Think about it, JC. Why was the original game the only time a mainstream Western game was allowed to go political...

Think about it, JC. Why was the original game the only time a mainstream Western game was allowed to go political? Look what happened to Spector - had to go shill for The Mouse. Now he's a nobody, a goner. The franchise went to Canada to be neutered like a surplus moose.

Planned obsolescence, JC. That's what it's about. Good, services - ideas. Nothing is straight to the point anymore; the truth has been mired in a sea of conflicting ideas all set up so that no compromise can ever be reached. A perpetual state of tug-of-war perpetuated by the big corps. Injustice has become the word of the day but what kind of injustice are we talking about? Against people with prosthetic limbs? Give me a break. Look at the taxes, the minimum wage, the influx of cheap labor and how total connectivity effects the market prices. Why don't you take a stroll down Rust Belt, Denton? You'll see something that was indeed planned way before it became obsolete.

But who am I kidding, the gen Z doesn't even care about your dead franchise...


The Drone Theocracy will make Navarre's approach look saintly

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Other urls found in this thread:

Enlightment is a blessing and a curse

If a new Deus Ex got made in the style of the original what conspiracy theories would you want it to include? Hardmode: No flat earth

He was a good friend.

take your pick

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I hate to say it but....the J word.


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Assange, Blackwater, Citizen Points, Clinton family body count, Alex Jones as the World Gov't agent put forth to discredit truths by surroundign them with ludicrous theories, Drones and military gear for civil servants

DLC: What do We do With Lobbyists?

metalhead clunk lmao fuck off

skul gun

Basically David Icke's theory.

nothing to see here, just ice and global warming and nothing

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They're Constellis Holdings now.

Antarctica freaks me out man. There's definitely some spooky shit going on there.

I'd like to see a cyberpunk game that portrays "Artificial Intelligence" as nothing more than a set of subroutines aka a bunch of buzzwords that will never amount to anything resembling human consciousness.

Laputian machine.


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Honestly, a lot of Deus Ex's conspiracy stuff still feels relevant today. Especially the AI and information control. As for flat earth stuff all I have to say is flatlander woman

>Not even the same font
I don't understand

Russia hacking the election

The material in Deus Ex seems even more relevant today. If they could anything more they could expand on the government larping as aliens to disguise tech. That was pretty cool.

There's nothing else that you can add to the original Deus Ex to make it seem more complete or relevant. The only thing they could possibly change is actually naming the Jew, which I don't personally care about but I'm sure it'd please /pol/.

>tfw to this day I still read people who didn't get the point and thought the ayys in Deus Ex were real

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Well technically they were real, they were clones made with alien cells from the Roswell crash.

I think the they allude to some aliens but they never explicitly say one way or another. It's when the MiB and mechanic are talking about the blue fusion coils. The greys were all gene modded monkeys or something

I highly doubt that. They were genetically engineered from scratch as soldiers in a future war, and their "alien" appearance was to make anyone who worked for MJ12 think they were aliens, preemptively discrediting them as a crackpot if they went blabbing to the public. There was never any direct confirmation that an alien crash ever happened or that MJ12 was created as a result of it. It all could've been a hoax as part of the campaign of information control and setting a narrative. Allowing the people who work under you believe that it's all just aliens and alien technology, is a good way of keeping them blind from the more nefarious motives.


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>genetically engineered grays for use in black ops
Does this mean I have to play Invisible War now

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One of the guard conversations you can hear in the original is two guards talking about how those aliens are clones made with the cells from the Roswell crash and how even though they're supposed to be smarter than humans they're basically just lab animals because they weren't raised on their alien planet with other actual ayys.

That's the point. He's a low level employee who believed the narrative he's been fed. You can find a scientist in the missile base who'll straight up tell you they're just monkeys that have been messed with.

I think they purposefully made it ambiguous because aliens are a more fantastical element of the story some players might not like. People that want to believe they're aliens can do it and people that want to believe they're pure genetic experiments can do it too. There's evidence accommodating both canons.

The OJ Simpson case and resulting aftermath including shit like the Kardashians was entirely intentional from the get-go.

