared to its precursor.

No, you talked with a bunch of stupid bitches who like to complaint and think their taste is superior because it isn't as popular.
SMT4 to SMT4A took like 3 years, sure.
But Nocturne to Strange Journey took like 6 years and between that you had a bunch of RPG spinoffs (Raidou, Digital Devil Saga).

If SMT got the same treatment as Persona, even more people would get angry because those kind of spinoffs wouldn't work/fit that well.

You have no idea what you are talking about and it shows. There are plenty of people who like Persona and mainline and even other games, you dumb faggot.
But go ahead talk more about games you never played like the filthy trash you are. Even casuals are better than this shit, at least they talk about games they actually play

>IV had soul
Oh fuck off with this soul meme. It's dead.

Just pick whatever.
IV or ST is a good start

I was replying to the man who said it didn't have the soul. What's your deal then?

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>Nocturne released in 2003
>Strange Journey released in 2009
>IV released in 2013
>Apocalypse released in 2016
>SJ Redux released in 2018
>This doesn't include all the spinoffs released in between
The mainline titles have all had consistent release dates honestly. I don't know why people pretend like SMT is dead unless they're plain retarded falseflaggers. It's like people forget they did the same thing to Persona 5
>Coming Winter 2014!
Yeah.. See what happened there? Just because they're milking Persona 5 doesn't mean SMT is deceased. For all we know the wait for Persona 6 and any main line title they make will take years.

I hope we can see a new trailer during E3.

I think people get too blinded by the torrent of spin offs from Persona and erroneously think that Atlus doesn't give a flying fuck about SMT. Being mum about the product until it is ready doesn't help the situation, though I think the decision is sound.

No, you don't understand. I'm a fan of the mainline series which isn't as popular as Persona and we all are victims because Persona is popular and SMT is not as popular and doesn't get a dancing game

Not the guy you replies to but jesus you have not idea what you are talking about, it's ok to hate franchise that became a milking cashgrab for nerds with no selfawareness go end yourself you cocksucking pathetic subhuman.

It's clear that they only made that trailer to hype up the Switch's release. If anything we should have gotten the SMT V trailer around E3 of this year.

To be fair
>nocturne teased in 99 and announced properly 2001
>SJ announced same year as release
>IV announced 2012
>apoc within 6 months
And this was 2 years past announcement with no marketing campaign in sight yet. But I assume it was a really early announcement to advertise the switch, IV took 4 years itself since it started dev in 2009 and this is their first UE4 game, so if it takes time for them to get used to it + actual development, then it's cool as long as it's a good game that was worth the wait.

Who's to say it doesn't get a mobile game or racing game? Oh wait...

This, I don't know why people are complaining. We'll get information when they're ready. So long as we get a quality game with story akin to older SMT titles, I'll be happy.

RIP in Pepperoni Dx2, may you lie among the other countless piles of gachashit.

>This, I don't know why people are complaining.
It's understandable though, eternal wait with dead air can drive people mad considering other times it happened with other games.
But I doubt that V's going to be bad as those or even P5's winter 2014

>Dancing games
Lad, SMT gets actual spinoffs like Devil Survivor, Devil Summoner, and Raidou. All of which could actually revive in the next couple years, assuming SMTV sells well. I fully expect it to break a million though since JRPG's have done well thus far on the Switch.

I'm the guy you're replying to and you're an idiot. Your post offers nothing, might as well be a blank post.
Go ahead, throw in some more insults, some uneducated opinion and maybe some buzzwords.

SMTV will catch the attention of normalfags. SMTV will be the Persona 5 of mainline where its gonna be most people's first SMT game.
>This was Kaneko's plan all along.

>dont want to disrespect the original creators
>literally steal plot points, character arcs and characters from the older games
Bravo hackashino

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If this causes Kaneko to return full time, I'll be glad. I'm sure he's still there as an advisor and story developer though since he no longer does demon designs.

Every person using the word "buzzword" unironically is a blank person irl. You aren't even worth the seconds that takes me writing this.

>occult shit is starting to become popular
>kaneko, cozy and mafia have been planning for society to become a bunch of degenerates so they can sell their games and the "enhanced" edition at 60 bucks and weebs wont complain

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Please refrain from posting any more hoyboys. This is a "complaining-about-endless-persona-spinoffs" thread.

>Lad, SMT gets actual spinoffs like Devil Survivor, Devil Summoner, and Raidou.
What the fuck are you talking about?
I mean Persona is part of the SMT franchise too.
Also Raidou is part of the Devil Summoner series

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Fuck persoyna, fuck fatlus and fuck ironic weebs
Long live shun mugami tinsai and demon summoners

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SMT A is literally the edgiest SMT ever
You kill all of your friends, then god and become the ultimate god while absorbing souls

>SMT ever going mainstream
SMT is too edgy, darky and soulslike difficulty for mainstream

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Based son of hoy

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Isnt devil summoner still popular in japan and hasnt devil survivor reached TWEWY levels of despair for a sequel there?

I kind of hate how Raidou took over the Devil Summoner title, but you know what I mean. When people talk about Devil Summoner, they don't mention Debisama or Soul Hackers, they think of Raidou.

It’s literally out in June
Probably will flop considering the 3DS is quietly being discontinued

Don't expect your MC to be a combat monster like your demons are

Persona 1 and 2 play closer to SMT
Their less Modern persona and more SMT with friends

But... Koro is the P3 mascot.... And the best of the three

Shut up fap hand.

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>cuck debisama in the west and throw it into the never mentioned again with majin tensei, ronde, if..., NINE, imagine and p1 and 2
>wtf bros, why is only raidou and soul hackers discussed

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Yamai actuallu directed Raidou games, shit gameplay might be on him.

We can only hope the plan goes in full effect for based Kaneko to return.


Apocalypse is still garbage story wise. The "edge" is incredible forced. Prior SMT games are dark, but they don't go that far.
>SMT is too dark to go mainstream
There's a lot of dark mainstream media that has gone popular nowadays. You act like this is really a defining problem.

>You aren't even worth the seconds that takes me writing this.
And yet you did.
You still didn't write anything meaningful or any argument but as you mentioned, continuing this is worthless.

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Actual fucking retards, IVA was literally just to train new employees, director had never directed a game before and writer has never written anything before.

I think you didn't read the post properly.

Have you even played the game?
Dagba literally spends the whole damn tell you you’re friends are worthless and holding you back

>Wow it sure is a nice day!
These friends of yours are worthless ants

According to who, based on what?
TWEWY didnt even break the 100k mark and final mix sold like 2 copies
I hate that Final Mix name, it shoulda been Re:MIX, it makes sense in the context of the game and sounds cool, but Nomura is fucking retarded as always

Asking for hoys around these parts is dangerous partner

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Some games didn't release outside of Japan, maybe they didn't sell there either.
Wasn't NINE supposed to be the SMT MMORPG?
The PSP ports sold like shit.
No idea if Soul Hackers was successful but maybe we'll get an enhanced port like that for the first game

Yes I've played the game. The edge is incredibly forced and reeks of an angst filled 14 year old writing the plot. Like I said though, prior SMT games were dark, but Apocalypse downright feels artificial. Good thing we won't be seeing any more of that in the future hopefully.

i just want more DeSu and TWEWY DAMMIT FUCK THOSE CHINKS

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its being developed on UE4, so its taking time getting used to an engine that isnt absolute garbage. That also hopefully means itll be great despite innevitably having a lower budget than Persona. We could still see something at E3 or in a direct similar to its announcement. What else does Ninty have?

>Games sell poorly
>"Gosh fuck those chinks, why aren't they making those titles anymore? A-Am I right bros?
Breath with your nose.

Nine is just atlus incompetence at their best before another company (forgot the name) helped them make IMAGINE and then atlus in their infinite wisdom decide to kill IMAGINE because shit wasnt persona lmao

>I want more of [SE series]

But one of the things that makes TWEWY so special is that it hasn't been ruined or milked to death.
It's pure

>Despite having a lower budget than Persona
>[Citation needed]
Unless you have solid evidence to back this up, don't spout it.
2bad P5D didn't get a remix of this when they released the SMT dlc

I’m willing to take that risk

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>Bravely did well and people want more.
>Quick fire nearly everyone from first game and then give them less money for sequel.

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Obviously I dont know for a fact, but if you think they're going to sink money into a new SMT like they have Persona 5 you're crazy

>Games sell poorly
>"Gosh fuck those chinks, why aren't they making those titles anymore? A-Am I right bros?
Your series has been on the brink of bring canceled 3 times already personafag

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I’m unironically hyped for Zelda Nercodancer


souls IS mainstream thanks to redditors. honestly, if atlus was smart, they'd take a page from fromsoft's book and play up smt's reputation for being difficult in advertising.

So you have nothing to go off besides your head canon? That's all you had to say user. You don't know how much budget SMTV has. For all we know they dropped a lot on the game because they want it to be you know, successful?

Nani the fuck?
Hell they brought back most of the staff for Octopath and for basically an extra low budget title it did 1 million in like 8 days

P2 actually got ton of praise back then. They even planned a anime.

I still don't know what happened.

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Its not a head canon if Im saying its not a fact. Its called speculation, you loon

May i remind you of this type of garbage that atlus used to pull every year since the 90s?

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Was IMAGINE good? I mean many MMORPGs came and died

Maybe if we make remixes really popular
>inb4 SMT gets a dancing game too that's also part of a "get schwifty" collaboration

Didn't they say that SMTV was barely in production when it got announced? That was only two years ago, games take a long time to make, calm down.