>The OJ Simpson case and resulting aftermath including shit like the Kardashians was entirely intentional from the get-go.
Go on.

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>game is all about bullshit conspiracy theories being real
>"Nah. The Roswell conspiracy is actually just bullshit."

They aren't true aliens, they are just transgenics, but they didn't invoke Roswell for nothing.

Because video games used to be intelligently written and were able to have complex political intrigue as major plot points.

Today being "political" just means that you mirror our current political climate in your video game which is tantamount to ORANGE MAN BAD

>Deus Ex
>complex political intrigue

Are you retarded? The game is joke. It's a satire of conspiracy theory bullshit. I pity the retard who thinks Deus Ex is 'complex political intrigue" because you are basically just saying "I'm fucking nuts!"

Idk maybe im naive
But i dont think itd have the same charm

What made the conspiracy environment the fiest deus ex was that the internet was dark. And a lot of ideas got to fester and thrive because there really was no way to prove them wrong. A lot was open to speculation back then

Youd think with the growth of the internet it would be stronger than ever. But people seem very quick to accept what is fact and what isnt a lot more quickly then before. DESPITE having instant access to numerous fact checking tools.

A new Deus Ex would probably be dismissed as far fetched.

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gunther doesn't talk like that

this, so many schizo's off their meds itt

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Please. don't do this.

That user might be referring to the theory that OJ is the real father of one of the Kardashians

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>Well technically they were real, they were clones made with alien cells from the Roswell crash.

Never confirmed and it's totally left up in the air. There's a lot of characters in-universe who doubt it.

Nothing here but us trees...

I love how you'd just walk around UNESCO HQ just exploring and instead of having a pointless conference room, they place this guy in there to have some extemporaneous dialogue. And he's talking about the most ridiculous thing you can think of... a skull cannon.
And then, when he becomes a level boss HE HAS A FUCKING SKULL CANON.

This game was right at the edge of on-the-rails and open world and where they collided. It was "open world" where literally every nook and cranny was carefully considered and wrapped back in again to the big picture.
A game like this takes genius, and can't endure crunch time.
It's neither on-the-rails nor open world. It's the perfect, golden balance of the two.
God, if it fucking worked on my computer without looking like shit I'd reinstall meme. The game literally invokes the nostalgia of a simpler time.

Why the hell did nuDeus Ex games lean so hard into augmentations shit ? Especially when it's so god damn stupid

Deus Ex was written after the 1990s conspiracy theorists were all killed off, but before the rise of the WWW conspiracy sites. Thus, it drew from the old usenet forums. That's why it's so good.

Interesting that in-universe you get the sense that the Illuminati and MJ12 are all-powerful. But you put some thought into it and you see they're pretty small. They have a few thousand soldiers and a few bases, and that's it.

The plague was MJ12's power-grab. By controlling who got it and when, they could make deals with Senators and other government officials. MJ12 put their own men in positions like FEMA and took over UNATCO. All this is pretty recent too.

For a world-wide conspriacy, they're pretty small and pretty recent.

So if you've ever so much as looked at a high school textbook then you know what "Bread and circuses" is, the notion that hedonism and general entertainment was what kept Romans satisfied as it all came to shambles.

Some financial (((influencers))) decided to hire a male prostitute to sleep with OJ's wife, which is what resulted in the murder and the ensuing controversy. The initial circus was the OJ Simspon case, everyone was talking about it - at least in the U.S. which is where the plan is intended for. It also provided some valuable sociological information about the racial divide in the United States and how it stood. It shared a similar research function as the Watts riots and Rodney King riots, which would be quite employable in the future, but that's a whole other rabbit hole.

Anyways, this puts OJ's lawyer Robert Kardashian in the spotlight, since he just helped a black man get away with murder in such a tense time. In fucking Los Angeles. This motivates one of his hellspawn children Kim to try and seek fame as well - taking cues from Paris Hilton, a close friend who got a lot of publicity for getting caught sucking dick on camera, she does the same thing and gets fucking huge due to the exponential yellow journalism value that is the man who helped a black guy get away with murder in 90s LA has a kid who burns the coal.