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They fucking better considering they’ve been milking Persona fucking dry plus all the Nintendo money from Joker’s Smash inclusion.

Wait, what happened to the studio?
I didn't like Bravely but I really liked 3D Dot Game Heroes

Outside of the typical p2w shit it was great

>believing atlus on their empty promises

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>implying the won't reuse the shit out of HD assets and usher in a new dawn of SMT spinoffs

We likely only got a trailer because they wanted to advertise games for the Switch. In reality though, we should have been getting the trailer sometime later this year, because it's clear that they started development 2018 at the earliest.

What do you mean? A trailer that only had zoomed-in artwork wasn't in proper development?

Isn't Bravely getting a 3rd sequel? It just got announced recently if I recall.
I hope so, because I need some new SMT titles in my library.

Same deal way back then on #FE, they announced the concept and barely started the development.

We either get news on this E3 or like 3-4 months before release.

>we get another kino game that the sequel ruins because atlus is retarded, 1 kino with garbage gameplay game and 1 game where atlus doesnt know what the fuck theyre doing
>also 1 game where fatlus tries to milk was hip and cool now (before it was mmo's, now battle royale garbage) before they proceed to kill it off because we need more space for persona
>also another catherine
What a truly great golden age

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I wonder if people missed the most latest trailer.

Outside of idol cucks and persoynafags did anyone enjoy that game for anything other than the meh gameplay?

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What did you even say in this post user, articulate your points better lad

I didn't but he was talking about the time it was announced.
Also you can see how janky the animations are at the end, definitely early production stuff

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He called your favourite SMT game shit

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Idol stuff is keep at bay past first chapters, shit wanks Shadow dragon hard and actually keeps you in dungeons instead of wasting time getting wanked by party members.

It's nothing like persona.

>a devilman fanfic written almost 20 years ago has a better written incel character than nu fursona

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>The series will never top Strange Journey anyways.

>tfw Strange Journey was my first SMT.

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Personakeks hated #FE tho
>Meh gameplay
Game is trash in every department except gameplay

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On purpose. There is no reason arguing anymore, you don't change I don't change. No matter how much we talk about changing product target audiences and the deconstruction of stabile devolpment teams for the sake of bigger audiences. You will defend mass and equality, I will oppose it. Nothing will change because we have different conceptions of the value of passion in products and media.

>battle royale
Now I can't stop seeing Jack Frost doing the orange dance but every time it goes faster and faster

I just want a P2 re-release where both games are in English on the same platform

They really need to consider remaking SMT 1 or 2 in the future. I don't even think they released in the U.S, and they have some good ass stories.

I read it as a slow build up of a quiet r into a lout R and then eventually the ear splitting EEEEEEEE, like raw anger boiling over akin to how a tea kettle starts to screech

I wonder what the game journos are going to think of SMT V when it comes out.

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>atlus presents
>persona: shin megami tensai:demonite

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SmtV is gonna end up turning into another god hand tier blunder
Mark my words

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All of those uninteresting faggots talked entirely too much

>The Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice's of Persona

>Soulless Character
I hate these uneducated faggots have so much power over public opinion

>A huge step down from Persona 5
>As a Persona fan, i am disappointed
>Didnt capture what makes Persona 5 good
>SMT should learn something from Persona

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How much money do I need to spend on Dx2 to get more sheen megaymi tansai gaems

>persona warriors
>not a new raidou game
im still pissed

>smtV is just mementos:the game
>in dissapointed smtV paints sutch a bleak picture after the colorful and progressive persona 5 showed atlus on the right path to social justice

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>purse owner fags
Truly nothing is more disgusting and evil than these creatures.

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>Social Justice

Well, I wanted a new Armored Core and all I got was this souls game with lmao1kat as a weapon. Time to suffer I guess

But social justice is just brain washing at the end of the day, no different from the p5 gang :^)

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the social justice crowd hated it because it made fun of gay people.

>I wanted a new Armored Core
Same here
>nearly 6 years since VD
>in that time Soulsborne died after 3 more entires, a VR game and Sekiro came out along with 1&2's remasters

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Because it wasn't until shortly after P4 that Atlus realized the full extent to which they could milk these properties, which is when a good chunk of that P3 stuff materialized, and they went into P5 already knowing that.

>Because I simply don't care

Are you mentally retarded? IMAGINE was terrible

The good thing about the VR game is that isn't another souls game. Thats enough hope for a new AC

>Enhanced version
>Dancing game
This applies to literally every Persona game though.

not 1 or 2.

>muh drumpf is a russian plant
>muh personafags making mean post
This is what you faggots sound like holy shit how smt threads have fallen. Do you newfags check under your bed for personafags too?

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I hate you.

the inferiority complex is real, the obsession is real. i can understand not enjoying persona, but it's getting to the point where mainline-only fans talk about persona more than their own games.

This, the dancing games are albetist and sexist by implying women are only good for showing minimum skin and not their ability to dance in a patriarchal society

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We've been having great SMT threads recently. They only go to shit when personafags show up. OP didn't think about this and started off by shitposting about persona.

Don't forget the enhanced animu, fightan games, the dramas CDs, manga about PQ2, novels and many more

so this is what happens when a p3babby finally plays the first two games... yikes. why is this song so good bros

That Airi looks stacked.

they're trying too hard to fit in

please say sike

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Personafags are genuinely annoying though, and you act as if they aren't equally as spiteful. It's mostly drowned out though because people spend entire threads arguing over which girl is the best waifu or whatever.

We use to have decent threads before halfway it inevitably descended into nocturnebabies vs SJwarriors shitflinging, now everything is either persona bitching or "le epikly owning personafags" for the entire thread while bitching about muh neglected spin-offs

I wouldn't have very high hopes for SMTV anyway. Maybe the series will return to the PS2 glory days now that's finally off the 3DS but I doubt it.

all I see in these threads is just irrational seething and an inferiority complex

I thought Tumblr died completely
Are you retarded? We've been consistently having good SMT threads with discussion for the past couple weeks.

>Still nothing else on SMTV
Welcome to literally every Atlus game including persona 5

I would rather have SMT take longer to come out and be flawless than be rushed like the pile of turd that the Persona series is.

Um, dude? The ports both have Remix added on to them.

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>Personafags are genuinely annoying though, and you act as if they aren't equally as spiteful.
as a fan of both series, mainline-only fags are worse and it's not even close. your own threads are nothing but bitching about persona anymore. you also go into persona threads and shit those up too while begging for attention.
it all reeks of insecurity, like the fact that persona is popular somehow invalidates your enjoyment of the other megaten games. it's just silly.

Personatards don't start off their threads bitching about SMT, they post their waifushit and occasionally talk about their game. SMT threads are becoming housewives endlessly bitching, almost like metroid threads

That's specifically what you choose to look for though. I can't even blame people for being annoyed by Persona though. Imagine a mainline series getting eclipsed by its spinoff that 100% caters to waifufags and casuals.

Leaving the 3DS and going multiplat worked so well for MonHun, why don't they try it for SMT aswell?

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eclipsed how? if anything it's good that there's a game for that audience so you don't have to pander to them in other games

>As a fan of both series
>But lemme just put down SMT and defend Persona religiously

>your own threads are nothing but bitching about persona
Oh please, no one talks about persona unless some idiot comes in going

Did you niggers conveniently ignore the past couple weeks that we've had good SMT threads? They're usually pretty damn good. If you're that upset by people disliking Persona, I don't know what to tell you.

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>why don't they try it for SMT aswell?
Because it ruined MH?

>your own threads are nothing but bitching about persona anymore
we have tons of threads without bitching

>implying personafags talk about the games instead of the waifus
The only good persona threads are the threads about p1 and 2 until the usual discord trannys come to shit it up because muh waifu

>implying the /pg/ discord trannys dont try to shit all smt threads even if nobody is talking about their garbage series

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he didn't defend or put down any of the games dumbass, he was only talking about fans


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>If you're that upset by people disliking Persona
Not that anyone actually talks about persona in those threads without someone forcing it.

>We've been consistently having good SMT threads with discussion for the past couple weeks.
You mean the bitching about personafags, FINAL having a weebshit route, and the eternal nocturne vs Strange Journey shitflinging?
That shit is garbage compared to when it was talking about the unreleased games, the obscure games like the one on the pc-98, people talking about their favorite demon. or what the beta content of nocturne was.

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With pleasure Dagba-kun

That's not true and you know it.

That's mostly because SMTfags don't go into Persona threads? Meanwhile there's always someone shitposting in an SMT thread about the series being dead or irrelevant compared to Persona. You couldn't have cherry picked any harder. On top of that you have situations like this where someone starts screeching about people hating Persona and actively starting arguments. It's retarded.

But Mh atleast is still getting games for the fans atm
Sadly that might change in a few years

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Mainline bros have every right to be bad. Persona is fucking garbage and deserves to be trashed. It's fucking shallow and attracted the worst weeb tranny fanbase.

Ironic shitposting is just shitposting.

According to whom? Yea Forums?

If you say so. Go ahead and check the archive.

i wasn't "defending" or "putting down" any of the games, retard. the games are all great. the fans, on the other hand, are acting like manchildren.

This. I see more personafags shitting up SMT threads.

yeah I wonder why when it riles you fags up and guarantees (You)s like nothing else
even the most obvious false flags give you like 10+ replies

kill yourself

The actual problem is P5fags

Me, the MH expert

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>it was advertised as a SMT game
prove it

>You mean the bitching about personafags, FINAL having a weebshit route, and the eternal nocturne vs Strange Journey shitflinging?
The fuck are you talking about?
No one bitches about personafags unless they invade a thread.
Apoc has no weebshit routes even if you go for the so called "power of friendship" ending.
And there has never been any shitflinging over SJ and Nocturne.