This puts her in the spotlight and thanks to valuable investment from some of the same (((influencers))) mentioned way back puts her on the spotlight. Now every fucking braindead normalfag has their names in their mouth at least once a day, even if specifically to say they don't care about them, producing a default narrative that lasts fucking forever because it's not just a regular fictitious story, it's a reality show that's just documenting the lives of them, which helps distract the proles from putting (((influencers))) on pikes.

I highly recommend looking into the associates of Robert Kardashian and OJ.

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>Why the hell did nuDeus Ex games lean so hard into augmentations shit ? Especially when it's so god damn stupid

I think they're trying to redo the X-Men storyline of super heroes who are hated and feared by the public, and this ties into minority rights today.

I can't buy that anyone would hate Augs. In Deus Ex you hear some NSF guys saying that Gunther is creepy because he's becoming less human, and they shouldn't buy into the "cult of the machine". That's as far as that would go.

Thanks for the rundown user.

>For a world-wide conspriacy, they're pretty small and pretty recent.
You got to remember, their ROOTS are far older. MJ12 is just Page's splinter of the Illuminati.

in that same conversation the other dude recognizes how effective he is. Actual augments would not experience anything remotely similar to racism as such technology would have to be ridiculously practical to even be considered.

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I'm playing through mankind divided right now and while it is better than HR, they both fucking suck compared to the original. I hate the cover shooter shit and fucking hate having to ADS.

Yeah, but the illuminati are just like 5 guys by the time we see them. MJ12 has hijacked everything, and is bigger than they were.

btw, Illuminati aren't as murderous or ruthless as MJ12, but they're still turbo cunts. Who elected them to run things behidn the scenes? They're just self-serving cunts who rationalize their behavior as beneficial for humanity. In-universe I can't think of a single beneift they can point to instead of vague bullshit.

And the risks are huge, since all it takes is one ruthless guy like Page to use their power base and do some near apocalypse level shit like the plague.

It's pretty cleanly laid out in Human Revolution and actually fits in a decently contemporary fashion. Let's use Facebook as a point of reference here.

On paper, Facebook is an objectively useful program for keeping people in touch and connected over a long distance without any complication and pretty consistent awareness of the state of each other without needing to ask every little detail. As a result, for the longest time you had supporters of Facebook who would ostracize people who didn't want to use it, citing them as pariahs or weirdos or asocial or potential school shooters or luddites.
Aug-users see the objective advantages of better tech enhancing their bodies and defying human entropy with steel.

In reality, a lot of people did not want to air their dirty laundry or break any privacy due to a form of internet traditionalism - Netiquette was specifically around never giving out personal information, it tainted the purity of the internet's anonymity and various other things. Anti-augs didn't want to "damage" their body or be dependent on anti-rejection drugs or compromise their immune system or nervous system - both of which were tampered with by augmentations in DX:HR.

Then, the inevitable happens for Facebook. It all comes out that they are compromising the privacy and sanctity of any internet user alive - not only do they have the data of every single person who uses Facebook including things like their SSN or personal address, but can get that information out of anyone without a Facebook that the Facebook user so much as CALLS ON THEIR PHONE. Immediately, shitting on Facebook has gone from meme to mainstream, and people make fun of Zuckerberg for being a fucking reptile-man.

In DXHR, the augs have their augments compromised, causing them to go on a mass killing spree while trapped in their own bodies. No one trusts most aug companies now, and people are scared of the ticking timebomb aug users.

To further follow up on this to further connect to Facebook in terms of compromising of safety leading to fear - all that Facebook data got fucking leaked and everyone's still feeling the aftershocks of it.

While this isn't super apparent if you're just playing through for the real Deus Ex experience of discovering the conspiracy and not the controversy, and that's entirely valid, it is apparent when you take a step back and really look at the whole picture. There's definitely exaggerations - like pre-freakout from the end of the game, augmented people shouldn't have been as heavily ostracized, but the aftermath in Mankind Divided MADE SENSE because of that.