What is this?
Some kind of PlayStationfag victim complex?

Most SMT fans rather attempt to kill each other over wether we’re Lawfags, Chaosniggers or NeutralChads

Instead of bitching about people hate Persona like a thin skinned child, let's talk about why we like the series as a whole.

At this point even P3-P4 niggers are getting ignored

>But Mh atleast is still getting games for the fans
XX came out before World.

Today’s last thread was full of people gushing about Soul Hackers, Devil Summoners, Law and Chaos shitposting, Devil Survivor, etc. It was actually a pretty comfy thread.

>Nocturne vs. SJ
People don't hate Nocturne, they hate Nocturnebabbies.

better fucking state which one is your choice before i can kill you properly then

PS Snoyggers haven’t heard of Strange journey therefore wouldn’t post about it meanwhile Strange journey is considered one of the best RPGs on DS since Chrono Trigger DS

>tumblrite in party
nah im good

Atleast p4 niggers accepted that their game is garbage and they only give a shit about the VN elements
But p5 tards are a whole nother level, now mix them with muh goty cucks and smash tards and you get a nice combination of stupidity

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>Pulls out sword
Have at me you brainwashed nigger

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>No one bitches about personafags unless they invade a thread.
yeah nobody would create a new thread because he got buttblasted
oh wait

>neutral cucks
Atleast lawfaggs are capable of taking a stance for something

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>But p5 tards are a whole nother level,
Tell me about it
>n-negotiation and guns are back, can we a part of the smt club?

Dude, what?
>In Japan, the game premiered as the second-best selling DS title during the week of July 27, 2007.[82] Nearly 193,000 units were sold in Japan by the end of 2007.[83] The World Ends with You sold 43,000 copies during April 2008 in North America.[84] The first shipment of the game sold out mid-May[85] and a second shipment was made in mid-June 2008.[86] The game was the top-selling DS title the week of its release[87] and again two weeks later.[88] As of September 30, 2008, The World Ends With You has sold approximately 140,000 copies in North America and 20,000 copies in Europe.[89]

>P2 > P3 > P1 > P5 > P4
>P5 > P4 > P3 > P2 > P1

What in the ever loving fuck are you talking about?
If someone made a new thread because of a personafag then they're doing it to get away from you.

You shitposting and proving why we can't have threads with proper Persona discussion? Yeah.

And any SMT game btfos any of them.

Congratulations you fell for the eternal Jew.
I hope you’re happy you fucking idiot

>unless they invade a thread.
Nigger, if posting "ur game is dumb and irrelevant" is proof of personafags invading, then the majority of Yea Forums is under invasion 24/7 by the faggots
>Apoc has no weebshit routes even if you go for the so called "power of friendship" ending.
Yeah, and it has been shitposted as the PERSONASHIT route ever since the Japanese beaf FINAL the week it came out, you can't possibly be this new
>And there has never been any shitflinging over SJ and Nocturne.
Are you serious? You have to be fucking new if you never seen their flamewars
>PlayStationfag victim complex?
Oh, so your a consolewar baby, that explains everything

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>>P1 > P2 > P4 > P5 > P3

No shit sherlock

Neutral is the only group capable of taking a stance, both law and chaos fall under the same false dichotomy of the status quo. It’s the ubermensch alignment.

>What you ACTUALLY want is Kaneko as the writer. He wrote Raidou 1/2 and they were kino.
No he didn't. That was Shinji Yamamoto and some other dude

>Series 2 makes significantly more money from weebs than series 1
>Company focuses on series 1
This isn't rocket surgery, user. I prefer SMT too, but if they get more money from Personafags, then they get more money from them.

objectively true

where my Demon Summoner games

fucking retard i'm trying to say stop falling for obvious bait and getting mad over some fucking basic provocation
one guy says personachad and the whole thread goes apocalypse mode

>b-but we kill god at the end, that makes us smt r-right?
>muh guns and demons
>le one more god rejected
>the ending is just like smt 2 amiright my fellow megatens
>i saw the shitty twist coming because im smart like muh waifu
>were gonna steal your hearth etika xdddd

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Damn straight

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Man p5fags are so cringy and pathetic.

>one guy says personachad
You forgot the part where they spam the thread. I don't think you understand this but these people don't clamor for attention.

In the trash behind digital tranny saga, ronde and trinity souls, infront of persona 1 and 2

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>improved graphics
>new mechanics

"fatlus" always makes me laugh. the guy that turned me on to SMT/persona was a fat shit and now he's a tranny crossdresser. it just makes me laugh harder when i heard the word

what obscure mytho/ folkore monsters around the world do you think they gonna add in for SMT V?