In further addition, Human Revolution and Mankind Divided were supposed to be 2/3 of one full game, meaning you were meant to see the full aftermath in one full playthrough, not in another game years later. I think it's a bit harder for people to notice furthermore because of that since the pace was fucked and stuttered to lead into a new release that should've been part of the first nuDX game.

Either way, I think it's a solid fit, it also works well in the sense controversy can powerfully mask the conspiracy - given Adam started from the bottom level, he wouldn't be able to see the conspiracy from the get-go, hence why it's more apparent in MD where he's in Interpol. It's an inverse of JC Denton who started from the top in UNATCO and thus didn't have to climb up very far, just go outward and investigate the horizons.

NuDX ain't great but it's definitely a lot more on par with DX conceptually than people like to acknowledge.

Nigger, you're glowing in the dark.

So what was the deal with MD's body fridges again? I haven't played it in a while and frankly wasn't too pleased the first time around. More importantly, did anyone think that thwy maybe tried a little too hard connecting the prequels and the original with the whole Subjet X genes plotline?

The term conspiracy theory has since lost all of its meaning since and these are not so much theory as they're little known and poorly documented realities but:
-Non-linear warfare ie
-Singularity already happening, for all intents and purposes, vastly complex AIs, algos, and 'black boxes' run things at the behest of giant finance management funds, see
-Widespread ecological systemic collapse, everything that sustain life on earth is already collapsing and are beyond repair since a million of our best supercomputers could not grasp the infinite complexities of nature on earth with its countless billions of co- and inter-dependent species of plants, insects, micro-organisms, birds, amphibians, mammals, fish etc. ie we're so doomed and carbon emissions and reduction is maybe 1/3rd of the problem at best
-Kleptocrat elites who constitute less than 0.01% of the Earth's population owning over 84% of all wealth:
Would be a bare minimum of interesting stuff. But it's too complex, too real, and too hard for both writers, designers and audiences to tackle so instead we get stupid, boring and simplistic stuff like Aug Apartheid because why alienate anything above elementary school-level audience.

>So what was the deal with MD's body fridges again?
What body fridges? Are you talking about the torso inside Versalife's Palisade vault?

All I'm saying is look into it


Hyper-wealthy mega-rich turbo-elite is pretty much the golden standard for, well, anything. Practically the basis for sci-fi of the last forty years and definitely not a theory, especially when you had things like Occupy Wallstreet so fresh in the people's minds. I'm not saying it isn't cool, i'm just saying it's the norm. So's "glowball warming", though good luck getting that back to being cool now that the eighties are over. As for AI, people have seen it before and no longer find it exciting.

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>Meth immortality
Made laugh audibly

Yeah, those. I was and still am trying to be spoiler-avoidant since maybe someone will care and maybe if two million copies get sold SE will greenlight a third one.

Deus Ex 1 was a clusterfuck of every topical conspiracy theory at the time thrown together into one single plot. I think Human Revolution did something similar as well -- big pharma, PMCs, organized media bias, controlled divisive politics. They even involved global warming with the Panchaea projects using it as a cover story for the true purpose of the ocean installations. A modern Deus Ex equivalent wouldn't necessarily need much more, where modern Deus Ex went wrong was the lack of depth that these conspiracies were carried out to, and the downgraded gameplay

>here's your deus ex sequel bro

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too high IQ, npc's don't understand any of that

was with you until you mentioned singularity and AI's my friend

singularity has been proven wrong couple of years ago while AIs are just routine stacking, there's nothing resembling intelligence there, just patter recognition.

don't go down the accelerationist rabbit hole and LARP about nonsense, the key points of the future will be the immense military / police power of the plutocracy and the erosion of human individuality via social networking

>the Patriot AI is real

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that's cool

This sounds like something an AI would say...

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>there's nothing resembling intelligence there, just patter recognition
Read this

god you AI tards are so boring, I could code a bunch of soundbites and have an algorithm regurgitate them endlessly, replicating variations of Deus Ex threads with braindead idiots like you (or imitations) but that would not make it into any sort of a conscience-related feat. Most people are so braindead that even a simple database can seem to hold more depth.

Autonomic Intelligence=/=Machine Learning.