Have sex

did you see the new trailer?

Yeah this. I love Nocturne but can't stand its fans who thinks it's the hardest jrpg ever or some kind of perfect masterpiece deflecting all it's flaws

Rent free

seething personacuck

man that was just mean dude

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I honestly don't give a damn what mouthbreathing Persoyboys say, so long as their series continues to rake in the casual dollars so Atlus can make good SMT games.
>Improved Graphics
They're virtually the same. I'll give you the new mechanics though.

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>>the ending is just like smt 2 amiright my fellow megatens
I seriously can't believe people think this. Literally all you do is fight angels, It's not like the L/C/N ends of II at all.

You both unironically need to commit suicide

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Did we strike a nerve? Everyone knows Persona 5 is rehashed version of P2 with a shittier story. Get over it.

Don't even deserve a (you)

I already did sweety, dicks are good for your brain

Reminder that 90% of mainline games shit on neutralfags

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And you guys say you don't invade threads.

>Persona 5 is rehashed version of P2
what the fuck are you talking about

Don't you guys have a persona thread to ERP in? This thread is for adults only.

P5 doesn't have good gameplay

>The Caligula Effect and The Legend of Legacy get a fucking switch port before any other SMT spin off
I just don't fucking get Atlus, what is their fucking problem?

>Shitpost about Persona in an "SMT thread"
>Watch all the butthurt replies as SMTfags cope and Personachads make them angry
What a time to be alive. You fucks are so unbelievably gullible. I actually shitpost and derail SMT threads all the time and it never fails. If you manchildren didn't think your edgy little series was superior somehow, we wouldn't have this issue.

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>Implying Lawfags have a shred of dignity

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Not Atlus
NISA and some other faggots I don’t care about

I forgot that zoomers haven't played Persona 2 yet, but either way the director Hashino downright said they took multiple story and character aspects as "inspiration" for Persona 5.

Not him but P5 is a shitty stillborn child of P2IS and 4 since Hackino can't write for shit.

Maybe if you actually played the games p5tard

>people considerer a more stylish and barebones version of digital devil saga gameplay as good
Atleast persona 3 tried to spicy things up with you having to save your team from themselves

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rent free

Maybe you faggots should discuss actual games like II or if... instead of defend stuttering memeshit

>Personafag calling anyone else a manchild

We've discussed them, but I doubt you've played them so you have no right to bring them up.

Hang yourself

Persona ever since 4 have a formula that Hackino follows.

Dude, don't bother. He's just going to go
until his face turns red

Watch as newfags think this is evidence that PERSONAKEKS ARE ADMITTING TO INVADING SMT THREADS

Since 4 is two games

Maybe if SMT wasn't so goddamn edgy people would love it more, every ending is a kill your friends ending, fuck you guys, that doesn't make people wanna play your stories, we grew out of that dark shit around 2004

I actually despise SMT and it's fanbase though. Imagine being butthurt because your company is succeeding and making good money off of games they put effort into.

>We've discussed them
Yeah, i was there, lets try that again without memeshit.

>jojo anime onlys are the same persoyna fags that only discuss the waifus
Letting ironic weebs enter jojo threads was a mistake

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This is some poor bait.

>falls for obvious bait
wew lad

>SMT is for mythology, religion, and dark plot
>Persona is for lighthearted bonding, friendship, and dating imaginary waifus
Why don't you understand this

>xxnigger thinking his game is for fans of the series
FU, P3rd and World are the only ones worth while. And MAYBE 3Ultimate.

Maybe play stuff beyond the spinoffs. Devil Survivor in particular has some of the best endings in the franchise, with one of them having you go out of your way to not kill ANYONE.

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Akira is a bitch ass nigger and hazama did nothing wrong
Fuck akira, fuck amon, fuck school, fuck love and fuck boxing

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Literally only II shits on the neutral ending of I

Persona was inspired by JoJo YOU FUCKING BRAINLET

But SMT fans DO want Atlus to make successful games you retard personafag.

>You are debil now t. santa
But Lucifer and Satan are two separate beings in SMT :^(, don't let IV:A fool you

>tfw you like jojo but hate personafag for faggifying the same flair jjba had

oy vey

If only Atlus realized this.

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that's the thing your bait can be as shit as you want and it's guaranteed replies here

>all the stupidity, falseflagging, and bait ITT
No wonder why i only use /smtg/ instead of going to SMT threads on Yea Forums

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But SMT ISN'T successful you fucking mongrel. What series do you think keeps the company afloat? That's right bitch boy, Persona.

Different universes

Sounds like the zero escape series, even when you do good, you do bad and that motherfucker ended the franchise on a fucking cliffhanger after all the bullshit throughout three games to get to that point

I do, I'm saying you guys need to learn to ease off the edge and get some happiness in your franchise if you want it to survive, people spend all this time with the characters and the only endings they get is to get slaughtered? who finds that fun or appealing at all outside of a few sociopaths who love bad endings?