I hate memers so much. I hate their guts.

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I think that, despite the gameplay formula being too simplified, Deus Ex got a lot right about the conspiracies, and even predicted some. Such as the media straight up fabricating false narratives by trying to monopolize discourse and labeling fringe media sources as "media terrorists", in our universe they're called "fake news" by CNN, NBC News, etc.

I still dont understand how the Kardashians and Jenner got so famous? Like what was noteworthy that they did? Aside from looking pretty i don't get how they suddenly got shoved into my face after Michael Jackson died.

>straight up fabricating false narratives
Name a recent example of this.

Basically Kim's father Robert was OJ's lawyer, and HE got famous because OJ got acquitted. He helped a nigger get away with murder on live television in 90s Los Angeles, just a few years after their police department got caught on film beating one half to death for speeding. That's fucking miracle work and warranted popularity.

Then his slut daughter got inspired by Paris Hilton getting 6 weeks of media fame for sucking dick, so out came a video of her fucking some other nigger and that got her famous for 6 months, and she rode that 6 month controversy train to get a reality TV show.

Gamergate, with the media flat out lying and saying it was about sexism.

Give me a break. CNN NBC, etc. didnt talk or give a fuck about ;le gamergate

This one

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Smiling while white. They intentionally misrepresented the series of events and the actions of the people involved.

That's my point, machine learning is just a dishonest term to LARP about implications of machines being capable of developing some sort of awareness which is of course utter nonsense.

This is so misguided it's nonsensical. Has the author of this shitpost ever hear about Jacobins? Hougenots? Farisees? Whatever? None of the disinfo ideas are avant guarde; the only new thing are the means of propagation via cellular phones etc, so that sort of saturation is overwhelming and paralyzing. Then again, Soviets had housing projects with embedded radios that you could not turn off; Orwell described political correctness 80 years ago etc.


In case your screenshot is not a shitpost, you need to read some Wittgenstein. You cannot start your argumentation with complex clauses leading into terse questions - the structure is rife with obvious logical mistakes and fidelity leaps. In other words, it's as dishonest as pretending that AI made any sort of progress.

Oh yea, i forgot about the CNN breaking news about "Smiling while white" fuck off you brainwashed retards

The whole story of Trump hiring prostitutes to urinate all over the Presidential Suite of the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Moscow, which btw was invented by /pol/. Or how about Assad multiple times using chemicals against rebel-held areas of Syria which he could absolutely have bombed to oblivion with Russian air support, thus negating the necessity of him resorting to chemical weapons? Or NRA receiving money from Russia when it was actually just a donation from an America expatriate who was temporarily working in Moscow?

Now apologize for being wrong.

And people didnt get tired of that? Like shit if i ask someone why is kim Kardashian famous theyd just shrug their shoulders and say i uno she just is.

I mean but the case thing doesnt make sense. If that were true shouldnt Zimmerman and his lawyer be famous too? And OJ later got busted for the crime and is locked up on robbery so that should have taken away any reputation gained.

Oh yeah, and there's the part about the Native elder claiming himself to be a Vietnam combat veteran when in reality he didn't even get shipped overseas, while the entirety of mainstream media reported on him being a Vietnam vet. Btw, Don Shipley, which is a real SEAL and a combat veteran broke the news on Chief refrigerator technician's bullshit and got his youtube channel nuked because of it.

Just read spengler. The future is already foretold. And make a game with conspiracy based around that

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Quit trying to gaslight, nigger. Everyone fucking remembers what happened. Everyone knows CNN and every other major media outlet were trying to paint a high school kid as the aggressor. Fuck you.

kikes love to peddle degeneracy
they want to feel they are rotting the White European mind and spirit
didnt work so good

They invested in clickbait blogs; it's a more potent industry than reality tv (where Paris Hilton ruled and Kim started off). It coincided with the rise of social media platforms and they maximized their investment.

Every nepotistic offspring is following the route they set: Emma Roberts, Lily Depp, Lily Collins, basically every socialite has a career know because mommy and daddy pay paps to tag along.

>And people didnt get tired of that?
Y'know that really vapid quote that says "Small minds discuss people?" Well, it's not exactly bullshit. Petty, stupid people make up more than 2/3 of the American population and are more than willing to talk about dumb shit like that as a means to have accessible gossip while their own lives are mundane as fuck. And they always come up with some new stupid thing to stay famous. You think Bruce Jenner becoming a tranny was ever intended to be anything beyond a means to capitalize on a crazy fuck's craziness for popularity?

>If that were true shouldnt Zimmerman and his lawyer be famous too?
Zimmerman was a random fuck in Florida, OJ was a huge celebrity as well, as a result he had the popularity to "infect" his lawyer with, and no one gives a shit about retroactive popularity lost, he still got acquitted at the time and that was the big deal.

1st claim is from Steel dossier right? Reporting on it isnt creating a false narrative. They never said it was true.
Every country except Russia also accused Assad of using Chemical weapons, and your dear lord drump bombed them 2 separate times in retaliation for it.
And there were multiple Russian donors, not just 1.
Look took me 2 seconds for the fuckin NRA themselves to admit to more
You first, retard. Or will you choose to move the goalposts again, faggot?

Why did they even call it a Deus Ex game when none of it even makes sense as a prequel?

lol where does it say smiling while white?

>1st claim is from Steel dossier right? Reporting on it isnt creating a false narrative. They never said it was true.
Yeah they have, countless time by hammering the subject in over and over and over and over, tell a lie a thousand times and it will become a truth.

Ooof the irony of that statement.

Agenda 2030 of course

I did say "for all intents and purposes" as in "might as well". Yes Aladdin is not true AI, but evolutionary algorithms ending up in "black boxes" (so called because even their designers no longer understand how they function the way that they do and why as they're "merely" the result of countless mutations of algorithms competing and "evolving" according to some set of survival criteria) and related tech, as well as neural nets and all of it taken as a whole and being put to use in actually "deciding" the fates of billions on the most macroscopic of scales we all know where this is going. If "Singularity" is taken strictly to mean AI developing itself into ever more efficient and powerful versions of itself then that has (probably) not happened yet, but would we know if and when it did happen? Most people don't even know one of Google's key aims for scanning millions of books was to "teach" an (actual) AI the intricacies of language, linguistic networks and ultimately the sum of their knowledge:

I've not gone through any rabbit hole or LARP other than being born into this world, and I agree social networks have turned into a most dystopic tool of mass social control and worse a mass accepted one at that, and I'm not even saying it's all doom and gloom, just that these are among some of the most interesting and pressing issues that are simultaneously completely outside of the public mind when it's in everyone's interest for them not to be.

You're wrong in that it's "been proven wrong". AIs developing ever faster and more powerful versions of themselves is a virtual certainty, not because it's some natural development of computer systems but precisely because whoever (thinks they) can control the world through it will turn it into reality before long. Have a read through this article about the CEO of Softbank and his stated mission:

>Golf rumors [caution advised]

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The russian collusion

>calls Putin
>Putin says no collusion

Invisible War isn't that bad a game when fully patched and the final boss is kino

I don't know, Putin seems pretty trust worth. If e says there's no collusion and he didn't meddle in the election, then it didn't happen.

But machine learning is all that is required to bring about the technocratic dystopia run by AIs. You don't need "actual intelligence" or consciousness or anything like that. Just ridiculously sophisticated pattern recognition and replication.

>"black boxes" (so called because even their designers no longer understand how they function the way that they do and why as they're "merely" the result of countless mutations of algorithms competing and "evolving" according to some set of survival criteria)

user, there is no such thing. algorithms are called algorithms because they're predictable. even when you have stuff with countless iterations, like procedural generation - that just makes it even more predictable.

i'll end the discussion, such as it was, here, because i won't read anything that wired publishes.

>presidential dictator of Russia
>has absolutely no ulterior motives
>seems legit

>pattern recognition and replication.
Thank god the modern populace constantly comes up with new and interesting ideas using their own thoughts and words and doesn't just constantly vomit out the same memes hundreds of thousands of times for years on end which would make them completely indistinguishable from a simple AI.