Your series started as a devilman fanfic my friend, you dont have the right to act superior

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>Retarded Personacuck doesnt get that SMTfags want SMT to be successful as Persona
Shouldn't you be busy getting railed on by Makoto's futa cock you faggot?

what fucking cliffhanger

You don't user, because the point is that both franchises focus on different aspects. If we make SMT more lighthearted, we get shit like Apocalypse which is bordering on Persona. Just let the series progress as it has been. I'm pretty sure SMTV is going to be successful regardless.

Why are IF...'s endings so shitty?

Your dumb ass does realize that you dont kill your friends for shits and giggkes right?
Its because you are unable to see eye to eye and they are too far gone into their ideology/alligment to reach a middle ground

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>even when you do good, you do bad
Have you actually read what I said? This ending in particular has you not killing anyone, which in turn gets humanity to actually follow your lead and tell the dickhead angels to fuck off, getting them to unite together.

Trying a bit way too hard dont you think?

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Only Charlie's

Evidently not, if the past 3 morons couldn't recognize that fags post

>were gonna steal your hearth etika xdddd
I’ve heard about this shit. Can someone link me to that thread? I’m in the mood for some cringe right about now

>you either pussy out, kill hazama for shits and giggles, tell hazama and his sister to fuck off or help a hobbo fuse with amon and beat the living shit out of hazama because mommy said it was my turn to be a demon lord: featuring devilman and not ryo from the devilman series

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So this creates literal mustard gas, right?

>"Waaaah Makoto!"
Have sex.
You act like Devilman is bad?

>tfw you enjoy SMT, Persona and most other spin-offs instead of shitting on them on a chinese twitter reposting image board

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After the team screwes over a version of themselves who won the coin toss the bad guy comes out explains his actions or rather the actions of his other selves and hands one of them a gun, if they simply can't get on with their mission and lives until he is dead in this timeline as well then by all means they're free to shoot him there, the character aims and the screen goes black and that's now the zero escape franchise ends no clear resolution at all, the second game might as well had not happened, it's only importance is setting up the plots of the third game

>I’m in the mood for some cringe right about now
You're already here though?
Based, we need more people who love both series equally instead of feeling denied or insecure.

>lawcucks and chaosniggers can't handle a bit of suffering or adversity
Enjoy your status quo pussy

Same. I don't get this war

Yes, because the series ended on a cliffhanger and that useless hack keeps recycling the same storie over and over again instead of finishing it
Just like persona

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Yeah, I guess I am. Consider me morbidly curious, though.

Let me compare Nocture "the best JRPG" to what most people say is the best RPG ever made: Deus Ex.

Nocturne requires you to fight very single damn thing including the shitty bosses. Deus Ex doesn't require any violence, allowing you to play the game at your own pace.

Deus Ex gives you freedom of choice, ranging from story choices to how you navigate levels. Nocturne gives you the former, but not the latter since you have to follow a predetermined path.

Expanding on this, Deus Ex also has multiple solutions to every problem, meaning that no two playthroughs are the same. Nocturne may allow for more freedom than most JRPGs (i.e talking to demons), but it still has the potential to be as linear as it's contemporaries.

Let's look at obtaining the pass from the collector in the sewers just before the Matador fight for example. In order to obtain the pass you need so the guard at the gate will let you through, you need to get it from the collector. He'll give you it if you help him find a 1 Yen bill. Obtaining this bill requires you to break into the back room of a bar and steal it.

The problem with this is that this is the only method to get past the gate. I'm the fucking Demi-Fiend, so why can't I just beat the shit out of the gate guard or collector so I can get what I want? Why can't I buy the one yen bill from the bar owner for a reasonable price? Why can't I find a fake bill to give the collector?

And don't forget that Nocturne starts with an hour of cutscenes and story interactions while Deus Ex immediately hands the player control from the start of the game and never takes it away. (Despite the fact that Nocturne stops focusing on the story when you hit the vortex world, making the first hour of the game redundant.)

Deus Ex, and most other RPGs, would let you do these things because an RPG is about player expression. Nocturne's single approach however, is just this: linear, contrived bullshit

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>Yes, because the series ended on a cliffhanger
Satan wins, cries like a fag, then gets nuked by God. What is so hard to understand about that?

>neutralfagg is so high in their own virtue that he doesnt realize the damage hes doing to humanity thanks to his fence sitting
Enjoy your demon and angel dick fag

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I was done getting fucked by Makoto.

Your dumbass does realize that the story continues on devillady right?
Or are you one of those netflix only fags?

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Why did you post the wrong gore?

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Unironically thats the best mainline SMT after Nocturne.

the real answer is because a niche JRPG franchise wouldn't have as easy of a time as an already popular action game franchise.

>netflix only fag

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>not wanting to be raped by demon cock or genocided by angel semen is now fence sitting
Your extremes both invoke angel dick and demon dick so you should be the one enjoying it faggot.

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We got more persnoyna games in the 2 year span of smtV dev time

Devilman is one of the worst manga series I have ever read and it only gets praise because of Netflix and boomers.

Why is SMT such a shitty series? Fuck all you dick guzzlers.

>muh devilady
You said devilman nigger, even devillady is easily to explain
>satan gets nuked by God
It's called a self fulfilling prophecy, get some braincels next time you post on Yea Forums instead of being a the pet retard, ok bogan?

more like atlus being incompetent fucking idiots who still can’t develop for modern consoles

>Actually counting DAN, Arena (lets not pretend like you actually play fightan games) and musoushit as "mainline" persona games
Your ken is beyond my comprehension, son of kek.


>netflix only baby doubling down after being called out on their stupidity

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modern smt is fucking trash anyways. i rather smt stay dead if they’re not going to be faithful to the franchise and piss all over it like 4 or even worse 4A. fuck doi












It ends exactly like devilman, have you even read devil-lady?

The entire "Dark Soils of X" meme is from an article that called SMTIV the Dark Souls of Persona idiot

4 was actually good until the alignment split, so I have no clue why you're mad. Apocalypse however, is trash and the director for V and a lot of the older SMT games said they were dodging that since the fan backlash was massive.

All that money and they still can't make a good game

at least mainline has gotten games and even a remake "recently"
raidou is completely forgotten

>um ur stupid lol
Nice argument

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Megami Tensei isn't the same series, Persona and all the other "megaten" games are strictly speaking spinoffs of SMT specifically. Megaten is a bullshit fan term.

Have you?
It ends with akira and satan fighting the forces of god before it leaves on a cliffhanger

He's right, that's all true.

>getting BTFO this hard
Not even him, but you are a huge faggot

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>Neutral rep needs to stop being human in order to successfully guide humanity
No different from Law and Chaos at that point.

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lol, 4A had the best gameplay

>Newest entry in a JRPG
>Having better gameplay than the last entry
Who ever would have fucking guessed? Go figure.

>Go to Blasted Tokyo
>Practically nothing exists
>The only 10 persons alive are apes that lives in caves, hiding from the demons that still hunts them to this day
>"wtf i love god now"
What was his fucking problem?

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Personafags used to be chill in my opinion. Now they are just deluded fags who shit on "weeb" games despite Persona being half high school dating sim.

fuck tokyo

>context clues don't exist

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thanks that you admit that video games became shit since 2004, but it became downright dead after 2007

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it's bait

Big Bang Theory is a good show personafag, i guess it's too intelligent for a troglodyte for you to get

Alligment friends arent the smartes
Just look at chaos and law friends
One turns into a willing cuck because atleast hes not called weak anymore and the other allows himself to be revived and turn into a slave because death sucks lmao

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>akira and satan are human

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Autism prevents people from liking both. They try to fit in with each game's respective crowds.

>check teitter
>See persnoyna related psot
>See op
>Them, they, support me on patreon!
>See art
>Trash Tumblr tier art style
>See recent post
>"Pls donate! Need monies for hrt. Wish me luck! :)))"

retard, if anything modern persona has simplified nocturne gameplay
original persona is completely different

Hi retard, the game literally entered preproduction at about the same time we got that first trailer.

Well at least a decade isn't that bad. Just look at nocturne
>Switch final years
>smtV finally came out
>Meanwhile persnoyna 6 already out and about

What the fuck did i read?

rrrrrent free

trinity soul is good

I only played SMT4 but

I spent an actual real world week grinding for that stupid Minotaur boss, one hour a day. I finally got to a comfortable spot where I felt like I could win, and my CPU partner used Agi. So fuck SMT and the rng ship it rode on

>grinding in smt


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>He couldn't beat minotaur
Is he dare I say the biggest pleb filter?

I did eventually beat him, and my party was so strong that I beat Medusa no problem. It's mostly just the rng crapshoot that gets me and frustrated me to the point where I didn't want to finish. It's not like I'm bad at video games. Like, in a general overall sense, I'm probably better than 75% of people in the world who play video games.

you're right about the rng bullshit being a problem early game but grinding in a smt game is for retards who can't fuse properly

Imagine grinding in a monster collecting game where fusing is the main way to get good monsters. Playing Dragon quest monsters made me learn stuff.

IV is the closest to the series roots than all the other games

just ignore nocturnebabbies, they don't understand a thing about the series

They mostly fixed that shit in IVA. Though putting Gaston as your partner will always fuck you up.

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I'm nervous about this. Maybe they could make you use the joycons for cartography? Or merge it with 7th Dragon?