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Four more years, maybe even more

so thanks for proving him right, i guess

>Mountains are giant trees
that one takes me back

Whats the false narrative in that article?

that youtube vid needs to be circulated more often

>Games aren't political anymore
is such a stupid fucking take. The only reason some major releases don't have politics is because they're multiplayer only titles that don't have a plot at all. Even shit like Call of Duty has politics, heavy-handed as it is.
Just because a game isn't dystopian/cyberpunk/conspiracy/etc. doesn't mean the story has no relevance to the current day.

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Gets me everytime.

It's funnier if you read the emails. Everyone thought it was fucking ridiculous and told him to leave them alone, but they still got him a skull gun.

Wittgenstein has nothing to say about non-linear warfare, a concept developed by Vladislav Surkov after the Cold War and borne out of the necessity of the Soviet/Russian government for continuity of power in a rapidly collapsing country in absolute chaos. This goes way beyond mere disinfo and propaganda, since its stated aim is to keep a population in a state of perpetual confusion by lording over them as something akin to shapeshifters, occupying not just every niche and the entire spectrum of thought and discourse, but then announcing your total control to the people so they no longer can distinguish between what is real and what is not. Again, watch these 5 minutes and come back to me what Wittgenstein has to do with this:

>playing DUDE SEX after first playing HR thinking it was going to just be more aug rights stuff.

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Isn't that anti-constitutional?

What are some other good games that explore these broader concepts (not just conspiracy theories in general but the philosophical and political implications)

i'm not even american dude, but watching these guys go on a nuclear meltdown over it makes me smile

And optionally, as a follow-up if you're interested, watch HyperNormalisation and get back at me, with any luck the thread will still be up, interesting slow-burners like this sometimes are up for a while.
I'd post a youtube link if the BBC didn't aggressively remove them unless they're uploaded with gross filters, massive cuts and edits, but you really want to get the torrent for the full non-messed-up version, however here's a non-HD version on vimeo for as long as the BBC copyright people don't remove it:

>play Homo Revolution after Dude Sex thinking it would be more political conspiracies

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Laputan machine.

>user, there is no such thing
Yes, there is. And they're widely used by financial megacorps for high-frequency trading:
(jump to 8:27 and make sure to watch at least a minute, please)
That's precisely why they're called black boxes. Evolutionary algorithms are a bit like GANs except instead of selectors and discriminators algorithms are set to literally mutate 1/1000 iterations and compete against a set criterium for success. The result is then put through the same cycle, and so on. The end result is a black box where its makers literally no longer understand the code when they look at it, only that what they put in produces a desired end result. Because their workings are unknowable, they're set apart from mere algorithms and called black boxes.

no, that's the fake russia investigation that robbed Trump of 2 years

You're right that they're predictable in the same way you could count prime numbers by hand, sure in theory its possible but it would take an enormous ammount of time

fug, this was meant for

>Triple Canopy
>Constellis Holdings
holy shit why not just change names every financial quarter


Gotta change your names a lot to throw off the bad press of your guys constantly killing civilians

Artificially enhanced cognitive function in humans is an all but certain future development that is arguably now already in its infancy now that we've deciphered the neurological "codes" that the human visual system uses to transfer visual information to the brain, now that we're beginning to directly translate neurological impulses directly to speech no vocal chords required (sadly too late for Stephen Hawking) and so on.

Artificial general intelligence and artificial super-intelligence is a gargantuan and monumental task, and it may nor be a certainty given that humanity might actually prohibit it outright before it becomes possible, for one, provided it is possible. But it's not unlikely or impossible, there is no physical law that holds it should be impossible. It all depends on the design and the intent of the designers. It may or may not have or develop intentionality or first-person consciousness but just because something holds true today doesn't mean it will indefinitely.

>there is no physical law that holds it should be impossible

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You're right it would never resemble human consciousness. You're wrong that it would not constitute consciousness at all. But when we can not definitely prove that we ourselves possess agency, deciding both consciousness and agency are impossibilities before general/super-intelligence exists is entirely pointless.

what was that quote about the science, the first gulp, bottom of the glass

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based and redpilled

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